A Cold Caress [M/F] [Vampire]

**Warnings:** Detailed sexual content, brief mention of blood.

**October 1882**

The hunter had found her prey, and it was already too late.

In the full moon’s pale ray, a vampire bent over an unfortunate creature. Double-inch fangs split severed flesh. A crimson pool blossomed like melting ice under the body. The vampire’s bloodied tongue swept dark from his fangs, and then his yellow eyes caught the moonlight.

Before the hunter could move, claws tore the collar of the hunter’s leather cover, baring the furred inner. Pink saliva hung from open lips as the vampire lifted his new prey from the black grass. 

A tree hit her back, and a second set of clutching needles pinned the hunter’s thigh immobile. Her clenched fists relaxed, and she shut her eyes to block out the blood.

**February 1883**

In front of the hunter was the door of the vampire’s manor. It was thrice as tall as she, polished wood black as the sky around her, the knob gold. The hunter hesitated, but the door opened by itself with a soft creak.

Shivering in the frigid rain, the warmth was no comfort. There was a tall figure ahead, a blur against the faint glow of candles.

“You may enter.”

The voice was layered, as though several similar were speaking at once. The hunter pulled back her wet hood to show a young face, colored by years in the sun. Damp tresses of vivid red hair stuck to her neck.

“I wasn’t expecting you would accept my invitation,” the unmoving figure continued, “and you are alone, no less. Your fellows would not come?”

“They don’t know I’m here.” 

Footsteps echoed on a hard floor, and the vampire was visible at last.

“Oh, how is it that you always surprise me, human?”

Taller than a man, he was dressed in a black robe, its scarlet fastenings trimmed in silver. Elbow-length, raven hair framed his face, most of it in loose curls, and his amber eyes reminded the hunter of what should have been her fate.

“You can speak, can’t you?” he asked, pointed teeth showing. “It’s rude for a guest to ignore her host.”

“You’re a vampire, I don’t have to ask what you’ve brought me here for.” 

The glowing eyes blinked, a white hand gesturing behind the door.

“You should not jump to some grisly conclusion. If I wanted your blood, you know you would be powerless to resist. But I have fed recently. That urge must be tempered tonight. Now, if you’ll come with me.”

After the freezing drizzle, the hunter’s mind sighed to be inside. But she couldn’t forget her mission- at her right thigh, she had a blade of pure silver. The moment the vampire was vulnerable, one swift blow would kill him.

*And likewise, if I let my guard down for a second.*

“Tell me,” the hunter said as they paused in the narrow, dim hall, “have you let a human into your home before?”

“I have not,” the vampire answered, turning his eerie face to hers, “but many before you have stormed my home, armed with swords and crosses. And perhaps that is what I desire. The blood of brave warriors and scholars satiates my kind so very well.”

*You’d better count your seconds to live, monster.*

The hall opened to a larger room, door swinging of its own accord. A chandelier threw shimmering light on several large, cushioned chairs, two situated by a crackling fire. 

“Make yourself comfortable, hunter.”

The hunter sat as though the sturdy wood and plush fabric would collapse. She took off leather gloves and flexed her chilled fingers as the vampire sat opposite, watching. The way an owl watches a mouse on which it will swoop in a silent rush.

“Your name is Shannon, yes?”

“How did you know that?” the hunter demanded, clenching the chair’s arm.

“That is what your fellows called you. I heard them approaching after I indulged.”

Shannon’s trembling fingers tucked a strand of hair in front of her ear, but the vampire had seen her scar.“

So you know that much,” Shannon continued, “but if you’ve just brought me here to kill and eat me, I’m not going to be that easy. You took me by surprise then.”

The vampire continued to smile, letting the silence stretch on. When he did speak, his tone was low and subtle, as though he were speaking to a dying creature.

“No, Shannon. I brought you here because there is something I would ask of you. Precisely, something I want from you.”

Shannon shifted purposefully in her seat, wanting to feel the knife.

“Something you want?”  

For the first time the hunter noticed the vampire’s low collar exposed part of his chest, and she blinked, wondering where her curiosity was coming from.

