The Witch Hunter, Chapter II [bdsm] [noncon]

## Chapter 2 – A Wilted Flower

Keeping the witch under control was easy enough, Weiss only had to make sure that he never gave her access to the movements she would need to cast her spells. Clearly she wasn’t physically capable enough to escape his bondage. Blocking the spells meant stopping her from making specific hand motions and from talking, he knew that much, but it was time to learn more with a little experiment. It would be dangerous, but if he wanted any significant information from her he would have to let her speak. The problem was how to let her speak without letting her cast spells, and thankfully he had thought of a solution. He wasn’t totally sure it would work, it depended on a single line he read in an old manuscript, about an ancient witch from the Aquarius Coven who couldn’t cast some spells after she lost part of her tongue in an accident. The way it was written about made it seem like the sounds needed to be specific to work. He wasn’t going to start cutting off pieces of Therica’s tongue, but he did have a plan. The poor woman was hanging from a rafter in a house he was using outside of Sydney, he thought it would be a good idea to vacate her apartment in case anyone came looking for her. He felt some pride in his ropework, both her calves were wrapped up with bindings that ran upwards from her ankles, joining half a metre above her. She wasn’t upside down though, he had bent her torso up at the waist and forced her head and shoulders up between her legs. To keep her in place her arms ran forward and wrapped around her thighs, bound together behind her lower back, as well as to the thickest part of her legs. She was still asleep and he needed her out for a little longer, which didn’t seem like it would be a problem. Her body was contorted like a pretzel and she didn’t stir the entire trip from her place to here, she was out cold. It was easy enough to give her a little more of the poison that he used to knock her out in the first place, he couldn’t take the gag out to feed it to her but of course he still had plenty of access to her body. Her stockings remained on her legs, the garter straps hanging loosely as he had removed the girdle along with her brassiere, leaving her sizeable breasts hanging bare between her thighs. It was a beautiful sight, the only modesty she had left was her panties stretched tight over her pubic mound, and he was obviously already intimately familiar with that region of her body anyway. The ballgag was still snug in her mouth and she hadn’t stopped drooling, the sight was amusing, and arousing, but he had to take it out now. He slapped her around the face a few times to make sure she wasn’t close to waking up, then reached up and unstrapped the gag, taking it out from between her teeth. He had to work quickly now.

He had already prepared the instruments he would need, arranged neatly on a metallic tray, already sterilised, though he was sure that Therica’s magically improved constitution meant that she didn’t have to worry about things like infections anyway. First, he took a pair of forceps and then, holding her jaw open, gripped the ends against her tongue, clamping it in place outside her mouth. Next, he wiped down a needle and took it in his other hand, very carefully manoeuvring it above the muscle, using the forceps to hold it steady, though she wasn’t awake to struggle. Working slowly, he pierced the needle through her tongue, leaving it in place while he quickly took a cloth and dabbed some of the blood away. He was almost done now, he took the last objects from the tray, two diamond shaped pendants, each a few centimetres long, aquamarine coloured. One of them had its own needle protruding from the tip covered in small grooves, matching a small slot on the other. Still moving slowly, he took the pendant with the needle and carefully replaced the needle that was still piercing her tongue from underneath. All he had yet to do was take the other pendant and push them both together, joining them snugly with her tongue sandwiched between. They would feel heavy, and more importantly they would make a lot of sounds hard to pronounce properly. She would sound ridiculous but she would still be able to talk, hopefully. She was beginning to stir, probably from the pain of the piercing, and it was simply time to wait and see if his theory was right. If it wasn’t, the first spell she cast would probably kill him, but just in case he held onto the ball gag, ready to shove it in her mouth and stop her casting a second.

“Euuahh… Oeeww.” She mumbled, slowly coming to her senses. She seemed to snap into full consciousness almost at once, suddenly realising where she was; A completely unfamiliar room in a wooden house somewhere. Her body ached, her breasts were exposed, she was hanging from the ceiling. The shame came washing back over her as she both remembered what had happened and realised that there was more to come, probably much more, and maybe much worse. *God*, her back was killing her and… Her mouth wasn’t gagged. The man was standing right in front of her and he hadn’t gagged her mouth. Was it a mistake? It had to be, one spell and he was finished. She wasn’t going to give him a chance to fix his error.

