A Coffee Date – [MF] [Spanking] [BDSM]

***Inspired by a texting session. Thank you to my sexy coffee companion for allowing me to enjoy her.***

They had met at a local coffee shop the previous week after messaging back and forth online.

Their first coffee date went well, continuing their online conversations about their interests, lives, and work.

Eventually the subject of dreams, hopes, and fantasies up.

He enjoyed being in charge and teasing women who were up for playing his games.

She enjoyed being a play toy and putting herself on display.

After the revelation they could have some fun, he suggested their next coffee date be at his place on the condition she makes the coffee.

She was game.


About a week later he was sitting in what he called the sitting room at his home.

Not much was in the room other than a small table, two comfortable chairs on either side of the table, and a large dresser.

Sitting there he played in his mind the number of ways that afternoons coffee date might take.

The ring of the doorbell broke him from his train of thought.

Rising to his feet he moved out of the sitting room, down the hall, and to the front door.

Opening the door, she stood in her lightly colored summer dress, looking as beautiful as she did the last time he saw her.

He had requested she wear a dress similar to the one she wore to their first date, which would give him options in the event the coffee date turned into a play date.

They happily greeted each other and he invited her in asking that she remove her heels.

Guiding her down the hall, he stopped about half-way and turned facing her.

“This is the kitchen” signaling to the doorway.

“Are you still interested in being my coffee girl this afternoon?” he asked coolly referring to her offer of making him coffee on their previous date.

“I most certainly am.” she replied smiling with excitement in her voice.

“Very good. You’ll find a fresh bag of coffee on the counter along with a grinder, two individual pour over brewers, filters, and electric kettle. Once you’re finished I’ll be waiting in my sitting room at the end of the hall on the left. Understood?” He locked eyes with her awaiting her confirmation of the directions he gave her.

“Understood.” She replied confirming she understood the directions.

He looked her over, slightly smiled at the thought of what’s to come then walked down the hall.

She went to work in the kitchen heating the water, grinding the beans and setting the equipment up to make their coffee.

He eased himself into his chair in the sitting room, listening to the sounds of the kettle whistling, beans being ground, and liquids being poured from the kitchen.

Shortly after he heard her light footsteps and the sounds of the coffee cups and small containers for milk and sugar slightly rattling on the tray as she made her way down the hall.

Upon seeing her in the doorway his lips curled up in a slight smile.

He motioned for her to come into the room and have a seat in the empty chair.

She makes her way towards him and placed the tray on the table then took a seat in the empty chair.

They chatted for a bit, catching up since their last meeting, and discussed other pleasantries.

As his coffee cup was almost empty he looked at her and asks if she’s ready to discuss the rules of the game they discussed on playing today.

“Yes” she replied.

She was ready and willing to play with him.

“Good, then lets talk about some items to make sure that we are on the same page and ensure that we both have an enjoyable time” he said gently.

“The rules are for us both to follow. You are to follow my directions, I will only touch you with a crop while we play, afterwards I will offer you any aftercare that you may need such as hugging, petting, verbal reassurance and if you want anything to eat or drink. I will administer pain to your lower body and will require to you being nude from the waist down. You are not to touch yourself or orgasm unless directed to. I will remain clothed at all times. Finally and most importantly if either of us say ‘November’ the game stops.” He paused waiting to see her reaction and if she had anything to say.

“Do you have any questions or would like to make any changes to the rules or continue our conversation without playing. It will not change my thoughts about you.” he added.

She took a moment to think and review the rule in her head while actually pleased that he was laying them out so they both knew their roles and what to expect.

After making sure she was ok with things, she nodded and said she agreed to the rules of the game.

“Splendid” he replied to her agreement of the rules.

“Are you ready to begin the game?” he asked as she was taking the last sip of her coffee.

“Yes, I am ready to begin.” she answered.

He finished his coffee and placed it back down on the tray.

“Now, I want you to clear the table and make me another cup of coffee. Both cups are to be washed. Yours will be put away and mine will be refilled. Before you leave the kitchen you’re to remove your panties, fold them facing upwards, then place them on the tray next to my cup of coffee. Now off you go my little coffee girl.” he leaned back into the chair as he finished, sending her on her way to complete her task.

She made her way back to the kitchen as she was told, washed both cups, then dried them with a dish towel.

Carefully she placed one cup away in the cupboard and placed the other back on the tray.

At this time she reached under her dress and pulls her panties down taking them off.

Holding them in her hands she folded them placing them nicely on the tray next to the empty cup.

Next she filled the kettle and turned it on so as to not let her coffee date be kept waiting.

Retrieving the bag of coffee beans, she pours some into the grinder to grind.

The vibrating buzz of the device made her think of her wand at home and how wonderful it feels against her sex while at home in bed.

Thinking of playing with her wand started turning her on and she could feel herself getting wetter between her legs.

She snapped out of it when the kettle started singing letting her know the water was ready.

Pouring the ground beans into the filter of the pour over device, then hot water over it ever so slowly to make sure not to make a mess, she waited.. her pussy getting wetter as the seconds passed.

Watching the last of the coffee drip into the cup, she crossed her legs making sure she didn’t drip onto the floor leaving a mess of her own.

“How are you doing over there?” a voice called from down the hall.

“Almost ready, sir!” She blurted out naturally appending the sir.

