Open Up | Chapter’s 1 & 2 | Going into lockdown

A story about three people who all just want to fuck each other, but manage to get stuck in their own heads.

I was at work when the notice came that the country was going back into lockdown. Compared to other nations New Zealand was doing the right thing, by my count at least. There were still anti-maskers and idiots protesting the government taking away liberties and freedoms, but at least it was something. The latest variant of the COVID virus was ripping its way across the sea and I was terrified.

Workers in infection prone areas were doing what they could, but they weren’t getting the support they needed. People make mistakes.I left the office with my laptop in tow and a plan to hit the supermarket before insanity and fear gripped the minds of those with enough money to hoard, before all the toilet paper was gone. It turned out that I was part of the chaos and soon found myself stressed beyond belief, trying to distance myself from the horde while collecting everything I thought I might need for a couple of weeks. When I was trying to pick out the milk with the furthest expired date my phone began to ring.

“Oh my god have you seen the news?” Lily started before I had a chance to say hello. “It’s happening again and this time… Fuck Daniel, do you need anything from the supermarket? It’s already four so it’s a bit late but we’re going to try and beat the rush.” Lily and I had been flatting together for a couple of years now. We both finished engineering degrees at university and had briefly dated before figuring out we were both much more in it for the sex than the whole ‘relationship thing’.

“Lil you can put your keys down, I’m already at the supermarket. What do you need?” Daniel said.

Lily let out a breath of relief, “Oh, well in that case some tampons, ice cream and chocolate. Maybe some milk? The UHT stuff is shit but better to have it than not. I wouldn’t mind some eggs but just see what you can do.”

“Anything else?”

“Well there’s one other thing.”

“Rose is there with you isn’t she?” There was a silence on the other end of the line. “I thought she wasn’t coming down till later in the week?”

“She wasn’t going to till then, yes, but then she came to early surprise me!” Lily said this with such an obvious excitement that Daniel couldn’t help but smile.

He and Rose didn’t really get along but they both loved Lily and put up with each other as long as she was around. “It’ll be nice to have the company.” He said, probably a little too sharply, “Does she need anything?”

“Play nice Daniel.” Lily said picking up on his tone. “Just double the milk and don’t forget the toilet paper. It looks like it’s only going to be a week or so, but either way we’ll be able to get groceries later on.”

“Alright sounds good, and I am nice thank you very much.” Daniel said, “I’ll see you both soon, get the TV on and keep an eye out for the news, I want to see what this whole shituation looks like when I’m out of the circus.”

With that he hung up and went about his shopping. He doubled the milk and eggs, got two different boxes of tampons and then stood for a moment more in the ‘Health’ isle. People were plucking remaining shampoos and conditioners from the shelves, toothpaste was all the rage too, but Daniel stood looking at the condoms.

Daniel and the cashier had more than enough time in the slow moving line to eye each other up. At three people away they were already exchanging smiles, he couldn’t see her mouth per say, but her eyes told him well enough. After he had all settled up she took his receipt.

“Thanks for shopping at Fresh World today sir, let me put down our website so you can sign up for our…” her words trailed a little, “…rewards programme.” With that she folded the receipt and put it in his paper bag. He smiled as wryly as he could beneath a mask and winked at her as he picked up his groceries. Immediately walking into a shelf before recovering on the way to the carpark.

Lily and Rose were both snuggled up under a blanket on the couch with a tub of half eaten ice cream between them. Their eyes were tuned in to the TV streaming the RRNZ live version of the Prime Minister’s address to the nation.

“I don’t understand what happened.” Rose said after finishing off the last of the cookies and cream on her spoon. “Like, it was supposed to be better than it was with Micah but it just feels like I’ve been cheated on all over again.”

Lily turned her face to Rose and raised an eyebrow.

“Alright, he didn’t cheat on me but he still broke my heart. That’s pretty close. That counts.”

Lily shook her head and smiled as she looked back to the TV. The door on the other side of the apartment living room opened and in came Daniel. He wasn’t struggling at all with the overflowing bags. His arms held them close against his chest and Rose noticed that it wasn’t just her who was getting lost in the rivers of veins that protruded from Daniel’s forearms. His grey laptop bag was sling over his shoulder and his suit was worn without the jacket, an unbuttoned lavender shirt, with his tie tucked into his pocket.

