Lab-Coat Blues [M/F]

My parents have been bugging me about not having any kids yet. I’m 35, single and frankly I do not need a man in my life. I say that, but I do find myself alone in my house sometimes. I’ve had hook ups before, actually only once, and it didn’t feel right for me. It felt so wrong that we didn’t even got into the actual ‘hooking up’ part. Perhaps it’s that one particular hook up that didn’t feel right, I’m not sure.

I’m well educated, a doctor, and I work in the largest hospital in the city. I’ve been there for about 5 years now and I like to think I’ve garnered several good rapport with co-workers. My mother has suggested that I start dating one of the other doctors at work, and I could not disagree more with her. I wouldn’t date a doctor and especially the ones I know. They’re egotistical, crude and a bit of a narcissists. This is ironic because I am a doctor, but I like to think I’m grounded enough.

Nurses, however, are a different story. They’re easier to talk to, generally more fun to be around with because they have better social skills. There is one particular nurse that I’ve grown fond of. Corey is a younger nurse, 25 and he works over at the Intensive Care Unit. He’s a very good looking guy, a body well built, strong jawline, nice thick black hair and dark brown eyes. Every time I visit the ICU I would always look for him, and if I do find him my day always get’s better.

We sit together when we’re chatting, talking about random shit that’s happening and, if we’re lucky, we have lunch together. The whole floor already think’s we’re dating and I hadn’t made any effort on correcting them. Maybe this will keep the older doctors from asking me out. I get some girls like going out with older men, but I’ve never seen the appeal of it. Then again, I’ve been talking to a guy 10 years my junior so who am I to judge?

We’ve been talking and I’ve been flirting with him, though, admittedly my flirting skills are a bit rusty. He seems to pick up on it, however, but I can tell that he’s very shy and he’s not sure how to proceed. Over time I’ve gotten more forward with him. I would “accidentally” bump into him, brush against him, and I would touch his arm or hand when we talked or laughed.

Finally, he mustered up the courage and asked me out for coffee. I tried to play a bit of hard to get and I told him I’d think on it. In truth, I was giddy. I felt younger and more desired. I gave him my number and I told him I’ll text him if I take him up on his offer.

I went home at around 8PM and as I took the elevator ride down, he’s in there. We’re in the 5th floor, it’s about a 15 second ride down to the ground floor, but that fifteen second felt heated. We stood side by side, not saying anything, yet I felt the tension weighing down on me. I’m taller than him, me being 6’1 and he’s around 5’8 but honestly, height has never been my requirement, but to me he stood so tall and proud.

As soon as I heard that ding, I walked out first, but stopped and held the elevator door open and looked back at him.

“Tomorrow, 7:30 PM. There’s a coffee place down the street from here, let’s meet there.”

“I’m off tomorrow, doc,” he said with a bit of a hesitation.

“Oh? Then you better not be late then.”


I never really looked at me before, at ‘ME’ me. I’m standing in front of my mirror, fully naked and wondering why I never really bothered to go out with men before. I’ve always been bookish, or as they called it back then ‘nerdy’ and not the same nerdy as today where it’s sexualized. I have a slim waist and fairly wide hips, my thighs are somewhat thick and I must say my ass is nice and plump. I smacked it and watched it jiggle and now I understand the appeal that men find with girls having large glutes.

My breast aren’t big. It’s barely above a B-cup. I wonder if Corey likes big breast. I can always get them enhanced, but I’ve always liked my breast the way they are. I don’t have a tight stomach, in fact I have a small pouch but I’m not overweight or obese or anything. I’m about 160 pounds, that’s a pretty good weight for my height. Wait, why am I thinking like this? I’m not going to sleep with Corey! This is our first “date” and I’m not like some floosy who fucks a guy on the first date!

I put on a green long sleeved crop top and pair of low rise jeans that rests just above my hip. Underneath is a black thong with the straps pulled just above my jeans and on the waistline. It’s admittedly an old fashion from the early 2000’s where a bit of thong shows. I’ve always like that style and I bust it out every now and then.

