You wouldn’t fuck your Dad’s friend. Would you?

Hello there. After a while, I decided to set up a new account and have some fun with a nice, naughty friend. So, despite the hours old in this account, I have already some tons of experience in RP.

For this, I’ll propose some simple and pretty casual, but you can feel free to ask for changes in subjects or characters.

So, I’m a best friend of your dad (or your boss, or the boss of your dad – or, maybe, the boss of your boyfriend). We get along so well, and as life goes on, we start get closer.

Maybe we’re in a vacation together, and then we start to get real closer, in a cabin, at night, when everyone is sleeping.

Well, you know the idea.

Hope to hear from you soon, with all your ideas, kinks and desires for this.

A warm kiss on your cheeks.
