The Witch Hunter, Chapter V [bdsm] [noncon]

Chapter 5 – The Hard Part

The polite tones of goodbyes could be heard coming down the street to Weiss’ hiding spot, all in Russian of course. He understood some of it but his knowledge of the language was rusty at best. He snuffed out his cigarette and tossed it onto the ground, he only smoked when he was anxious.

“Nice lady. You know her?” The boy told him as he came around the corner into the alleyway. With a few small adjustments of his coat and hat he had gone from a friendly young comrade to a shifty street rat.

“No. What’d she look like?” Weiss’ sentences were short and probably seemed terse, but he was struggling enough with the kid’s accent, improving his vocabulary could wait.

“I don’t know, dark hair. Blue eyes I think.”


“What kind of creep are you?” The kid laughed. It took a few seconds for Weiss to figure out what he was saying. He hadn’t told him anything about what he was up to, he must have been curious though.

“Just answer the question.” He tried to sound intimidating as he spoke but the kid wasn’t buying it. He reached out his open palm and looked slyly to his side. Weiss sighed and dropped a few coins in.

“She looked okay, had a bad scar on her neck though.” He said, pocketing the change.

“Then it’s not who I’m looking for. Thanks for the help.” Weiss sighed and took out a pocketbook, crossing a name off a list. To his surprise the kid didn’t run off like the others had, he seemed curious.

“This is serious stuff huh? If you’re looking for someone I can ask around.”

“No. She can’t know I’m after her, you’ll give me away.” Weiss answered, turning away and making a start for the street.

“Hey, give me some credit. I know a thing or two about being discreet, you have to in this line of work.” The kid went on, following Weiss with his hands in his pockets, trying to look casual. Weiss had to laugh.

“What line of work? Extorting foreigners who just wanted a simple job done without any questions?”

“I think you’d be surprised how many guys like you come here looking for someone. Lots of people going missing lately, it’s becoming a bit of an industry.” The kid explained, walking side by side with him now. Weiss laughed again.

“So you like busting people out of jail?”

“Not my speciality, you’d be surprised how many people just want to know whether a family member is even in jail. Or worse.”

“And where do you get this information?”

“That’s the trade secret, you just gotta know where to listen. Like for example, you’ve been trying to find this Milana for a week now, I could have told you she’s not in Smolensk in one day- Hey!” He yelped as Weiss suddenly grabbed him by the sleeve and pulled him aside off the street. His face had gone from mildly amused to a strange mix of anger and fear.

“What do you know about her? What do you know about me?” He snapped, staring the kid in the face, speaking English now. He looked worried but Weiss could tell it was still an act, he must have known this exchange was coming.

“Relax, you’re looking for an attractive young woman named Milana, that’s all I know. People talk, maybe you’re not as discreet as you think you are. You might be lucky she’s not in Smolensk, if I could figure it out there’s no doubt someone else would… Eventually.”

“Only you know?”

“Right now, yeah. And I’m not about to blab either, I feel like helping you would be the most profitable course of action.”

“You’re blackmailing me now? What makes you think I’ve got money?” Weiss demanded, only slightly playing up his astonishment. He had to admit that the kid had once again gone from annoying him to almost impressing him. He had to have caught wind of his search and put himself in the right place at the right time. He wasn’t the first local ruffian whose help had been enlisted. Maybe he actually was as smart as he seemed to think he was.

“Not blackmail! Fair work for fair pay, give me a chance and I’ll find her. And I know you’ve got money, you’ve bribed half the politicians in the city by now.” The kid protested. Weiss let go of him and thought for a second.

“If we do this you have to stop following me.”

“If we do this I won’t have to follow you anymore. Call it employment research.” Weiss shook his head but he couldn’t help a smirk.

“Fine. How do you know she’s not in Smolensk?” He asked. The kid didn’t answer, coughing loudly into his hand instead, holding out the other in an open palm. Weiss sighed and dropped him another few coins.

“Because she’s in Leningrad.”

“What? How do you know that?” Weiss demanded, his eyes widening in excitement. The kid coughed again and Weiss didn’t wait to drop him a whole handful this time.

