LIFE’S A BEACH Part 5 – Disappointment leads to enjoyment

“What are you talking about?” I asked. “It was your idea to invite them and it was meant to be us lounging on the beach together. You know, like a couple. Doing stuff couples do!”

She was silent for a moment and I was about to try again to get her to return when she cut me off. “Look I’m actually just a little too busy for that kind of thing right now. We can talk about it when I come and get you all on Monday.”

“Monday! You’re not even coming tomorrow?”

“No I’ve organized a lunch with colleagues.” She matter of factly stated.

I was dumbfounded. She was too busy to spend time with the people who loved her but was eager to organize business lunches and who knows what else. I wondered if I was being selfish and no matter which way I looked at it I couldn’t side with her. This wasn’t the woman I’d loved for nearly twenty years. I had no idea who this imposter was but she certainly wasn’t the wife I knew.

“So what do I, we, do ’til you get here?” I asked.

I heard her yawn with seeming disinterest. “I don’t care, whatever you want to do. I’m sure you can entertain yourselves. Well anyway as I said, I’ve got things to do so I’ll see you Monday.”

She hung up without waiting for a response.

* * * * *

After my initial outburst I’d tried to keep my voice down but the way Faye and my mother looked when I returned to them proved they’d overheard a lot.

“I can’t believe she’s doing this Calvin. Do you want me to call, try and talk some reason into her?” Faye offered.

I held out my hand to Faye’s and she took it in consolation. “Thank you Faye but no. It’s her call. She’s chosen work over me, us. She’s made her decision.”

“Well I wont let her ruin the weekend, who’s for the beach?” Faye proposed.

I looked at Faye’s breasts straining against her bikini. Trish who? I thought. “I’m in, it was beautiful down there when I went this morning. Mom?”

“Actually I might give it a miss. This head.” Mom held a hand to her temple.

“You’ve still got a headache? I know, I do this for Trish all the time.” I sat down on the couch and placed a cushion on the floor at my feet. “Come on Mom, jump down here.” I probably hadn’t explained myself correctly and Mom walked over and knelt down on the cushion between my spread legs, her face at my crotch looking up at me expectantly.

I smiled and contained a chuckle. “No I meant sit on the cushion. I’ll massage your temples!”

I watched as her face went red. “Oh of course. I knew that.”

Faye burst out laughing. “Oh god Heather. I wish I had the camera again.”

I wondered if Mom had thought I was seriously going to prescribe her to suck my cock as a cure for her headache? I tried to take my mind off it but as I began to massage her temples from behind, I found it impossible. The back of her head was only inches from my growing erection. My vantage point enabled me to see down her nightie, the cleavage and the darkness of her nipples beneath the lace. She sat cross-legged with her hands joined at her crotch.

“How’s that feel?” I asked as I worked my fingers from her temples and into her hair.

“Mmm, beautiful. Don’t stop.” She sighed in response.

“I won’t.” I whispered back, my fingertips massaging her scalp from the crown to the base of her skull. I combed my fingers through her hair and she moaned at the sensation.

“That feels so good.” She purred and I ran my fingers down behind her ears to her neck and shoulders. “Ooh, goosebumps! Feel.”

I let my hands slide down over her shoulders along her arms to feel her skin, my fingertips pressing the side of each breast, her goosebump flesh beneath my palms then back into her hair.

“Oh this is wonderful baby,” My mother again sighed. “You could touch me all over!”

Faye, reading a magazine and watching the proceedings sniggered again and Mom explained herself. “I mean a massage. You give a good massage is all!”

I leaned down and kissed her again on the top of the head. “Any time Mom. Now how’s your headache?”

She seemed to have forgotten she had one. “Oh. Goodness it’s gone. I didn’t even realize. Thank you.” She turned to look up to me but her eyes were momentarily diverted by the obvious erection lining the inside leg of my pants. I did nothing to hide it.

“You’re welcome Mom. Whenever you want one, just ask. Now who’s for a swim?”

Mom went to collect her swimsuit from outside and came back in holding the still wet material. “Oh-wuh! I hate putting on a wet swimsuit.” She complained. I immediately thought of the bikini I’d bought Trish and jumped up with an idea.

“Hang on Mom, I’ve got something you could wear.” I stated and rushed into the bedroom. I came out with the gift bag and presented it to her. “Trish doesn’t want this. You can have it if you like.”

