To Boldly Go [mmff], [manual], [massage]

The following is the first of what may be a few stories that aim to both titillate the reader and also inform her about the nature and character of the author's fantasies and the potential paths of his sexual explorations. As such, they reveal inner desires that may yet manifest as false, but which, at least in their telling, leave him profoundly exposed. So, please handle with care.

Part 1

The months have passed seeing our trio indulge in all manner of fun both sexy and vanilla. We've found attraction and affection and have grown to regard our relationship with a little less amazement for existing and a little more comfort having an expectation of its persistence.

In the warm light of that confidence, Abby decides to reprise an old idea. She's recently encountered several massage therapists. Amongst them, Michael has wonderful strong hands and an inquisitive personality that's left Abby wondering at herself for revealing so much information while lying prone on the massage table. She hasn't yet told him about Ericka, but he has a pretty good idea that some of her Saturday nights have been exciting even by this city's standards.

He's intimated a bit about himself, too. While not into the fetish scene, he does like to club in the Village and has partaken of the forbidden fruits found there. He hasn't revealed much detail but his slender form and soft good looks would surely have made him and his nectar a popular target to be plucked.

A few weeks ago, Abby met with Michael to work out some kinks and damage left in the wake of the trip around the Cape. Over the span of the session, Abby allowed him to dig a little deeper with his questions. Prodding here and there he soon came upon the rich vein of stories named Ericka. After a moment’s pause to digest, the massage and the questions restarted with a new focus. An hour more on the table and another over coffee had Michael up to date and well informed and Abby happy to have a confident with whom to share her adventures. She also had a plan for an evening of fun.

The problem was Sam. Hmmm. The boy can be difficult.

He's refused to be massaged by a man. It seems silly to her but he's been honest and earnest and within the confines of his own macho perspective, he's, at least, been consistent. Still, her plan needs Michael and so she resolves to give it another go. This time she's going to point out that it's proved to be impossible to find a girl who will do the job and the fact that women rarely can get the hard pressure that both Abby and Ericka enjoy so much.

To her surprise, Sam relents with only the lightest of pressure. While she's a little suspicious of the profound change in position, she's not going to argue with the good fortune.

Sam looks uncomfortable behind his brave face. Abby glances over at him from her perch on the side of the couch. She notes the subtle tenseness in his jaw and neck as he prepares everyone's favourite Malibu concoction and notes, wryly, that Michael will certainly have something to work on. Ericka has been entertaining their guest with stories about her show and has enthralled him with her captivating smile and her very gay friendly breasts. Abby has noted several darting downward glances that betray the purity of his sexuality.

As previously agreed, the massage bed has been setup beside the big black four poster. In that position, the rear slat had to be dropped to fit it in the confines between the bed and the wall and Ericka wonders if Sam's feet won't need to be amputated to accommodate the massage.

A pause in the conversation leads Abby to suggest that they get started. She's going to go first and happily disrobes what little clothing she had and settles, like a great feline, onto the table. Within moments, all are entertained by murmurs and cries of pleasure and pain as Michael's deceptively strong hands kneed tension from Abby's back.

Ericka casts a look at Sam and sees the mild anxiety that has been written on his face all night. She sidles up to him and wraps her arms and legs around him while playfully nuzzling his neck. He really is an easy mark and she's satisfied to see him turn his attention back at her. Their lips meet and while she detects his distraction, her passionate kiss and probing playful tongue have him refocused in moments. He pushes her on her back and takes a nipple between his firm lips, lightly pinching before his tongue flicks out and back eliciting a moan and sending tingles bounding down her arm and leg.

Looking down on her lover, she feels a twinge of anxiety. She saw one of his mischievous grins flash over his face. “Oh no. What’s he going to do?” The fear is fleeting as it is very hard to be too concerned when Sam’s playful tongue is eliciting such little pleasures from her nipples. And those hands… mmm.

He reaches under the band of her skirt to feel the freshly waxed skin. His palm flattens and he slides his hand down further to cup her increasingly wet pussy. Ericka moans at his touch. She feels possessed and so aroused. She wants him inside of her, to be fucked. But then, she realizes that she has an audience and looks up to see both Abby and Michael smiling broadly. They’ve been enjoying the show and Michael, at least, has been failing miserably as he attempts to maintain his professionalism and focus on Abby’s knotted upper back.

Ericka blushes and giggles, “you guys!” But, her twinge of self-conscience dissipates in response to the increasing pressure and rhythmic movement of Sam’s fingers over her clit. She closes her eyes and turns into his chest biting the soft skin off his pecs. Oh god, she thinks, he’s delicious.

His fingers continue to swirl over her clit and occasionally into her pussy to gather some more wetness before returning to the swelling organ. He whispers into her ear, “I’m going to lie against the backboard, lay against me.” He crawls up the bed and wraps his legs around her. She feels the thumping of his heart against her back and loves the sensation of being enveloped within those strong arms and legs. Now with two free hands, he flips her skirt up onto her belly revealing the wet panties which are all that obscure her throbbing pussy from Abby and Michael’s probing eyes. She feels her stomach tighten with primal fear at being so exposed, but her heart races with excitement knowing they can see her.

Sam leans forward and whispers into her ear, “off with the panties!” Knowing it’d be futile to protest and not really wanting to anyway, she rolls them down and over her legs. His hands reach between her thighs caressing her soft skin while gently parting her legs so the audience can see her and what he’s doing to her. A moment of resistance and then she allows herself to be spread and displayed. Resigned and excited, she leans her head back against him and revels in the first touch of his fingers on her clit.

While rubbing small circles, he slides a finger inside of her. She cries with the sensation of being penetrated and then bears down on the fingers holding him. She wants to feel him and to know he’s there. She wants to enjoy each movement, the gentle changes in pressure and the heat of his body encasing her. The first finger is joined by a second and both, together, massage the inside of her vagina. He knows this ground well and wastes no time before focusing the strokes on her g-spot on the inside and her clit on the outside.

Abby blissfully regards the scene from her perch on the table. Michael’s hands work deep into a tangle of knots in her neck and she’s vacillating between agony and ecstasy emitting moans and groans respectively. Ericka is spread before her with Sam’s two hands working rhythmically inside of her pussy and rubbing her clit. She smiles as she imagines the feel of him wrapped around her as he’s been so many times before and would envy Ericka right now if it weren’t for the magic that Michael is conjuring behind her.

“Enjoying yourself?” She asks Ericka.

A moment passes, and then her eyes open to regard Abby with a dazed look. “Hmmm?” A languid smile settles on Ericka’s face as she nestles back into Sam. Her hips begin to match the rhythm of his fingers. Her chest heaves and her nipples raise two beacons begging to be caressed and nuzzled. Sam feels her join the movement of his fingers and knows she’s closer to cumming. He presses a bit harder on both her clit and g-spot and rubs a little faster. Her moans are louder and her hips rock forward on his fingers. She clenches on his fingers and cries out as the warmth of the orgasm washes over her body leaving her shuddering in his arms.

“Bravo!” yells Michael. And every has a laugh and laughs harder still as a red flush of embarrassment washes over the semi-conscious Ericka.