I arrived at the coffee shop a bit late. He’s there, sitting inside on one of the seats and his eyes beamed when he saw me. I waved at him and gave him a peck on the cheeks then we sat down.
We talked for hours, usually about work, ordering cups of coffee and just laughing and talking. I ordered coffee, he ordered hot chocolate. He said that he’s never liked the taste of coffee, and I just agreed to that. I prefer mine bitter and black.

“My dad drank his coffee like that,” he observed and I gave a giggle at that.

“Well so did my father. Growing up we didn’t use sugar or creamer for our coffee.”

I started feeling like we have nothing else in common other than work. That awkward silence threw a blanket over us as we sat there, sipping on our drinks. I have to make a move, so I brought my chair closer over to him.

“You know, all I’ve done after I graduated is work. I’ve been working in this hospital for 5 years and it’s been somewhat rewarding. But, I think I’m going to go somewhere else.” I said as I twirled my brown hair around my finger, looking off to the distance. I’m lying, I have no plans to leave this hospital! It’s the best paying hospital around!

He looked at me in shock, but then kind of accepted it as he looked at whatever I was looking at. “Oh, it’s going to suck not having you around, doc.”

“Can you not call me doc? You sound like Marty McFly and that makes me the crazy old man in Back to the Future!”

He laughed, I’m glad he got the reference. “Sorry, Emily,” he smiled, “it’s going to suck not having you around the hospital, Emily. I’ll admit that talking to you is what I usually look forward to when I’m at work.”

“Hah, I can say the same. Talking to me is what I look forward to at work as well.”

He laughed again, giving me a gentle nudge and I couldn’t help but join him. As we finished our laughter, I set my hand on his thigh. He noticed it, it’s not really a hard thing to ignore, but I can see his cheeks begin to flush.

“Emily, I—”

I couldn’t help myself. I leaned in and kissed him and I’m glad he didn’t pull back or anything. His hand went to my thigh, and mine went to the back of his head as I pulled him closer. We pulled apart and looked at each other’s eyes.

“I took a cab here,” he said, “too poor to buy my own car.”

“That’s fine, I drove here.”

We got up and walked away, hand in hand, not even bothering to finish our drink as we tossed it in the bin. I led him to my car, a 2006 BMW M3. He looked it at with a smile and ran his hands softly across the hood.

“Damn, that’s a good looking car,” he said softly.

“Thanks, I saw it in Need for Speed: Carbon and decided that I fucking wanted it.”

As we sat into the car, we started making out furiously. I honestly couldn’t wait, but this place is well trafficked and I don’t have any window tint. “Wait…. your place or mine?”

“I-I don’t care, I live nearby but it’s up to you.”

His apartment is immaculate, a lot better off than my little house is. The sink is clean and dry, the table has mats on it AND a table cloth, a blanket is draped really well over his couch. Man, he must be really good at house keeping.

But that didn’t matter. “Bedroom,” I said to him in my most seductive but stern voice. He lead me down to a small hallway and into his room and it is just as clean and well put. Nothing is out of place. Well, for now as I pushed him into the bed and threw myself onto him.

“I’ve been hoping that something like this might happen,” Corey said in between kisses, “and I always hoped it was you.”

“Corey, shut up and kiss me. Save the pillow talk for later.”

He hugged me in tighter as he started to explore my body and I did the same. He pulled on my thong, which made me yelp while I kissed him and slid his hand under my pants as he started to gently caress my ass. My hands went down to his crotch and I started rubbing him above his slacks.

“I couldn’t tell that you have a nice ass because of your lab-coat,” he said as he started to groan, “Don’t do it too fast, I don’t want to get too excited and blow my load!”

“Should I go get my coat then? Is that your kink?”

He looked at me, “D-Do you have it?”

I gave him a grin as I got up and ran out. “Is that a yes? Are you going to be long? Should I make food?”

Within minutes I came storming into the apartment, my coat in hand. I took my top off and I’m standing before him wearing my pink bra and my lab coat.

“I’m not going to make any doctor puns…” I said to him as I towered over him, and he just nodded, “Now, pants off!”