“I told you, I listen. There’s a Milana in Leningrad who’s been seen around with a few of the higher ups, apparently she makes for a nice piece of arm candy so she fits the only description you’re working with. You know, that she’s attractive.” Weiss listened intently, nodding his head.

“That might just be her but I’ll have to make sure. You really want to help?”

“For the right price. I assume you won’t be telling me why you’re looking for her.”

“And I assume that’s not going to be a problem. You got a name?”

“You can call me Nikolai. That’s not my name but you should probably call me something. Let me dig up a little more on this Leningrad Milana while you’re getting ready to go, I’ll let you know what I find.” The kid explained, now dispensing with his theatrics.

“Are you going to come?”

“Sure, you’re gonna need me. Especially if you were serious about not letting her know you’re looking for her.” There was a hint of curiosity in his tone. Weiss would have to size up this NIkolai in the coming days. There was no doubt he’d be useful, but whether he would be worth the clear liability remained to be seen.

Back at the hideout, Therica was kneeling in the barn, waiting for Weiss to return. Not that she actually wanted him to return, she would be happy if he never did, but at the same she had nothing to do but wait for him. Her chin was sitting atop a narrow metal pole that Weiss had drilled in place straight up from the ground, a clamp tight around her neck keeping it in place. Her pale arms ran down the pole on either side, clamped in place at the bottom, the fixed cuffs indented into her skin. The pole ran snugly between her breasts, and clamped down hard across both her nipples at the front were two thin metal bars, keeping their brutal grip tight with tiny screws on the ends. The clamp kept her chest tight against the pole, forcing her to kneel with the base just between her knees. Her legs weren’t bound in any way but any effort to sit in any other position had long since proved impossible for more than a few minutes. So she kneeled and sat waiting for him to return, like a submissive, obedient slave. As a final indignity, she had a kind of gag in her mouth that Weiss had only introduced to her in the last few days. Rather than filling her mouth with rubber like the ball gag did, this one consisted of four metal hooks that sat against her back teeth, forcing her jaw open painfully wide. It didn’t stop her producing screams as loud as she wanted but that hardly mattered out there, it fulfilled the much more amusing purpose of letting drool pour out of her mouth onto her breasts, which were already caked with dried cum and dirt. He had been particularly rough with her the last few days, though she had no idea why. She could tell he was already having trouble tracking down Milana, but after that night he drugged her and fucked her in the ass, his spirits seemed to have lifted a little. It could have just been that he was happy to have found a new way to degrade her, but she was worried it was something else. She didn’t remember much from that night, apart from a long and painful blur of memories, but she was sure she hadn’t given anything away. It wasn’t as if she had anything to give away in the first place, she still didn’t know where Milana was. Whatever had perked him up was wearing off though, and she was once again sporting a few fresh bruises, evidence of his increased desire to play rough. She didn’t care about the bruises, they would all heal in a few days time if he didn’t keep reapplying them, but what really demoralised her were his continued tactics of degradation. He knew how to take what was most dear and sacred to her and tarnish it forever with his disgusting sexual acts. Every day now he would take a new page out of her grimoire and find some way to defile it, wiping his cock clean with it, sticking it to her ass with his cum, even wrapping it around his cock and using it like a condom. He had done a decent job of determining what pages were of less use to him early on, but he must have known now that he was destroying some of more importance, both to him as potential sources of information, and to her as sacred items that had been with her for decades. Still she knew it was worth it to him, because she knew that every time he tore a new page out and let her see what it was, a part of her heart broke, and it was plain to see it just from looking at her. She wasn’t sure how much longer she could keep her morale up at this point, but then, what was she even keeping it up for? He didn’t seem to want any more information from her, so now her nights only consisted of being used for his pleasure, and humiliated for his amusement. He was using that god-awful drug on her more and more, and shamefully she was becoming more and more lucid under its effects. She knew how it made her body enjoy what was happening to her, even if her mind was still filled with rage and disgust. There was always a small part of her that remained totally proud and defiant, certain that eventually he would slip up and let her cast a spell, or that another witch would rescue her, and she had tried to keep that part of herself locked away where he couldn’t get to it. But every day now it felt as though he was digging deeper, getting closer to it and forcing it to shrink more and more, not only weakening that last pool of resolve but corrupting it, forcing her to think of the fact that even if she was somehow rescued that it would still be too late, they would see her sitting there looking more like a sex toy than a fearsome witch, and they would decide to banish her on the spot. And what would happen when that last part of herself was completely extinguished and she lost all hope? Would she then submit to him completely? Might she then even enjoy her captivity? It was an unthinkable idea but it still wormed its way into her head. These were the thoughts that occupied her mind while she sat and waited in the barn, drooling all over herself and anticipating with dread how he would decide to use her when he returned.

