Massage and extra

I remember when I was younger my Dad telling me that every job had perks, you just might have to look quite hard for them. At the time I thought he meant like, time-keeping skills and generally having to put up with members of the public when you’re hungover.

And I’d be lying if I said that wasn’t the case at my first job – McDonald’s cashier, always fun – where the managers seemed to exist purely to make you miserable and being treated like an illiterate by the customers made me want to scratch my eyes out. The perk there was free food on your break, which looking back actually did go quite a long way to making up for it.

Now though, the perks at my current job aren’t hidden. Or made up. Or should I say, perK – singular. In fact, she even has a name.

I used to call her Sixer.

Bang on the dot, 6pm every weekday you could look out of the front doors and see her – usually looking quite flustered, disheveled but somehow chic in a floral dress, or boots and long coat in the colder months – making her way down the cobbles to the spa entrance, which was set just far enough back from the street through a small archway that it felt somehow separarte to the rest of the world.

I think that’s why she likes it here so much. She walks in the door and you see a weight lift from her shoulders, and once she’s had her massage and steam she more or less floats out the door and into the evening.

For a while that’s all I knew of her, her schedule, and to an extent her mannerisms. Like, the way she’d have to constantly be flicking her hair – long, dark and delightfully curly – out of her face when it was windy, that image still sticks in my head. But now, well, now I know a lot more – and, she’s called Jess.

It was pure luck that I found that out. I was meant to have next to nothing to do with our customers, but as luck would have it three of our masseurs and the entire front of house team called in sick on the same day, leaving me, the general dog’s body, to man the front desk.

I spent most of the day apologising profusely for the lack of massages on offer, and directing people to the various saunas and whatnot that we did have available. That was until Sixer made her way in. At about 5 I noticed that my foot start tapping uncontrollably, and no matter how much water I sipped my mouth was perpetually dry.

The clock struck six, and, nothing. I felt my heart drop as it dawned on me that she may not actually be coming today, but then just a minute later I saw her round the corner, tried my hardest not to stare as she walked towards the door, desperately purging thoughts about the rocking of her hips from my brain as she pushed through the glass and finally approached the desk.

She stood in front of me, a smile which could have lit up the darkest room filling her face, crinkling the corners of her eyes.

‘I’m here for my six-fifteen with Mike!’

I managed to croak out something about Mike being unwell, but if she gave me her name I could amend her booking for another time. Her shoulders dropped a little at the news, but she nodded along and said: ‘Jess, Jessica Pardoe is what I’ll be under’.

I was doing my thing on the computer, going through the rigmarole of telling her what therapies there were available, knowing full well that she already knew of everything we had to offer, when she sighed and cut me off, saying: ‘oh don’t worry about it, it’s a shame though, I’d been looking forward to it all day’.

‘Well’ I heard myself say ‘I can’t promise it’ll be any good but if you’re really desperate I can give it a go? On the house, of course’.

Immediately the absurdity of what I’d just said flooded into my brain: I was uninsured, who’d man the front desk, I’d get fired for sure. I opened my mouth to take it back, saying: ‘Actually, tha-‘

‘Well okay!’ She blurted, ‘I’d owe you one!’

And with that, she spun on her heel and sauntered over to the changing room, looking over her shoulder briefly to say ‘room 5, yes?’ – to which I could only nod.

My manager had already gone for the evening, and there was barely anyone else in the building, so with a shrug I pushed my chair back, left a ‘Be back soon!’ sign on the desk and more or less skipped over to the door of room 5.

I knocked, and hearing no response let myself in. It was fairly dark, salt lamps in the corners giving the room a warm glow and oil diffusers making the air feel heavy and thick on your skin. At the centre of the room was the table, and my heart began to race at the thought of the woman whose body was about to lay across it.

I heard the door to the changing rooms swing open behind me. I didn’t want to turn and look, well, I definitely did want to but I resisted. Instead I let myself enjoy the sight of her from the corner of my eye walk across to the table, wrapped in nothing but a fluffy white towel.

Her legs seemed to go on forever, and the towel which was cinched high up on her chest did nothing to hide the curves of her. Swallowing the lump in my throat I asked her to make herself comfortable, and let me know when she was ready.

‘Okay, I’m good!’ she chirped. I turned around, and felt myself draw in a ragged breath at the sight of her. Her hair was swept off her neck, over one shoulder, and in the half-light of the room every line of her back stood out in contrast, drawing my eyes down the length of her body, her spine disappearing under the towel which was perched tantalisingly over her bum.

Shaking my head I tried to regain any measure of composure, and closed the distance between us with two hurried steps.

‘Do you have any preference for scent? In the oils, I mean?’

‘Surprise me!’

I looked at the bottles, and landed on a lavender and rose blend. I poured some into the palm, and enjoying the warm slickness of it on my skin spread it it across my hands and fingers.