As his pants hit the floor so did I follow as my hands wrapped around him. He’s a good length, probably 7 inches or so and the girth is very nice. I licked his little helmet and took it in my mouth and felt it grow. I’m looking at his face, how pleasure wracked it is and watching him writhing and moaning. I gently stroked his shaft, cupped his balls and massaged it, and within minutes he shot off his thick load into my mouth. The feeling of his warm semen climbing down my throat, hitting the roof of my mouth and filling it with his sweet taste is exhilarating. I sucked whatever was left in his urethra and licked my lips.

“Hmm, a bit thick. You’re not much of a masturbator are you?” I grinned as I started taking my jeans off. Now I’m standing over him almost naked. He got down on his knees and pushed his head into my crotch and I almost came myself. I haven’t been touched down there, sadly, as I’ve been far too busy with med school and work that I never really had the time to seek any intimacy.

He inhaled deeply as he rubbed his nose against my mound, and I must say that I found that to be really hot. I grinded myself on his face and pushed him in deeper. “Hmmmm, oooooh you’re… you almost got me there, Corey.”

“Emily, you smell really good. Can I?”

I nodded and he slipped my panty aside and licked my clit. The shockwave that went through my spine was something else! Having someone else touch my clit is a greater experience than my own hand doing it, and I found myself already panting and breathing hard and he hasn’t even gone into me yet. Then, he took his thumb and separated my lips and as he prepared himself, he let his tongue drop down.

Wow. His tongue is really long! Like, Gene Simmons long! Christ, and it tapers down pretty narrowly too. He shoved it in, fully, and I just felt my knees grow weak. “St–stop for a second, Corey, let me sit down.”

I don’t think he heard me, maybe he’s too cunt-drunk and he’s so focused that he just kept his assault in my precious area. I pushed him in deeper and his tongue just touched places that made me shiver and weak. His hand stroked the inside of my thighs and eventually grabbed my ass and massaged it. I am loving that feeling.

Eventually I’m laying down on his floor, whimpering and writhing as I gushed on his face. I yelled, yelled for god, for buddha, for whomever is allowing me to feel this pleasure. I shivered, I shook, I wailed, and I made a mess in his floor. He didn’t stop. He kept eating me out and his hands have traveled to my breast and he’s been pinching and twisting my nipples.

“Give me a second, Corey,” I begged but he wasn’t having it. He carried me up, my god he’s strong, and laid me on the bed as he fingered me. “Noooo, Corey I’m still so sensitiiiiiive!” I felt it coming again, he’s finger fucking me so good! I grabbed his arm, his chest, whatever I could because my hands somehow grew a mind of its own, and I gushed again. Wet squelches soon followed, and stopped when he brought his soaking wet finger to me. I licked it and took it into my mouth, and tasted me.

“Jesus, fuck that was good,” I said in between breath. I was hoping to act as dominant as I could, to lord my age over him, but he ended up knocking me down a peg or four. He brushed my long, red hair off of my brown eyes and gave me a kiss and we just laid there in concert euphoria.
“I’m going to miss you Emily,” he said as he rubbed his thumb over my lips then he caressed my cheeks.

“Hmmm, I lied. I wasn’t going to leave. I just said that because we ran out of stuff to talk about.”

“What, that’s not fair, Emily give me back my feelings! So you’re staying?” He almost laughed as he sat up.

“I don’t have a reason to leave, unless you’re leaving.”

I gave him a wink and left it at that.


“Emily, we’ve got a new admit over in 808. I need orders for him.”

“Oh sure, I’ll be there in a bit Corey.”

We walked over, shoulder to shoulder but our pinky is wrapped around each other. While relationships aren’t frowned upon here, we thought it best to keep it a secret, but it’s a pretty horribly kept secret since everyone already has us pegged as a couple. One of the female nurses even gave me a nudge and a wink and whispered, “If you didn’t pick him up, I would’ve.”

“I’m off tomorrow,” he said with a smile, “you?”

“Unfortunately, no. I get off at my usual time.” I sighed as I rubbed my eyes from fatigue.

“Oh ok, so…”

“Yeah, I’ll see you at your place. I’ll bring my coat.”