The Latin words came out of her mouth almost instantly, but as Weiss expected they didn’t sound at all elegant. It was like a child trying to copy something complicated an adult was saying. And then, instead of bursting into flames or choking to death or turning into a frog, nothing happened to him. A few seconds went past and they felt like an eternity to both parties, sheer horror and realisation dawning in her and triumph in him. Another bout of Latin came, then another, and Weiss finally let himself laugh.

“Wha ii you-oo?” She yelled, the words jumbled, difficult to understand but still barely parsable. He had done it.

“Just tempered your tongue a little so that we can have a conversation, that’s all. I might have known that you’re the only witch in the city but there’s plenty I don’t know. For instance, are you the only witch in Australia?” He asked, tossing the ball gag on the tray and putting it aside. He held her still with one hand under her ass, she was starting to struggle against the ropes, almost instinctively.

“Go-oo heww.” She said bluntly, then as if considering whether to even attempt saying anything more she added, “Whe yey fiy-oo, you-w be sowy. Oow mercy.” She was already resorting to shortening her sentences. Weiss didn’t quite get all of it but he could tell it was a threat, at which he only smiled amusedly.

“Seems like you need a little practice talking with your new accessory. How about you answer my questions though instead of mouthing off, unless you want to be used like a common whore again. Are you the only witch in Australia?” He repeated the question again, this time more gravely. She felt sick, she was at the end of the line, staying silent was only going to incur his wrath and she was completely powerless to defend herself. But that being said he had already violated her, maybe he had overplayed his hand. She didn’t think this question in particular mattered too much, she didn’t even know the answer for sure herself, but if she started to play along she was worried her resolve would slowly erode and she’d end up revealing important information in small doses. The most critical secret she had, the one she was sure he would most want to know, was when and where the next meetup of her coven was. She closed her eyes and shook her head, her mouth closed, her tongue feeling out the pendant against her teeth.

“Right. Well, I would say this is where the fun begins but I’ve certainly been enjoying myself up until now. You’d be a lot more comfortable too if you cooperated but I’m not complaining.” He announced in a chipper tone, letting go of her ass and wandering off behind her. Rather than worry herself uselessly on what he was doing she took a moment to look around the room. It was mostly uninteresting, a low wooden building in some isolated area. There were windows around her but it was dark out, she could hear the sounds of the night that were absent in the city. The house had a few pieces of old furniture but it certainly didn’t look lived in, it must have been a hideout of some kind, maybe even just an abandoned building her captor had found. She was sure now that no human would find her, even if someone came looking. The only way she’d be rescued now was by another witch using magic to find her, and as the man was understandably very eager to know, there probably weren’t any other witches in the country. She was in deep, deep trouble now. Her only possible avenue of escape was her magic, perhaps if he became careless with the bindings, she only needed control of her arms, or maybe with enough practice she could properly pronou-

“OUUUUAAAAAAA!” She cried out, the noise wanting to come out as a scream for a split second before she managed to temper it into more of a pained howl that reverberated in the room. Something had struck her right ass cheek from behind and underneath, something hard and flat, hitting her flesh with enough speed to sting like a hornet. Weiss revealed himself a moment later, stepping in front of her brandishing his new toy. A sleek black riding crop, the kind a jockey would use to spur on his horse. Once again she didn’t know whether to focus more on the dawning dread or the humiliation, or the pain still radiating through her ass. She shook her head and bit her lip, fighting back tears.

“Iw kiw-oo. I-wiw.” She snarled, but of course she didn’t inspire any fear as she meant to, she only humiliated herself even more. Weiss smiled back at her but it wasn’t in amusement anymore, he had an evil, anticipatory look to him now.