I steeled myself, and with a quick glance skywards – an atheists prayer in unknown territory – leant forwards, and placed my hands against her back.

My thumbs either side of her spine, fingers splayed outwards, my fingertips curling deliciously over onto the sides of her stomach I slowly drew my hands up her back, pushing the ball of my thumb into her. Hitting her ribs, I let my fingers stay still, pushing forwards and harder with the pads of my thumbs, up to the base of her neck.

With the curve between my finger and thumb tightly hugging the angles of her shoulder blades I let up the pressure, and began tracing my way back down her body, letting my finger tips flutter just over her skin.

She squirmed under my hands, groaning ever so slightly in the back of her throat, pushing her chest into the table as she breathed in deeply. I wasn’t sure if I imagined it, but as my hands approached the small of her back once again, she seemed to lift her hips, looking to push herself harder against me.

I drank in the sight of her back, now glistening under the oil as I moved over here, changing how hard and where I pressed with each sweep, and relaxed into it.

‘Is there, is there anything you like in particular?’ I asked without breaking rhythm.

She didn’t respond, immediately at least, and when she did speak it wasn’t what I was expecting.

‘I see you watching me, you know’

I froze, my stomach knotting.

‘Mm-mmh’ she said with the slightest shake of her head, ‘keeping going’.

My mind racing I tried to keep my hands steady, scared that I was about to be called out, and confused as all hell as to why I was here.

Snapping my out of my panic, she said: ‘I was wondering if you were ever going to say hello, I see you every day. But, this’ she said whilst lifting a hand and wagging a finger between the two of us, ‘this is far better’.

I felt more than heard a chuckle bubble out of my throat, and stammered for words, finally getting out: ‘yeah it’s, it’s’ at which point I blew air hard between my lips, ‘pfff, it’s great if you ask me’.

I saw her lips pull into a smile, and she nuzzled down into the table, nodding one word: good!

Smiling to myself now, I lazily drew my fingers up her back, curling my fingers and straightening them, letting my the smooth back of my nails stroke her, before gently scratching as I closed my fist. In this wave-like motion I started at the small of her back, and inched my way over her until my finger hands were resting on her shoulders, fingertips laying over her collar bones.

My right hand was covered by her hair, and I lifted it, placing it further up over her shoulder, revealing more of her neck to my eyes.

Placing a finger behind each ear, I traced her hairline down the base of her skull, making my touch featherlight. Her shoulder blades drew together, and her breath came out in a short gasp.

I drew my fingers down the same path, each time letting my nails dig ever so slightly harder into her skin, and further down her neck.

‘That’s nice’ I heard her say, in the faintest whisper.

My heart was racing at this point, a warm fire burning in my belly at the sight and feel of her under my hands.

I stood up slightly, placed one hand on the back of her neck, my thumb behind one ear, fingers stretched around to rest behind the other, and squeezing, drawing thumb and finger together sliding my hand downstairs until they met at the top of her spine.

Giving in to every urge in my body I leant forwards, and sweeping her hair away from her neck once again, placed my lips against her skin, the short hairs at the base of her skull tickling me.

I heard her breath escape her through her nose, and she left out a short moan, and a very very quiet: yes.

Not letting my lips leave her skin, I kissed my way over her, following her hairline, letting the very tip of my tongue flit over her skin every now and then, until I was kissing the soft skin directly behind her ear, one hand resting on the table, the other drawing shapes on the skin of her lower back.

She jolted, surprised by the feeling of my teeth closing gently over her ear lobe and pulling ever so lightly.

‘Fuck’ she whispered, hunching her shoulders as she tried to keep still, feeling the lightest of touch from my tongue as I licked, ever so slowly, the length of her ear.

I leant my forehead against the side of hers, feeling my heart thumping at a million miles per hour.

She tilted her head as she felt my lips on her again, kissing down the side of her neck and across the back of her shoulder.

Going fully on instinct now I swung a leg over the table, and knelt over her, leaning forwards to rest on my elbows.

She felt my weight hovering above her, and lifted her head to the side, looking for my face in the corner of her eye.

Shifting my weight fully onto one arm, I reach up and around, my hand cupping her face, just under her jaw, and leant in. She moaned into my mouth as we kissed, and her hips bucked, looking to push back against me. I felt her tongue glide over mine, and she hands found my thighs, digging her nails into my as she felt my teeth close over her lip.

I pulled back, looked at her eyes smiling at me, and told her to put her face back in the hole.

I kissed my way down across her shoulder blade, until my lips were resting over her spine. Kiss by kiss I worked my way down the length of her, leaving my hands up by her shoulders, digging my fingers into her skin as I shifted my weight ever further along.

I soon felt the softness of the towel against my chin, and drew my hands down, pulling it out of my way.

