
Four pillows on the bed, you lay naked. East to west. Arms folded. Thighs separated, laying on your chest. 4 straps, 3 pairs of cuffs, 2 paddles, 1 butt plug.

“How are you,” I whisper in your ear. Then walk over to dim the lights in the room.

No reply. Just bright big dilated green reflective eyes. Only light in the room is bouncing off your pupils. I bight your collar bone, and scrape the skin with my teeth.

“Fuck”, echoes of the walls.

I stand. I look down, you look up. You catch my eyes as they focus just beyond the tip of my cock that is in your face. I lean forward and bite your ass cheek, roughly.

“Fuck, damnit.” You glare at me in frustration.

I stand. You lay. I kneel. Run my fingers through your hair and begin to kiss you. Bottom lip suck. Top lip opens up. Tongues collide. Closed eyes.

You reach forward and place your hand on my chest. “That’s better,” as you express your gratitude.

I stand, you look up and place your palm flat on my thigh. As a positive gesture of things near to come. I grab a pair of cuffs. They are black leather with dark yellow thread. Gold tinted metal loops. Place one around each wrist and make sure they are snug.

I kneel. “You good?”, as reassurance of your safety in search for your pleasure.

We kiss. It’s softer this time. Light. I place my hand on your back, and feel your breath expanding your torso region.

There’s two silver chains that have been lined under the bed frame. You look up in amusement.

“I’m pretty prepared, and have prepared the room for you. In detail, for you. In thought of this moment, for you,” as I clip the chain ends to each cuff.

Your hands are now unavailable for use. Just enough slack for positions to come. You glance up at me as I grab the other pair of cuffs. My cock growing harder as time evolves. You smirk about your achievements. Even when demur you enjoy the sense of power.

I lean over to whisper in your ear, “On your hands and knees, now”.

There’s just enough slack in the chain to put your hands on the bed. I walk around to put the cuff around your ankles.

“You good, that comfy,” as I ask of your safety.

You nod and tilt your head down. I walk around to give you another kiss. To get a sense of your temperature. To make sure you’re ok, that you’re ready to be in the place where I want to go.

I grab silk straps. Looping 1 silk strap through the loop on your left ankle and then a diagonal line to your right hand. Firmly secure to the cuff on your right wrist.

I walk around, look you in your eyes to ask if you’re ok. You nod. I run my fingers through your hair, the moment is tender. It is quiet.

I follow suit with the diagonal line from your right ankle to left wrist. Firmly secure on all fours.

I walk over and kneel. We are face to face.

Me: When you are uncomfortable, say Seinfield

Hannz: Chuckles.
Me: I’m serious.
Hannz: I know. Just shows how old you are.
Me: Fuck you.
Hannz: Chuckles.

Us: share a deep kiss. Mouths fully open, soft tongues colliding against each other, in need of what’s next.

Hannz: I’m ready.

Eyes wide open, and bright. Ass perked up in the air. Hands spread wide open. Glancing up at me.

“I’m ready,” you repeat with eagerness.

I walk around to the other side of the bed, and return with a 3 foot long stick.

“Whoa, maybe I’m not ready,” you respond in wonder.

You look further down to see a black vibrator tied to the end of the stick. Then I take vibrator into my hands and hit the on button. Soft buzzing sound starts to occur.

I take the end of the stick into my left hand. I kneel. Sliding the stick under your frame, until the head of the vibrator is beneath your pussy. We kiss. I place the head just at the opening of your labia.

Me: Tell me where to go.
Hannz: Fuck I’m wet.
Me: I don’t want any other words that aren’t directions, clear?

Hannz: yes
Me: Yes…… what….
Hannz: Yes sir?
Me: Correct, now tell me where to go.
Hannz: In circles?

You feel the head moving counter clockwise over your flattened labia.

Hannz: Back and forth, slowly.
Me: Say please.
Hannz: Back and forth slowly, please.
Me: Like that?
Hannz: Yes sir. Fuck.

We kiss as I place my right hand over your left wrist. I feel your fingertips wiggling in pleasure.

Hannz: Can you move it toward my clit.
Me: I can

I look at you for correct verbiage.

Hannz: Can you move it toward my clit please.
Me: Much better.

(To be continued)

I pull the stick back toward me, and play as if I can’t find your clit.

