First time sharing my stories!! CAMPOUT [nonconsent] [reluctance] [dubcon] [gangbang] [MMMF]

** this is my first time sharing any of my erotica outside of one-on-one!! I hope you guys enjoy. Slow build but I promise it gets really exciting šŸ„²šŸ’¦šŸ˜‰ **

As I rounded the bend and the campsite came into view, my heart sank. There were 2 other tents set up already. I was really hoping to have the place to myself; it was the middle of the week. Plus, it was miserably hot– after a 5-mile hike in, I was soaked in sweat and hoping to strip down and cool off in the stream.

I didn’t see anyone outside the tents as I passed by to my site. Off hiking, maybe. It was almost sunset.

I found a shady spot, tucked back into the trees a bit, and started setting up. Sweat was dripping into my eyes. “Fuck it.” I pulled my tank top over my head and used it to wipe my forehead.

Moments later I heard voices and laughter in the distance. *For fuck’s sake*. I hastily pulled my shirt back on. It sounded like at least 2 or 3 guys. I was still hot, but I wasn’t shameless.

I saw them before they saw me; 3 men. One of them had a hunting knife strapped to his leg. My heart was beating a little faster. *There’s no reason to freak out*, I reasoned with myself. There’s still cell service up here. I ducked into my tent before they saw me, and shot off a quick text to my husband. “3 other people here, just in case I go missing, LOL.”


Their names were Wes, Danny, and Michael. They were old high school buddies, who got together once a year for a week-long camping trip. Wes was the one with the knife. He looked like he’d be right at home swinging an axe or pounding fence posts, but he said he worked as a writer. Danny was in sales, and Michael worked at a bank. They’d come from all over the country; Michael was in Texas, Danny up from Atlanta, and Wes all the way from Oregon.

They were easy to talk to, and funny. That was a relief.

When I excused myself from introductions to go grab some water from the creek, Wes asked, “Is there anything we can help you with? We’re pretty experienced with all this.” I rolled my eyes a little bit. “This definitely isn’t my first time camping alone.” He put his hands up. “Just a friendly offering.” I grinned. Fine. “Well, actually… I suck at campfires, so if you guys light one tonight…” He grinned. “We can tell spooky stories?” “Right,” I said, laughing as I walked away.

Danny was tipping more whiskey into his mug, laughing at his own story. “And then, Michael ran around to the back of the store…” he snorted, almost crying, “he was banging on the doors and his fucking dick was just bouncing, and then we see cop lights. So he turns around and it’s just like, fucking full moon there, and they’re all shining flashlights at him…” Danny wiped his eyes and shook his head. “We just hauled ass — hey!” Michael picked up a pinecone and it hit Danny in the chest. “Watch the drink, man!”Ā 

Michael turned to me, “What they’re leaving out is *they’re* the ones who locked the doors in the first place.”

The energy was contagious. But when Danny passed around the flask, I held up my hand. “I don’t really drink anymore… and I really donā€™t want to have a headache tomorrow in that heat.”Ā 

“Aw, come on,” that was Danny. He was clearly feeling that whiskey. “A little bit won’t be so bad. Promise it’ll make you sleep like a baby.”

I felt eyes on me. I glanced at Wes and felt my cheeks getting hotter. I’d caught him staring a few times. There was something about the way he was looking at me that made my pussy get hot. Maybe one drink would help me chill out a little bit.

“Alright, alright,” I stuck my mug out and Danny cheered. “Okay, okay, that’s enough!” I laughed as he poured. “Not everyone can hold their liquor like you guys. College was a long time ago for me.”

“Oh, I bet you have some crazy stories,” Danny was waggling his eyebrows at me suggestively. “Come on, let’s hear something.”


“I truly don’t,” I protested. But I was full of shit. The truth was, most of my crazy stories involved weird sex, and I wasn’t about to tell those stories here, in the middle of the woods, alone with three dudes who each looked like they’d have no problem lifting me over their heads.


Wes’ voice was gravely and low, and he spoke slowly. “How about a game, then?”


Danny and Michael groaned. I looked between them. “What? What am I missing?”


“Wes loves fucking *games*, man.” Danny shook his head.

Wes stood up. I took a big sip of my whiskey to avoid meeting his eyes.

