Reconnecting with my Ex [MF]

Part of me had been wanting this the whole time. We broke up a couple years ago after she moved away for grad school, long distance was too much of a strain for us to last. But we stayed friends and I moved to her area for a job 6 months ago. Fully getting back together was never something I wanted, but I loved hearing her dating stories, talking about the men she was fucking and what they were good and bad at. Sometimes I thought about how good it would be to just fuck her casually while she slutted around but it seemed… out of reach.

She had a way of talking one-on-one that felt intense, with her bright green eyes locking my gaze and watching my face closely. The first time we met up after I moved there we went for sushi and talked for hours barely looking at anything other than each other and our food, like the rest of the world was out of focus. She never seemed to have any barriers with me, talking about her latest date taking her to a sex club in the same direct voice she used to talk about her family or school, no embarrassment or euphemism, no distance. She grew up in a close-knit, hippie-adjacent community and never got all the sex-shame programming most of us get. She had an open relationship in high school. She would relish finding time to fool around when we’d visit family, always swallowing so there was nothing to clean up. Once when we visited her mom she suggested we “nap” and crawled under the sheets to suck me off while her mom was just in the other room through an open door. The acts themselves were hot of course but what I most remember is the gleam in her eyes when she swallowed, with little dribbles on her lip and chin.

She invited me over to hang out on a Saturday with loose plans. We biked into town and sat on the patio at a Greek place and drank stiff gin and tonics and talked about our lives and people-watched and speculated about other couples we saw. On the way back I watched her ass as she pedaled and my head buzzed. She was a size 10 and had always wanted to lose 20 pounds but was too much of a hedonist to do it. I had always loved her body, it reminded me of the kind of indie porn where amateur couples introduce themselves and then just enjoy fucking in front of the camera, no pretenses. Following her pumping thighs back to her apartment on a lazy afternoon with nothing planned got my mind on a track. Was she thinking about the view I was getting and what it was doing to me? Knowing her… I wouldn’t doubt it.

At her studio apartment we drank more and talked about books on her shelf but it was somehow charged now in a way it hadn’t been before. We were both feeling loose and flirting lightly and then suddenly we were rough-housing in her kitchen. I can’t remember what kicked it off but I remember her laughing and pushing me, and grabbing her arm and trying to twist it behind her back. The flirting had gotten my blood pumping but now I was properly hard in my jeans and when it brushed against her ass I felt fireworks in my brain.

She was laughing but she was not about to let me win, she fought hard and seeing me struggle to control her despite being half a foot taller made her happy. She hit my chest and the shock of it activated something in me. I picked her up and pushed her onto the bed and did my best to stay on top of her and keep her arms held down. We were breathing hard and struggling and my dick was throbbing. When she would stop to catch her breath I would start pulling her pants off. She’d start fighting again until I subdued her enough to grab at her pants again. This went back and forth with barely any progress peeling her tight jeans off her clenched thighs until she got too horny and impatient and start pulling them off herself. We kept falling back into struggle-humping each other and pinning her and putting the full weight of my body on her and pushing my cock against her any way I could. It was exhilarating.

There was a bowl of condoms on her bedside table (of course there was). She pulled my briefs down and started sucking on me, it felt soothing after being rough with it against her for so long. I grabbed a condom and unwrapped it while she aggressively pushed her head onto my cock. The pale skin of her back was marked red where I had been grabbing her and pushing her down. The only thing I wanted in the world right then was to feel myself inside her again after missing it for 18 months. I turned her around and she looked up at me through her bedraggled, wavy brown hair, her ass presented to me, her face flushed. It’s one of my favorite visual memories.

I pulled her thong to the side and started pushing against her slit. We were both winded now but she still had some fight in her, she kept her legs together just tight enough that I wouldn’t be able to get in easily without lube. She smiled that same sly smile I remember from a photo I still have of her with my cum dripping down her face. I’d played this game before and knew what to do, spread her pussy open with my thumbs, rubbed her juices up and down her waxed lips, grabbed one leg and pulled it out and pushed down on her back so she collapsed, and pushed the head in before she could close her legs. I put my palms on her back and let my full weight rest on her and started slowly rocking deeper into her, she lost her fight and her legs went limp and a deep moan came from her as I pushed the air out of her lungs. I missed that sound. I moved up and straddled her ass and sunk all the way into her and let out my own moan. She was soaking wet and swollen, like I remember her pussy after a night of drinking and dancing, just drawing me in.

We fucked for over an hour that afternoon and went through at least three condoms. By the end I was still going after cumming, half hard but neither of us wanted to stop. We passed out in a drunk sweaty mess. That day broke the damn for us and after that we scheduled our weekends around fucking each other when we didn’t have dates with other people. We stopped using condoms pretty quickly and I came in her every chance I got, I loved that and she liked teasing me in public later saying it was dripping down her leg. Ultimately I couldn’t commit to getting back together and she wanted a steady relationship so we had to stop seeing each other. But those few months where we were each other’s go-to fuck and shared our fantasizes and talked about our dates were some of the best sex of my life.