Hannz: No that’s not it.
Me: Are those directions.
Hannz: No

I drop the stick on the bed.

Hannz: No sir.
Me: Thank you.

I look you in your eyes, “Can you follow directions Hannz?” I place my fingers over your chin. Slowly sliding them to your throat. We lock eyes. Then share a kiss. As we kiss you feel my fingers gliding up and down your neck.

Me: Follow directions, we clear.
Hannz: Yes, yes sir.

I pick up the stick and place it on your clit. Pressing it hard against you. Talking in your ear. Telling you how I want to do so many nasty things to you. How I want to do them.

Me: You gonna be a good girl right now.
Hannz: Yes sir…. fuck
(I press harder against your clit)

Me: Tell me how you want it Hannz.
Hannz: Take it off, please sir.
(I release the pressure)

Hannz: uhm….. Place it just above the hood of my clit please sir.
(I place it on your abs)

Hannz: Move it back a couple inches towards my pussy please sir.

Me: Keep talking
(I move the head of vibrator back)

Hannz: Yes, just little bit … right there, right there, sir please

I find the spot you were looking for. Then lean over to share another kiss. Your mouth opens as the result of the pleasure you feel channeling through your limbs, and at the core of your torso. It’s a deep feeling, making you clinch your toes and fingers. You take a deep breath as I release your lips from the kiss.

“Fuck, can you turn it up a little bit please sir?”

I lean in, “What are you allowed to say Hannz?”

“Fuck this is intense,” as you have no recourse.

I move the stick and place it right under your palm. The vibrator falls out of position. I adjust the attachment then place my hand on yours.

Me: Hold this, don’t let it move.
Hannz: Yes sir.

You grip the stick tight. I stand and pull out some lube. Squeeze a little into my hand and start stroking my throbbing cock as I watch. You glance up, and grip the stick tighter so it doesn’t fall out of place.

“Ahhhhh my god this is intense,” you exhale.

I walk around to the other side of the bed. Tell you not to let go of the stick. Suddenly you feel me out more pressure upwards on your clit with the vibrator as my lips simultaneously wrap around the hole of your pussy. I then start to slide my tongue inside and tongue fuck you slowly. I lick you deep. Then deep. I can feel the vibration on my lips and I taste you. I grab your hips firmly and spread your ass cheeks to get a better angle of your womanhood. You taste so good!

I put more pressure on your clit with the toy. Then explore your vaginal walls with my long fingers. You tense up and start to moan loudly.

“I’m gonna cuuumm,” echoes off the walls.

I turn off the vibrator. You try to turn around but you can’t. You try to adjust you can’t. You are writhing on edge in pleasure. I bite you Ass firmly.

“HOLY FUCK!” You scream.

I chuckle in deviance.

“What tha,” you start to say but I cut you off.

I walk around and kneel.

Me: You very free to just be this aggressive huh?

Hannz: I do sir, I’m sorry.
Me: Don’t be sorry. You ok.
Hannz: Yea
Me: You feel safe?
Hannz: Yes
Me: You like this energy?
Hannz: Yes
Me: That’s all that matters right now.

I lean in and we share a soft melting kiss. Like it’s be there all day but hasn’t been explored. Your lips firm but like jello. Mine aggressive and gentle. Our desires are entangled in this action. In this reaction.

Me: Did you see my hard cock?
Hannz: Yes
Me: You did that. You ignite me.
Hannz: Me?
Me: Always

I grab the stick from under you. Then place it beside you. I stand and walk over to the table. You glance out of the corner of your eye. As I walk back you notice I have a black butt plug in it’s package. I stand above you and open it up.

Then walk behind you. You feeling silky liquid drip at the top of your ass and then slowly flow over your hole, down the side of your legs.

Suddenly you feel my lips on your pussy again. Fully wrapped around them. Sucking on them and then licking slowly over the outer edges. It’s tense and soothing at the same time. Then you feel my hands on your ass cheeks, spreading them. Open. Wide. Then licking you deep over your tight hole.

My tongue stays over your hole gliding across in circles. Then, buzzing sound. You feel the vibrator on edge of your pussy. Then slowly pressing again the opening. My tongue still gliding slowly over your tight asshole.

“Oh my,” I hear you moan.

Source: reddit.com/r/sexystories/comments/pi7y5l/hannzlete