“Charity work” for random dudes [fm]

One of my friends has this thing she does… she calls it her “charity work” and the service she provides to the community is she fucks dudes in their late 20 to late 30 who are either flat virgins or *maybe* have had sex a handful of times. Now, my friend is seriously hot. She’s one of those crazy white girls with the great face, great T&A, and that insane twinkle in their eyes that lets you know they’ve done some crazy shit in their lives. She is so sporadic and will just randomly declare she’s doing charity work when we go out and, honestly, to see her work that magic is unreal.

Now the guys she picks, if I were to very callously rate just their looks, leaving personality, intelligence, kindness, ingenuity, creativity, humor, and any other possible intangible quality completely out of consideration, these chaps are in dire straits. And, the other day, when we were out, It took her all of 5 seconds to pick her charity case. Immediately she picked this guy…. Lemme tell you about him… I’d say he was in his early 30s, he had one of those port-wine marks on his face that went into his neck, and he had long hair that he used to cover his face, more than a little overweight – he definitely had man-boobies and a gut, didn’t dress well, and he looked incredibly shy.

Now, my friend doesn’t simply stroll over and offer her pussy to the guy – honestly, I don’t think they’d go for it. They would think it was some sort of bullshit. So… she does what she call’s “Marshalling” (After Mathers AKA Eminem) where she will give them 1 shot to be a hero. And, if they pull it off, well… you know what happens! How does she Marshal? She creates a scenario where they can be a hero. Now, there is never any violence or fighting involved. With the guy from the other night, she waited until he was in line for the bathroom, then swooped up behind him then begged for him to let her use the men’s room while he guarded the door. Just some classic chivalry – nothing fancy. Dutifully, he guarded the door, and she waiting in there, listening, until he had to deter at least one person. When she emerged, she kissed him on the cheek and told him to stop by her table and she’d buy him a drink. So… we could see him with his two friends at their table when my girl got back, all smiles, recanting the story. They all looked over at us about 40 times – we were starting to think he was going to blow his chance. And I could completely understand if he did chicken out… there were four of us at the table, we were all around 10 years younger than him, and, let’s not play games here, the mismatch was huge. BUT! What did our hero do? He Marshalled his courage and walked the fuck over, introduced himself, nervous af, and… my friend told him to sit down and join us. He was a super nice guy – zero ego, kind, thoughtful, gentle, courteous, well mannered. We all hung out for an hour or so and when it was time to leave, he pulled my friend aside and sweetly asked for her number. Fucking adorable! Well… I don’t know what my friend said in return, but… he never got her number, but he did get to take her home and she said he got it up 4 times and came 3 – twice that night and again in the morning. She even let him finish on her tits and not just inside of the condom – she told me over coffee the next day.

According to her, the reason she does this is she once fucked a guy in college with whom she also had zero attraction. Afterwards, she never even spoke to again until a year after graduation she was out and, randomly, the guy walked up to her and said that one event changed his life. He said he never had any confidence before that day and was considering dropping out of college and just going back to his hometown and getting a job. He said his whole life started the next day and he turned it all around because, for once in his life, he felt so worthy. She said it took her at least a minute to even remember fucking him in the dorms in 2015… So now, a handful of times a year, my friend carries on her tradition of doing her unique charity work and I honestly think she’s probably changed more than a few lives.

Source: reddit.com/r/sexystories/comments/qvf7dh/charity_work_for_random_dudes_fm


  1. Wow, what she’s doing is amazing and is probably changing these guys’ lives for the better. I’m 41 and even though I’ve had sex a lot more than a handful of times and have had some great sexual experiences I’ve been in a dry spell for about 5 yrs now. I’ve been going through a deep depression, gained a bunch of weight, and have lost all my self-confidence. It would probably take a situation like what your friend is doing to bring some of my self-confidence back and get me out of my funk.

    Tell her what she’s doing is amazing and she should be given a Humanitarian award.

  2. I love this story. Makes me want to do some charity work!
    Have you ever thought of taking up the cause?

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