I wasn’t expecting much after my wife’s reaction to the gift but Mom’s response couldn’t have been more dissimilar. Taking out the bikini her face brightened. “Really! I can have it?”


“Oh honey, I love it. Trish’s crazy.” She threw her arms around me and quickly kissed me on the cheek. “Let me just go put it on.”

Trish ‘was’ crazy. The weekend was going beautifully. If she’d been there it may have been perfect, as it was, it was pretty close.

I went to my room to change into my Speedos. No board shorts for me from now on I thought. When I exited Mom and Faye were waiting with towels at the ready. Where yesterday Mom had gone with a sarong, today she left nothing to the imagination. I’d suspected she would have chosen the full back brief but to my amazement she wore the thong. It was smaller on her than I’d expected. Her breasts were snug in the top but the thong was possibly one size too small. The triangle of white nylon surrounded by a larger triangle of her pubic hair. She didn’t seem to mind and I certainly wasn’t complaining, my balls getting heavier at the sight.

Faye retained her denim shorts which surprised me being that her competition was next to nude. It didn’t detract from the spectacle as I trailed behind on our short walk to the beach. The string of my mother’s bikini bottoms lost in the flesh of her buttocks, the ridiculously tight daisy dukes of Faye’s clinging to her immaculate posterior like paint on a wall. Needless to say I was sporting a semi erect penis when we dropped our towels on the sand.

“This beach is perfect Calvin. How did you find it?” Mom asked as she settled back on her towel, her book at the ready. “Just a fluke really. It was one of a few places that came up in a search of the area. Trish and I thought this looked the best. I’ll definitely keep it in mind in the future.” I replied, looking at Faye as she began to unbutton her shorts between us. A day ago I would’ve looked away or at least covertly spied. Today I stared openly as she unzipped and slowly lowered the denim. Mid thigh she stopped to adjust her bikini bottoms, pulling the leg bands high up on her hips and tightening the yellow material against her obviously waxed vagina. She turned and presented her ass to me and as she bent over to remove them I discovered the reason for wearing her shorts to the beach.

The fluorescent yellow string of her bikini bottoms dove down between her cheeks and disappeared until being pushed back out by a pink circular disk as it reached her asshole. For a second I was unsure as to what I was seeing then the realization hit me that Faye was wearing a butt plug. She turned again and looked down at my face with a sly smile then lay down on her side, facing my mother. With her ass towards me and my mother’s head buried in her novel I was able to examine Faye’s rear more closely, the white of the untanned skin on her buttocks making the butt plug stand out even more starkly beneath the string of her thong. I needed to touch her, it.

Mom licked her finger and turned a page as I edged slightly closer to Faye on the towel. I figured Mom wouldn’t be able to see what was happening over Faye’s body and if by chance she could, I felt it wouldn’t be the worst outcome. Laying on my side as well I reached down and boldly placed a hand on Faye’s right butt cheek. Her ass immediately pushed back onto me and I knew the game was on. With her left arm supporting her head, her right hand came over and sought out my groin, massaging my hardening cock through my Speedos. I pulled aside the thong and pressed my fingers against the butt plug, pushing it into her ass and moving it in a circular motion. Faye’s hand slid back and forth along my length and soon had me rock hard. I edged a finger each side of the plug and pulled gently, ballooning the skin around her anus as Faye squeezed hard on my cock.

My mother fortuitously placed the book over her face as if sleeping and it signaled Faye to make a move. Her hand pulled aside my Speedos and brought forth my throbbing erection, wrapping her fist around it and began masturbating. I continued playing with her butt plug now with my thumb and fingers. Pulling out further, bulging her asshole then pushing back in and twirling around. I slid a finger lower and found her pussy dripping with fluid which I then coated around her anal opening and the pink plug. Faye turned to look over her shoulder at me and mouth the words ‘pull it out’ and I was quick to respond. With one hand I spread her cheeks wide and with my right I took a firm grip of the butt plug and pulled. Her anus spread obscenely as it grew around the slowly exiting toy, the sphincter finally retracting but staying open as the plug was fully removed. Faye took her hand from my cock and raised it to her mouth and released a large amount of saliva onto her fingers. Returning, she coated the head of my cock in her spit and pulled me towards her.