Taking a moment, I lifted my face from her, savouring the sight of her body in front of me. I leant forwards once more, kissing on the very start of the gentle swelling of her ass. I drew my hands up the side of her thighs, until my thumbs were hooked under her bum, cupping her cheeks. I kissed my down, occasionally gently nipping at her with my teeth.

She reached back, her hand finding the back of my head, nails digging into my scalp, pulling my face closer into her.

I kissed my way all the way down, until my mouth was resting between her legs. She pushed backwards, desperate to feel my mouth on her, my tongue moving between her, but I stayed just out of reach.

Instead, I hooked my fingers under her hips, and tilted my weight backwards, pulling her with me, lifting her ass proudly into the air.

I knelt behind her on the floor, reaching forwards to hold her by the forearms, loving the view of her face down, ass up on her knees in front of me.

‘What do you want?’ I asked her.

‘Hmm?’ she almost whimpered.

‘I want you to tell me what you want to happen right now’

‘I want you to go down on me, please, I want your tongue on me’ she said, all in a sudden rush.

No more had she got her last word out before I leant forwards, and drew the tip of my tongue very very slowly, and very lightly over her. Starting at the top, I drew my tongue down the length of her lips, and then all the way back up.

Each time I pushed my tongue further into her, tasting and feeling how wet she was. Every time my tongue slid over her clit she pushed her hips back, begging me to pay attention to it.

I shorted my movements, settling my weight so my mouth was resting over her clit, letting my tongue flick over it, slowly at first, but then faster, and harder, my lips pursed around her.

Her nails were digging into my forearms, and her breath was coming in short ragged moans. I could hear her telling me how good it felt, and not to stop.

I was loving having my face buried in her, feeling her soak my face.

She whispered ‘yes, yes, yes’ and started to rock her hips against my mouth, fucking my face in time with my tongue dancing over her.

‘Don’t… stop’ she said, in time with her hips grinding back against me.

Her fingers were clawing against me, desperately pulling my arms so my mouth was held firmly in place, my tongue barely moving now, just resting in place, letting her get herself off on my mouth.

I could hear her telling me how close she was, that she was going to cum. With a shriek, she jerked forwards and lay on her front – and I followed, desperate to not let my tongue leave her pussy.

I pulled my arms back, and with a hand on each ass cheek spread her open, pushing my tongue as hard and deep between her lips as I could, feeling her twitching underneath and listening to her moans through a bitten lip as her orgasm swept through her body.

I crawled my way back up her body as she relaxed onto the table, suddenly exhausted and out of breath. She reached back to grasp the back of my neck as I pressed my body down against hers.

‘What’s your name?’ She asked, with a coy smile.

I told her: ‘David, probably should have said that before’

‘No no’ she said, ‘I’ve always been a fan of a little mystery’

As she was talking I slid my hands under her, lifting myself slightly so she could make enough room. My left hand went under her chest, cupping her tit, her nipple pressing into my palm. My other hand pushed down, across her tummy, my fingertips dipping between her legs.

‘Well’ I said quietly, right by her ear, ‘it was one hell of an introduction’. I pressed down on her again, sliding my fingertips between her lips and rubbing in slow, lazy circles over her clit.

She started to wriggle underneath me, and I held her tighter, our bodies pressed closely together. I could feel her bum pushing up against my dick, sending electric sparks up into my stomach.

Without any conscious decision on my part I found my hand under her chest seeking out her nipple, rolling it between my fingertips, pinching and pulling gently.

She was lying eyes squeezed tightly shut, teeth digging into her bottom lip. She gasped as I slid by hand further down between her legs, fingers gliding between her lips and dipping ever so slightly into her, up to my first knuckle, before pulling all the way back up to move in lazy circles back over her clit.

Her nails scratched hard on the back of my neck, and I felt myself groan in the back of my throat, letting myself lose myself, kissing her neck, drawing my tongue all over her as my fingers worked below, dipping into her further and further each time I reach down, pressing my hips down on top of her each time.

She groaned as I pulled my hand out from underneath her, turning to look at me, but smiled as I took her hand in mine and guided it back underneath her, hers held firmly between her body and mine.

My fingers lay on top of hers, and our fingers moved over her together before I slid my hand further down once again, and eased the tips of my middle fingers into her.

Her mouth open in a permanent gasp, and her neck arched we moved in time, responding to the speed of the other. As her fingers went from swirling slowly to pressing harder, flicking faster mine went from measuredly sliding in and out, from tip to palm, to letting my fingers stay buried deep, fingertips pressing against hers from the inside, mirroring her movements.

Our hips started to buck, and our lips never separated, tongues moving over each other, hanging onto each other by our teeth.

I felt her breath in my mouth coming faster, panting, until she pressed her mouth hard against mine and reached down to pull my hand hard against her, fingers still moving inside, as her hips twitched as she came hard against me.



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