The Halloween party

I wrote a short story based on a rp prompt I had for a halloween party/ virgin sacrifice. I got a little carried away and wrote several pages in a word document so I figured I would share it. Fair warning, it may be graphic for some readers. possibly not graphic enough for others. If blood is not your thing, then probaly best not to read. Trigger warning for r*pe and sorry for the grammar errors. I really should have proofread it
Katherine was busy working on her pumpkin and skull still life. Bobbing her head to the type o negative song playing in her earbuds. Johnny tried to get her attention by politely waving. They had talked during class a few times before. Katherine was normally shy, appearing antisocial even. She had long black hair with bangs and only ever wore black. Short in stature, standing barely over five feet tall. If Johnny’s easel was not next to hers, he would not even know she was there. But whether she knew it or not she was stunning to him. For more reasons than she would imagine. Including her baby face and aura of innocence which made her the perfect the candidate for him to ask to his friends Halloween party on Saturday night. If only she would say yes and of course was a virgin. It was not a question he could have ever asked directly but he knew she had not been in a relationship before and was not exactly the type to frequent bars or even tinder. Johnny on the other hand was much harder to miss standing at 6’3. He had beautiful green eyes and shoulder length blonde hair. A couple of piercings and tattoos. Very much her type. Having a spot next to him in class drove her crazy so she tried to keep to herself to avoid catching feelings.

Simply waving did not work so he more boldly tapped her shoulder. She visibly jumped and took out her ear buds. “Sorry!”, she exclaimed being embarrassed of her reaction. He smiled, slightly laughing at her. “It’s okay… Your painting is turning out well. So expressive.” His complement made her blush. “Thank you. It is not as realistic as I would like it. I am jealous of painters who have that skill.” She glanced over at his painting realizing that she also complemented him as his was more realistic. “No. It is boring. I’m boring. But anyway, I was wondering if you would be interested in going to a costume party with me on Saturday night?” It was hard to hide the surprise on her face. A party with a sweet, cute guy or watching the crow with her cat? Admittedly a tough decision. But this was a relatively rare opportunity compared to the number of nights she has spent watching movies with her cat. “Ummm. I actually do not have a Halloween costume. But I am sure I can come up with something. So, yes.” “Awesome! It will be a lot of fun. I will pick you up around 8.” Of course, the fun will not be had by her.

Katherine did not have the time or money to bother buying a costume. Luckily, she had an all-black wardrobe at her disposal to create a vampire costume. She wore a black brocade corset with a long black skirt and an intricate bat shaped necklace to distract from her chest a little. She did not have fangs but wore dark makeup and drew veins under her eyes to make herself look like a thirsty vampire. He wore a grim reaper costume which was rather fitting as he was leading her to a less than savory fate. He pulled up to her apartment and she got in his car. “You look amazing. And you said you did not have a costume.” She laughed a little. “Yeah, I really did not. My wardrobe just lends itself well to Halloween.”

The house was decorated in full macabre. One would just assume that it would be normal Halloween decorations. But they would be wrong. Parts of the skeleton had been replaced with real human bones. And none of the blood was fake. They stepped up to the door. “Are you sure your up for this?”, he asked with a smile on his face. “Yes. A little socialization would be good for me. Unless you and your friends are actually serial killers?” Serial killers? Of course not. Some of them had killed. But she was the prized virgin on the night. There might be some horror in her future, but she was safe from death. “No. Well, I’m not anyway. John wears the same scream mask every year. And I cannot promise there won’t be a Jason or a Freddy.” “Ah, okay. At least some you aren’t then.” He gently led her inside with a hand on the back of her neck. She was intensely aware of his hand on her. But did not say anything for fear of appearing standoffish. The hallway was dimly lit with red LED lights. Spooky, but fitting for the party. They could hear chatter and the boom of a base. The kitchen was set up with drinks and food. “Would you like to grab a drink before heading downstairs?”, he asked. “Yes.”, she was happy at the chance for booze to take off the edge as she could already feel the butterflies knotting in her stomach from social anxiety. He grabbed two cups and filled them with a booze filled punch. He gave her one of the cups and then they walked down to the basement.

There was a table with more punch and jello shots. The basement was also lit with red lights and some Halloween string lights. There were couches against each wall for seating and a mattress in one of the corners. It was kind of cold and smelled like booze, sweat, and mold. It felt nice for Katherine to stay next to Johnny. He was warm and smelled like pines. The music sounded like something that might play at a goth club which was good for her. Thankfully it also was not that big of a party. Maybe 10 other guys and 5 other girls. There was a smaller corner wall hung with different looking torture devices. Could have been decoration for the party or maybe the owner of the house was kinky. Katherine was not one to judge. And she believed she was safe with Johnny. He introduced her to a couple of his friends and their girlfriends. They were friendly enough. Still, it was not a super great time for her. Plus, her corset was super tight which did not help her stomach knots or ability to breath. The punch was pretty strong. She was a lightweight and did not drink very often. She decided to sit down on one of the couches next to Angela. She was in an angel costume couple with her boyfriend Damon. She seemed friendly and notices Katherine did not look too well. “Are you doing alright, babe?” she asked with a friendly hand rubbing her back. “Yes. This just isn’t the most comfortable top for things like breathing.”, she replied trying to laugh. “If you want, I can loosen the strings for you a little. Might help.”, she suggested but her hands were already untying. Katherine would not normally have agreed but she felt kind of fuzzy and was more comfortable with it since Angela was also a girl. Katherine wrapped her cloak more tightly around herself though in case the corset exposed more of her chest. “Your necklace is so pretty. Do you mind if I get a better look at it?” “Umm. Sure.” Katherine let her cloak fall a little. Angela pushed more of it out of the way and touch the necklace then let her hand fall beneath the corset. She undid one of the front metal buckles. “Wow. Your titties are so pretty. I was also thinking about getting mine pierced do they have sex so much hotter?”, she hedged. “What? No. I mean I haven’t um. I haven’t.”, Katherine stuttered. “Oh. So, you are a virgin. Our boys will be very happy about that.” Katherine laughed nervously as she tried to cover herself more. “Umm. What?”, she asked alarmed. “Just relax, baby girl. I’m sure you would breathe even better if we got your corset and skirt completely off.” “No. No!… Johnny!” She called out hoping he would help her out of this situation.

