College Struggles [M4M] [chastity belt] [light BDSM]


**Part 1**
“Hey bro!” heard from behind my back. It was Denis, my college roommate. He was walking towards me with his friend. Kris I think. We were at a party a few weeks back. They both approached me and sat next to me on a bench. I was working on my economy assignment so I closed my laptop and started to chat with them.
Few minutes in, Dennis asked me “Hey, do you remember last Wednesday when I left for work and you were alone in our flat?”
“I do,” I replied.
“Well…” he continued. “I forgot my phone and went back to grab it. You had to take a leak or something, because you were not there. But your laptop was, with some pictures of yours.”
Fuck. I started blushing and got nervous. They were both watching me with a gleeful smile.
“I copied those pictures” he continued when I was rendered speechless. “And if you don’t want to find it anonymously leaked on the campus Facebook, you better have this on when you get home in the evening.”. Then he gave me a plastic bag with a box inside.
“D-Denis..” I stuttered. But before I had a chance to talk myself out of it, both him and Kris stood up and left. I heard them laughing when they turned the corner.
My heart was beating fast and I was kinda panicking. I took the box out of the bag and opened it. There was a metal chastity cage inside. Exactly the same as I had in the picture they copied from my computer. There was a small, opened padlock, but no key.
I left for my lectures, but could not really focus on listening. My mind was always drifting towards the black box in my backpack. I got hard several times during the day. It was one of my fantasies getting real. Apart from that, I definitely did not want the entire campus to see my naked photo with my dick locked in a cage. I didn’t have many options. And I needed to get home at some point, where Denis would be waiting.
It was getting dark and I was on my fifth round around the park, trying to think. Fuck, fuck, fuck!! I thought to myself, went to the campus restrooms and closed myself in one of the stalls.I pulled the chastity out of its box and put it on my dick. I was so nervous I didn’t even get hard, so it was less of a struggle than I anticipated. With deep breath and soft “click” I secured the padlock in its place.
“Hey” said Denis when he saw me locking the front door. Not acting any differently. I just greeted him back and went straight to my room.
I was just lying on my bed about an hour later when the doors from my room opened and Denis walked in. “Hey! Can you fucking knock?!” I shouted. He just looked at me and said camly “Stand up, now”. I was a little shocked but obeyed.
He approached me and put his hand on my dick. He was visibly pleased that he felt hard metal instead of my soft dick.
“Good bitch” he said and slapped me on my face. Not too hard but I definitely felt that. I didn’t dare to complain. Then he reached into his pocket and pulled out a small key.
“This here says I don’t need to knock” he laughed. “Rules in this house change boy. From now on I can walk in anytime I want and when I do so, you will drop anything you are doing and report for inspection. Just like now. Understood?”
I just nodded and looked at the ground.
“Good. If you want this key back, you will do as I say for the next week. If I am satisfied you will be unlocked. If not, you will stay locked for another week.”. The tone of his voice changed, he sounded cold and cruel. But he wasn’t done. “The second key from your dick has Kris. So the same rules apply to him too. If you feel like he is stepping over the line, you will come to me. However if he decides that you stay locked, I won’t overrule him. So you better please him too.”
When he was done talking he put the key back to his pocket and left the room. Before he closed the door he looked at me and smiled as he saw my giant bulge. My raging hard dick struggling against the cage.
When he closed the door I fell on the bed behind me and grabbed the chastity. I was trying to relieve myself, but it was no use… The cage was doing a good job.