To her surprise, when he did finally come back much later than usual, he was seemingly in a good mood, or at least a better mood than he had been in when he left. That didn’t mean that she wasn’t soon satisfying his unquenchable sexual desire, his cock ramming it’s way past her tongue through the open-mouth gag, her throat constricting against the warm muscle as he held her hair in his fists and pressed her lips tight against his crotch. The bondage on the pole forcibly contorted her body into the submissive, kneeling position but her legs twitched outward reflexively as she gagged on his member, kicking behind her like an animal. She gargled uncontrollably around his cock, choking out meaningless cries of distress and coughing up drool. His favourite thing to do was to bury himself as deep into her throat as possible and then pinch her nose shut, seeing how long it took before she started screaming for air, which was a long time given her superhuman nature. By the time he released himself there would be tears streaming down her cheeks, and she would take a deep breath, only to have his member stuffed right back in. When he finally finished he pumped half of his load into her throat before pulling out and caking the rest over her face. Then out came another page of her grimoire and he wiped it over her eyes and cheeks like it was tissue paper, smearing and soaking up his mess before shoving it into her mouth, jamming his fingers past her tongue so she gagged on them.

“Now I know how much you’ve been enjoying the fresh air but I’m afraid it’s time we moved on again. Take a last breath while you can.” He told her, his face inches away from hers, her mouth pathetically leaking cum over his fingers.

The move to Leningrad wasn’t easy. Not only did Weiss have to base himself further outside the city centre in order to avoid detection, but he was now having to actively hide his first prize from Nikolai, who insisted on helping find a new base of operations. Weiss eventually had to settle for a cheap motel in the city that he would tell his new ally about, and an old crumbling house further out that he would keep a secret. It wasn’t so isolated that he would be able to keep Therica out in the open like he could with the barn, which disappointed him a little. He was getting used to letting her scream into the open air while he abused her, but she would have to be gagged most of the time now. He kept her in the basement of the new place, bound to the cold stone wall, while he went to meet with Nikolai after the kid was meant to have completed his first scout of this Leningrad Milana. Sure enough, he did work fast once he was given a considerable sum in forward payment, and he was eager to report his findings. He explained point by point what he had discovered so far and every sentence drew Weiss in, as he expected any moment that the kid would say something that confirmed it wasn’t her, but he never did.

It was hard to get a good look at her because she rarely came out in public, once he did see her she was immaculately beautiful, a tall brunette with an ample bust and dramatic curves. He had seen her at a gala of some sort, she stayed on the outskirts and usually only spoke to one man at once. The most interesting detail was that she came with one man who the kid thought must have been her husband, but she barely spoke with him the whole night, talking more to other political officers and the like. It had to be her, he was almost certain, all the facts he had so far agreed with each other and seemed to suggest that this woman was a witch in Therica’s coven. Although he was already excited he made a conscious effort to calm himself down. The hard part was over, now all he had to do was reel in his catch. He had already done it before, and Therica had been easy enough to bring in once he completed the difficult task of locating her. Soon he would have two witches in his possession, the possibilities raced through his mind until he was irritatingly pulled from his fantasy by Nikolai’s voice.

