RED KINGDOM | Erotic Story


There is a fifth dimension, beyond all this known to man. It is a dimension as endless as space and as permanent as infinity. It is the valley between light and darkness, between fact and superstition and it lies between the crux of mans fears and the pinnacle of his knowledge. This is the realm of pure imagination, an endless expanse we call Halloween night.

A wolf’s howl cuts through the rhythmic, pulsing beat. The grinding mass of dancing bodies cocooned around me moves in a seduced trance. A roaming kaleidoscope of lights glistening off their damp skin. What a party, and it’s all mine. My little kingdom. Faces some familiar, some not, turn to me and smile as I pass. All contorting behind whatever mask they are wearing for the evening, a wave of witches, cheap spidermen, and one fuck-wit who just sharpied COSTUME across their white shirt. Round that out with about a million Harley Quins and groups dressed like Squid Games and you’ve got yourself Halloween 2021.

Adjusting the black fabric of my tights, my friends become visible through the crowd and I make my way to them, dodging a drunk Papa Smurf. My group cheers as I take my seat, the couch luckily large enough for all five of us. I love hosting and couldn’t wait to throw a party like this when lockdown finally lifted, my smile stretches wide just at seeing my friends here in person. The couch embraces me as I sink down, planting my feet atop the coffee table in front, God I’ve forgotten how much heels hurt.

“How is our queen?” Jordan asks, lifting a frosted glass of Prosecco and offering it dramatically.

“Fabulous, like always.” I take the glass, clinking our glasses before brushing away some confetti that’s taken residence atop my black and white checked corset. Embroidered with my favorite Blood red hearts.

Jordans smiles wide, his Mad hatter makeup crinkling at the movement, adding to its authenticity. He pats Bridgets head who sighs and leans up from her position laid across his lap, mock purring all the way, perfectly at home in her Cheshire cat costume.

“Oh, thy highness is certainly fabulous, indeed!” She tents her fingers together like a scheming cartoon villain. “But, Tori, you’re a bit crooked.” Her quick fingers slide a fallen lock of my chestnut hair behind my ear before reaching up to straighten my plastic crown.

“Thanks, darling” I wink, giving her an affectionate scratch behind the ear. She giggles falling back into Jordans lap who in turn envelopes her a giant bear hug. How disgustingly sweet.

“Aren’t you two past the honeymoon phase yet? Shouldn’t you be sharing sexless silence somewhere?” I jab, admiring the curve of Bridgets backside as she leans to kiss her boyfriend.

“Don’t be jealous.” She says over her shoulder, “There’s plenty of entertainment tonight, go mingle. Instead of ‘off with their heads!” You should get some head instead.” Her slow, drunken wink almost makes me spit out my drink, chuckling to myself.

“Oh sure, I’ll go mingle only to end up with some half-drunk slob, pawing at my junk like an idiot, finish in two seconds and then expect an applause. That’s a hard pass.”

I say as a glazed-eyes Joker stumbles by, leering at me before I warn him off with a flip of the bird.

“Yes, our fair queen has no time for mere peasants!”

“In-fucking-deed!” I swallow the last of my drink, placing the glass upside down on the table. Hopefully, it will leave a water ring.

“Well, good thing I bought a little extra entertainment for the night!” Bridget literally leans over backward, struggling to get something she’s stashed behind the couch. A little wiggling and it comes loose, the box falling open to vomit its contents all over. “Ugh, whoops. Anyway, behold! The unknown!” She laughs fanning herself with the ouija board, it’s cheap, plastic sheen shining in the strobe lights.

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