“That’s not the answer I’m looking for.” He said simply, before striking the crop down against her left thigh, cracking it against the skin so loudly that Therica thought she could hear a bird flee in fear outside. She grunted loudly, as loudly as she could through gritted teeth, the sting of the horrible instrument making every muscle in her body tense. She felt like she was curling in on herself, even though the bindings were already so contorting. The pain was making her aware of how sore her body was just from holding the stress position, she seriously wasn’t sure how much more she could take. Witches were less susceptible to outright injury thanks to their magical constitution, but somehow generations of magical improvement to their bodies never eliminated any degree of pain. There had to be some spell for that, one she deeply regretted not knowing, and not permanently casting on herself long before.

“Iw… I on noo.” She gasped, almost unintentionally. She had to give him something, her body almost made her do it. She didn’t know if he could understand her but at this point she hardly cared. That was his fault.

“You don’t know? You can do better than that I’m afraid.” He announced grimly, and sure enough the crop struck her again. The way he used it was terrifying, it never looked like he was about to swing it more than a split second before he did, but the speed didn’t seem to compromise the power of the attacks. This one flew upwards and struck the sole of her foot, the fresh flavour of pain making her cry out this time, her half scream ringing out into the distance.

“SOP! SOP!” She cried out desperately, unable to produce the T sound. This was so derogatory she could barely process it, she was begging a human to stop whipping her like an animal, in pathetic, half-formed words. Like an infant.

“Nooh iw ma u-en. Ma u-en!” She blurted out. She had to stop the pain, she couldn’t take any more of it. Stars forgive her. Mercifully, the crop didn’t come down again, instead he stood still, trying to parse her words. Suddenly it clicked, he only needed to figure out one.

“Ah. Your coven. So you don’t know what the other covens are doing but there’s no one else from yours here. Is that right?” He said, his satisfied, gravely tone returning with less malice now. Therica suddenly realised what exactly she had just done, in only a few pained words she had revealed so much to this human. Is that all it took, a few strikes from a piece of leather to make her spill her secrets? She had just revealed information on the coven’s plans, that was enough to have her removed altogether. She said nothing, staring ahead past the man, into blank space. Even if she was rescued now they’d find out. Witches can extract knowledge from the brain of a dead man if they need to. She had sealed her fate. Just as soon as she pulled herself from her thoughts she realised she had unknowingly confirmed everything he had just guessed at as well, if her silence wasn’t enough her face said it all.

“Now you’re proving more useful.” He mused with an extremely self-satisfied air. He started to pace back and forth a little, the pathetic girl wilting in her bindings. He could see red marks swelling up on her soft skin where the crop struck her, they would form welts by tomorrow. He was in the unexpected position now of not knowing exactly how to proceed. She had suddenly revealed a lot to him but he needed more, especially if he was going to start piecing together their plans. Suddenly the thought struck him that *she* might not even know their plans. After all she wasn’t a very high ranking witch in the coven, he was fairly sure of that. The ultimate goal would be to get enough out of her to track down another witch. He could see it now, they may be selfless when their own suffering is on the line but what if he started threatening their precious sisters in front of them? They would sing like canaries, he was sure of it. For now though he simply needed more information. She probably still wasn’t about to lead him straight to the rest of her coven, he would need to work up to that, but in the meantime he could fill in a lot of his knowledge. After all, they wouldn’t all be as easy to detect as Therica, and they certainly wouldn’t all be stupid enough to drink poisoned tea. Know thine enemy, he thought. He decided to keep pressing her while she was still reeling at letting slip what was clearly a big secret to her, even though it only confirmed things he already suspected were true.

“So tell me Therica, while you’re playing nice, didn’t you come to Sydney with anything more useful than some brewing equipment and a few herbs? Where are your spell books?” He continued, expertly making it seem as though he had the questions planned the whole time. She shook her head in response.

“O-pell books. Uhw. In Ooh-” She stopped mid-word, breathing heavily, still reeling from the pain and more frustrated than ever at her stilted words. She tugged tightly against her ropes, trying anything to shift the pain from her aching back and stinging ass cheeks, before continuing.

“Ooheeh-p.” She muttered.


