Pirates, thieves and stowaways part 4

( soft core , nsfw. pirate themed erotic fiction) ( TW non consensual advances.)

Chapter 4: clash of ships

Now looking like a scrawny lad with a curly chestnut mop of hair, he took her by the hand and started to lead her to the hatch.
Dunkin took her into the galley and put her to work skinning potatoes. He walked over to the sea cook and explained. “They found a lad shirking his duties and after his lashing they sent him over to us. “ the sea cook looked him over and glanced at the new boy and back to Dunkin. “ he yer responsibility he fucks up and both of ye will get the reprimand. “
Dunkin gulped and went about his business.

That night the two “lads “ went below decks and for the first time since sneaking onboard Klair left the galley hold. Only to find her self in a cramped bilge with a dozen boys in dirty sailors uniforms.
She felt self conscious about her girlish shape. in a room full of young men who had not seen a woman in who knows how long. If even one of them found her out, the situation would quickly become a nightmare.

Dunkin took her by the elbow and took her to the far bow. The majority of the boys slept in the stern to avoid the incessant rocking and bobbing. So the two found a small privacy in the bow. Klair built a small space for herself to sleep out of the piles of ballast stones. As Dunkin sat watching the galley boys sneak looks. They seemed curious as to why two boys would choose such a unfavorable place to sleep. But after there interest fell away, they returned there attention to the crowd of joking and jostling adolescents.

Klair fell asleep quickly and Dunkin soon after. The following morning they filed in with the crowd and got assigned duties in different parts of the ship.
The day was slow and toilsome. At about ten bells was a call of sails on the horizon.
The first mate asked for its colors and the crewmen explained that the ship was flying none.

“ all hands to stations! I want six more knots! Give me full sails.“ the ship erupted with action at the officer’s word. Teams of sailors scurried up the ratlines and hurried to unfurl the necessary sails. Hours passed as the two ships slowly closed the distance. Crews of men ran out the cannons and loaded each with a heavy lead ball.
Dozens of men ran to man their battle station armed with musket, pistol and sword. Dunkin was pushed towards the armory and as he was filed through he was handed a short sword with a curved blade and a pistol into his hand and pushed him back into the Frey.

He was directed to the port side along the rail. He found himself crouched down with a half dozen of other galley boys and a handful of sailors. As he peeked through the cannon port he saw the waves and spray of the sea as they raced to catch the unmarked ship. “ they’ve dawned the black it’s the noonwraith.” A sailor called
“ prey to Astor and make right with death lads. We hunt pirates tonight.” The first mate yelled out. “ bow chasers,fire when ready! “ the sound of cannon and a smell and sting of smoke filled the air. Followed by a splash.

Through the cannon port Dunkin could see rocky cliffs and traitorous waters.
Soon musket and pistol fire began to pop randomly. Dunkin felt a shift as the ship changed tack and turned to broadside the pirate vessel. “ all port cannons fire !”
An officer yelled. a cacophony erupted all around, Filling the air with soot and smoke leaving every ear ringing like a bell. “Incoming hit the deck “ someone yelled through the Frey.

The railing just a stern of Dunkin’s group exploded and screams of agony wailed through the smoke. “ prepare to return fire!” Dunkin heard the first mate call. And teams of men worked to reload each cannon and adjust for aim. “ fire !” The cannoneers ignited there artillery as one. sending hell fire and led towards their foes.

The exchange of cannon and musket continued as klair slinked away from her position Below deck with a reserve boarding party. And moved swiftly towards the stern. She guessed which hatch would lead her to the ships treasury
And snuck through one that seemed likely.
Sticking her head in first she found herself in the officer’s dinning room. The walls covered in prestigious awards and plaques.

She shimmied her way into the room and closed the hatch behind her.
She then made her way to the door leading to the hall. From there she followed the hall a stern peeking in each cabin as she went. Finally towards the end she opened a hatch into a small room with a desk and a half dozen chests. standing at the desk was a stocky round faced fellow in a crewman uniform. His hands rummaging through small lock boxes and ledgers.

The stunned galley boy caught the mans eye and the two stared at one another. “ what er ye looking at laddie ?”
He grunted at klair. “ I was sent here on an errand from the quartermaster.” She laid “ to come fetch a key perhaps you’ve seen it ?” The portly sailor raised his eyebrow and scoffed. “ I doubt he would like hearing that he has a thief on board. I wager he would pay me grand to tell him of yew. Shirking duties and thieving. Tsk tsk .” She pressed her luck a bit to far and the sailors face turned into a scowl.

He grabbed up a knife and lunged at the galley boy. Klair stepped aside and the knife missed her clumsily. The sailors hand grabbed the collar of her shirt and tore a gash down her front. Her bound breast exposed the sailors face appeared confused then excited or clever. He rose to his feet and crept forward cornering the young stowaway. “ you ain’t a lad at all is ye girly? I bet if I cut them trousers off yeh I’d find a gash too.” He grabbed at klai again and this time grabbed the wrapping around her chest.

He yanked her towards himself and tried to hold her down. She flailed and struck his back and sides until her hand found a pistol on his belt. She pulled the hammer back and slipped it off his belt.
She pressed the mussel against the sailors gut and squeezed the trigger. A plume of smoke filled the room accompanied by a loud bang. The stocky sailor collapsed to the deck and wallowed as he bled.

The ships grew closer together and grappling lines where tossed to tether the to ships to one another. “ vanguard prepare to board.” An officer shouted. The boys and sailors around Dunkin let out a ferocious battle cry. TBanging the deck with there swords and pistols.
Soon the ships were hull to hull and the men started to leap to their feet and hop over the side of the ship into heavy combat . Firing pistols into the crowded smoke.

Dunkin was on the rail when he was pushed onto his back and trampled by multiple heavily armed figures. One seemed like a orcish halfbreed and if he wasn’t mistaken another was a woman.
He tried to get to his feet but when he arose he found himself surrounded with blades and pistols all aimed at him and the other surviving crewmen.

Source: reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/qpibkj/pirates_thieves_and_stowaways_part_4