“Like, a drinking game?” I was still avoiding looking at Wes. The way he moved, walking back and forth in front of the fire, was almost predatory. God, why did that turn me on so much?

“No, not really.” Wes said. “Just to get to know each other better.”


“Don’t you guys already know all each other’s stories?” I raised my eyebrows. “That probably won’t be super exciting for y’all.”


Michael cleared his throat. “Yeah, Wes. We already know.” He sounded a little odd and I glanced at him. He was looking at me.

The air felt tense. Michael looked at Wes, then back at me. “Can you give us a minute?”

“For sure,” I stood up. “I need to pee anyway.”

As I walked away I heard Michael asking something, then Wes’ low voice responding. I couldn’t make out what they were saying.

“Ok, so… what are we playing?” I asked as I sat back down. I was feeling a little tipsy now. I’d made myself cum after I went pee, in the woods. It needed to happen; I was getting way too horny and distracted. The vibes were better now, less weird. Probably it was just me.

Michael looked at Wes, and Wes nodded. “Ok, so we’re going to play one of our favorites. It’s called ‘What If?'”

“Ok, ok, I can get down with that. Like a story prompt?” I asked, eager now. Once a teacher’s pet, always a teacher’s pet.

“Sure,” Michael nodded. “So we take turns, someone asks a What If, then we go around and answer. The asker picks their favorite and then that person gets to go. Losers drink.”


“So it IS a drinking game,” I teased. Cool. I was going to need to be a little more drunk for that. Whiskey truly is a slippery slope. I held my mug out to Danny, keeper of the liquor. “In that case, can I have a little more?” I smiled at him. Danny grinned back. “Thatta girl, I knew you’d come around.”

3 rounds in, the questions were getting dirtier and dirtier. I couldn’t help myself; I am a perv sober, but after 2 and half mugs of straight whiskey, I was unstoppable.


“Ok, ok, ok, What if…,” I reached out and punched Danny, who was laughing, “What IF… Danny, shut the fuck up, What if, it turned out that sperm…. no, no, hear me out, it turned out that cum held the secret to curing cancer? Would you drink cum to cure yourself of cancer?” There was raucous discussion.Ā 

“Like, how much cum are we talking about here?” Michael asked, “Like… a tablespoon?”Ā 


“No, no, like… a bucket. Like a gallon of cum.” There was a chorus of “Oh my God”s. I interrupted, “EVERY TIME!” I threw back my head laughing. “You have to drink a bucket of cum every treatment, like chemo.”

“No, no, no,” Danny was laughing. “No way, I’m dead, man. Cancer wins.” Michael was just shaking his head, laughing.

Wes grinned at me. “Good one.” I shook my head. “None of y’all answered! You all lose. Drink!”

“Not cum though,” Danny said, knocking back a shot.


“Who’s next?” I asked, fully having a good time now. “Wes?”


He took a long drink and looked at me, eyes twinkling. “Alright. What If… you were in the woods with three other people, and all of them wanted to fuck you?”


It took me a moment to process it. I just stared at him, my mouth open in a big dumb grin for a moment. “… W-what?” I managed, with a nervous laugh.


“Yeah.” He stood up. “What if you were in the woods, alone, in the dark. Making dirty jokes. With three guys who wanted to fuck you.” I glanced over at Danny, expecting him to laugh. He wasn’t. His smile looked leering. “Michael?” I looked to him. He wasn’t smiling, but he stood and moved towards me.

“Hey, wait,” I jumped up quickly, glancing around, like there was anywhere to go. “I– I didn’t mean anything, I was just having fun.”

“So are we,” Wes said, matter-of-fact. *Fuck*.

“But… I’m married. Like… you guys are great. But…um, I’m married. I… yeah, I’m going back to my tent now.” I moved to back away. “Sorry to be a buzzkill.”

My eyes had stayed locked onto Wes. I didn’t notice that Michael had moved behind me until I felt his arms wrap around me.

“Hey!” I tried to wriggle away. He was strong. “What the FUCK, let GO of me!” He let me wiggle and kick. His grip never wavered. Danny and Wes just watched.

Michael muttered in my ear, “Try not to hurt yourself.”