**Part 2**

The chastity kept me awake half of the night. I was thinking about what he might want from me for the next day. And that got me hard every time. I wanted to jerk off so bad but instead of my dick I just felt a cold metal cage.
In the morning Denis barged into my room while I was getting ready for school. I had recalled his instruction to wait for inspection so I stood next to my bed and waited. He was shirtless. His body was toned and well cared for. Not skinny but with just the right amount of muscles. Smooth skin without any hair. And a six pack…
“Good morning boy,” he said. “Slept well?”
“I can’t really say, Denis,” I replied. The cage is a little small for me.
“Well you know where I got the inspiration from. So it’s really your problem now.” he said. “Show it to me.”
I was a little nervous, but pulled the chastity out of my pants. He grabbed it in his hand and played with my balls. I was immediately starting to get hard. Then he slapped my balls hard enough for me to flinch.
“Get on your knees and hands behind your back,” he said. I had his crotch directly in my eye line. I could have seen an outline of his cock under the sweatpants he was wearing. And it was getting bigger.
He continued “I was so horny in the morning I had to jerk off. I came on my abs. I cleaned it with a towel, but I want you to clean it properly. So lick it off.” When I was hesitating he pulled out his phone and showed me the picture of myself. “Or do you want this to get out?”
I felt powerless. He was blackmailing me, but for some reason I was fucking loving it. If only I could I would blow a load by just touching my dick. So horny I was. With my hands still behind my back I started to do what he said. He was sweaty and I could feel the taste in my mouth. His sweatpants were hanging low, just above his dick. I started there and slowly found my way upwards. I felt every movement of his muscles. He was breathing fast. I felt his rock hard dick pressing against my body. When I got up to his nipples he let out a quiet moan, but then told me to stop.
“Stand up,” he said. He grabbed my dick again, squeezing my balls. “You are such a good fag! When I get home in the evening I expect all the chores in the house will be done.” And with that he left the room. I heard his car in the driveway a few minutes later. I was alone with my still hard locked dick.
Later that day I got home early and did the chores. It wasn’t a big house so it did not take that much time luckily. Denis got home a few hours later. This time with Kris.
“We got you dinner. Hope you like chinese.” they said when they saw me. I was genuinely surprised. We went on with the evening. Watched a game on TV and I got to know Kris a bit better. After a few beers the atmosphere changed.
“I want to see that chastity of yours” said Kris suddenly. I looked at Denis, but his face was all “go on, what are you waiting for”. So I stood up and pulled it out.
“You should have seen him in the morning” said Dennis and they both burst into laughter. “Put your pants off for the rest of the evening,” said Kris. It was humiliating, but I had no choice but to obey. Nothing special really happened after that. I was asked to fetch some more beer and serve them chips. They would laugh at my junk and play with it when they got more drunk.
Before Kris left he told me “Denis gave me your phone number and we have some class together tomorrow. We will have fun. You better answer your phone when I call. Oh and I don’t want you to wear any underwear tomorrow.”
“I am going to bed” said Denis when the door closed. Clean it up here.

**Part 3**

I woke up several times a night with random bones struggling against the chastity and my morning wood woke me up over an hour sooner than my usual alarm. On the second day I was starting to get a bit sleep deprived. Luckily it was Friday so I can get some sleep tomorrow.
Denis was already gone when I got out of bed. Probably had one of the early classes. So I just took a shower and left for school.
All went well until after lunch. I was just going to my psychology class when I got a text from Kris: “find a free desk at the far left of the hall”. It was a giant lecture hall for up to 300 people. When I entered it was about half full and about to start so I did not expect more to arrive. I took the turn and sat as instructed. Two rows in front of me were empty. In the next minute Kris joined me.
“Hey bro” he greeted me. “Two nights in chastity, I bet you are pretty horny right now”.
“Yeah…” I responded quietly.
“Good” he said, reached into his pocket and pulled out the key. Then he put it on the table in front of me. I was expecting a lot of things, but not this.
He saw my surprised face, grinned gleefully and said “You can use it as you like. Jerk off if you feel like it. Just one condition… you are not allowed to leave the room. Once the lecture is over, the cage will be back on and I`ll take the key.”
With that his hand slid towards my crotch. He played with it for a minute or two. It did not take much to get me hard and super horny again. When the professor entered the hall he stood up and went to join his friends that just happened to sit about five meters to my right. The key was still lying where he put it.
Shit. I was so horny I would fuck a hole in a fence if I could. The lecture started. It was quiet, except for the professor talking. When he took a break to switch a presentation slide, you could almost hear a pin falling on the floor. If I tried to open a metal chastity cage, somebody would hear for sure.
It was torture. I had the key so close and couldn’t use it. I wanted to cum so badly, but the risk of getting caught was just too big. About an hour into the lecute I got a message on my phone. It was a short, ten seconds long video of somebody, probably Kris, jerking off and cumming hard. More texts followed:
“Felt so fucking great in the morning…”
“Go on, play with your nipples fag”
“Now bitch!”
It felt like my heart would jump from my chest. But I obeyed. My nipples were so sensitive and I got hard instantly. It felt like my dick would torn the metal cage apart. So. Fucking. Horny. After five minutes of this torture I stopped caring of somebody would saw me. I put the backpack in my lap and reached for the key.
“Put the key down. I changed my mind” was in the next message I received suddenly.
An hour and half has passed and the class is over. As promised, Kris came over and took the key. He didn’t even need to check if the cage was still on. Bulge in my pants was very visible.
He just said “Denis and I are leaving for the weekend. He will be back home on Sunday evening. Until then you are free to do whatever”.
With that he left me there horny and desperate. I was sitting and pretending to edit my notes as the hall got empty. I couldn’t get up. My dick was still trying to find its way out of the chastity and there was no way for me to hide the gigantic bulge in my pants.