“Yew.” She nodded her head. Every word she spoke in civil conversation with this beast was met with a gut reaction from deep inside her, but she knew there was no point in digging her heels in now, not while he was asking about something irrelevant like her spell books. If she stopped talking he would only spank her with the crop till she had to tell him anyway.

“So your spell books are in Europe, that makes sense I suppose.” He mused out loud. Once again she had unwittingly revealed something interesting, they had to have some kind of permanent base of operations if her books were hidden somewhere. Based on his studies the most likely place would be near an old seat of power, perhaps France or Germany, possibly even Greece if this was one of the older covens. He wanted badly to ask her but he knew that line of questioning would probably hush her up in a moment.

“Still, you must have something valuable here with you. I’m sure your coven didn’t send you completely unequipped?” He pressed on, lifting up the crop and placing the flat end gently against her pussy, pressing it against her pubic mound over the thin layer of fabric still protecting her.

Her stomach sank, she could feel herself start to sweat. A part of her knew that if she lied he would know, he would know and he would strike her hard in the most sensitive place on her body. But she couldn’t just tell him, she had responsibilities. She shook her head, closing her eyes almost in anticipation, or fear.

“Now Therica, I’m sure that’s not true. There must be *something* in Australia that I’d be interested in. I don’t think you’re being very honest.” And with that, even before he finished the last word, he whipped up the crop and brought it right back down, striking her right on her sex. The pain was simply unbearable, she shook in her bindings, the rafter creaked, the ropes tightened, and she finally let out a scream completely unbridled, forcing her pain out through her vocal cords. Before she could even see straight again he struck her a second time, hitting her ass in much the same place as he had earlier.

“AUUUGHHH! A-Apamen! Apamen! Ma-ome!” She screamed, tears finally springing up in her eyes. She knew she wasn’t strong enough to resist it and so here she was.

“I turned your apartment upside down.” He barked, the crop now against her right breast, lifting it up slightly.

“U-er-e foor! Eh foor!” She tried to tell him, blubbering out the words between more choked cries of pain. It wracked through her in waves, almost as if he was still hitting her, even though he was holding the crop still while he stared into her eyes.

“The floor? Under the floor?” He figured it out quickly. “Under the floorboards you mean?”

“Yew! Yew…” She choked out, nodding her head quickly before bowing it in shame. And then just as soon as it had started, his bout of anger seemed to be over. He smiled again, taking the crop away from her breast and sliding it through her panties, across her ass cheeks right underneath her.

“There, see? That wasn’t so hard. You’ll find the next week to be a lot easier if you’re a good girl. Now, what’s a bit of pain without some pleasure to go with it? After all, I still deserve a reward for my work.” He told her cheerily. She could only hang her head and choke back sobs, trying her best not to break down completely. What he would find in her apartment would set him well on the way to uncovering the real secrets of her coven. At the very least it would give him more questions to interrogate her with. She barely even understood what he was saying now, just glad that the riding crop seemed to have been put away, even if it was humiliatingly tucked into her underwear like she was some sort of storage rack.

Before leaving the old building for central Sydney, Weiss couldn’t help but do as he said and take her again, pulling her panties aside and forcing his way inside her, after lowering her on her ropes to the right height for it. The terrible strike of the riding crop against her pussy meant that it was a long time into the ordeal before she felt anything but pain. Her body unwittingly betrayed her as he held her thighs tightly and buried his cock up into her, sending misguided sparks of pleasure through her that only made her more ashamed and contrasted the rest of the aches and pains she was feeling. This time his hands were all over her firm breasts, enjoying them as he saw fit, and when it was finally time for him to finish he reached up and gripped her chin, sliding a thumb into her mouth and feeling for the pendants. She did the only thing she could do to defy him and bit his thumb hard, but it simply seemed to spur him on to completion, and he soon buried his cock inside her once again while it pumped its load out.


Feedback Appreciated.



  1. Once again, great work. I love the inner monologue from both parties. The descriptions are really immersive and the developing story is compelling.
    Any chance you could dabble the other senses?

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