The time the debate team gave me a group handjob [mffff] [high school]

“Sorry, y’all,” Mrs Porter called out from the van’s driver seat, “We’re gonna be late getting back. This storm is something fierce, messing up traffic right good. The interstate looks like a parking lot.”

“So what’s that mean?” Jenna Davis was sitting in the middle of the first bench. She was Debate Team captain, not to mention honor roll valedictorian and student council secretary and something to do with homecoming too. And so she acted like she was in charge. “Should I call campus?”

“They’re already closed, hun,” Mrs Porter said over her shoulder, “Just y’all text your parents, would you? And someone message Mary’s parents for her, no point in waking her up.” The sleeping girl snored peacefully behind Mrs Porter.

We all pulled out our phones and sent the necessary. Our soundtrack, the squawk of radio traffic reports set to the raindrop staccato on the van’s roof. We inched forward.

“Curtis, hey,” Steph said with her voice low. She was sitting to my side in the back of the van. “When we get back to campus, can you give me a ride? My dad’s saying he can’t wait that long, has to get my brothers to practice.”

“Sure, no problem,” I said, “Assuming we actually ever get back.” Stephanie Howell and I for years had been friendly, if not exactly friends. I was thinking of asking her out, if I could work up the nerve. I’d been thinking it for a while.

“I know, right?” That was Audrey Chan, the mousy girl on my other side. She was looking out the window, her face shining in the glow of brakelights filtered through the rain. “This fucking sucks. I’ve got things I need to be working on. Not stuck in this dumbass van.” Small in stature, she compensated with a loud personality. Too much personality, Jenna had once said, although she had apologized after.

“And, ugh, these clothes,” Steph said, “I can’t wait to get out of this dress.”

“Bow chicka wow wow,” Audrey giggled.

Steph scowled, “And into something comfortable. Moron.”

Audrey mocked a pout, hands to her chest like she’d been stabbed. “You wound me!”

“Hey,” Jenna said, leaning over her seat backwards, facing the three of us on the rear bench, “At least we pulled in a win today, huh? Whaddya think of that?” Her dedication to school was sometimes a bit much, but you couldn’t fault her positive attitude.

“Down in your seat, Jenna!” Mrs Porter called out.

“Aww, Mrs Porter,” Jenna whined, “We’re barely moving!”

“Rules is rules, hun.”

“I dunno, Jenna,” Steph said, “It didn’t feel like a win.”

“What’s that mean?” Jenna said, neck crooked sideways, blonde ponytail swishing to the side. Her smile wavered.

“A paper victory, I guess. We flubbed as many sessions as we won,” Steph explained, her brown hair shimmering reflections of passing headlights, her gaze flickering briefly to me, “And Melissa spent most of her time flirting with that guy from Jefferson High.”

“Fuck off,” Melissa said, not even looking up. The final — and cutest — member of our team, Melissa Fernandez sat next to Jenna with headphones in her ears and boredom on her face.

“Language!” Mrs Porter called.


Audrey turned towards the group, smiling ear to ear. “He was fucking hot, though, wasn’t he?”

“Yeah, he was,” Melissa dragged out the last word, “He gave me his Snap. Now I’m not sure. I shouldn’t show you this, but…”

“Lemme see!” Audrey leaned forward.

Melissa held out her phone, showed us a photo of a dude’s abs.

“You know what? No, nevermind,” Audrey said, “Don’t do a ‘v’ shot if you ain’t got it. He shoulda sent a photo of his jaw.”

“Yeah, he looked better with the suit on,” said Jenna, “All boys look better with suits on.” Gossip was, Jenna’s parents didn’t allow her to date. “Even you, Curtis, I didn’t know you could clean up so good.”

“Thanks,” I said, smiling at her, “That sounded almost like a compliment.”

She made a pained expression.

Steph leaned across me, putting her face close to Melissa’s phone. “I dunno, he’s not that bad. You gotta admire the confidence it took to even send something like that.”

“Wow, you’re mean.” Audrey’s mischief was infamous. “Making Curtis all jealous like that.”

Steph gave her a sharp look. “What? What’s that supposed to mean?”

The van lurched, we shook in unison. I glanced from girl to girl. Audrey laughed, Jenna looked uncomfortable, and Melissa rolled her eyes.

“Curtis isn’t into me,” Steph explained, her tone defensive.

“Are you sure?” said Audrey, “Have you asked him?”

“Yeah, I mean,” Melissa started, “I thought he joined this team to hook up with you. It’s obvious, right?” She pulled out her earphones, turning sideways in her seat to better face the conversation.

“Seatbelts, girls!”

“Yes, Mrs Porter.”

