I want to make love to you

[(Click here for a short little audio reading)](https://soundgasm.net/u/Aurora_012/I-want-to-make-love-to-you)

I’d imagine you lying beside me, our legs intertwined. 

Our smiles match with one another, extending with rounded cheeks.

There is a calmness to your smile, only comparable to when the sun rises.

The warming calmness that happens, right before the world begins.

Before the sun appears above the horizon, and there is just, stillness.

Your eyes would glisten, and mine would do the same.

Allowing you to see the adoration I have for you, in the reflection of my eyes.

See the awe that I have for you, and the love that I hold for you. 

My entire focus would be on you. 

The weight of your arms find their place around me.

The exact pressure exerted over my body, my head finding the concave dip in your chest.

My body lets go entirely to your grasp, letting you fully pull me in.

The dampness on your skin is soft, and sticky.

Your palms clam up as our fingers interlace, squeezing together.

Your sweat drenched body becomes cologne to mine.

My body wraps around yours to feel every inch that I physically can.

Your breath is warm and gentle, I breathe in your exhale.

I let out an audible breath, in an attempt to catch it.

It is impossible to breathe deeply, when I am in short gasps around you.

I feel your sweet air against my skin, it tingles my whole body.

Your head turns to look at mine, and our lips press together.

A kiss I have become accustomed to, a familiar feeling.

The taste of your saliva is musky, and smooth.

It is addictive to me, as it is the taste of you.

Your sounds enclose my ears, your voice being melodic.

Surrounding me in slurred pleasure, each note aligns in sync with my body.

As the last note is played, the end of piece is met with dots beside the double lines.

To repeat the harmonies, becoming in trance with our never ending song.

Your heart would beat against mine, my chest would tighten.

Be as close as humanly possible with me, with our bodies collided.

Our hearts in rhythm, as our souls become one. 

Lasting like this, to cherish you. Endlessly. 

I need to make love to you. 

Source: reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/qqlu4o/i_want_to_make_love_to_you


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