I wasn’t thinking about my wife as my cock approached her mother’s asshole. I didn’t care that my own mother was laying not two feet from me as the head of my cock pressed against Faye’s awaiting butt. In fact, as my penis slowly slid inside my mother-in-law’s anus, it was her prone body I now stared at and imagined fucking. Faye’s dilated asshole accommodated the head of my penis perfectly, the sphincter sealing around and holding me like a grip. I moved my torso in close and wrapped my arms around her, one hand holding her head the other seeking out a breast. Faye’s face turned and our mouths came together as I pushed my pelvis against her, my cock sliding completely inside her ass, my groin to her buttocks.

Faye let out a sigh as I pulled back and thrust gently again. I slid a hand off her beast and ran it down her belly to eventually cup her pussy. Faye reached behind, undoing her bikini and pulled it off over her head. I ridiculously thought what would Mom think if she awoke to see Faye topless but quickly realized the fact I was fucking her in the ass whilst fingering her pussy would probably catch Mom’s eye first. Faye tugged on a nipple as I increased my pace in her ass. We both noticed my mother move a hand to her stomach to scratch away a fly and psychically realized we should probably hurry up. The friction of her ass wasn’t going to make me cum alone and I think Faye knew it. Reaching back when I pulled out she took hold of my shaft and began jacking me off with just the head of my cock inside her. I used both hands to spread her ass cheeks as I starred fascinated at the sight. Her sphincter tightened around me and I could feel my orgasm approaching. My cum surged forth from my swollen balls and rushed along my length. Faye must have felt the pulse in her hand as she tightened her fist around me and then released to allow the rush of semen to fill her rectum.

Although attempting to remain silent, the breath rushing from my lungs at the sudden pleasurable release caused me to moan loudly and Mom reacted. I popped out of Faye’s ass and just managed to roll onto my back, re-covering my penis as she removed the book from her face and sat up. “Oh I must have fallen asleep. It’s the sun I think!” She looked at Faye as she too rolled onto her back. “Oh gosh Faye. Going topless. Is that allowed here?”

I sat up on my elbow, rolling towards her, my thigh covering my softening erection. “I don’t think there’s any one around to police it Mom. We can do whatever we want.”

“I have to get rid of these tan lines somehow Heather. Why don’t you join me?” Faye proposed.

Mom immediately looked at me. “Oh I don’t think I could, not in public.”

“Oh hell, Cal won’t care and there’s no one else to see. Anyway suit yourself, I’m going for a swim. Anyone joining me?” Faye exclaimed, standing herself up and I noticed, deftly pulling her thong back into place on her ass.

“I’m in!” I stated, rising with her. “Mom?”

“Yes but just wait a second would you?” She asked me as Faye began walking to the surf. “Calvin would you mind if I did?” For a moment I wondered what she was asking and then she elaborated. “It’s just that last night in the hot tub. I know I embarrassed you, you probably didn’t want to see me like that. You know, undressed. Would you be upset if I joined Faye? Topless?”

I wanted to play it cool though every fiber of me was bursting with hormones. I smiled down at her. “Mom, you can dress any way you want. I don’t mind.” I held a hand out to her to help her up. She took it, smiling herself and I raised her to her feet.

Her face slightly below mine with the angle of the sand, she looked into my eyes. “Thank you.”

“For what? Helping you up?” I asked.

“For accepting me. I know I don’t have a body like Faye’s” Her hand strayed over her crotch, covering her pubic hair “I probably should’ve waxed!”

I wasn’t going to beat around the bush any more. After what had just happened with Faye I was on a high. If there as anything potentially happening between my mother and I, I was going to embrace it wholly. I reached out and took hold of her hand and removed it from hiding her groin. “You’re beautiful Mom. I want you to know that.” I released her hand and running mine up her arm I walked behind her. She breathed deeply in as I caressed my way across her shoulder and down her back to the tie of her bikini. Goosebumps broke out over her skin as I undid the string and let it fall. I pressed both hands on her arms and ran them up to her neck and lifted off the bikini and dropped it on the towel. My hardening cock was merely inches from her ass but I resisted pressing myself to her. Not yet, I thought. It would happen. Just not yet. Without even glancing at her breasts I took her by the hand and we walked down the beach to join Faye, wading into the surf.