**Part 4**

The weekend was extremely long. It was raining outside so I couldn’t go out. I was home the whole time trying to keep my mind occupied. The level of horniness was getting insane. Denis was gone all weekend. If he was here, at one point I would probably go and beg him for release. He returned on Sunday evening, at around 6 PM and immediately barged into my room. Without knocking. I knew the rules, so I walked from my desk in front of my bed and waited for instruction.
“Hey fag, how was your weekend?” he asked while pulling the chastity out of my trousers. I tried not to let him know the cage was driving me mad the entire time, but the massive hard-on probably gave me off.
“You have been good so far, keep it like that for two more days and maybe you will get free.” The look on his face told me that I am not the only one horny here.
“I have plans for tonight,” he said. “Put this on.” He was handing me a leather collar. It was not too wide. I hesitated for a second, but then did what he told me. “Tighter boy!”
Then I was instructed to turn around, he approached me and I heard a soft “click”. When I reached there I felt a small lock securing the collar in its place. And same as the chastity, I had no key so I could not remove it.
“Don`t worry, it’s just for a night,” he said when saw my worried face. Then he handed me his car keys “I forgot a backpack in my car, go grab it”.
“But…” I froze. “somebody could see me” I grabbed the collar and tried to talk my way out of it.
“Everyone will see you if I have to go there myself.” he said and reminded me of my place and how I got there in the first place. “Oh and there was no space in front of the house, I had to park it at the parking lot”. That was two streets away.
It was the beginning of summer, so it was pretty hot. No scarf or hoodie. A lot of natural light still and nowhere to hide. It was a 5 minutes walk and I almost ran there. I met several people, luckily nobody was really giving me attention. Nobody familiar. So far so good. At the parking lot however I met a group of maybe five guys in their twenties. One noticed my collar, pointed at me and allerted rest of his buddies. They all started laughing. It was so humiliating. I grabbed the backpack and ran back. My heart was beating like I ran a marathon. Denis was waiting for me in the living room.
“That`s not the right backpack fag” I would swear there was just this one. When he saw a rising panic in my eyes he laughed and said “just messing with you, but you should see yourself.”
He put the bag on a sofa, approached me and grabbed my locked dick. “How did it feel?” he asked and grabbed the collar with his other hand. “Somebody saw me Denis, it was humiliating.” I answered. “Yeah… but did you enjoy it??”
“Yes, I did, Denis,” I admitted.
He pulled the collar to him and kissed me. That was a surprise. His hand slid under my underwear. He was now playing with my balls. Full and fucking sensitive. He was still holding my collar so I could not move away.
“Do you want to remind what hard dick feels like fag?” he asked after a few minutes. I just nodded. He smiled and finally stopped torturing my balls to grab my hand and steer it towards his rock hard dick.
“This is your only chance to say you want to stop, boy. Do you want to?” he asked while I was slowly jerking him off. “No sir, please continue.” I surrendered.
Instead of a response he just pulled me by the collar towards a sofa and sat on it while I was just standing there with my chastity out.
“On your knees and suck it. I want to feel both of your hands on my body for the entire time. If you take them off for just a second, you will keep the collar for the next 24 hours. You are not allowed to touch yourself!”
He immediately grabbed my head and forced me slowly deeper and deeper. I was touching his abs, playing with his nipples and balls. He didn’t give me even a small break. I was his bitch. And I was very careful not to take off my hands even when he blew his load deep into my neck. He made sure I swallow it all and lick everything off his cock.
When I looked down I saw a few drops of precum dripping from my cage.
“That was awesome fag!” he said.
“I am going to order some pizza now. Take it over when it arrives and bring it to my room.”
With that he stood up for a shower and left me there. Locked by my dick and neck.
**Part 5**