“Not precisely what I am sure you are thinking,” the vampire paused, lifting his hand, “but if you are offering blood, I am happy to oblige. If you are properly conditioned, it will not be painful.”

“No! It’s a part of me, it’s not for a monster like you!” Shannon jerked out of her seat, hand at her hip, and the vampire’s hand found her chin before she could move.

“And that is not what I’ve brought you here to ask,” was the soft answer, “please, calm yourself, hunter. As long as you agree to my deal, no harm will come to you.”

“I’m not agreeing to anything a murderer asks me.”

“If you would allow me to explain, I think you’ll find my proposal agreeable.” 

Shannon didn’t speak, sitting back down slowly, her eyes fixed warily on the vampire’s face. There was anger in the lines around his eyes as he added, “And may I venture that you yourself, a hunter, have murdered many of my kin as well. You would do well to watch your words, my patience has a limit. Have you forgotten how you wandered alone, on a full moon, through a place anyone knows is patrolled by my kind? What hunter who values her life would do that?”

A sick peal of fear ran through Shannon’ empty stomach as she sat, cold palms leaving sweat on the arms of the chair. Perhaps his bargain would be to turn her into a vampire. A fate worse than death for a monster hunter. 

“Hunter Shannon, I will confess that when I found you, I wanted you only as prey. My hunger was terrible that night, you humans cannot fathom such an urge. But I must admit, when I caught you… I had different feelings.”

The color drained from Shannon’s face as she was forced to remember the moment she thought would be her last. The splintered bark scratching her back, clawed hands pinning her down- but what disturbed Shannon the most was the lack of pain as fangs pierced her throat.“

Perhaps I am getting softer,” the vampire gave a humorless chuckle, “but our encounter has made me consider things I gave little thought to before. I realize I have not felt the touch of a living human in many years, and I confess that I rather miss such an experience.”

“A human’s ‘touch’?” Shannon interrupted, a bead of sweat rolling down her neck. 

“I believe you know what I mean, but I shall explain nonetheless. I ask, Shannon, that you would grant me yourself, your body, so I might feel living flesh again. You are worthy of such a privilege, bold enough to enter my domain alone, to sit with the one who relished the taste of your blood.”

Shannon stared at the fire, seeing nothing. She opened her mouth, then closed it wordlessly, pressing her face into her hands. The cold hand touched her shoulder, gently. 

“I will allow you time,” the vampire said calmly, “I am prepared to wait for your answer. At least until my hunger returns. I fear I cannot keep myself from you for too long. And should you refuse my offer, then I will insist you remain in my home, and provide me with the blood I need.”

“What are you- but hold on, you don’t have to take all of my blood at once, do you?” 

“Of course not,” the vampire said, smile growing, and Shannon shuddered as he touched the lock of hair hiding her scar. “But once I taste fresh blood from a strong, healthy human, it is quite difficult to stop. You would be dead before I realized what I was doing.”

*Then how come that didn’t happen before?* was all Shannon could think. She was about to ask this very question just as the vampire spoke. 

“But before we make arrangements, I’ve prepared a meal for us. I assume you’re hungry, hunter?”

“Of course, I haven’t had decent food since I left home,” Shannon answered, somewhat blindsided by the offer. The shifting light faded as the two returned to the hallway, the vampire leading her. 

*What’s happening to me? I’m supposed to be hunting this monster, not sitting by a fire with him,* Shannon’s mind interrogated her. *I can’t forget, I’m dead the moment he gets to my neck… just as he’ll be dead as soon as I’m close enough to touch.* 

“You are so anxious, hunter,” the vampire crooned as they paused at a grand staircase, carpeted in velvet. “Your heartbeat has been so terribly fast since you came to my doorstep. I remind you, I have no need to harm you, as long as you are willing to accept my request. Or to feed me.”

“I haven’t agreed to anything yet,” Shannon said, and the shining eyes fixed on hers. She drew up her shoulders and swallowed a gasp as the vampire loomed over her.