Why Faye was even wearing her bikini bottoms was a mystery. They were entirely transparent when wet. I even noticed Mom taking longer and longer glances at her bald pussy and the labia through the see-through material. The water was colder than yesterday and my mother’s nipples were soon standing erect along with Faye’s. The surf was stronger than previously and I found my mother staying closer to me and clinging to me as each wave tumbled ashore. Faye as well took every opportunity to hold my arm or clutch at my shoulder to balance herself. After a while all pretext was lost and the women just stayed either side of me holding my shoulders and each others arm with my arms around their waists.

Faye found my cock underwater and with my mother right there began to get me hard, squeezing and kneading my balls. My hand inched lower on my mother’s waist and soon enough I held her buttock in my palm and she, our fate and the potential of incestuous love, in hers. Faye moved to be in front of me, her breasts bobbing with the waves. I thought of buoyancy vests but put the joke out of my head when my mother in turn came closer to Faye, my hand still openly groping her rear. Faye and my mother joined arms and their faces drew nearer until their mouths were inches apart. Their breasts touched and I felt another hand join Faye’s on my cock. It had happened, my mom was touching my penis.

Mom didn’t look at me. She may not have been ready to fully acknowledge what was happening. Her eyes were on Faye as their lips came together. “What are we doing?” My mother breathed into Faye’s open mouth as their tongues entwined.

“Just go with it darling,” Faye implored and broke the kiss. Taking hold of the back of my mother’s head she directed her towards me and I was ready. With a hand now on both women’s asses I inched closer to my mother. She in turn, with the prompting of Faye readied for the kiss and then we were together. Her mouth on mine, her lips tasting of salt water and strawberry balm. Our tongues explored each other, we kissed like eager teens. My cock was released from my Speedos and a hand, two were wrapped around it’s length and pulled furiously. Faye broke into our kiss and we shared a three-way, my mother more than eager to embrace her new found bi-sexuality. The sight of the two mature women making out, the manipulation of my cock, was all too much. I arched my neck back as I came into the ocean, my semen lost in the foam and churning tide. Faye and my mother stopped kissing and grinned at me with open mouths as they realized what they’d done.

“Calvin. Did you just cum?” My mother asked and after the events of the last day, her speaking those words didn’t even sound unusual.

“How could I not?” I replied, catching my breath. “You two are beautiful.”

Faye and my mother seemed genuinely moved by my confession, looking at each other and coyly, almost bashfully smiling. We waded to the shore and with my arms around the women we strolled along the beach to let the sun dry our bodies. When I noticed a man fishing with a surf rod a fair way ahead (the first other soul we’d seen) we turned back and found ourselves back at the towels. My mother went quiet for a few minutes and I asked her if anything was wrong. With her still topless I knelt down before her and held her hands on her knees. A tear ran down her cheek and I feared what she would say, Faye looking on concerned.

“I’m just so grateful,” she confided. “You called me,” she looked at Faye. “Us, beautiful. I don’t think I’ve ever felt so desirable, so wanted. I need to thank you Calvin, Faye. Even if this was just a one off, I want you to know you’ve made me so happy.”

I leaned over and kissed her forehead and down to her mouth. Faye spoke for me, taking one of Mom’s hands. “Oh Honey. I’m sure as hell, it ain’t no one off!”

* * * * *

“So tell me again why you stick it up your bum?” Mom asked Faye across from her on the couch in the living room. It was essentially the same question she’d asked on the beach when she’d discovered Faye’s butt plug under the towel. Her reaction then had been priceless and led to much laughter. She still couldn’t get her head around Faye’s attempted explanation.

“Oh my God Heather. It’s pleasurable! It also helps it get a bit looser down there for when you’re ready to, you know!”

Mom still looked incredulous. The ladies had dressed for dinner and Mom wore a red dress, the same design as her green wraparound and finished her look with tan pantyhose. “You’ve done that?” She crossed her legs as she asked it and the split of her dress rode up her thigh.

Faye didn’t mention she and I had had anal on the beach that morning as she slept beside us and I was thankful. “Well obviously sugar. You haven’t?”

Mom seemed shocked. “Of course I haven’t!”

Faye looked to be beginning to enjoy herself. “Not even a finger up there? What about a tongue?”

I was standing in the kitchen preparing a salad and even this last one caused me to drop a carrot!

“Oh my god no!” Mom looked at me embarrassed about discussing it in front of me. “Calvin’s father would never have done that.”

I didn’t want to think about my father doing anything sexual with my mother and attempted to change the subject. “Ahem, would anyone like dressing on their salad?” I asked the room and got no response, Faye wasn’t going to let this fish off the hook.


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