[mF] Nude art model – caught lying

When I was 16 and got my drivers license I was desperate to get some money. I was too busy with school sports and homework to get a part time job but I knew I had to do something.

I stumbled on something that seemed almost too good to be true. There was a local art class at the University in town that was offering a couple hundred bucks for models. The only problem was, all models needed to be 18.

There was nothing I could do that would be as easy money as this, and I was desperate. So I sent an email and thought I could use my older brother’s ID to get through. The only problem was, I wouldn’t be able to register for a paycheque.

I sent an email, and they said that because I would be deemed an independent contractor, all money would be paid in cash at the completion of the class.

So, I said that I could do it, and they told me the day and time and I showed up. I had my brother’s drivers license in my wallet, but it turned out, they never even asked me for it. The instructor for the class was a woman in her late 30’s or early 40’s. She was pretty plain looking, long brown hair, no makeup, and dressed in what looked like jeans and a t-shirt from a second hand clothing store. It was 6:00pm and the class was starting at 6:30. She said for the first night, I’d be wearing a toga. She asked me to go get changed and handed me the toga. I went behind the little screen they had set up, which didn’t actually create a ton of privacy, but I had always been an exhibitionist so I wasn’t too concerned.

I got my clothes off, down to my underwear, and realized, I had no idea how to put on a toga. I asked the instructor if she could help. She walked behind the screen and chuckled at the mess I’d created with the sheet.

“First of all sweety, you’re going to need to take those off” she said pointing at my underwear.

I waited for her to leave to let me take them off but my cock, which had begun to flush a little just being in front of her in my underwear, really started to grow when I realized she wasn’t leaving. I slipped my underwear off, and my cock bounced out of my boxers at half mast. I was disappointed not to catch her staring at it, but it was exciting just being in the space with her naked.

She helped me get the toga tied and, while my adrenaline was still pumping from my nude experience with her, my erection slowly started to subside.

Shortly after, the class started to fill in. I was surprised to see it was all women. I didn’t notice when I signed up for the job that it was a class taught by women for women. This was a pleasant surprise for sure. The women ranged in age from 18-70. There were about 10-12 women from what I could see.

As the last women were filing in just before 6:30, I was shocked to see my best friend’s mom Mrs. Smith and my 11th grade biology teacher Mrs. Hunter walk in together. They both looked shocked to see me, and walked straight over. “Hey, Jimmy, are you our model this week? ….um….is ….that allowed?”

I answered quietly hoping nobody could hear me “yes, I sent in my application and they said I was ok.”

“Oh wow, that’s crazy. Well, I hope you don’t mind all these old ladies staring at you for the next 2 hours” said Mrs. Smith as she kind of shook her head. I’m not sure if she was disapproving, or mad at me, or surprised, I couldn’t read her facial expression.

For the next two hours I was sitting in one position the whole time. I had cramps in my legs, and my abs. It was way harder work than I expected, but it seemed to go ok. At the end of the two hours everyone got up to leave with Mrs. Smith and Mrs Hunter walking out together and saying goodbye to me and gently smiling.

After everyone had left, the instructor paid me my cash, said I did really well and asked if I’d come back next week.


I showed up next week on time. And the instructor greeted me.

“Can I ask you something” she said walking over to me.

“How would you feel about figure modeling?”

I didn’t know what she meant, and I think she could tell by my expression because she started to explain right away.

“it would be really tasteful, nothing raunchy, but you’d have your clothes off. Some of the models are ok with it, but others don’t like to, and I am ok with both. But if you’re on the fence, I will give you an extra hundred dollars if you do it.”

I would have paid her an extra hundred to be able to do it. I pretended to think about it, because I didn’t want her to realize how horny I was and how much I wanted everyone to see me naked. Finally, I said “I can do that, but um…I’m a little worried I might, um,”

“What is it sweety, you don’t need to be shy”

“I’m worried I might, um, get hard.”

“Honey, I think you’ll find this is a lot less sexual than you think, but if you do, it’s no big deal. Just stay calm, and everyone will just act natural.”

My heart was racing, my palms were sweaty, my mouth was dry with excitement. I couldn’t believe what was about to happen.

The instructor handed me a robe, told me to get undressed, put the robe on and come back up.

I did as instructed. I was already fully erect. I put the robe on, hoping it would subside before the women came in. It had just started to, but then the door opened, and seeing the women walk in made it pop back up again. Then Mrs. Smith and Mrs. Hunter walked in. They saw me in my robe and their eyes went the size of saucer cups, they both simultaneously put their hands over their mouths and their faces both went beat red.

Mrs. Hunter called the instructor over to her, and said “I think, that. I think…”

“Yes, what is it Shelly?”

“Nothing, never mind” Mrs. Hunter, Shelly said. “You can tell me, what is it?”

“No no, it’s nothing, never mind, lets get started,” and she opened her bag and started taking out her supplies.

The instructor gave some final instructions. I don’t even know what she said. All I could hear was my heart beating in my ears.

“Ok, Jimmy, can you please take your pose.”

I turned around facing away from the class, and took my robe off. I sat down on the little stool provided and spun to face them. I had both of my feet up on the stool so my knees were above my hips, and i was hunched over not wanting to show off how excited I was.

The instructor, realizing my pose was not going to be any good for the class came up to me”Ok, Jimmy, can you please lean your shoulders back, and maybe you can leave one leg under the stool, but can you push the other one out, so you’re in a natural position, but the light can catch more of your body.” Then she whispered so only I could hear “don’t worry, you’re fine”

I did as I was told, and as soon as I leaned back, my erection was on full display. I looked over and Mrs. Smith and Mrs. Hunter both let out audible gasps “OH”. The rest of the class, not knowing me, not knowing how old I was didn’t react at all.

For two hours, I held that pose. My erection didn’t fade at all. Mrs. Hunter and Mrs. Smith both were beat red the entire time. At one point, I had a drop of precum leaking out of the head of my penis. The instructor came up with a kleenex and in order to save me the embarrassment pretended to talk to me – blocking the view of the class – while she quickly grabbed a hold of my penis and wiped the precum off of it.

After what seemed like forever of pure bliss for me, the class was finally over. I put my robe on. All of the class left and I was about to go behind the screen and put my clothes on. Mrs. Smith and Mrs. Hunter walked back in, the instructor was in her office it was just the three of us in the room. I was worried they were going to call the cops on me for lying about my age, but then I remembered nobody had asked my age.

“Jimmy, does the instructor know how old you are?” Mrs. Hunter finally asked.

“I swear to god, I didn’t know it was going to be nude modeling” I stammered, “I had my brother’s ID, but I thought I was just going to be photographed with my clothes on” I looked down, embarrassed.

Then Mrs. Hunter, and Mrs. Smith both smiled, Mrs. Smith used her finger to lift my chin “Don’t worry, you’re secret is safe with us”. Right before they turned to leave Mrs. Smith, my best friend’s mom who I have known my whole life leaned in and whispered in my ear “that was great honey, my pussy is soaked. Thank you” And while she whispered this, she reached into my robe, wrapped her hand around my still throbbing erection, squeezed it and gave it three long slow strokes. She gave me a quick kiss on the lips, and they both turned and walked out.

Source: reddit.com/r/sexystories/comments/qbe7xs/mf_nude_art_model_caught_lying

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