The Hyperphantasian book series, Book 1 – Forever, Chapter 2

Chapter 2 – First Experience

During wrestling practice, Jeremy and Troy tried their best to set a good example of what hard work looked like, while keeping the lazy wrestlers in line.

They led the team in running formations, practiced wrestling moves, and often wrestled each other, just to show the other wrestlers how hard they expected them to practice.

During the next wrestling match, Coach Carter was pleased at how well his team was doing, as they won another victory.

Notifications went out to the campus, that the WATT wrestling team, led by Jeremy and Troy, were on a dominating winning streak.

More and more people showed up to watch the matches, cheering them on, including some admiring fans.

During school, he was on his way to class, when he saw Jake walking up to him.

They hung out last year, playing video games, and watching movies in their dorm room.

“Hey Troy, you’re doing great this year.”

“Thanks, what’s up man, how have you been?” Shaking his hand, with a half hug.

“Good, hey, do you know that girl Lily?”

“No, I don’t think I do, why?”

“Because I heard she wanted to fuck you.”

“Okay,” smiling as if he were joking.

“Seriously man, anyways, I need a ride to the mall later, can you take me?”

“Sure, I need new shoes anyways, what time did you want to go?”

“I’ll meet you at the parking lot around 5.”

“Sounds good.”

Troy drove them to the mall, bought some sneakers, then he followed Jake up the escalator.

At the top, Troy was surprised to see two ladies standing there, as if they were waiting for someone.

Jake looked at the ladies and said, “Oh,” then looked back at Troy, and said, “Troy, this is Mikala and Lily.”

Mikala was a little taller than Lily, with long brown hair, and fitted clothes.

Lily was short and cute, with short black hair, and baggy clothes.

Troy stepped off the escalator and said, “Hi,” feeling a little bit setup.

“Hi,” said Mikala.

“Hi,” said Lily, looking all shy and innocent.

Jake said, “Lily and Mikala need a ride back to their dorm room, can you take them?”

“Sure,” giving him the look that said, *I know what you’re doing here.*

“Great, okay, we ready to go?”

They all got inside Troy’s car and he drove them to their dorm room, where the girls invited them inside for drinks.

Troy followed Jake through the door, then closed it behind him, and sat on the couch, as Jake sat on the single love seat in the corner.

Lily handed him a beer, as Mikala handed one to Jake.

Troy took a sip of the beer and saw Mikala straddle Jakes lap, and stick her tongue down his throat.

He looked over at Lily, who was standing a few feet in front of him, waiting for Troy to make a move.

Jake stopped making out with Mikala, looked over at Troy, and gave him the look that said, *What are you waiting for, are you going to do something?”*

*It’s been awhile*, he thought, as he felt the testosterone coursing through his veins. He looked up at her hungry eyes, which told him, *I’m all yours, come get it.*

Troy put the beer down, said, “Fuck it,” then got up, and scooped her off her feet.

She was light in his arms, as he walked towards the bedrooms, and said, “Which ones yours?”

“That one,” pointing to her room.

Troy walked in, gently laid her on the bed, and closed the door behind him.

He walked up to her, as she sat in the center of her bed, then he leaned in to kiss her.

Her lips were so soft, almost non-existent, as their tongues massaged each other. She closed her eyes and let him take complete control of her body, as he lifted up her shirt, and let it fall to the floor.

Troy’s jaw dropped at the site of her amazing breast, which her baggy clothes hid so well. He reached behind her, unlatched her bra, and exposed her hard nipples.

His right hand melted in her left breast, and felt so soft, he could grab her heart, if he wanted to.

He kissed her lips, took off her pants and panties, then took a step back, and thought, s*he’s so amazing, why does she hide her body with baggy clothes, what is she so ashamed of?*

He slowly took off his clothes, as if teasing her eyes with his body, then pulled down his pants and boxers, showing her his large hard cock.

She scooted back to the center of her bed, as he put the condom on, then he positioned himself on top of her.

He grabbed his cock, and guide it towards her anticipating lips, pausing as soon as they touched.

He looked up at her amazing body, maybe 5-foot tall, and thought about how lucky he was to have her.

Her body was shaking from the adrenaline coursing through her vein, at the anticipation of him stretching her out.

He looked back down, slid his cock between her lips, and slightly penetrated.

Troy looked up at her face, as he slid further, and further inside. Her eyes were closed, mouth open, and her breathing was erratic, with every inch that he gave her.

He looked back down, and was amazed to see her body take all of him, down to the base of his cock.

He slowly withdrew, and slid inside again, as if treating her body like a delicate flower.

He loved how deep she took him, as she MOANED with each THRUST.

It felt amazing to them, as he THRUSTED, in a slow and steady motion. Her hands loved how strong his arms were, as she held them tight, and braced for another deep stretch that he gave her.