“Why are you doing this??” I cried. “You don’t want to do this.” Michael spoke louder, so his friends could hear. “Well… I didn’t want to, at first. But now… well, I think you’re going to have fun.” He sounded like he was smiling now, too.

“What do you mean, fun?! Fucking let me GO!!” I was crying now, twisting.

“He means,” Wes said, walking up to me and taking my chin in his hands, “that we can tell you’re a fucking slut. You know you’ve wanted this to happen all night.”Ā 

The words hit me like a slap. If I’d been a little drunk, I was sober now. “N-no,” I stammered, “I don’t! I don’t want… Please, p-please…” I trailed off. Wes’ hand was on his knife.

Danny walked up, lazily unwinding a rope.

I could only stare at them. Wes unsheathed his knife.

“Hey, hey, um, hey, p-please don’t hurt me, I… you… you’re right, I’m a slut. I-I’ll do whatever you want.”

“Oh, calm down,” Danny laughed. “We aren’t going to cut you.”

Wes took the knife and ran it under my shirt, ripping it down the center. Fucking hell. I had taken off my bra earlier. What a fucking dumb *slut*.

“Told you,” Danny said, satisfied. “Told you she was braless.”

Wes tsk’ed, “Such a tease. No wonder we have to rape you now.”

“Not really rape if she’s begging for it.” Wes nodded. “True, Danny, very true.”


Wes continued, trailing the knife down to the waistband of my shorts. It was cold and I couldn’t breathe. “I think we’ll leave these on for now. Michael?” Michael turned me around roughly, pulling my hands behind my back. His hot whiskey breath was in my face and I could feel his cock pressing against my stomach. It was rock hard and pulsing. My stupid pussy twinged. *Goddammit*.

“Michael,” I begged, soft. “Michael, I know you know this is wrong, this isn’t right…” He looked me in the eye. Ice. “You don’t know me at all.” My heart dropped.

I struggled against the rough rope, but it wasn’t budging. My tits pushed forward, nipples hard in the cooling air.

Danny reached forward and tweaked them, hard. I gasped and pulled back, but Michael was still standing right behind me.

ā€œFucking fantastic tits,ā€ Danny said, shaking his head. ā€œEven better than I thought.ā€

He dipped his head forward and took one of my breasts into his mouth. He had a wide mouth, and full lips. His tongue swirled around my areola, then he nibbled my nipple. I held my breath, my heart pounding. My stupid fucking cunt throbbed. Again. *Slut*. I tried not to make any sound, to hold perfectly still.

Michael reached around and grabbed my other breast. He had broad, thick fingers, but his hands were soft. He leaned his face into my throat. ā€œI can smell how turned on you are.ā€

I tried vainly to squirm away. His stubble was like sandpaper. ā€œYou know you love this,ā€ he growled.

ā€œI donā€™t!ā€ My voice cracked. I sounded panicked, defensive.

Wes was standing back, watching me struggle. ā€œItā€™s ok. Itā€™s only natural to be nervous.ā€

I shook my head, whimpering a little. Michael bit down on my neck and I yelped.

Danny stopped sucking my tits. He slapped them once each, chuckling, before backing away. Wes had started unbuckling his belt. I froze, locked in place, hypnotized by his big silver belt buckle catching the firelight.

ā€œLetā€™s start with something easy.ā€ His cock sprung free. It was obscenely huge, thick and uncut, easily the biggest dick Iā€™d ever seen.

ā€œNo no no no no noā€¦ p-please donā€™t,ā€ I twisted uselessly. Michael laughed.

ā€œOn your knees.ā€ Wesā€™ command left no room for negotiation, but Michael pushed his foot into the back of my leg for good measure. I dropped, almost falling on my face. ā€œNow… show me how much you love sucking cock, slut.ā€

Rage swept through me. ā€œFUCK you. Who the fuck do you think you are?! Youā€™re fucking disgusting. Thereā€™s no goddamn way Iā€™m going to–ā€

Wes slapped me across the face. It brought tears to my eyes. I could feel a welt forming already.

ā€œFuck!!ā€ I cried out, falling forward. Michael yanked my head back up and held it in place.

ā€œItā€™s a lot easier if you donā€™t fight,ā€ Danny called out.

I stared up at Wes. His dick took up most of my field of vision. I could see the shine of precum at the tip.