“If that is your answer, I’ve no reservations about taking your blood by force.”Shannon’s back was to the wall. No part of the vampire’s body touched hers, but invisible spiders of terror crawled through her skin. 

“I could have killed you that last time,” she whispered, “and you know it. You’re just as scared as I am.”

“Such brave words from a little human.”

Smooth, clawed fingers closed around Shannon’s throat, just enough to be felt. A spark of feeling erupted in the hunter’s chest as she saw the vampire’s pupils were not round, but shaped like inverted crosses.“

But I didn’t kill you,” she said, and the fingers relaxed. A strange noise rumbled from the vampire’s throat, sending waves of response through Shannon’s frame.

“You think yourself bold, but I hear every beat of your fragile heart, every shallow breath when you look at me. You could never fool a vampire, if that is what you are hoping to do.”

*Maybe this is going to be my last mission,* Shannon wondered grimly. This dark creature could basically read her mind. As if on cue, the scar at her neck prickled as the pair approached another door.

The dining room would have been welcoming under different circumstances. It was better lit than the rest of the manor, although Shannon noticed every piece of fabric was the same dark scarlet- the color of wet blood. She made her way to the vast table, keeping half an eye on the vampire.

“You’ve gone to a lot of trouble,” Shannon ventured, seeing that the vast dining table had several dishes waiting, “I suppose any vampire gets tired of blood after so many centuries.”

The vampire laughed, settling into a chair directly opposite Shannon. “Is that what humans say of us? That is another myth, of course we eat the same foods as you. We can still enjoy many pleasures of the living.”

*Pleasures of the… Oh, God, I better not hear that again until I’m the hell out of here.*

Still, Shannon was too hungry to focus on anything other than their meal. She chose a slice of bread and a helping of some sort of soup, which had a very tasty, gingery warmth to it. She was suspicious of the meat- a friend had once claimed, with a nasty smirk, that vampires ate the flesh of healthy victims. But a bite told Shannon that it was only pork, if strongly flavored. 

Shannon didn’t notice the vampire had not once broken his gaze from her until she looked up to drink.The creature’s fangs were clearly visible whenever his lips opened, and he never seemed to blink. Faintly annoyed, she wiped her mouth and continued to eat, determined not to show fear.

At the conclusion of the meal, the vampire chose a peach from a small, silver bowl of fruit. He had a knife in his other hand- silver as well- and offered one half to the hunter. She almost refused, but had taken the tidbit before she could speak.

“A lovely treat to end a satisfying dinner on,” the vampire said quietly, “with soft, tender flesh and rich juices inside. Now, how are you feeling, hunter?”

“I’ve been worse,” Shannon said after a pause, fingers absently playing with the ornate tablecloth. “I just didn’t think I’d have a welcome like this when I read your letter.”

“I don’t know what tales humans have spun about my kind, but I, at least, am capable of grace. It is good to be kind to those you would ask favors of.”

His eyes darkened imperceptibly as the vampire added, “and regarding that subject… Do I have an answer from you yet? Will you lie with me tonight?”

“Hold on now,” Shannon said at once, head snapping up. “You haven’t even- you know what I’ve been worried about? You’re capable of…” the words could barely leave, “you can… You’re a man. I’m a woman.”

“A man, am I?” the vampire answered, a flicker of amusement in his eyes, “I am far from a man, you know that better than most. But do not worry, I did not think you would want to bear my child. Though children born of a pair of my kind tend to be rather sickly, and I may have been hoping…”

A strange, far-off sort of pain was visible in the vampire’s face, the way his smile faded and his steady gaze lost Shannon’s. She blinked in confusion, waiting for an explanation.

“Fortunately, all I need to do is perform a simple spell. It is harmless, and will wear off by the following day.”

“You’ve tried it before?” Shannon said with a glare, stepping back to maintain the distance between them. 

“That is not of your concern. But understand this: should you be harmed at all, I am capable of fixing any injuries. How do you think you survived my attack?”

For a heartbeat Shannon struggled to understand, and then gasped when his finger stroked the mark on her throat. “No, Alex found me right after it happened, she took care of my-”

“No human could have closed a wound from vampire fangs. It was my magic that left you alive, and with your scar.”

