Monsteria Encyclopedia: slime

Marcus Theroux DeLemange Montier, explorer, scientist, demigod, traitor.

My life has been an interesting one since that day many years ago. Long story short, I met a Chinese moon goddess and received immortality.

It’s been ten years since that moment. I was given a mission that day, ‘to experience the greatest pleasures known to man.’

That mission has burned its way down in my mind, like a headache, it throbs against my skull. 

I am still in Asia at the time of writing this. I have received word that I have had a bounty placed on my head for desertion to the French throne. Bah. I have a greater purpose now. 

I have heard tales of another place called Taiwan. A small island country near China. I made the necessary preparations and began my journey to the coast.

I’ve learned a few things about my immortality since days have passed. I do not age, I seem to have regressed into my prime. My body also seems to be at its peak of physical fitness at all times. No matter what I eat, or if I live sedentary. I do feel pain, as I have found out multiple times about testing my new prowess. I broke my leg while hiking. But after setting the bone in place, it seemed to heal in only a few days.

It seems that age and time can no longer affect me, but physical wounds can. At dinner one night I decided to stab my hand with a knife, I bled and made a severe wound. But it healed itself in only an hour. 

I hypothesize that if I am struck by a fatal blow, I will perish. I have no desire to test this.

I also seem to no longer need food or drink, I no longer feel hunger or thirst. But I still enjoy the rich flavors and spices of this country.

Along my journey to the coast, I have stopped at more than a few small villages. 

Although I have only changed physically, the denizens of this place all seem to treat me with a great deal of respect and admiration. I have not had to pay to stay at inns, or for drink and food. Curious as it may be.

I’ve also had more than one night with my choice of the maidens of these villages.

It seems the fruit I ate all those years ago has made me much more charismatic.

Also, it seems that the fruit has allowed me to understand their language, when they speak, it comes out as perfect French. And when I speak they understand me. I have not gone to bed alone in a long time.

It has made travel much easier, and a lot less lonely.

I am currently traveling with a caravan set out to a coastal port city near Taiwan. The Caravan Leader is a generous man, allowing me to stay in one of the passenger wagons without pay.

His name is Lee. He’s a jolly man. He gave me a map as well of the areas around the port city. 

His wife is named Lu, she’s a beautiful woman. A tall older woman, I usually find her wearing gorgeous silk dresses while tending to the other passengers, she keeps her black hair down to her shoulders. She’s a kind soul.

Almost too kind.

It was one of the last nights of travel, you could smell the ocean not too far away. I decided to hide away in my wagon, writing it down in my journal.

When I heard the softest knock.

I had forgone my shirt for comfort, it gets hot here. I threw on my pantaloons and went to the cloth ‘door’. I opened it to see Lu standing there, wearing a green dress. Her eyes widened with surprise upon seeing me.

“Oh,” her tiny voice peeped out. “I must be disturbing you. I will come back later”

“No, it’s okay I wasn’t doing anything too important,” I responded. 

“Uh well, I was just checking on you. You’ve been locked away in your carriage all night.”
Her eyes wandered around my body, hungry.

“I’m fine.” A devilish thought went through my head. “Would you like to come in? Have a drink of tea?”

“Oh!” She exclaimed. “I cannot, I have a few more chores to do.”

“It’s from my homeland,” I added. “A delectable earl grey.”

She seemed to mull it over for a moment.

“Okay, I can stay for a cup.”

She looked around before stepping into my little hole. I had decided it best to pack lightly. Very few clothes and even fewer necessities. Not having to eat or drink makes packing easy.

She sat down on my cot with me. I produced the kettle I had prepared only an hour earlier. The aromatic tea filled the small cabin with its scent.

I guess it would behoove me to skip the boring parts. In essence, Lu and I spent our time talking about our adventures. I left out my meeting with a particular goddess. She told me of a cave in Taiwan she had seen the last time they made this trip.

She told me of the strange materials produced there, and of the forbidding feeling, of something watching her.

She told me that a man with skin like oil had appeared at the mouth of the cave. He was the perfect incarnation of her husband’s youth. The man she fell in love with. 

Her face went blush. 

I could assume what happened next.

I tried to replicate that experience. But she politely declined, stating she still very much loved her husband. I understand that love is a hard thing to find.

She finished her cup and left. 