“So this is probably her, what now?” He asked, as if he was an equal member of a witch hunting duo, though he had no idea what he was really involved in. They were sitting in a dingy bar, Weiss would have picked somewhere louder but there didn’t seem to be much revelry to go around in this city. He imagined Milana sucking the life out of the inhabitants, turning them into mindless drones, although this was only an abstract guess at what the witches’ actual plans were.

“First I need to see her with my own eyes.” Weiss finally replied.

“Okay sure, then what?” Nikolai bounced back without missing a beat.

“Then we’re done, I’ll pay you a bonus.” Weiss put his glass down, having finished his drink. Nikolai looked genuinely offended by this response, as if a great injustice had been done. He had been drinking as well, Weiss had no idea whether that was legal or not.

“No chance, you didn’t come all this way just to get a look at the woman. Whatever you’re planning I want to know, and I want to help. For a price of course.” He demanded, his voice getting a little louder than what Weiss was comfortable with in the public setting.

“Listen kid, you did good tracking her down and I definitely owe you one but you don’t know what you’re getting into. I’m sure I don’t have to remind you how easily people get hurt sticking their noses where they don’t belong.”

“Doing what with their noses?” He asked, confused. They had been speaking English and this was a good reminder to switch back to Russian, which was less likely to draw suspicion, so long as they didn’t talk too loud.

“Just don’t worry about my business. Nothing exciting is happening, and nothing at all is happening before I see her in person. Can you get me close?”

“The party committee’s holding a dinner next week, she seems to like high profile events, I think she’ll be there. We can probably join in with the waitstaff for the night, they’ll need more hands. At least tell me who she is if you won’t tell me what you’re going to do.” The kid was impressive, the way he rattled off the plan, Weiss was starting to worry that if he didn’t give him something he would start investigating himself.

“Let’s just say she’s not a friend to your country.” He said enigmatically.

“Well then I’d probably get along with her.” Shot back Nikolai, in English of course.

“She’s not your friend either. She’s dangerous, she’s doing bad things.”

“Like what?” Came the instant follow up. Weiss didn’t answer, after all that was the ultimate question, he wished he knew the answer.

“No more questions, I’ll see you in a few days.”

The next few days passed slowly, as Weiss expected they would. He still made use of his existing trophy, and she was disheartened to find that he didn’t seem to have much else to do but stay with her. The kid organised everything as long as Weiss kept the money coming to him, so all he could do to relieve the tension of waiting was to fuck his pet witch senseless. Soon enough though the night came, and he found himself in a traditional waiter’s outfit, clearing tables and pouring drinks. He didn’t even care about the menial work, he just kept his eyes on the grand entrance to the ballroom, scanning every person who came in. Despite Weiss’ insistence to the contrary the kid had managed to get a place assisting the barkeeper and he noticed how nervous Weiss was.

“It’s still early, she doesn’t show up unless she can hide in a crowd.” He told Weiss, taking empty glasses from his tray.

“You better be right. And keep your voice down.” Weiss told him, before turning back to the door. Just as he did, they swung open and a woman walked through with a man by her side. She was wearing a lavish yet modest red gown, one that occasionally showed off her long legs but left the rest of her to his imagination. She was immaculately beautiful, her round features stunning, her brown hair perfectly styled, balancing delicately on her shoulders. She looked a little more distinguished than Therica, but there was some kind of resemblance there. He knew it had to be her, and a soft nudge from Nikolai confirmed his suspicion. For the next hour he simply watched her from afar, making sure not to be too obvious, but not letting her out of his sight for more than a minute or two at a time. The kid was right about the way she acted, she barely spent any time with the man she came in with, and seemed to gravitate towards the most powerful figures in the room with a certain sense of purpose.

“So you think that’s your Milana?” Nikolai asked at the soonest opportunity, which wasn’t readily available now that the dinner was almost in full swing.

“I think so. There’s no point in me hanging around anymore, thanks for your help.” Weiss answered.

“That’s it? You’re not going to do anything?”

“Not yet. I don’t want her to remember I was here, I need to go.”

“Shame, the commissar himself is here, sitting at her table as well I think.”