He walked over her and towered over her. “What’s wrong Katherine?”, he asked sitting down next to her. His tone had changed. Almost condescending and it seemed as though him and Angela exchanged a look. “I just feel kind of uncomfortable. I was wondering if you might take me home?”, she asked hopefully. “I don’t think we need to do that for you to feel better. You look cold. Come sit on my lap and I will keep you warm.” She shook her head not as he pulled her onto his lap anyway. She suddenly felt really vulnerable. Like she wanted to do whatever Johnny said even though she did not trust him anymore. He exchanged another look with one of his friends across the room. Two of his friends dragged the corner mattress to the center. Katherine did not know what was going on but even if it was just a couple having sex it was not something she wanted to see so she buried her face into Johnny’s chest. He leaned down and whispered in her ear, “aww. Don’t be scared. You’re the guest of honor tonight. That special mattress in the center of the room is for you. It will be much more comfortable than the concrete ground.” She couldn’t believe his words and started shivering in fear. He grabbed a fistful of her hair and made her look up at him. “Come on. Don’t be rude. Be a good girl and lay on the mattress.” Her eyes widened.

“NO! please,” she begged. He laughed and stood as he picked her up. He walked over to the dingy mattress and dropped her on it. Everyone crowded around them in a circle. “No, please. Please don’t kill me.”, she cried. He crouched down in front of her and wiped her tears. “Kill you? No, baby girl. I could never kill you. That’s not how we use our virgin sacrifices… besides your face is much too pretty for that.”, he said as he took a knife out of his pocket and dragged it along the side of her face catching some more tears. He licked them off the knife. “Mmm. Salty.” He placed the knife back on her face and dragged it down her neck and then to her chest. He paused before making a cut on her left boob, causing her to bleed. He licked the blood off her breast and then ripped the rest of her corset off. “Please! Stop!”, her screams did nothing to help her. He just laughed at her. They all did. Two of the other girls came over. One pinned her wrists above her head and the other covered her mouth while Johnny carved an inverted pentagram into her stomach. When he was done, he flipped her over on to the mattress so there would be a pentagram blood stain on it. The girls held her down again and he stood up. And put a boot on her head to muffle her cries into the mattress. “You pathetic little thing. Like crying will help.” One of the girls continued to hold her wrists down while the other pulled off her skirt, panties, and tights. She then pulled her hips back so that she was in a puppy pose position. He then pulled down his pants and she began screaming louder. He got down behind her and reached his arm underneath her stomach to get her blood on his fingers. He smeared it over her clit. He pushed his fingers into her cunt, using her own blood as lube. Then he took out his long hard dick and began raping her with it. She screamed and thrashed about. The other girls had to try hard to hold her down. And it hurt tremendously. It was easier for her to focus on the pain from the cuts on her abdomen rather than the dick forcing itself into her. She stopped fighting so hard by the end. But was still shaking and screaming. He took more blood and lubricated his dick before raping her ass hole. Afterwards the girls held her up as he raped her throat. He came in her cunt, her ass, and her throat.

“If it was not for all of the screaming you would have been such a good girl.” He towered over her, and she hugged onto his legs trembling. Just whispering please over and over again. He pets her head. “I’m sorry little one, but you are not done yet.” His words completely lacked empathy. “But if you beg, I might let you suck on my cock to soothe yourself while my friends use you, Okay, baby?” She caved pathetically. “Yes. Yes. Please let me suck on your cock. Just don’t leave me.” He laughed at her. “Okay. Little one.” She licked, nuzzled, and sucked his cock while his friends degraded her and raped her cunt and her ass. The girls would suck her clit and pull at her titties. Several of the guys used her as a human ash tray and put their cigarettes out on her and blew smoke in her face. After they all had their share, they just laughed at her. And left her tied up on the mattress in case they got bored later in the evening. They stayed there overnight.

In the morning Johnny untied her and carried her upstairs. Angela and another girl helped shower her and clean her up. They wiped off her blood and smeared makeup, she was in a lot of pain. Barely able to walk. She was given an oversized hoodie and pair of panties to wear. Johnny took her back to his place. Even after all the things they did to her it did not feel right to leave her alone. He felt responsible for her now. Like he owned her. And she did not want to be alone. And suddenly craved his touch and attention. She even wanted him to hurt her again. Her loss of virginity ended up being a far more special night than she ever imagined and changed her sexuality forever.
