Into the Wilderness…

You enter the forests of Ingmery, not knowing exactly which direction you need to go. The dense, hot, and warm climate oppresses you, but a strange and constant magical presence occupies your mind at every step.

The dense vegetation and tall trees allow little sunlight to pass through the leaves, giving the forest a somewhat shady air even during the day.

You know you have nowhere to start other than to let some orc come up to defeat you, and look for information. You assume that tribal people would be poorly equipped, having only the will and not the proper equipment to win a fight.

As you walk, hear the sound of footsteps quickly approaching, and hold your sword waiting for what’s coming. In a few moments, you see a paddle heading your way, and manage to jump to the side at the last second, avoiding the initial blow.

Hah, shit… I could have sworn this would hit… A male orc shows up, proudly stalking the combat ax. He wears simple rags and a few leather gear for protection.

Well, you’ll be a good challenge, human! He adopts a serious expression and begins the first real combat of your life against an enemy who intends to enslave you, or worse. You maintain posture and focus, brandishing your sword and stepping into it.

It’s a chance you can get information out of an orc, but knowing it can be ominous at best. He drops to his knees, and you aim your sword at him, giving him a serious look, but you stop your hand before actually injuring him to death. Now tell me what exactly your tribe wants, and where you are hiding.

Combat starts with the orc pressing against you. He tries to hit with the big rustic combat ax, not bothering to avoid a possible attack from you. Although you’re not used to it, you can see the pattern of his attacks as the battle progresses.

*Sound of weapons colliding* You realize the serious vulnerability in this combat style, and finally manage to hit the orc’s right leg, causing him to fall to his knees.

… Alright, give up. You point the sword at him, but realize that he just glares at you, rising right away.

To give up? TO GIVE UP!? He becomes enraged and seems to ignore the pain of the wound, pressing back against your posture. Hit after hit, you try to avoid it as much as possible, but you still can’t avoid some bruises.

Enough! You take advantage of a moment of his fatigue, hitting the sword on his right shoulder, aiming at a non-vital point. You don’t want to kill him as you need information. Aahhhh! He touches the sword as you force it against him, seeing the red blood running down the blade. Soon, the orc drops to his knees again, but this time, without the energy to continue.

You… *Press the blade* Surrender. You are also tired after fighting, but realize that in the end, this was easier than you thought. The purely aggressive posture of the orcs is also a huge weakness.

R-RIGHT! I give up, what- Ahhh… Shit, just kill me! He looks at you, humiliated and defeated, but you soon know what you need to do.

Where is your tribe? What is the reason for the attacks on the city? Is your leader ordering this? After a few questions, you just look at him for an answer.

He growls at you but doesn’t respond at first, just thinking for several seconds. He knew he was in no condition to fight anymore, but he could barely support himself on his ax to keep himself upright. I’m a warrior, you won’t get any information from me, human. You can kill me if you want, go ahead, I’ll die with honor. He gives a determined look, and you can assume that orc warriors are pretty stubborn.

Would you rather die and leave your home unprotected than just give a few words? I’m trying to figure out what’s going on here, why the attack on Ingmery in the first place. He doesn’t say anything else, and you realize you can’t get anything out of him, it could be stupidity or courage, perhaps he is more afraid of what might happen to him if he says than death at your hands. Giving him an annoyed look, you let him go. All right, go. You guard your sword, letting the fallen orc escape.

This might be more work than I thought, what’s going on anyway?

You feel enough energy to risk a little more, without going too deep into the forest, for now. Leaving the orc behind, you look for another opponent. Although they are tough, you assume that eventually one of them will be able to say what you need.

Your body is still under the adrenaline effects of the last fight when after a few minutes, you see an orc female appear in front of you. Like the male you defeated, green skin, yellow eyes, and black hair.

Hmm… Human… I thought you guys ran away and never come back… She smiles mischievously in your direction, thinking you’re just easy prey to steal or enslave.

As of today, you are my new toy! She grabs the combat ax in one hand. Wearing simple leather robes, you find yourself in yet another unavoidable combat.

The female orc’s combat mode is just like your previous opponent, aggressive and focused on attack. You can almost handle combat at will, managing to focus enough on it to avoid more of the damage it tries to do you.

Shit… Why… You… DON’T FALL!? She looks more and more irritated as the battle progresses, and she realizes she won’t be able to beat you. You don’t want to hurt this beauty, however aggressive she is beautiful in her way. An exotic beauty, with a slightly toned lean body, and despite her furious expression, a cute face.

When she gathers her strength and attempts a fatal blow, you manage to block it, throwing the ax away from her and disarming this warrior. Shit! Pointing your sword at her neck, she seems to surrender.

… Ahh… Okay, human… I surrender. She gives an annoyed expression, frustrated at having lost the fight. Defeat is a heavy humiliation for orcs.

You repeat the questions you asked with the previous orc, but feel that you will get the same answers. For some reason, despite the injuries to her body after the fight, she blushes intensely while she listens to you, with lust barely contained in her eyes. Okay, mate, you beat me… Shit talking enough… Now, let’s make this more fun, for both of us!

She undresses quickly, exposing her feminine-toned body. The hardened nipples reinforce the image of a female craving for some fun, while she puts the rags to the side, and begins to caress her cunt. What the hell you’re waiting for!? Come here, and fuck me!