He paid no attention to the women as he walked passed them to the kitchen and began putting things away. “I’ll put the things you wanted on the end of the bench. I got a lot of things that are fair game, fruit, baking things, you know.” Daniel said to the eyes looking at him. Lily was holding her spoon to her mouth and didn’t really seem to him like she was paying any attention. “Lily?“ Daniel waved his hands at them. “You get all that?”

“Yep!” Lily yelped.

“Right…” Daniel replied. “Turn up the TV will you? I want to her what Aunty Collins has to say.”

Lily did so and when Daniel turned around to start putting away she looked at Rose who now raised her eyebrows at Lily who just looked at the tv and rested her head on Rose’s shoulder. Rose liked it when Lily confided in her. They’d been friends for over ten years now and had shared, well, a lot.

The voice of a scared politician, elected through whining and years of participation stood addressing New Zealand. “This government is not scared of the virus. When it comes to time of crisis, and this is indeed just that, a time of crisis. We must keep ourselves connected and open to with the rest of the world in order to work out a way forward for future generations. Our bodies need to be tested, think of it like the flu. There will be a stay at home order in place, where anyone breaking this will be heavily fined and may face prosecution. If you’re able to work from home, continue to do so, it’s the best thing to help our most important asset. Our economy. Those in important roles such as bus drivers, supermarket employees, teachers, along with nurses and doctors will be in for a tough couple of weeks, but we will get through it. New Zealanders are a strong breed and we’ll be able to hold out. Our initial modelling is showing that even though we’ll be seeing more cases before there’ll be less, if we go hard and fast into a lockdown we should be able to stop it.”

“Oh my god.” Lily said.

“What a bunch of idiots.” Rose agreed.

Daniel came and sat down on the couch next to the Lily, she offered him the blanket and he took it. Sliding in a little closer than flatmates Rose thought. This made her smile a little. At least her friend was probably getting some, who knows when the next time she might be able to. She’d have to poke her about it for all the details the next time Daniel left them alone.

“For now our borders will remain open to trade, but everyone should be staying at home stocking up with everything they can. We don’t know how badly we’ve been infected, so this government has decided we need to eliminate the virus completely. It will be a hard road. But this government believes in the strength of it’s people. Thank you.” Aimee Collins left the stage and the livestream from the capital stopped, flashing back the live programme featuring stunned news anchors.

The more experienced broadcaster with the glasses chimed in.“And that was, well what we have from the capital. You can be sure we’ll be keeping up to date here at RRNZ.”

Daniel switched put the TV on mute, “Well that was utterly depressing.” Lily took her hand and placed it on his thigh and gave Daniel a weak smile, he tried his best to smile back but his heart wasn’t in it. “Looks like you might be here with us for a little while Rose, there are some spare sheets in the cupboard, I’ll make up the spare room.”

Rose was taken slightly aback, “Thank you, but I can-”

“Don’t be silly.” Daniel interrupted her, “You’re the guest here.” He tucked Lily in with portion of the blanket he was under, and let his hand linger on her thigh for just a moment when he did so before using her leg to scoot himself off the couch. Both women noticed the bulge protruding from his suit pants. Lily felt her heart beat a little faster and Rose parted her lips just a little, her eyes fixed. He walked to the kitchen and they both got a fantastic view of the fit young man’s ass.

It was only after he got to the bench in the kitchen, and he was sure that his hardening cock was out of view, that Daniel turned around to them. “I have to shoot off a few emails before the weekend, but I’m in the mood for a movie a bit later. I can just hide away in my room if you gals aren’t interested.”

“No.” Said Lily, very quickly stumbling over her own words ,“I mean, ‘No, don’t hide in your room.’ It’s a Friday Dan! A movie sounds great.” Under the covers she jabbed Rose with her spoon.

“Yea,” Rose said, “You got chips and dip too right? I picked up a couple of bottles of wine on my travels, we’ll make a night of it.” She gave him a smile, “Unless you’re scared I’ll drink you under the table.

Daniel didn’t bite back, instead he smiled and said, “Easy, let’s say seven?”

“Well we’re not going anywhere.” Lily said, “We’ll get the dip prepped.” Daniel gave a nod and grabbed one of the remaining shopping bags and his laptop bag bringing it with him down the hallway.