Audrey leaned forward. “He’s crap at competition. It’s pretty obvious Curtis isn’t here for love of debate.”

“Well,” Jenna hesitated, “I mean… you did step it up tonight, Curtis, but… yeah, you don’t take it very seriously. Why exactly did you join?”

Steph eyed me. She was slender and tall and her lips looked very soft and her brown skin very smooth and her dress clung to her very tightly. As if that wasn’t intimidating enough, she was also intelligent — way smarter than me. I’m a coward. I took the easy route out, shrugging, trying to play at nonchalance. “I just thought Debate sounded like fun.”

Audrey cut in, “Oh, bullshit. You joined because of pussy. Look around this van, what do you see? Grade A pussy in every direction, that’s what.”

Jenna squeezed her eyes shut and shook her head. “Audrey, you’re disgusting.”

“I’m just telling you how guys think,” Audrey continued, “Not my problem if you don’t like hearing it. Curtis is into girls, which means he’s daydreaming about about shoving his dick into at least one of us. Smart money’s on Steph, but give him a chance, I’m sure he’d be happy blowing his load in anyone here.”

I dared not look in Steph’s direction, averting my gaze, catching Jenna frowning at me. Melissa, next to her, was watching me with a flirty grin. “Is it true, Curtis? You daydream about fucking me?” She tilted her head and winked.

I tried to disappear into the seat. “I, umm…”

“Look at him blushing!” said Audrey, “He’s, like, bright cherry red. It’s totally true.”

“Stop it, Audrey,” Steph’s words thrust like a knife, “You’re embarrassing him.” She flashed me a safe, reassuring smile.

From the front of the van, Mrs Porter called, “What was that, girls?”

“Nothing, Mrs Porter.”

“Ok then.” The van heaved forward another few inches.

Melissa leaned in towards me, her dimples boosting her cuteness, and whispered, “You know, you guys should. Your business is your own or whatever, but you two’d make a–oh. Oh, no.”

“What?” Steph seemed eager for a change of subject.

“This guy, he… what a loser,” Melissa said, “That’s his dick.” She held her phone up, and sure enough on screen was a crotch shot, an erection center frame.

Jenna scowled, “Gross.” She squinted for a closer look.

Audrey shook her head, “Well, fuck, that’s a disappointment.”

“I take back what I said earlier,” Steph said, “About him being not bad.”

Melissa looked up at me and sighed, “Why do guys do this?”

“I dunno. Maybe it works sometimes.”

“No. Never works,” she said, tapping on her phone, “I mean, if I asked, or sent him some of my nudes, that’s one thing. But I didn’t. Not yet, at least. Now, not ever.”

Jenna turned to her. “You send nudes to guys?”

Melissa look confused. “Yeah. You don’t?”

The other three girls shook their heads.

“Well, you should,” Melissa said, shrugging, “Makes hooking up easier.”

Audrey tilted her head. “Show me.”

“Show you what?”

“The pictures you send.”

Melissa glared at her. “You want me to show you my nudes?”

“I just want to see what kind of pictures you send,” Audrey pressed, “I’m not going to, like, get off on them or anything.”

“Yeah, me too,” Steph said.

Even Jenna looked interested.

Melissa glanced at each in turn, her doubt wearing off one by one. “Ok, fine,” she said, “Curtis, don’t look.”

I studied the ceiling of the van. “Ooh.” “Wow.” “Hot damn.”

Audrey leaned into me. “Curtis, you idiot, you’re too obedient,” she said, “Mel’s hot, she won’t mind if you peek.”

Steph sighed. “Not everyone’s a pervert like you, Audrey.”

“Of course you wouldn’t want him to look,” said Audrey, “Melissa, can I show him this one?”


“Suddenly a lot of modesty from little miss ‘I’ve got nudes on my phone,’” goaded Audrey, “You can’t even see your snatch in this one.”

“Must you call it that?” Jenna grumbled.

“What about this one?” Audrey continued unabated, “Your tits look big in this. I feel bad that he’s missing out.”

A beat of silence.

“Fine,” said Melissa, “You know what? Curtis. You want to see my tits?”

“I, uh…” Melissa’s phone was in my face, and true to the description, it glowed with a picture of her, laying on her bed naked, sending a frisky grin at the camera, breasts just in the bottom of the frame. Her back was arched, her tits looked magnificent. “Wow. You, err, you look good.”

She regarded me silently.

“Really good,” I added.

“Don’t think it means I want to hook up or anything,” Melissa said, then, softer, “Thanks, though.” We were holding eye contact, some meaning behind it, but I didn’t know what. She intimidated me less than Steph, even though she was out of my league.