“What? I didn’t see any commissar at her table.” Weiss demanded in an urgent whisper, stopping in his tracks.

“Yep, those bastards only show up for the food, he’ll be here for an hour at most. What’s wrong?” Nikolai asked, noticing Weiss’ agitation.

“I think that’s exactly why she’s here. It’s not every day she’d have access to the commissar, she might be planning something.” Weiss mused out loud.

“Planning what? Is she going to… I don’t know, attack him or something?” He pressed on, excitement showing in his eyes.

“No, nothing like that. She won’t do it out in the open, if the commissar needed a private room where would he go?”

“Probably down there, these places have suites reserved for his kind.” Nikolai pointed to a set of doors at one end of the room. “But he’s not gonna go with her right? Not alone. Not unless she’s trying to seduce him or something.”

“I think you might be on the right track there.”

“Wait, really? Why?”

“Don’t worry about that. But if we can stop her taking him away we might have done the world a small service.”

“Got it, don’t let them leave together, that’s the goal.” Nikolai nodded determinedly, making Weiss regret his use of the word ‘we’. He stuck around through the preamble to the dinner, and sure enough mere minutes before food was served, the commissar showed up with his small entourage, taking his seat only a few places from Milana. She must have planned it somehow, surely the man she was with was already under her spell? Could she really be planning to impose her final control over the commissar tonight? From what he could decipher in Therica’s grimoire the process seemed to take months at least, but if this wasn’t the final step it could just as easily be the start of that process. Maybe by interfering here he’d ruin years of her planning. The commissar settled in and over the course of the meal Weiss watched as she slowly dedicated more and more of her attention towards him. It was the most subtle form of seduction possible, her eyes only vaguely alluding to flirtation as she talked, batting her eyelashes, letting her breasts bounce in the dress ever so slightly as she laughed. Weiss merely watched the whole time, steadfast, trying to read their movements for any sign of action. He had to quickly look away a few times or pretend to be scanning their table for empty drink glasses, every now and then she looked around suspiciously and he didn’t want to be noticed by her. Then eventually he saw what he had been waiting for, the two of them shooting glances over to the doors at the end of the ballroom, sporting sly smiles and seeming to make preparations to get up and put their dinner on pause. Had she really propositioned him just like that? Or maybe she told him she just wanted to talk privately for a moment? That would probably work on most men. In a spur of the moment decision he decided to quickly head for the doors himself, pretending that he had been tasked with carrying a spare seat away from one of the tables. Not losing a second, he took it through the doors and found himself in a long hallway with more rooms on either side. He quickly put down the chair and checked each one until he found a luxury suite just like Nikolai had mentioned. But now what? If he had a key he might try to lock the door but even that didn’t seem enough to stop whatever was about to happen. Only in that moment did it occur to him that he probably wouldn’t be able to stop what was about to happen in any eventuality. He couldn’t stop her, and he couldn’t stop the commissar going along with her. He was in the middle of the room when suddenly that familiar feeling of dread and panic washed over him, a silent voice telling him to stop and listen. Obeying the urge, he thought he could hear a door opening out in the hallway. Without thinking, he dashed over to a walk-in closet built into one wall, hiding inside and bringing the closet door to a close just as the doors to the room opened. Sure enough, the commissar strolled in with Milana, both of them laughing, her hand playfully touching his shoulder. They were speaking Russian but there was no mistaking their tone, she really did seem to be seducing him. He took a tiny key out of his pocket and made a big show of locking the door, before he moved in close to her.

Weiss’ heart beat steadily as he stood completely still inside the closet, trying to keep even his breathing quiet. If he couldn’t stop her he could at least observe her, see exactly what this kind of bewitchment looked like up close. It didn’t seem like anything interesting was happening yet, and as the two continued to talk and laugh Weiss started to wonder if maybe he hadn’t gotten it all wrong, maybe she was just an innocent, if promiscuous, woman. But then the situation suddenly took a turn. The man moved in, cornering her against the wall next to the door. He leaned forward but she turned away coquettishly, gently pushing him back. He reached for her face more forcefully this time, and her gloved hand moved to intercept, suddenly gripping his wrist tightly, aggressively even.

