Didn´t think she´d go through with it (Blowjob, Frienship+)

So before all the shit went down our friend group was fairly normal. We were just teenagers. There was Lara, always dressing slutty, but really funny and a nerd at heart like all of us. There was Jonas Laras Boyfriend at the time who´s only objective in life seemed to be, to fuck her. Also there was me quite shy but able to be open in the friend group, Finn who had a no fucks given attitude and Johanna who was really shy but after a while openend up to us.

One afternoon Lara, Jonas and Finn were hanging out at Finns and wanted me to come over.

Johanna made one of her most daring jokes yet in the WhatsApp group: “Come over and I´ll blow you ”

so I came over because I had nothing else to do. As I walked in the first thing I heard was Finns always annoid voice saying: “So are you gonna keep your promise? ” “of course” she replied jokily. I entered the living room:

“I´d honstly have nothing against it ” we all laughed.

“Let´s do it then” … Silence I´d never heard my friend group this silent

“Let´s go” She dragged me into the bathroom and closed the door.

“Are you really going to do it?” I asked shakily “Of course. I´m actually suprised we haven´t made a frienship+ agreement yet.” I started to answer “But …” but she cut me off

“Do you really think I haven´t noticed your looks? When I show a littel bit off skin you can´t hold eyecontact and seem to suspiciously go to the bathroom often. Wouldn´t you like to get a blowjob? ”

“Of course I would butt.. ”

“**Just get undressed already!**”

I saw the longing in her eyes, she apparently also had a lot of pent up hornyness. She licked her lips as I unbuttoned my pants. I sat down on the toilet and saw how she examined my dick. It wasn´t the biggest but it would do. She gave me a deep kiss which was the most amazing feeling I a virgin had had since my last relationsship 2 years earlier.

She started pumping my dick and after it had grown a bit, she took it in her mouth. She started at me as she caressed the tip and let I slide into her mouth. She moved her mouth up and down. Her saliva had now coated my complete dick and I was on cloud nine.

She stopped sucking my dick for a second and as she saw my disapointed face she said: “You´ll get enough action today”

She pulled her pants down and started touching herself. She started to mown slightly. I almost came but I could hold it back. Keeping on touching herself she took my dick in her mouth. She fastened her motions my dick fillling up her entire mouth and touching the back of her mouth. As she kept on touching herself our moans started to synchronise.

“I´m about to come” I informed her a little to late. She could only get out the “Me t…”before my cum filled up her mouth. She moaned one last time and then came herself.

She had a bit of trouble but swallowed my entire load. For a couple of seconds we looked a each other: both satisfied, then the reality struck us we were sitting in one of our friends bathrooms. Smeling like cum.

Someone knocked at the door. It was Finn “You two done?” he said jokingly.

We looked at each other and I answeared “Did you really think we were going to do it?”

I wispered into her ear: “Are we ever going to repeat this?”

“I am counting on it”

Source: reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/pjuysc/didnt_think_shed_go_through_with_it_blowjob


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