Family Circle – Making the Perfect Daughter: Part 6

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Family Circle – Making the Perfect Daughter: Part 5 from Erotica


The professor runs some finals tests to ensure 15’s rapid pregnancy is beginning at a healthy rate. Meanwhile the twins have found their way to the facilities annex. This section was the original lab, where everything started. At least that’s what they were told. They were also told that this was mostly used for storage nowadays. But given the long periods of time the professor spent in there always caught their interest.

The main door to the annex is unusual compared to the others. Instead of a sleek modern look, composites and alon, it’s rugged and worn. Seems to just be a solid piece of some sort of oxidized metal and far older security lock on it. They look at eachother and nod in a agreement. They slide the key car and hear a heavy thud as it unlocks. They head inside and to their surprise they find what looks like the back door to a house. Perplexed they walk up to it and take a peak inside. And what they see certainly surprises them.

To be continued…