Next morning I woke up with the collar still on and secured by a lock. Yesterday I tried to ask Denis, but he made it perfectly clear he won’t take it off until the morning. I got out of the bed to look for him, but the door from his room was still shut. It was about 8am and I had class at 9am. So I needed to leave in about 45 minutes. I didn’t dare to wake him up, so I went on with my morning routine. Half an hour later Denis was still in bed and I was beginning to get nervous. There is no way I will go to school with the collar. Ten minutes later he still had not come out, so I knocked on his door. Part of me was expecting a punishment for disturbing him. No response. I knocked again and louder. Still nothing.
I opened the door. His room was messy, dirty clothes lying everywhere. I was straight up panicking as I realised Denis is not there. Fuck! I grabbed my phone and send him a text:
“Denis, where are you? You promised to remove the collar in the morning.”
I waited for about five minutes and got a reply:
“I changed my mind. I know you have just some ethics class today. You can skip that. Let’s have fun. Go to my room and follow the instructions on my desk. Text me when it’s done. Or go to school like this.”
Fuck… at the his desk was lying a small, purple butt plug with hand written note.
“Put this in, install the Lovense app on your phone and send me your nickname”. I did as instructed.
“Take off your clothes, turn the plug on and send me a confirmation photo everything is where it should be.” I still had no idea what his plan was, but I followed.
When I sent the photo and was waiting for his next message, I got another surprise instead. The plug in my ass started to vibrate. Slowly at first, but got more intense very fast. I grabbed my dick in an attempt to jerk off, but felt firm metal instead. I was leaning against the table, holding a chastity cage securing my hard dick, getting milked by a butt plug.
After 10 minutes I got another message “Feeling it fag?”.
“Yes sir, it’s very intense”. I wanted to cum so badly.
“Good, so it’s working. Instead of school you are going to tidy up my room. It will be spotless, clothes will be washed. THE PLUG STAYS IN until I tell you otherwise.”
“Yes Denis” I replied and slowly got to work. The plug was fucking me the entire time. Every time I thought I`ll get some rest it ramps up the intensity. After twenty minutes I was leaking precum. His room was a mess and took me about three hours to clean up properly.
When I was finished I lay down on the floor and started to play with my nipples, touching my body. Lower belly around just above the cage, my balls… I wanted a release badly. At one one point it felt like I could shoot a load just from the vibrations. I was so close, but it stopped just before and the sensation went off. After a minute it started again. It was a fucking torture. My dick was straining in the cage, I could not touch it and I was at the edge for a good half an hour. Then I heard the front door open. It was too soon for Denis to be home. I sure fucking hope one of his friends won`t find me here naked, just in a collar, chastity cage and plug up his ass.
“Hey boy, come here!” a voice shouted. It was Kris. He was laughing his ass off when he saw me. Without any hesitation he forced me on my knees and fucked my mouth. That was the second load I had to swallow in 24 hours. I should mention the plug was still on, gaining on intensity in a wave pattern. It was insane.
When he was done, he told me to stand up and turn around. I felt the collar to slide off. Finally.
“Thank you Kris,” I said. He just smiled, threw it on the sofa and left. I grabbed my phone and texted Denis:
“Kris was here and took the collar off. Can I remove the plug please?”
“Go to your afternoon classes. The plug stays in.” Not the answer I was hoping for.
When I got home later that day, I was exhausted. The plug was mostly off, but surprised me at the least expected moments. It was hard to hide when it turned on.
Denis was already waiting for me. “Come here fag. You missed this” he said and showed me one of his dirty boxers. Then he stuffed it in my mouth and put duct tape over it.
“Next time you will get punished a lot more. Now fuck off.” he ended the conversation.
I was hard again.