He pressed forward, against my lips. ā€œDo I need to give Michael the knife, or are you going to be good?ā€

I glared at him. I wasnā€™t going to give him the satisfaction of a response.

ā€œGood. Suck my cock, slut.ā€

My anger mixed with sharp, hot *need*. *Fuck*. I *did* want to suck his fucking massive cock. Fucking *slut*. My mouth started to water.

My face must have shown something, because Wes smirked.

Michael tapped the top of my head. Heā€™d taken his cock out too. *Fantastic*. ā€œHurry up, slut.ā€

I wasnā€™t getting out of this. I leaned forward and licked the tip, sliding my tongue along the underside before taking the head into my mouth.

Without warning, Wes thrust himself deep into my throat. I struggled stupidly, shaking my head as I choked and my eyes watered. He held me in place easily. My mouth was really watering now, sloppy drool bubbling out around the base of his dick. *Fuck*, I couldnā€™t breathe.

Wes slid himself back out, cock slick with my spit. I coughed and blinked in shock. Spit dripped out of my mouth. Wes was triumphant. ā€œShe can take the whole thing.ā€

I was still gasping. ā€œThe hell I can, you nearly fucking *killed* me!ā€

ā€œNah. Iā€™ve seen worse.ā€ He smiled. ā€œNow do it again.ā€

He grabbed a handful of my hair and shoved his cock into my mouth again before I could react.

The full length of him slammed into the back of my throat. He was so thick, my jaw already ached. He fucked my face, using my hair as a handle.

My arms were still behind my back. I pulled desperately at the ropes. There was nothing I could do to stop him. I tried to relax my throat, like I did to deepthroat my husband, but Wes was just too goddamn big. I couldnā€™t take it. My throat began to convulse, trying to gag out the invader. I squeezed my eyes shut. Maybe I’d lose consciousness. That might be better.

Wes pulled his cock out, trailing a long strand of my spit.

ā€œGood work, slut.ā€ He laughed. ā€œGet up. Danny?ā€

Michael pulled me to my feet and I stumbled forward.

While Wes was busy face-fucking me, Danny had apparently gone through my shit.

Chills rose all over my body as Danny held up my dry bag, the one with my phone inside.

“Look what I found,” he was grinning, too wide, gleeful. I expected him to hold up my cell phone, to have gone through my pictures and found all my dirty videos and nudes. It was even worse than that, though. He held up my vibrator.

Normally, I would never bring extra weight on a backpacking trip, even something as small as my little travel vibe. But this time, I made an exception. I was ovulating, and my husband, Will, had been sick. It’d been more than three weeks since I’d been fucked. It felt like an eternity. I’d stupidly been excited by the idea of cumming outside. Even if I was alone, the idea of being exposed got me soaking.

*Oh shit*.

Danny laughed, gloating. “I fucking knew it!! I told you Michael, you said no way, but I could *tell*.” My cheeks burned with shame.

Wes turned to me, with that crooked, knowing smile. “Now why would you bring *that* to the middle of the woods?”

I didn’t respond. I stared at my bare feet in the dirt. *Wasn’t it fucking obvious?*

“Look at me, slut.”

I lifted my head. I didn’t want to be slapped again.Ā 

“Answer me.” He was still smiling. Patient, but demanding.

I took a shaking breath. “Iā€¦ b-becauseā€¦ I thought– I- I was going to be aloneā€¦ andā€¦” I trailed off, wishing I wasn’t such a desperate, horny dumbass.


I stared at his chest. He’d unbuttoned his flannel shirt and silvery chest hair and tattoos were just visible. *Hot*, my idiot brain whispered. I couldn’t look him in the eyes.

“… Andā€¦ well, I wanted toā€¦ I needed toā€¦ to make myself cum.”


“Yes! There it is.” He sounded satisfied. “You needed to cum, because you’re a fucking slut.”

Wes looked behind me and Michael pushed me forward. Wes was still grinning.

“Well, looks like it’s your lucky day, kid.”

Danny tossed my vibe through the air and Wes caught it. He turned it over in his hands.

“Pretty small little thing, huh?”

Now I was thinking about his cock, what it would feel like to have it buried deep inside me, stretching me. My body shook with an involuntary shudder. I had chills again.