“Flectere ad desiderium meum.” The words slithered from her lips, the Latin words! This was it, she was casting a spell! The man’s automatic expression of anger at being forcibly stopped in his tracks melted away and he stood almost motionless.

“Later, darling.” She cooed, and he slowly nodded, dropping his arms by his side. It was incredible to witness, she was controlling him. Was it really that easy? How long would he be under her spell? If she told him to jump off a cliff would he do it? She then reached into her dress and pulled out a small vial of thick red liquid that the commissar didn’t seem to notice at all. She was about to unstopper it when suddenly there was a knock at the door that turned her face to one of utter irritation. She asked who it was in Russian, and the answer that came sent a jolt of panic through Weiss’ body. It was Nikolai’s voice! He couldn’t tell exactly what the kid was saying through the multiple barriers between them but he caught that it was something about dinner. What in god’s name was he doing? He might be moments away from getting them both caught. Then the terrible realisation dawned on him that he might be the only victim here. Nikolai never did quite explain how he found Milana, could this all be a setup? Had he fallen into a trap. He looked around the room, there was no way out of here now, all he could do was stay still and watch, it was like torture.

After a quick back and forth in Russian that Weiss couldn’t keep up with, Milana looked annoyed and whispered something to the commissar, leaving him standing still with a face of dull contentment. She walked briskly to the door and waved her hand, the lock clicking open in response. Just as she went to open the door it opened itself, and sure enough Nikolai strolled in confidently, taking in the scene.

“What’s happening here?” He demanded, noticeably in English now. Was that for Weiss’ benefit? Did he somehow suspect he was hiding in here?

“Nothing for a young boy to concern himself about. This is your commissar, you are being incredibly disrespectful.” She reprimanded in a thick accent, almost like a mother, gesturing to the commissar.

“Why isn’t he answering?” Nikolai demanded, not moving an inch. There was tension in the air, that was certain. Weiss cursed himself for allowing the kid anywhere near his operation, this was a disaster unfolding before his eyes. Milana’s face turned from annoyance to something that looked more like suspicion, then to some kind of cruel satisfaction.

“Okay, have it your way.” She muttered, before snapping her fingers, the door crashing shut behind Nikolai, making him jump.

“Who… Who are you? Ved’ma… Ved’ma!” He began, about to open his mouth for a much louder scream, maybe a call for help, but no sound came out. Perhaps Milana had muttered something under her breath while he was talking. The kid looked scared for the first time that Wiess had seen as he backed away from her, looking around for an escape, although he seemed frozen with fear regardless.

“Cineres facti.” She said with a sinister air and a wave of her hand, a sickening smile on her face. For a moment it seemed like nothing had happened, but then Nikolai, still with his mouth open in a silent scream, started to drift away. Bits of him started to crumble into dust, catching in the air and dissolving into nothing, quickly consuming his body until nothing was left, no trace of him remaining. The next few minutes passed in a blur for Weiss, who couldn’t have made a sound if he wanted to. Milana turned back to the commissar, cast another spell of some kind that seemed to wake him from his stupor, then they both left together. She hadn’t seen him, hadn’t known he was there. But even after they left, Weiss still couldn’t make himself move. He had never seen a witch’s magic up close before, and although he knew they were dangerous he didn’t realise how easily they could just make someone… Disappear. And a kid no less, she didn’t have to do that to him, she could have controlled his mind as well, or made him leave, or anything other than that. But just like that, in less than a second, he was gone. This whole time he never really understood what they were capable of, even as he had one tied up in a basement as his sex toy, one slip up from him and she could no doubt end him in much the same way. But then, even as he stood there in shock, he realised that what he had seen could be just as useful as it was harrowing. After all, to see her magic being used up close like that, it was an opportunity he probably wouldn’t get a second time. Not only that, but she hadn’t ended up doing whatever it was she was going to do with that vial. Then, as he went to leave the closet, a tiny spark of a plan was already beginning to form in his mind…
