Locker Room Secrets

I like to go to the gym late at night when no one else is there. Being a woman, you never know what kind of creeps you could be running into so I just play it safe. It’s also better for time’s sake; no one is on a machine I need at 3am.
As I begin my warm up for chest day, I notice I’m not alone tonight. To my left, standing by the dumbbell rack, I see a guy putting his head phones in. He looks to be about 6’5 with a tattoo sleeve from his right shoulder to his wrist. His skin is a warm amber color, his eyes are dark brown with thick, long lashes, and his lips are pillow soft. I immediately wonder how they would feel pressed against me, running up and down my warm clit and thick thighs. His head squished between my softest parts looks insanely hot in my mind. Before I can look away, our eyes meet and I start to feel this chaotic energy bubble up inside me. I couldn’t look away for about 3 seconds – enough time for him to give me a smirk that sent lightning bolts through my lower stomach. My cheeks run hot with blood and I instantly feel my pussy get slick. I squeeze my thighs together, trying to feel the seem of my overly-tight leggings in between my pussy lips. I picked a bad night not to wear underwear because I’m sure some of my juices will start to seep through if I don’t stop.
Attempting to pull myself together and center my thoughts, I lay back and start my sets. 3 reps in and I feel a gaze on me. My concentration is broken after 6 so I put the bar up. As I look around to make sure I’m not being watched, I catch a glimpse of those eyes again. Is he trying to make it look like I pissed myself? Seeing that his stare was confident and unrelenting, I felt somewhat exposed. A part of me hoped he knew my secret. That he’s the only man who’s ever made me this sopping wet. His energy, even from across the room, felt tingly in every place I wanted to be tickled. I had to find my voice before he could smell my lust.

“Do you need something?” I say as I sit up off the bench. His stare is stagnant while his mouth twitches a bit at the corners. Great, there’s no way he didn’t hear how breathless I am. He turns and begins walking toward me, keeping eye contact as he comes up behind me. I attempt to give him a confused and defensive look in the mirror; looking more like a pathetic sub that needed to be punished for getting my (his) juices all over the bench.
“I can see you work out often but, it’s not safe to bench press without a spotter, you know. How many sets and reps are you doing?” Now that he’s closer, I can see just how white and sparkly his teeth are. He smiled again and I started to feel the ocean in my pants seep down onto my thighs. How am I supposed to work out with this god-like man standing over me?
“Yes, that’s true, but I’m sure I’ll be fine. I wouldn’t want to take you from your workout.” I regret the words as soon as they come out of my mouth.
His grin was wider now, like he finally put two and two together. “Making sure you don’t get hurt is worth the extra 20 minutes. Now, how many sets and reps are you going for again?” My mouth was dry and my cheeks flushed red again. Glad he didn’t leave, I turned around to lay back under the bar and said, “3 sets, 12 reps.” I consider the first 6 as more warm up and started from the beginning. He counted out my reps with Dom-like encouragement; the respect he demanded naturally made me simultaneously afraid and absolutely sure I needed to know how his dick felt when it was hard. As I pushed the bar up, I imagined his dick slide in. When I released the bar down, his dick slid out. My pussy screamed in imaginary ecstasy; I already know if this man makes a move, I’m done for.
“10, that’s it, baby. 11, push harder, you’re doing great. 12, that’s what I like to see.” At the end of each set, he made it a point to look me in the eyes and say, “Good Girl” which made my whole body feel sticky and magnetic. The only thing I felt pulled to be pressed up against was him though. Trying to hide my attraction, I looked down and noticed the shorts he was wearing showed a distinct dick print. I felt my pussy heat up and clench at the sight of it. That familiar pain started inside me while my stomach did cartwheels. I wanted to fuck him so bad.
I thanked him for his help and finished up my work out. As I moved around the gym, he was never far behind. After my last set, I looked over and saw him taking a drink of water. The corner of his mouth looked wet and shiny and his shirt lifted just enough at the bottom to see a V formed under his lower abdomen. The image of sitting on his dick while I press my clit against those divots and grind came to mind and I knew it was time for a shower.
I turned the water on and let it warm up before I put my toiletries in. I started undressing and checked out my pump in the mirror. My breasts looked full and perky; a successful chest work out for sure. I stepped in the shower and couldn’t resist putting my fingers between my soaked, puffy pussy lips. The slip felt so amazing on my clit, going back and forth between circling and fingering. I didn’t want to come until I got home and could fuck myself for real. Lost in pure bliss, I snapped out of it when I heard whistling coming from the locker area. I assumed it was another woman but, I don’t remember seeing anyone else but that guy and me. I pull the curtain back just a bit to peak and I’m met with those brown eyes again. I look down and see that he’s totally naked and his dick is hard as a rock. My jaw dropped, I couldn’t pull my eyes away from him. His physique was beyond words, I had to touch him.
He smiled and took my chin between his thumb and index knuckle. He raised my head so my eyes met his and said, “Now, I need some help. I’ve never been very good at showering alone.” He pulled me towards him and walked in the shower at the same time. As my body pressed against his, I could feel just how hard his dick was against my stomach. He pushed my back against the wall and started kissing me, his lips were just as soft as I hoped they’d be. His tongue intertwined with mine and his hands grabbed my breasts. My nipples were so hard, I could feel his palm and his fingers graze them over and over. He lowered his mouth to my nipple and circled his tongue around it slowly, playing with the other nipple between his fingers. Before I could stop it, my pussy tightened and I couldn’t hold it back anymore. I came so hard I started moaning loudly from the intensity. His hand went over my mouth and his eyes met mine again, “You’re not supposed to come yet. You cheated.” His grin was mischievous and playful, his eyes hot and filled with satisfaction.
His hands gripped my thighs as he wrapped my legs around his waist. His dick was right at the opening of my pussy and I could already feel her sucking it in. As he pushed in and pulled out, his lips parted to let out a moan and I could feel the lightning in my belly again. His hand found its way around my neck and he gripped with enough force to make my pussy squeeze. He smiled again and I could tell he was happy with the trick he just discovered. His eyes burned through mine as he talked me through my next climax.

“You’re so pretty when you make that face.” His dick was completely inside me, I swear he was in my stomach. The pressure and rubbing felt so good and his voice alone was making my legs shake. “It’s okay, I’ve got you. You’re so wet and soft, it feels amazing. I want you to come”, he whispered in my ear. Without any warning, my pussy gives in and I feel euphoric shocks between my legs. His strokes are deeper and slower now, making sure I get to enjoy every inch of him. Through my muffled moans, I could hear him hum tones of satisfaction. When the climax began descent, he put me down and spun me around. The shower has a small bench that I’m able to kneel on and he doesn’t waste any time. He starts giving me back shots while both his hands are on my hips. I can feel my pussy tighten more and more around him with each stroke.
“Tell me where you want me to come”, he says and I can’t stop myself. The words leave my mouth before I’m able to think it through. His dick feels so good, I need to know what it feels like. “Come in me, come in me, come in me” I say slowly. Just thinking about it makes sirens go off in my pussy. We come at the same time, our moans and sighs echoing through the locker room. Thank goodness we’re the only ones here.
Before removing his dick from inside me, he bends down to my ear and whispers, “You’re the most amazing woman I’ve ever met. My name is Sam. Hopefully I see you again some time.” He gave me another mind swirling kiss and stepped out of the shower. All I could manage was a small wave while I sit exasperated from the previous experience. The water was cold now. I didn’t seem to notice it when Sam was in here with me. After a moment, I get up and turn the knob so the water is hot again. I clean myself off and hurry to get dressed. I can’t believe that just happened.



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