**Part 6**

It has been seven days since Denis and Kris locked my dick in a chastity cage. They promised I will get unlocked today if I follow their orders. And I did. They slowly turned me into their own personal sub to use. My body got used to the cage, but I have never been more horny in my life.
Denis was already gone when I got out of the bed. He left me no note and no key, so my only option was to go on with my day and hope he will unlock me in the morning. I could barely focus on my lectures, I was fantasizing of what I will do when dick is finally free. I was struggling against the cage all day, leaking precum hard.
When I got home, both Kris and Denis were already there. I got nervous, they were planning something for sure. Quickly I found out I was right.
“Go take a shower, put this on and come down here.” Denis told me right when he saw me and handed me the collar. I hate that thing, but I must obey, so I took it. I won’t just get unlocked. I must earn it first.
When I got down, with the collar safely secured on my neck with a small padlock, they told me to sit on the sofa. They were watching a football game on TV. I sit down in between them. Denis on the right, Kris on the left. They were not minding me until commercials.
Denis put his hand on my crotch and started to play with my locked cock and balls. Kris grabbed the collar, pulled me towards him and started to kiss me. Soon I felt both of Denise’s hands on my body, touching me gently. After a few minutes they took off my shirt. Now I was kissing Denis. Krise`s one hand was playing with my nipples. Squeezing them, gently biting them. His other hand was in my pants on my now rock hard dick. Holy fuck, it felt amazing!
I built up the courage to ask “Denis, please can you unlock me? I did everything you asked for”. He smiled and said “Not yet, fag”. I moaned in desperation.
Then they both stood up in front of me and took off their shirts. I had a perfect view on their fit, toned bodies. Their abs drawn with every move. They started to kiss each other. At that point I could have seen silhouettes of their hard dicks in sweatpants.
Denis saw my eager look and pulled me on my knees by the collar. “Hold still” he said and ran away for a second. When he returned, he stood behind me and locked my hands in handcuffs. Then he kicked my knees to force me to spread them more widely. He proceeded to stand in front of me with Kris again. They took their sweatpants, now standing there, kissing, just in their boxers. Dicks rubbing against each other. I was helpless, just watching them on my knees with locked hands and dick, waiting for my turn. And they fucking enjoyed that.
“Take it off,” said Kris while holding my head, pushing it against his boxers. I immediately grabbed it with my teeth and pulled down. His cock slapped me on my face when it got free. It was a struggle. I did the same with Denis. Then they took my pants off as well.
“He gives an amazing head” said Kris and sat on the sofa. “Go on” he nodded towards me. I crawled on my knees to him and did what he expected. I did not even notice Denis left the room, but when he got back, he was holding a lube.
Quickly I felt his dick on my ass. I could not even complain, Kris was holding my head. Denis was filling me up. I felt his dick slowly sliding inside of me. He was gentle at first, but quickly got deeper and faster. He was holding the handcuffs, pulling me towards him, not giving me a chance to escape.
Not that I wanted to. It is the best fucking of my life. We were all sweaty, breathing fast. They were rough, using both of my holes to their full potential.
After a few minutes Denis grabbed the collar and pulled me up, finally giving me breathing space. “Hey! What the fuck!” shouted Kris and grabbed his cock, slowly jerking off. Denis wanted to kiss me. He was still fucking me hard from behind and thanks to this sudden change of position he was pounding exactly my prostate. I felt my week-long load starting to build up. I don`t know who, but one of them was squeezing my balls. A minute longer and I will cum even with my dick still in the cage. It was incredible. I was so fucking close.
I noticed Kris jerking off fast, he was close too. Suddenly, he pulled me down again forcing his dick deep into my throat. I felt his load filling my mouth. He was holding me by force until he was finished. Simultaneously Denis was balls deep, pressing against the prostate, filling my ass. That was enough to push me over the edge. I felt like my dick is going to rip its cage in half as my cum forced its way out in the most intense orgasm I have ever felt. My whole body was in a spasm.
They let me enjoy it, but when it was all over, Denis said “I did not tell you you can cum faggot! Do you know what that means? One more week in chastity”
“No, no, no, please Denis, take it off!” I said, desperate.
“No.” said Kris and laughed.
They both went for the shower and left me there, still fully locked.