The rest of the journey was unremarkable until we arrived at the port. It was a fine fishing town, fisherman selling their various fish. Food was being made by street vendors, all manner of dishes from simple grilled fish, to more complex smorgasbords.

It was a nice little mishmash of the port culture. But I had a boat to catch. 

I found a nice old man who said he would ferry me across. His boat wasn’t anything impressive, just a little fishing vessel. I thanked him and gave him a small amount of money.

It wasn’t nearly as long as I thought it would be to reach this little island country. It also wasn’t what I expected.

It was almost all jungle. Aside from the small port town, I landed at. I thanked the fisherman once again and headed into the town. 

I say town, but it was a small inn and bar, the port, and a few houses. I went to the bar first.

Only the bartender was there, a strong-looking man with his hair tied back. I walked up and set a coin on the counter.

He looked at me and asked what I wanted.

I asked him about the cave Lu had told me about.

“Not a good place to ask about. Cursed.”

“I see, well, I am an exorcist from the mainland.”

He looked me up and down and shrugged.

“Matters not if a white man gets killed here.”

He told me directions to the cave. It was an hour-long hike through a rather dense jungle. I was lucky enough to bring a machete along woth me.

The hike was one of the worst I’ve ever been on. Even with my physical prowess I was panting and breathing hard by the end of it. Bugs stayed away from me, small blessings I suppose.

Then I found it. 

A large cave opening with warding papers strung all over it. And a small wooden sign.

It read, ‘if you value your life, stay far away.’

I shrugged. I had to see what was going on inside. Besides, what’s the worst that can happen?

My footsteps echoed off the cave wall. It was dark, incredible so. I pressed onward.

The deeper I got the colder it also got. Coming from the warm sunny day into this near-freezing cave was a shock, to say the least.

Then I felt it. A feeling of being watched by something. A feeling of foreboding. Every step I took I felt the creeping sensation of something behind me. I turned around and nothing was there. My heart rate returned to normal. 

I turned back around to see, something strange.

It was a female form. But just a little off, its movements sluggish and fluid. Its body seemed to jiggle with every slight movement.

As it got closer and I could get a better look, it didn’t so much have facial features, more so it had an imprint of a face. Its hair was like long tendrils of goo. 

Oh, also, I could see directly through her. Her body was completely opaque, aside from a small red mass in the middle of her chest.

She shuffled closer, her legs not leaving the ground as she moved. 

I couldn’t help but be fascinated by her form. It was obviously female, curvaceous at the hips with enormous protrusions on its chest mimicking breast.

There was a sweet smell in the air, getting stronger as it approached. I knew the smell, it was a perfume from France. The woman I gave my virginity to wore it. 

The smell sent my natural processes into overdrive, my heart thumped loudly in my ears as my erection began to grow and strain against my pants.

The feminine mass continued to surge towards me. Only ten feet between us. 

Even though it wasn’t human, it was quite a sight to see. Her appearance was pleasant to see, all thick curves and sensual movements.

Then it clicked. 

It was a standard tactic of predatory animals, create a pheromone that’s pleasing to the prey, then strike. And based on what Lu told me, and the growing strain in my pants,  its version of feeding wasn’t exactly unpleasant.

I shrugged and tugged at the bit of rope holding my pants up and let them fall to my feet. My cock sprang out in front of me. Pointing directly at the creature.

I took a step forward. The creature paused as if it was unsure of my motives. The small red thing in it moved slightly. I took another step, making myself seem unthreatening.

Then all at once, the mass surged forth, almost a blur. 

I was knocked from my feet, my eyes blurred by the impact. I looked up to see the slime standing over the top of me, still a feminine shape. It looked down at me with a hungry expression.

Its ooze left residual wetness on my exposed skin. It was warm, intensely so. 

At that moment I felt such an intense in my libido that my body felt feverish. Lust had found its way into my body by this creature.

She lifted her ‘foot’ above the head of my cock, it was slender and nigh perfect.

She rubbed her foot against the head of my cock, spreading her wetness all around it. The warmth seemed to triple, the light friction so pleasurable against my bare phallus.

Then, something strange happened. She forced her foot down, and with barely any resistance, my cock pierced and went inside her foot, poking above her ankle.