“Good girl.” the voice replied.

She poured the coffee into the cup making sure not to splash any on her panties that rest next to the cup.

How she wished she had them on right now to catch the increasing wetness building up between her legs.

Leaving some room in the cup accounting for the liquid to sway as she returned to the room she exited the kitchen and returned to the sitting room.

Placing the tray on the table next to him she asked “Is there anything else you’d like me to do?”

“I want you to go stand in the middle of the room, legs spread shoulder width apart, facing away from me, no looking back or talking unless spoken to.” he said as he reached for the cup of coffee and took a sip.

She blushed and did as she was told.

Walking to the middle of the room she stood and spread her legs shoulder width apart… waiting.

He sat back sipping his coffee while admiring her.

“Bend over, hike up your dress, and be still so I can admire your ass.” his words breaking the silence of the room before taking another sip.

She did as she was told, grabbing the fabric at the hip and pulling it up slowly revealing her ass to him and feeling her pussy get wetter knowing he’s watching her.

She stood there for what seems like hours until she heard the cup being placed on the tray and creak of the chair as he stood up.

He stood straightening the creases of his clothing and walked to the dresser that was against the wall of the room.

Sliding open the top drawer it revealed a collection of riding crops neatly displayed.

Inspecting each of the implements with his eyes, he took hold of the top most one.

It was his favorite, part riding crop part cane.

The body was much like any other crop, but the end was a slightly curved piece of leather wrapped around a thin cane.

He walked over to his subject, stood behind her letting the anticipation and her wetness build.

Silently he moved the tool into place and began lightly tapping on the inside of her right thigh above the knees, slowly working his way up to her pussy, then back down the other leg making an upside down U shape.

Inspecting his work he allowed her to catch her breath and enjoy the sounds she made while recovering.

Seeing her inner thighs blossom to a nice pink color and approving of his work, he focuses his attention to her ass.

He worked her bottom slowly tapping the crop against her soft flesh.

Slowly he increased the taps in tempo and intensity.

She lets out gentle moans and whimpers as her ass was worked.

The crop stopped and she felt relief as the crop caressed her rear ever so gently.

He walked back to the dresser and returned the crop to it’s place then walked to his chair.

Sipping more of the coffee he examines his work.

With the cup resting in his lap he commanded “Take your hand and feel how wet you are, you may gently rub your lips but are forbidden from touching your clit, fingering yourself or having an orgasm.”

She took her free hand not holding her dress up and began to slide her fingers over her slickness, enjoying the pressure of her fingers against her lips.

He continues to drink from his cup as she made sweet noises playing with herself as he watched.

Finishing the coffee, he gets up making his way back to the dresser.

At the dresser he selects the second crop on displayed in the drawer, a more standard one with a flat end.

She hears him walking back towards her, bare ass and rubbing herself trying to maintain a balance of pleasure and not orgasming.

The new crop taps on the back of her thighs slowly and gently alternating between each thigh in a hypnotic rhythm to which she subconsciously matches to her finger rubbing in-between her lips.

Back and forth, back and forth in unison with the beat of the crop across her lips.

She lets out a deep moan as the mixture of pain and pleasure envelopes her.

The crop makes its way up her legs again making contact with her ass now at a faster rate and intensity.

He watches as her ass reddens and listens to her moan more with every strike.

“We’ll have to muffle you another day for fun and see how that pretty mouth of yours looks kept open…. we’ll also see what drips more, your mouth or pussy. You may rub your clit and finger yourself.” he commands.

He listens to her moaning, gasp, and the audible slickness of her fingers working her clit all in an erotic symphony mixed with the sound of the crop making contact with her reddening and tender flesh.

He moved the crop from her ass to her inner thighs again giving each one a tap while making his way up to join her fingers to help tease her lips and clit with the crop.

“Seems someone is enjoying herself. I want you to finish yourself and show me how beautiful you sound and look when you cum.” he says while lightly tapping her pussy with the crop.

She works her fingers concentrating on her clit, swirling, pressing, and pinching. She cries out each time the crop hits her pussy lips and she cums. Hard. Her body shuddering in pleasure as she fights to keep her balance.

“Looks like I know how to make this good girl moan in all the right wonderful ways. You’re such a good girl cumming for me.” he praises her a she orgasms.

“You may sit down now.” he says as he retrieves a blanket from the dresser laying the crop on top of it.

“Would you like me to hold you while you recover?” he asks her while as she takes a seat.

She nods up and down.

“You were so good and so beautiful for doing what I said while enjoying you.” he says as he joins her on the floor wrapping her in the blanket.

He holder her tightly and then whispers in her ear how wonderful she is for letting herself go and how strong she is.

She snuggles into him as he whispers into her ear.

“Thank you for the wonderful time and I enjoyed it very much.” she says after a bit of silence then giving him a kiss on the cheek with a smile.

They sit on the floor, him holding her as they softly talk about the fun they shared and she shares how good her orgasm felt from being taken in hand by him.

Source: reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/qhh4w9/a_coffee_date_mf_spanking_bdsm


  1. First time posting erotica or story online. Any and all feed back is appreciated.

    Thank you for taking the time to read it.

  2. Roo. Roo, Roo, Roo…Roo! This is so very well done, each detail exquisitely thought out. Who knew coffee could be so damn sexy? I look forward to reading more from you.

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