There were no clocks timing that moment, which felt like minutes to him, but could have been hours, as if time did not exist when your making love.

He was giving her what she wanted, as she held him tight, felt the buildup grow, and lost herself around his cock.

All Troy wanted to do, was to keep going, and let her enjoy this moment as long she can. When her twitches finally stopped, he focused on himself, and THRUSTED, faster, and faster, making his buildup grow.

He looked down at her amazing body, bouncing in the heat of passion, and exploded inside the condom, with enough force, that made him fear that he busted through it.

His THRUSTS slowed, as he held her body tight, then slowly let go, and pulled out, *Phew, no hole*.

They both got dressed, smiling at each other, and walked into the living room, seeing Jake and Mikala looking bored.

Before Jake and Troy left, Troy turned to Lily, and said, “I had fun tonight, thank you for that.”

“Thank you too, will I see you again?”

“If you want to see me again, you need to know that I graduate this year, and I need to focus on my career. This can’t be a serious relationship.”

“I understand, and I’m okay with that.”

“Okay, I’ll see you later,” then kissed her on the lips, and walked off to his car, where Jake was waiting.

The next day, Coach Carter approached Troy, and said, “Troy, I want to bump you up another weight class, to see how you do.”

“Yes Coach,” not knowing why, but he didn’t want to disappoint the coach.

Troy had a hard time, but won that match, then lost the other match by three points, because the other wrestler was just too heavy to pin.

In between wrestling practice, Troy spent time at Lily’s dorm, drinking, and hanging out in the living room with their friends. Space was limited, so she often sat on top of his lap, while they sat on the love seat in the center of the room.

During parties, she would randomly turn him on, as she sat on his lap, by rubbing on him the right way. When his hunger took control, he didn’t care who was in the room, as he picked her up, and carried her to the bedroom.

Sometimes he would run out of condoms, and just focus on pulling out, as he slowly stretched her out. The intensity of the skin-to-skin contact made him lose himself, deep inside of her, as he THRUSTED, so it was a real struggle to remember he had no protection.

He knew her body so well, that he had her MOANS, bouncing breast, and THRUSTS, in perfect harmony. That harmony of motion made him lose track of his focus, as the buildup grew.

Right before he felt the first pulse about to release, he quickly pulled out, and came, barely making it in time, as he finished.

“That was a close one,” he said.

“Yeah, please make sure you pull out in time, I don’t want to get pregnant.”

The next day at practice, Coach Carter approached Troy again, and said, “Troy, I want to bump you up another weight class.”

Troy was now frustrated, still sore from his last defeat. He looked at his coach and said, “Coach, this is going to ruin my record for the season, those guys weigh at least fifteen pounds heavier than me.”

Coach Carter paused for a second and said, “Troy, you’re the captain of this team, and a leader. I moved you up because you can handle yourself, which means a younger wrestler can take your other spot. If you win or just lose by points, and the younger wrestler wins, the whole team is better for it.”

Troy was confused by his logic, so the coach explained it in a different way.

“Wrestling is a team sport, even though it’s one-on-one on the mat. If you stayed at a lower weight class, and remained undefeated for the entire season, but the whole team lost because of it, what good is your undefeated record?”

Troy looked down, ashamed that he only thought about his record. He suddenly realized that a good leader looked out for his team, over himself.

He looked up at his Coach, and said, “I understand.”

“Good, because in a few weeks we wrestle Riverdale, and they’ve destroyed us for the last ten years. I have a good feeling that this year will be different, and we’ll break that record.”

Troy smiled and said, “We will coach.”

He didn’t want to tell his coach that the heavier wrestlers were the reason he felt a strain under his foot, so instead he went to the college’s physical therapist.

When he walked into the physical therapist office, he was surprised to see Helen, and immediately thought about how they met.

When he was a Freshman, staring out of the classroom window, daydreaming about the world, a skinny little girl popped up in front of him, woke him, and said, “Hi there, I’m Helen, I collect peoples identification cards, can I have yours?”

Helen was petite, with long straight hair, and a personality that wasn’t afraid to talk to people.

Troy thought about how inconvenient it was going to be to have to get a new ID card, not to mention costly, but then he looked down at Helen’s massive collection of IDs in her hand, and gave it to her. He figured that a girl who could collect so many ID cards, and inconvenient so many people, might be someone you want on your side.

“Thank you,” she said, then she went to introduce herself to another classmate, who eventually gave her his card as well.

In Sophomore year, he thought about how she would always say what’s on her mind.

She came up to him during lunch one day and said, “So I hear you’re trying to date Cherry, is that because you think you’re going to get laid?”

“What, no,” *Yes, but why did you say that out loud,* “Of course not,” then walking away upset that she blew up his spot.

