Pregnancy kick started my sex drive – part 3

I felt like a nervous wreck as I approached him, my man on the bus. He had saved me a seat next to him. I sat. I had flash backs to the previous day, his eyes wondering around under my blouse and bra, only today, my bra was in my handbag.

“Thanks for the seat,” I said, trying to remember my manors. I stared at him, trying to judge if their was any guilt for ogling my breasts. He was not making eye contact with me; his gaze was fixated on my baby bump.

As I put my hand over my belly as a barrier he replied “My pleasure, thank you for sitting next to me.” He said it with a smile, but his sight was still fixed.

I really didn’t mind his focus on my belly, I am proud of my bump and of my pregnancy and I always stare at other pregnant tummies and try to guess how far along they are. Lowering my guarding hand from my bump, I rearranged the creases in my blouse and folds of my tartan skirt so that the contours of my tummy could be seen more easily. As I did so, I realised that I was still pantiles and braless. I felt excited, brave and daring, I was finding a way of overcoming my prudishness, and it felt fantastic.

We sat in silence. The bus chugged and the seats vibrated, his deep blue eyes transfixed and deep in thought, focused on me, mentally undressing me.

My short frame meant that he could have a reasonable view of my braless breasts if he diverted his gaze away from my parous tummy. “I’m always so hot on the bus,” I whispered to him as I wafted the material of my blouse to cause a gentle breeze, and unbuttoned the third button down. I glanced down, breasts were on display, and my erect nipples were pushing upon the fabric. I knew he could see all and I knew he was looking. I knew I liked it!

As my stop approached, I reached down and lifted my handbag up to my lap, giving my nipples full freedom to be charted by him. I needed to break the tension that I was enjoying. I could feel the vibrations rolling through my groin, pulsing and teasing my bare crotch. His eyes were playing with my nipples, it felt like his gaze was pinching and squeezing them.
I asked “Can we talk sometime?” Opening up my handbag to retrieve my business card, I realised it contained my bra and panties, another reminder to myself how exposed I felt, naked under the single layer of my white blouse and tartan skirt.

I handed him my card as I awaited his response, he looked shocked – had I broken some unwritten rule, upset him or made myself look bad? “Please, yes please.” He then broke into a huge smile, made eye contact which pierced though me, and took the card.

Standing up ready for my stop, I rearranged my clothing, and made sure I fastened up a button on my blouse. I was trying to signal to him that the view he had enjoyed was for him and him alone.


“Can I say hi to my baby?” asked Amy as soon as I was in the hallway at home. I really wasn’t in the right mood, I had a whirlpool of thoughts, emotions and hormones playing havoc with me, but as Amy will be the babies mum, I felt any bonding is good.

“Give me 10 minutes to change, I’ll give you a knock when I’m ready.” I headed to my room, undid my blouse and dropped my skirt to the floor, I liked the way I looked in the mirror. I’m sure I had put on a little more bump! I retrieved the white panties I had bought at lunch from my handbag, along with my black maternity bra and dressed into them. They didn’t match, but only Amy would see the uncoordinated lingerie. I had a bit more growing to do before the panties became snug, but they should see me through for a few more weeks.

I waddled out of my room and chapped on her door before walking in. We both smiled. Despite the few years difference in age, we were more than friends, we were best friends, I wouldn’t be carrying a baby for her if we weren’t.

“Baby tummy time!” Amy proclaimed with eagerness and gestured to her bed with a cheeky grin.

This had become our usual routine since the pregnancy was confirmed. I made my way over to her bed and took up position on my back. Every time I lie here, I have thoughts of the Amy noises that I hear through the wall, this is where she self pleasures. Today, my thoughts were extra vivid. If Amy can have such gratification, why can’t I?

Amy grabbled some massage oil from a shelf and straddled my legs and sat on lower thighs. Her hands were soon oiled up and she was pressing firmly on my expectant tummy, moving her oily palms over my bump. Occasionally she would circle my belly button with her forefinger “Your outie is cute”, she said. Growing up she always laughed at it, but now I was pregnant with her baby, she liked it.

Her dark auburn hair fell onto her shoulders and jiggled as she chatted away about how excited she was about becoming a mum, all the time massaging my abdomen and flanks.

I closed my eyes, enjoying the sensation of being touched, I let myself enjoy it. I normally resent any element physical pleasure; I don’t let myself enjoy it. My tummy was extra sensitive and the massage oils tingled on my skin.

I started thinking about the man on the bus, I felt a weird connection to him, a tickle deep within my soul and titillation throughout my body; a feeling I had not felt before. My mind was rolling with concepts and ideas, my body was aching with exaltation.

Amy slid her oiled hand under the waist band of my panties to the top of my pubic hair and twirled a small lock whilst pressing on the top of my pelvis. I bit my lower lip whilst an electric pulse surged through my body. Her hand lowered slightly, this time coming to rest just above my clitoris.

“Noo, not so low!” I gasped. Through all of the belly massages Amy had given me, this was a new low for her, today of all days.

Amy withdrew her inquisitive hand and placed both palms upon my upper thighs. “You are leaking a lot, your panties can’t keep in that amount of moisture.” She exclaimed “Do you want me to give you some privacy?” she said as her index finger ran down the outside edge of my briefs and over my escaping pubic hair. “Top drawer might help you.” She said nodding to her bedside table. “There are a few things you could choose from.”

My head spun, was she suggesting I use one of her toys, on her bed? An internal debate started, I wanted but I couldn’t. “No, I’m fine, I’m just… enjoying…” I didn’t want to admit that I was having thoughts about a man who visually undressed me, about masturbating on her bed with her vibrator that I hear giving her so much joy.

Amy lowered her head and gave my baby bump a kiss, just below my belly button. Loitering for a moment after the kiss letting her shoulder length hair brush against my pale skin causing goose bumps to appear. A second kiss landed half way between my belly button and my wet panties, her tongue protruded past her lips and gently licked my lower midriff.
“No more!” I sharply requested, “I don’t need any more convincing, I’ll do it.” I felt that something might happen, something I didn’t want to happen was close unless I conceded to satisfying my urge myself. Alone.

She dismounted me, smirked and headed to the bedroom door, “I’m going to …” she paused for a second, lost deep in a thought “. . Clean myself up in the shower. Have fun, the pink one is my favourite!” The door clicked behind her.

I felt paralysed, my body was numb with ecstatic sensations, my mind was racing. I could not believe that Amy had near enough teased me into pleasuring myself on her bed, with her favourite toy. I tilted my head towards the bed side drawer, it was within arms reach and I knew I was physically and emotionally close to a climax.

I had never used a toy before; I had never even held one and the thought of fumbling around trying to figure it out, coupled with my sexual anxiety made my aroused mania vanish instantly. All desire to heighten my state was gone, and shame and guilt filled every previously stimulated atom in my body.

Amy was busy in the bathroom, I could hear her moans over the shower as I passed on my way to clean myself up in my bedroom. I paused for a moment, partly to listen and partly because a thought struck.

Had we just had a moment? Something beyond friends? Had we gone too far? All these questions rushed through me. I know that Amy has a curious streak to her, but, I have never had any thoughts like that, but why did I like it so much?

After a bit of soul searching on my bed and coming to no satisfaction, I headed down stairs to eat. I glanced at my phone and found I had 4 missed calls and 3 text messages from Tom, the guy on the bus.


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