The female orc falls with her back to you, unable to keep her balance after combat, and after several bruises on her body. However, she doesn’t show any expression of pain but frustration. Okay, now let’s talk, I need to know a few things about your people. You aim your sword at the fallen orc, but she gives you a wry smile. Oh, human, do you think I’m going to betray my people? If you want to kill me, go ahead. I know it’s better to die in your hands than… She pauses for a moment, looking to the side, and pondering something that makes her expression fall even more.

She won’t speak if it means she fears what will happen to her if she does. But her silence can give you some information like an orc would rather die at your hands than simply give you some information. What’s going on there…? You ponder, but then she looks at you, and the look of sudden lust comes to her face. Heh, you’re pretty strong, aren’t you? What do you think of… Leaving combat aside, and having fun?

She touches your sword, in a slow gesture, but she no longer intends to fight, only to fuck. You defeated me, it’s only fair that I serve you, just a little. She bites her bottom lip, despite her injuries in combat, she wants to fuck.

Come on, take off your clothes, and stay all fours for me. I want to see this butt. You approach her, touching her hips gently, but assertively command the defeated female orc’s next actions. Yeah, hope this is a good fuck… She notices your hardened dick under your clothes, and blushes as she starts to undress, quickly taking off her rags, so the few pieces of leather armor she was wearing are in the floor, and she hovers in front of you, totally naked. C breasts, perky, hardened nipples, feminine hips, slim body and tones, what is expected of a warrior.

Now, just obey, and I’ll give you what you deserve. She smiles at you before mentioning it. I like when my opponent is dommy… Claim your prize, human. You deserved it. She kneels, and then she lifts her butt, while you kneel, taking off your gear, piece by piece, and when you expose your penis, already hard as iron, she doesn’t resist and touches it, analyzing your body.

She smiles warmly unable to take her eyes off your cock, and grabs it with both hands before starting to lick, lubricating your sex gear for the oncoming fuck. Heh, you got a nice cock there, human.

You let her do this, getting a taste of you for a few moments as she strokes her pussy with her other hand. You can start to smell the female in heat, due to the proximity to the female orc, a natural scent, and a little difficult to describe, something very characteristic of the orcs. A couple of minutes later, you don’t feel like waiting anymore, and you command her again. All fours, it’s time for me to have this pussy. She immediately obeys, knowing it would be futile to resist you.

Come on, start this, I’m ready… She smiles at you, giving you a sultry look as she lifts her butt, and opens her labia with her fingers, showing her vagina, greenish skin on the outside, thicker on the inside, wet, with a few small drops while you look at it. You grab her hips while aligning your penis at the entrance to the love hole, and sink it in without feeling any resistance. Her pussy is almost completely comfortable and holds your penis well, except at the end, where you need to exert some force to finish stretching, fitting her vagina to your penis, and finally reaching the sensitive cervix, eliciting a high-pitched moan of pleasure from her. Aahhh! *Wet thrust*

You can see that she enjoys pain and pleasure in equal measure, and starts thrusting. She just stays in the same position, submissively and obediently, until you’re done with her body, but getting as much pleasure as you do. With each thrust she moans in pleasure, each time you enter and exit, again pressing against her cervix, you feel the hot, wet vaginal walls pressing against your penis, trying to regain the original space, but to no avail. You fuck her for a few minutes, without stopping thrust, causing the wet fucking sound and animalistic moans of pleasure from both of you to echo through the forest, temporarily replacing the sound of birds, and the wind whipping the leaves of the trees. Do not stop! Aahh… That’s… Hmm… So fucking GOOD!

She squeals in satisfaction, and as heat and sweat builds on both of your bodies, you feel the climax approaching both of them, not knowing who’s going to cum first, though you have a golden rule, “lady always cum first”, and even with an orc female, this would be no different. You start pressing deeper and deeper, grabbing her breasts, and kissing her neck, stimulating multiple sensitive areas at the same time, this gradually, after just a couple more minutes, makes her come.

Yeassshhhhhhhh… Cumming!!! Hahhhh! I should have fucked humans- Oohhh! Before! Her little pussy tightens fiercely around your penis, and you do your best to keep it as deep in her as possible, feeling as for several seconds the femcum jets trickle out, wetting your skin. Now it’s my turn, ugh… You let it go while she’s still finishing her cum, she looks at you with a satisfied look but still containing pure lust. Do… Give me everything you’ve got, breed me!

She presses her body against yours, giving a receptive signal to you, and you give what she wants, letting the orgasm take over your intensely pulsing body, your cock hardens completely before the hot jets begin to spurt into her, directly against her cervix, renewing her orgasm, and emanating pleasure for both of them.

Aahhh… You breathe heavily, feeling the intense pleasure, as you ejaculate, the vaginal walls still press against your penis, with it your mind goes blank, and as you cum pump into it, soon a little bit of that starts gushing out. So hot… Aahhh, give me everything you’ve got! *cum pump* Oohhh!

Both remain connected for a few more especially long moments until the end when you and she run out of energy, and the orgasm ends, leaving you both exhausted. Ahhh… *gasps* Shit… I still feel your seed cum inside me. If you… are lucky, this will work. Heh She smiles warmly, but the fuck is over, and tired as she gets up, she puts on her rags again, before deciding to leave, still with a trickle of jizz oozing out of her cunt, and femfluids flowing down her skin. Hope to see you again, human.

Hey guys, this is a small part of my game, Love and Corruption. I am adding this to the story format, but I ask for patience, English is not my native language, although I always try to do my best!

If anyone is interested in this, there is a public version of the game on my networks.

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