Shannon swallowed a cry, frantically pushing the vivid images from her mind. 

“Then why didn’t you?” 

“Why didn’t I…?” the vampire echoed, stepping back as he removed his hand from Shannon’s face.

“Why didn’t you just kill me?” Shannon asked, her courage returning. “If you could have done it so easily? Did you keep me alive just for this?”

The pained look returned to the vampire’s face, and this time there was no mistaking it. For the first time that night, he was silent, as though wrestling for an answer.

“I say again,” he said at last, “that is not to your concern, hunter. You need not fret over my motives. Instead, I will have your answer now. Do you agree to my request, or will you allow me your blood?”

Shannon bit back at least five angry words; stalling wouldn’t work. She pictured them laying on silk sheets, his icy fingers laced in her own… *Why am I thinking of that? And why doesn’t it bother me?* 

“Take me to your bedroom,” she said, her gaze unwavering. The vampire accepted the bait, a sinister smile curving his bloodless lips as he bent in a subtle bow. 

“This is an incredible privilege, Shannon. Others of your kind have sought this for ages. I promise you will cherish the memory of tonight, for all your mortal days.”

Shannon had intended to walk behind, but her hand remained at her side. The vampire led her through a shorter, darker hall and up another flight of stairs, narrower than the last. 

 “Forgive me for having you walk so far. I’ll not disturb your rest once we are finished.”

The hunter’s throat was dry and her chest was constricted with anxiety, but she kept walking, her mind asking a hundred questions and finding no answers. 

*Why didn’t he kill me that time? I’ve never once heard of a vampire letting someone live after an attack. And why did he mention “children of his kind”? Add that to the book of vampire mysteries.* 

At last they reached the crest of the great staircase. The vampire bowed to Shannon- her hand went to the belt- and then a bedroom came into view. It was the most marvelous place the hunter had seen that night.

A round window covered most of the northernmost wall, and through the glass, a brilliant full moon shone like a white sun. Bathed in its cold light was a vast bed, larger than any Shannon had seen, enveloped in crimson blankets. This grand fixture stood by an elegantly black wall, decorated with gold-framed paintings of landscapes- when Shannon got closer, she recognized the scenery. 

*Has he been to all these places?* 

“The time feels right,” the vampire was saying, “I suppose you are worthy now, within my haven. Do you wish to know my name?”

“I… guess so,” Shannon answered, not looking away from the bed. The vampire waited until Shannon turned around to reveal himself.

“I am Cassius Salvatore. That is what my kind call me, anyway.”

“Impressive,” Shannon smirked, “something long and fancy, of course.” 

“It pleases me to know that, Shannon. But I hope there are other things about me that will impress you, very soon.”

It was as if she’d forgotten her mission, as if her knife wasn’t there, until Cassius’ hand came to rest on Shannon’s thigh. Noticing the white silk, she asked in a murmur, “Why are you wearing those gloves? Didn’t freshly butcher an animal before I arrived?”

“Oh no, Shannon. I wear these for your own comfort. But you will know the touch of my skin soon.”

Sliding off the gloves, the vampire held a hand in front of his chest, open palm, and Shannon hesitated. His nails were long and curved to catlike points.

*What am I waiting for? I have to strike now!* 

Cassius’ hand was cold as a corpse. His fingers curled gently around the hunter’s, as if he enjoyed them.

“Allow me a moment,” Cassius said, his voice different now. It was deep and hoarse and Shannon did not move at all as his fingers felt her throat, then slid slowly down to her breasts, gliding over her stomach and resting at her waist. “Now, Shannon… close your eyes.”

She did so, perfectly still except for her shallow breathing. Cassius’ hands remained still, and a tremendous cold ache shot through Shannon’s body, from the waist out. She shivered violently, waiting for it to pass. 

“I apologize, this is not a pleasant procedure,” Cassius said, his mouth closer to Shannon’s face, “but it’s only a moment.

”The hunter shook her head as the sensation faded. She looked back at Cassius with an odd, uncertain expression, her mouth faintly open. His hands closed around her hips and the hunter trembled as open lips hovered by her scar.