She moved her leg up and down, fucking me, consuming my cock woth her transparent flesh. It wasn’t like a pussy, it was fluid moving and squeezing me, warm and filling me with arousal.

All I could focus on was her jiggly flesh moving up and down my length. 

My first orgasm was intense, a huge blob of alabaster fluid collected in her, moving around her body till it found its way to her ‘heart.’ She shuddered when the fluid entered. I swear she also grew, her hair lengthened by just a tad, her breast expanding by a little bit.

She let my cock go free, I was still rock hard, her aphrodisiac fluid doing its job.

She didn’t let me rest, immediately falling to her knees, hovering her crotch just above my cock.

She moved her hand down, wrapping her gooey fingers around my shaft. A bolt of pure sexual lightning hit me to my core. 

She seemed to smile before dropping her weight on me, my cock penetrating her.

It was strange and wonderful to see my cock sliding inside her through her stomach.

She wasn’t moving, but I felt her messaging me. her slime squeezing and sliding all around my dick. 

She constricted around me, a hard pressure moving up and down my shaft. I bucked my hips as my second orgasm overtook me. Another giant orb of alabaster liquid congealed and shot into her heart. She shuddered again.

It clicked again, sexual fluids must be some kind of food for her. Well, I was happy to be on the menu for today.

She moved, her whole body swirling off of my pelvis. She smiled and began to retreat to her cave.

I wasn’t done though.

I jumped up and went after her. 

She paused and waited for me to catch up. Her happy smile turned into another hungry one.

She swirled again, till she looked like she was on her knees. 

I didn’t waste a second, I plunged my cock deep into her ‘mouth’. she didn’t move but instead allowed me to vigorously pound against her. Filling her with my cockmeat. 

I grabbed her by her ‘hair’ surprisingly it was solid enough for me to get a grip and move her head up and down my shaft.

I wasn’t worried about choking her, I only wanted to use her for pleasure. 

Her hand found my balls and completely absorbed them into her skin, messaging and pleasuring them while I fucked her face.

My third orgasm was nearing. I pulled out, she didn’t want time moving her hand to my shaft. She covered the shaft and began to move up and down, fast. I erupted with another huge orgasm. The drops of semen covered her huge breast, absorbing into her skin and moving to the heart. 

I was almost spent. But I had one more in me.

(Warning, futa on male incoming)

She most I’ve felt my intention. 

I wanted to try something different.

I got on my hands and knees, baring my ass to the creature. She looked confused but understood.

I looked back to see her standing, her skin congealed at her crotch, until a cock of her own had appeared.

I gulped, it wasn’t massive, but I’d never done anything like this.

I gritted my teeth and prepared myself.

She moved closer and leveled her cock at me. I felt the tip graze against me, spreading that aphrodisiac warmth in my lower regions. 

A moan escaped my lips.

Her slimy hands gripped my hips, and she began pushing the head of her cock inside. It wasn’t unpleasant, it felt good even. A wriggling tentacle of pleasure and warmth exploring my deepest regions.

She was slow and gentle, she produced lube naturally. She slowly rocked back and forth, sending more of herself inside me. It wasn’t long till the entirety of her was in me, filling my hole with her slimy cock.

She hit that button in me, a little hard pleasure button that sent ripples of lust through me. I moaned, my voice echoing off of the cavern walls. My voice felt foreign to me, full of salacious energy and a bit too high-pitched.

She slowly went at my little hole, pulling herself almost out then filling me right back up again. 

I enjoyed our little dance.

Then something wet engulfed my manhood she covered it again, messaging me with her wetness, pleasing me as she fed on me.

I was getting close, she knew it, she sped up her thrusting, putting more pressure on my pleasure button. 

Before I knew it my final orgasm hit with a bang. I let loose one final moan, loud and proud, as I came hard. 

It felt like I was being milked by her as she reamed me.

When I was done, I turned around, breathing extremely hard as I looked up at my partner. She grew even more.

She leaned down and planted a wet kiss on my forehead, then, she was gone.

I don’t remember passing out, but then again, who does?

I woke up in a bed, fully clothed, with Lu sitting on my bed. Tears in her eyes.

I asked what was wrong. 

Her husband had been killed by bandits along the road.

I asked what she was doing here.

She said she went to the face to rid herself of this world, to give herself to the monster in the cave, but she found me.

I embraced her, trying to comfort her.

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