A single loud laugh burst from Audrey and she turned to me. “So you going to going to pull out your cock now? Show us what you’re packing?”

I tensed, frozen, the deer in Audrey’s headlights.

“Oh my god,” Jenna said, looking disgusted.

“Oh come on,” Audrey protested, “Like you all weren’t thinking it.”

“No, Audrey,” Jenna said, “I wasn’t.”

“Me either,” added Steph.

Audrey giggled. “Melissa explained her rules, I’m just following them.”


“Show a guy your tits,” Audrey said, “And then he shows you his dick.”

There was a moment of pause, quiet enough for me to hear the turn signal clicking, and I tried to disappear.

“So come on,” Audrey continued, “Pull it out, Curtis. We’re all friends here. We just wanna see some penis.”

I looked around. Melissa shrugged and grinned, her gaze dropping to my crotch. Jenna didn’t say no, which from her was the same as a yes. But Steph, she’d have my back, for sure. And yet, she gave me a thoughtful look and said, “I dunno, Curtis. Audrey’s logic, it kinda makes sense.”


“Hah, yes, I knew it.” Audrey’s hands were on my belt, yanking on the clasp.

I pushed her hands away. “That’s not how it works. It’s –” I unbuckled my belt, unzipped my fly, and shoved my pants down, “–like this.”

I couldn’t believe I was really doing this. But I couldn’t believe I’d just won a district-wide debate, either. I reached through the flap in my boxer briefs and freed my cock. It swung in the air, halfway erect.

“Happy now?” I said.

“Balls too,” said Melissa, “Don’t hold out.”

I sighed and shoved my hand back into my shorts, pulling my balls out. “There.”

All eyes were fixed on my crotch.

“Oh, damn,” Steph muttered under breath.

Melissa’s grin had grown wider. “Well, geeze Curtis. You never told me you were so well equipped.”

Jenna was looking incredulous. “That’s… it’s real?”

Melissa elbowed her. “Dumbass.”

“It’s just…” Jenna said, “I’ve never seen one before. In real life, I mean.”

“Then tell the boy, ‘thank you,’” said Melissa, “Curtis, turns out, has a prime cut of beef.”

Audrey looked delighted. “Yeah, this is a penis, not like that loser from Jefferson. If I sit on this thing I’ll be feeling it against my ribs.”

Jenna looked like she was about to say something, but stopped herself, blushing instead.

“So you gonna get yourself hard?” Audrey said, “Or do you want me to do it for you?”

My eyes went wide. “What?”

“You’re already partway there,” she continued, “Probably all excited from seeing Melissa’s tits. So don’t quit on us now. Limp dick don’t do anything for me, I want an erection.”

Showing the girls my dick I’d come to terms with. Masturbating in front of them was something else entirely.

“I know how to do it, you know,” Audrey said, “Back when I was with Roberto, his favorite thing was having me tug on his cock.”

“What the fuck, Audrey.” Jenna said it softly, like she didn’t believe in her own objection.

“Roberto Torres?” said Melissa, “Who always wears those red shirts? His thing is handjobs?”

“Oh yeah, back before we broke up, I milked so much jizz from him we coulda painted a house,” Audrey said, “Just about the only thing I miss there is seeing his dick go off like a geyser.”

My cock twitched.

Melissa giggled. “Oh, he wants it.”

Steph and Jenna exchanged glances.

“You ever had one?” Audrey placed her hand on my knee, fingertips drawing little circles on my slacks. “A handjob, I mean.”

I tensed up, shaking my head.

I was looking at Audrey, she was biting her lip, staring me down, working me into giving in. So I wasn’t looking when Steph, wordless and silent, reached out and placed her hand on my shaft.

I gasped, her touch was cold. But her skin was soft and her grip was firm, and my dick grew stiffer as she tugged on it. She smiled at me. “Should I stop?”

“No,” I whispered.

“Oh,” Audrey exclaimed, “There it goes.”

“It’s getting harder,” Jenna muttered.

“Damn,” said Melissa, leaning in, “Go for it, girl.”

Audrey gave Steph a serious look. “Start at the base, your thumb on the underside, pull your fingers to the tip, going slow. He’ll love it.”

I couldn’t help but whimper. Steph jacked me off, my breath quickening. My cock grew harder, bulging inside her grip, towering from my hips.

Jenna was staring like I was a museum exhibit, shifting in her seat. “It’s so big,” she said.

Melissa grinned at her. “Getting you all wet, isn’t it?”

Jenna looked offended, but it faded quick.

“Fuck yeah it is,” Audrey said, sliding a hand up under her skirt, reaching between her legs. “Steph, you’re not going to leave him with blue balls, are you?”