“Yes, Shannon, relax. Let me hypnotize you now.” 

“My neck isn’t for your fangs,” she warned, still scared of the twin points. Cassius calmed his guest with a slow stroke down her back, sharp nails leaving a delicate tickle.

“Though your blood tempts me, I do not need it yet. I simply must…”

Shannon was about to ask, when the vampire’s lips closed around the sensitive mark, gentle and intent. The vampire held Shannon with graceful ease as the kiss deepened. His lips were warmer and softer than his hands and Shannon found herself squirming and murmuring under their touch to her own. She felt the sharpened teeth make a gentle impression on her lips, but no more. 

They broke apart with Shannon panting, and a deep rumble of a chuckle escaped the vampire. “Dear me… I didn’t expect you to *want* so much, Shannon.”

“And I didn’t think you’d know anything about kissing,” Shannon answered, her voice heavy and strained. She caught her breath just before Cassius leaned over again. Breathing open-mouthed, lips wet, Shannon sat back on the bed, shaking fingers undoing the straps of her boots. She undid the buckle on the belt around her waist, shudders and tremors wracking her all over. Cassius chuckled softly, a half-hidden sensual note in the soft noise. 

“I long to see your elegant form unburdened by fabric or leather.”

Shannon’s blush bloomed as Cassius removed his robe. His thin undershirt clung to well-defined muscles on his chest and torso, cat-like eyes glowing faintly in the low light. In turn, as Shannon’s jacket slid from her shoulder, Cassius saw her toned stomach underneath a cropped inner. 

Then Shannon’s bra slid from her chest, exposing her small breasts, a tiny silver stud in each nipple. Cassius’ hand closed ever so gently around one as he lifted from Shannon’s neck, then with the quickest of nods, their faces connected.

Shannon murmured softly as she enjoyed the kiss, surprised at the warmth of the vampire’s mouth. “You’re not afraid now,” the vampire said, forehead resting on hers, “good. I wanted you to feel safe here with me.”

“I’m so relieved,” Shannon answered, smirking. She felt a cold jolt as Cassius’ hand found her thigh, but he was gentle as he stroked it, the touch promising more.

“Although I should tell you,” Cassius said as he sat, “that for you to indulge, I will not feel safe unless you have both hands tied behind your back. I wouldn’t want you lashing out with one of your little human weapons.”

“Wait, what did you-?”

The flush in Shannon’s cheeks deepened, a strange feeling tugging at her stomach. Cassius laughed again, bringing a hand to his mouth.

“I don’t need to do such a thing, I only wanted to see you flustered like this. You’re a very composed human,” the vampire said, eyes glittering darkly at the compliment. “Although if you would want such a thing…”

“N-no, I don’t!” Shannon lied, although it was all over her face that she wanted that exactly. But Cassius seemed to believe her, laughing softly as he lay on his side, giving her full view of his upper body. His pale skin was almost translucent in places, red blood and blue veins visible.

“If you insist. But if there is anything I need do to please you, you need only say so. An occasion like this requires the utmost attention to our desires.”

Shannon’s hands had found her belt and tugged gently at the straps, her face downwards and impassive. The knife had come off her thigh, discreetly wrapped between her garments on the elegant bedside table. Following suit, Cassius busied himself with his final layer, and Shannon did not look until she was fully naked. 

The vampire had an elegant, lithe grace to his form, his limbs long and graceful, complimenting well with his cloud of black hair. Muscle contoured his chest, though not to the degree of Shannon’s. In fact, he looked rather… *He’s not weak, he’s immortal!* 

“Now, come to me,” the vampire whispered, moving so a ray of the moon fell on his outstretched hand. “Let me feel your caress, worthy human.”

Shannon obeyed. It was not revulsion that made her shudder as Cassius’s arms and hands found hers, as her wide hips met his thighs. The pale skin had a smooth texture, much like the silk on which they lay.