In Junior year, Troy hung around Helen and her boyfriend, because his brother Devon dated her best friend, so he was often the fifth wheel, but he didn’t care. They became good friends that year.

Back in the physical therapist’s office, Troy waited for Helen to turn around, and said, “Hey, what are you doing here?”

Helen smiled at him and said, “I’m an aide, learning about physical therapy.”

Mr. Bauer walked into the office and said, “How can I help you?”

Troy explained to Mr. Bauer that he was wrestling in a higher weight class, and he was now experiencing a strain on the tendon under his right foot.

Mr. Bauer examined Troy’s foot, as Helen watched, then he looked at her, and said, “It looks like a normal strain.” He then massaged the tendon under his foot, making Troy hold his breath from the pain, and said, “Which will also require a tight wrap.”

He looked at Troy and said, “Come here before you wrestle and we’ll wrap you up.”

“Okay,” Troy said, as Mr. Bauer wrapped up his foot with a light bandage.

The school days flew by, between writing reports, and wrestling practice, so he had less and less time for Lily.

Before the next match, Troy went into Mr. Bauer’s office, and was surprised that Helen was the one that massaged his foot. Her hands were soft, but firm, and she was so determined to massage it the same way that Mr. Bauer did, before wrapping up his foot, and sending him on his way.

Troy was not looking forward to that match, as he sat in the locker room, while both teams weighed in.

Each wrestler gets weighed, one at a time, in front of the referee, to make sure they were not over their wrestling weight limit.

When Troy was next, the guy he was supposed to wrestle, weighed himself first, then Troy stepped on the scale after him, and saw the huge weight difference.

When Troy stepped off the scale and walked towards his teammates, he heard snickering from someone on the other team, and immediately noticed that it was his opponent, laughing that Troy was eighteen pounds lighter than him.

Troy frowned at the snickering guy, and when the other team’s captain noticed, he leaned towards his teammate, and said, “Shut the fuck up, that’s the captain of their team.”

The smile was off his face, but the damage was already done.

As the matches started, his team was on another path towards victory, and when Troy realized that he was wrestling next, he stood up, walked to the small mat behind their team, stood there and stretched, to warm up.

As he stretched his arms, Jeremy walked over to him, and massaged his shoulders.

Jeremy then whispered in his ear, “Look at that guy getting ready to wrestle you,” as they both watched the wrestler who snickered, stretch on his side of the gym.

“He laughed at you because he thinks he can beat you,” which made Troy’s heart start to pound, as a replay of his snickering, played in his head.

“He thinks you’re a little bitch and he can’t wait to fuck you up.”

Suddenly something snapped inside Troy, as his hearing faded, heart pounded, and anger rose.

He was lightly pushed by Jeremy, because it was his turn to wrestle, and every step closer to his opponent made him angrier, and angrier.

He walked to the panel of score keepers, to let them know who he was, and said, “Troy,” with a deep scary voice, that he’s never heard come out of his mouth before.

He walked to the mat, where his opponent was waiting, and felt the adrenaline coursing through his veins. He was no longer the same person, he was a beast, a wild animal, shaking with adrenaline, waiting to be allowed to pounce on his prey.

The longer he stood in front of him, the more he couldn’t wait, and he was so angry at that point, that he growled uncontrollably.

The referee and the opponent, both looked at him with fear in their eyes.

The referee blew his whistle, stepped out of the way, and Troy immediately ran towards the wrestler, who stepped back in fear.

Troy gripped the wrestler’s left arm, placed his other hand under the armpit, and hip tossed the wrester. That guy may have been heavier, but at that moment, he was lighter than air. It was like slow motion, as the wrestler’s feet left the ground, and flew over his head, into the air.

Troy slammed him down to the mat, laid on his chest, then squeezed around his neck and armpit, as he pinned him down to the mat. He now had an uncontrollable urge to rip his head off, for laughing at him, as he squeezed harder, and harder, while hearing the snickering voice in his head, over, and over.

Suddenly the referee blew his wrestle, which made Troy snap out of it, then he let go, and stood up, as his anger slowly subsided.

The referee declared him the winner, and he watched the once snickering wrestler, hobble over to his teammates, who couldn’t even look him in the eye, after that loss.

When Troy walked back to his cheering team, Jeremy came up to him, and said, “Who the hell was that guy?”

“I don’t know,” as he tried to figure out what had just happened to him, looking at his hands, then at the mat.

“Well remind me not to piss him off, an 11 second pin, you’re a beast.”

He did feel like a beast, as he looked at his hurt opponent, from across the gym. Was that beast sleeping inside of me, all of this time, only to be released when angry, and now it’s back asleep again.

Troy was scared at how powerful and angry it felt to lose control, if the whistle didn’t blow, would I have broken that wrestlers’ neck? He hoped that he would never have to find out.