Michael herded me towards Wes, towards the little wooden picnic table by their tents. Each site had one. They were rough and weathered, probably built before I was born.

“Get on top.” Michael didn’t have a sure, commanding voice like Wes, but it was still a demand. His tone was cold, sharp. Despite his kind, open face, Michael was hard as flint.

I hesitated and he slammed me down. My cheek pressed up against the dirty surface of the table.

He leaned down and hissed in my ear. “If I have to ask you again, I’m ripping your shorts off and fucking your ass right now.”

I whimpered and scrambled up onto the table as best I could. My hands were still tied.

“Good.” Wes stepped forward. “Put your knees to your chest.”

I did as he asked, feeling suddenly grateful for his calm surety, his confidence. Michael scared me. Wes scared me too, but in a way that was tinged with more excitement than fear.

“Now bring your arms forward, under your legsā€¦ yes, like that. Now, hold them over your head.”

I was completely exposed, laid out on the table.

Danny reached for my wrists and looped another rope through, tying them down. I tugged at it, testing it again, not at all expecting it to loosen. I tried anyway.

“Perfect.” Wes purred. He stepped up to the edge of the table. His hands grazed my thighs. I could feel calluses on his fingertips. I shivered again.

He chuckled. When I remembered to breathe again, it was shallow, short.

His hands kept exploring, across my hips, my breasts. He stopped a few times to pinch, but mostly he kept moving, skimming over my pussy, once, twice. Teasing.

I squeezed my eyes shut, horrified. I was soaking wet. There was no denying it; my heartbeat was thudding in my pussy. When they found outā€¦

The thought barely formed, when in one quick motion, Wes yanked my shorts down to my knees. I wasn’t wearing underwear. Dumb, dumb, dumb *slut*. I cursed myself and tried to squeeze my thighs shut.

“No panties either!” Danny crowed. “Y’all really owe me. I told you I had a sixth sense for slutty bitches.”

Tears were leaking out of the corners of my eyes, down my cheeks, streaking through the drying spit.

Wes was focused now, sliding his hand up my leg. He stopped short and let out a barking laugh. My inner thighs were slick.

“Wow,” he sounded amused. “You must need it bad.” He turned his head. “She’s practically dripping.”

Danny just laughed again. Wes plunged two thick fingers into me, curling them and making me gasp and squirm. *Fuck*. I was going to fucking cum. *No*. I tried desperately to stop the building tension as he worked his fingers in and out of me, slamming his knuckles into my clit. He was relentless. I could feel my cunt squeezing tighter and tighter. I couldn’t hold on much longer. I heard myself whine softly, involuntarily.

He yanked his fingers out abruptly.

“Were you about to cum, slut?”

I was silent, catching my breath, trying to keep myself from bucking my hips back toward his hovering hand.

*Slap*. My face stung and I cried out. “I said, were you about to *cum* on my fingers, you little skank?”

I shook my head, then nodded. I started crying. *What the fuck was wrong with me*?

“Hey.” Wes gripped my chin. “Hey, slut, look at me.”

I looked at him. I was a hopeless, stupid, slutty mess. His eyes sparkled. He was smiling. Laughing at me.

“We can have fun here. It’s ok.” I let out a shaking sob.

“Yeah, we love sluts!” Danny assured me.

Wes shook my chin firmly. “But, don’t you dare fucking cum until I tell you.”

Danny’s wide, hungry mouth devoured my cunt. My ass was at the edge of the table, a live buffet. I whined loudly, my legs shaking, my thighs squeezed against his head.

My eyes were locked on Wes’. His fingers hooked into my mouth. He gripped my hair with his other hand.

“P-please, please, I can’t take it anymore, pleaseee,” I trailed off, gasping.

He shook his head. “No. Not yet.”

“Fuckkkkk, p-pleaase, please stop, pleassseā€¦” I begged.

Danny lifted his head and pushed his fingers into me. “You don’t really want me to stop. Your cunt is begging to be filled.”

I cried out, matching his rhythm as he rocked his hand back and forth. Needy little noises. It felt so fucking *good*. I wanted this to stop; I wanted it to never, ever end.

“That’s what I thought, slut.”

Danny bent down and sucked my clit. I screamed. “Please, please, I–”

“Cum.” The word. Wes grabbed my face, eyes drilling into me, forcing me to meet his gaze as the wave crested. I let go, barely conscious of anything except my orgasm.