“This isn’t so bad,” the hunter murmured, eyes slowly closing as Cassius’ lips found hers. Shannon’s hips started to open, anticipating what was to come. The vampire seemed to purr in response, breaking the kiss to gaze into Shannon’s eyes. He was still for a long second. Shannon was relaxed underneath him, eyes half-shut with sleepy content. One hand slid underneath the hunter’s leg, lifting lightly, and then his fingers found her core. 

“Oh! Th-that’s…! Oh, please, more!”

Cassius purred at how easily the hunter had surrendered. He smirked into her panting face, held her squirming figure steady as his fingers gently caressed and stroked the soft, wet, waiting folds. 

“More you shall have, Shannon.”

The hunter looked down, and saw that Cassius was lifting her onto his hips. Her hands trembled and she barely resisted a nervous cry. Pain seared through her body and she gritted her teeth at his entry. It felt strange, but not so different from the other men she’d lain with- colder, stronger… and then all coherent thought was lost in the haze of sex.

Once within her, Cassius’ body seemed to move on its own. He could not believe how incredible the sensations were. The warmth of Shannon’s core as it tightened and twisted around him, the sounds they made without conscious effort, a song of moans, gasps, screams and huffs. 

Fangs bared, yellow eyes shining, Cassius reared over Shannon and pinned her by her wrists, holding her immobile as his hips crashed into hers. The hunter drew in all her breath, body clenched in a jerking spasm, and then a long moan left her barely parted lips as he withdrew gradually, bestial noises coming from behind the fangs.

“How I’ve hungered…” the night creature groaned, his thighs twitching at the way the small human squirmed and squealed underneath him, “Human, you cannot comprehend… how long-!”

A fierce thrust caused Shannon to go limp, her head falling to the pillows, breath gone. Cassius immediately released her wrists and lowered himself so his bare chest touched hers, icy and heaving. Yet he could not stop pushing, pulling, wanting the hunter to feel every inch. He wanted to mark, to claim, to possess utterly in this moment.

“You are mine now, human.”

And Shannon was under his spell. She had resisted the magic for most of the night until they had entered his bedroom, but now all she wanted was Cassius. The world was gone to her. Damp fingers closed tightly around the vampire’s cold talons as her body contorted in explosive pleasure. She felt the heat expand, contract, then the pleasure burst and spread in a shimmering wave from her core to every fiber of Shannon’s being.

When the delirium began to fade and Shannon could open her eyes, her sight blurred with moisture. Her wrists hurt and soreness was building around her hips, but that didn’t matter. She was satisfied like never before. As Cassius silently sat up and wrapped his arms around the human’s delicate, warm, sweating body, she let her face rest against his chest, quieting breaths soothing her.

“Did I not promise you pleasure beyond human description?” Cassius broke the comfortable silence, and Shannon nodded.

“You did. And you kept it. Maybe you’re a little more decent than I gave you credit for.”

The laugh came again, a gentle note. Cassius stroked her hair, smoothing the mass of red waves. Exhaustion from all the night’s excitement was claiming her quickly and Shannon settled into the blankets, smiling at the feeling of fur on her bare skin. She hadn’t slept in a bed so luxurious in years. She didn’t stir as Cassius lay with his face to hers.

Before a beautiful sleep claimed her, Shannon looked into the eyes of the one she’d tried to hunt, tried to kill. Before. Her eyes closed first, and as the moon’s light touched her face, Cassius too allowed rest to come. 

The vampire was the first to wake, as the sky lightened. He half-expected his guest to have disappeared in the night, but she was still, her heartbeat soft music. She was so peaceful and vulnerable, so much blood in soft flesh. 

The vampire’s urge was weak now, an ache that he could ignore. He watched Shannon sleep, hand finding her scar and stroking the warm skin. Shannon’s lips moved and her head dipped on the pillow, but she was still otherwise.

Cassius withdrew his hand and lay back down, blinking thoughtfully. He could see a wink of silver on his bedside table and looked at it for a long time, white light of the moon illuminating the weapon. And he was sleeping again in a few minutes, his breathing slowing until it matched the human asleep on his chest. 

Source: reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/pjgrfc/a_cold_caress_mf_vampire