“As long as he behaves,” Steph answered.

Jenna was fascinated. “It’s dripping.” Her gaze was intense. She knelt over the back of her seat, leaning in to watch up close.

Audrey saw this, and said, “I think Jenna wants to try.”

“No!” Jenna recoiled, “I–”

“Jenna!” Mrs Porter called, “Seatbelt!”

“Just a minute, Mrs Porter,” Jenna said, “I’m just grabbing something.”

Melissa giggled. “Would this be breaking your parents ‘no dating’ rule?”


“You touch Curtis’s dick,” Melissa explained, “He might get the wrong idea.”

“I’m not going to–” Jenna paused, “What are you talking about? ‘No dating?’”

Steph’s hand was slowly, methodically pumping my shaft. I was getting harder and harder, my cock throbbing. I was only half listening.

“I can’t believe that rumor’s still going around,” Jenna said, “It was just something I made up, told Tony Meyer so that he’d leave me alone.”

“So then…” Steph said, taking Jenna’s wrist and pushing my dick into her hand.

Oh. Fuck. Jenna Davis’ fingers were on my cock. She looked just as surprised as me. And then, as if her arm had a mind of its own, she slid her grip down, her manicured fingers making me groan as even her timid tugging got me off.

“You can go harder than that,” Audrey said, “A lot harder.”

Jenna always was a quick study, and I was her test subject as she learned how to work cock. She watched me writhe in ecstasy as she experimented, changing technique, learning fast where I was most sensitive, how to make me whimper.

My dick was swollen stiff, its head slick with precum, yearning for release.

She pumped and pulled on my dick, gaining confidence with each stroke.

Audrey leaned into my side, her skirt bouncing as her finger worked underneath. “Fun! Right, Curtis?” Her breath was hot against my face. “Didja ever think Jenna Davis was such a slut?”

I shuddered, my hips thrusting themselves into Jenna’s hand. She was eager, excited, her breaths starting to quicken, her chest starting to heave.

“She, uh,” Melissa said, rubbing Jenna’s back, “She really likes it.”

Audrey moaned. “I told you,” she said, “Handjobs are hot.”

Melissa pushed Jenna back into her seat. “You’re gonna make yourself orgasm, girl.”

My cock swung in the air.

Then Melissa reached down and grabbed it. “I mean, if everyone else is doing it.” The flirty grin returned to her face, and we held eye contact as she pumped my cock, her fist jacking me like a piston. She was so cute, I just looked at her in awe. “Damn, Curtis, how’d you get such a monster?”

“Fuck this is hot,” Audrey said, her hand going at a faster tempo, “He’s gonna go.”

Steph held out her hand, and Melissa passed my cock back to her.

I looked at Steph, and she kissed me, her lips against mine, her tongue inside my mouth. I groaned, my balls tensed, my cock twitched, ecstasy flooded through me. And I was cumming. Steph pumped and pumped, her hand growing slick with my spunk.

I collapsed back into the seat. Someone had found some old rags, tossed them at me to clean up.

“Well, this isn’t how I thought my night would go,” Melissa said.

“Girls, seatbelts,” Mrs Porter called.

“Yes, Mrs Porter.”

I laid back, a rag doll brimming with warm glow. I was staring at Steph with drooping eyelids. She kept glancing my way, a knowing smirk on her lips. “We should hang out sometime,” I whispered, mouthed really, loud enough only for her ears and no one else’s.

“Are you asking me out?”

“I’m trying to, yeah.”

The van lurched.

Mary stirred. “What’s… what’s going on? What’d I miss?”

“Nothing,” Audrey chirped. Melissa laughed.

Mary looked around, confused. “What? No. Tell me.”

The whole rest of the way, Steph curled up in my side. And after finally getting back to campus, when I drove her home, before she got out of my car, we kissed. For, like, twenty minutes.

I felt warm, fuzzy. I grabbed her ass as she moaned into my mouth.

She waved goodbye from her front door, and as I got back into my car, my phone’s screen lit up. Steph already? But, no, it was a message from Jenna. I clicked to open. “Just thinking of you,” it said. Then a photo, her, smiling, topless, her pert little tits framed by her arms. She’d put a decorative border on the picture, sky blue swirls with little pink hearts.

“You’re beautiful,” I wrote back. It was more than I could deal with right then.

Then my phone buzzed again. Another message, this one from Melissa. Photos of her looking sexy, like she wanted to fuck. Her pussy was shaved bare. “Hit me up,” the text said.

My head swam. “You’re beautiful,” I wrote back. Not my most original line, sue me.

What the fuck was I gonna do?



  1. Set aside one night for Melissa, one night for Jenna and the rest of the week for Steph…

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