It was like a fucking bomb went off. My body rattled with the force of it. My eyes rolled back, my back arched, and my cum gushed, soaking the table under my ass. Curses and screams mixed together. I was speaking in tongues; possessed.

Danny smirked and drew his long fingers from my dripping slit. His hand, his arm, almost up to his elbow, shone with my cum. He spread his fingers wide and wiped his hand across my face with a grin.

“Hooo-lee shit.” Wes laughed. “I mean, holy fucking shit.”

Michael had been standing behind Danny, lazily jerking himself, watching me writhe. He looked mildly dumbfounded now. “I haven’t ever seen anything like it. I mean, not in real life.”

“Yeah,” Wes had tossed Danny a bandana and he was wiping his face and arm. “I kind of thought most of the crazy squirt videos were faked, to be honest.”

I was coming down, still shaking, throbbing, trying to breathe. I felt lightheaded. I was also humiliated. I had fucking *begged* for it. Then I’d fucking erupted like fucking Old Faithful. *Goddammit*.

I closed my eyes. I wanted to disappear. My clit was swollen and sensitive, it felt exposed, and my wetness was rapidly cooling in the night air.

I felt hands on me again, calloused hands, fondling my breasts then moving to grip my hips. I kept my eyes closed. I couldn’t fucking look at him.

With one thrust, Wes slammed his huge cock deep inside my dripping cunt.

My eyes shot open and I screamed in pain and shock. “Ohmifucking GOD! No!”

I tried twisting, bucking my hips, but it only served to push him deeper. I felt impossibly full.

He held himself there. I felt his cock pulse and my pussy twinged in response, squeezing down on him despite the pain.

“Fuck,” I gasped again.

He drew slowly out, then slammed back in. My head rocked back.

He built a rhythm, throwing his whole weight behind each thrust, burying deep inside me. I could feel my wetness dripping down my ass, his balls smacking into me.

My breath caught in my throat each time he bottomed out in my cunt.

“Fuck, you’re tight,” he groaned.

His pace stayed steady, and I felt another orgasm building. My pussy had adjusted to the shock, and now it felt… fucking *amazing*. I’d let my ex play around, long ago, stuffing me with bigger things, but it never felt this good.

I hadn’t even realized that I’d started to moan. I squinted against a sudden, bright light. Michael was pointing a phone at me. Taking video.

I felt a moment of panic, but Wes kept pounding. I couldn’t think, I couldn’t worry right now. I could only take his cock, relentlessly slamming into me, rocking my whole body with the force of his thrusts.

He leaned down and hissed in my face. “Don’t cum.”

I moaned, begging.


I shook my head back and forth, muttering and moaning and begging. The camera light was close to my face now. I didn’t care.

Wes leaned back, pulling his cock out and leaving just the tip, holding my entrance open.

“Beg for my cock.”Ā 

I had a vauge idea, in the back of my mind, to refuse. To spit at him. But my hips pressed up and my pussy tightened down on his cock, trying to draw him back in. I needed it.

He slapped me.

“Beg for it.” He moved to draw himself fully out and I cried out, “Please!”

“Please what?”

I shuddered. His cock was hovering over my pussy now, barely grazing my clit. I felt like I was going to die if he didn’t keep fucking me.

“Pleaseā€¦ please fuck me.”

He slapped his cock onto my pussy and I convulsed, almost cumming.

“More. Beg.”

I screamed in frustration. “Fuck!!! Just fucking DO it!! Please!!”

He slapped my pussy again, this time with his hand. It stung and I squealed again.Ā 

“That’s no way to talk to me. Try again.” He grinned. He loved this. Me, helpless, begging. Desperately needing him to use me.

I took a deep, shaking breath. My pussy throbbed. I looked him in the eyes. *Fuck*. “Please. Please, fuck me. Sir.”

He grabbed my shoulders and plunged deep into me. My body was vibrating, pulsing. I was going to cum.

He held himself there again, buried deep in me, his breath on my face and his beard tickling my nose.

“Good girl.”

… to be continued šŸ˜Š



  1. MMMMMMMM, I loved your erotic story!!!!! Thanks for sharing and Happy Birthday wishes 4U

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