The Heorine of Gluttony pt. 2

The king and queen received the heroine and her entourage when they arrived at the King’s Landing. The people cheered all the way as they walked to the palace.
People were dancing, and children sang legends of the heroine, and they admired her beauty, which was other worldly, not even fairies and elves could compete with her.
When the King saw Jasmin, he could barely contain his lust. This woman had to be his.
King Louis was a handsome man. He was masculine, strong, youthful, and he would stay in his prime for 30 more years due to his bloodline.
But King Louis had a secret. He wanted to be fat and hedonistic. He had spent the last decade pretending to be a good king, along with the tremendous responsibility and hard work that came with that mask.
He couldn’t wait to be finally able to eat and fuck as much as he wanted with whoever he wanted, especially Jasmine and her female comrades.
Jasmine and her entourage were the remaining force that could threaten his power, and once they were subdued, he would be free to live out his fantasy.
King Louis had already implemented policy which mandates the noble to send their children to the Temple of Light, and half of the children would become celibates, or contribute to breeding new generation of warriors, wizards, knights, in case the dark force returned.
Through public education, the king owns the minds and loyalty of the children.
The ultimate purpose of this policy was population control, through selective breeding, the King was planning to reduce the offsprings of the nobles, and the new bred of children, with improved bloodline, would serve the Temple of Light, and the throne.
“My beloved heroes and heroines. You have saved the kingdom! I shall reward your deeds”, said the King.
Now the king had a number of scholars in his court. The court used to be filled with aristocrats, lords of multiple states, clergies of different religions, but during the long years of battles, the Temple of Light and the scholars had come to prominent.
Secretly, the Temple was a breeding lab for the king. Subjects with the best bloodline would be chosen for breeding.
The scholars had systematically, and gradually, dominated the literatures of the Kingdom. The sole purpose of their existence was to marginalize the voices of different religions, and ultimately control the thinking of people.
By the time they fulfilled their purpose, there shall be no more wizards, necromancers, lords, fractions, and other religions, or schools of thoughts, outside of the official Temple of Light.
Eventually, citizens would not bear any weapon other than kitchen ware or farm tools. All shall be peasants and subject to the absolute ownership of the throne.
In the name of unity, all the religions had to contribute their crafts to the Temple. The templars, initially created as a benign neighbourhood militia to protect citizens from infiltration of the dark force, had expanded and extended to every part of the kingdom.
They held all noble families hostage, serving as the secret police force for the King.
“My King, I had received guidance from the Spirits. It opened my eyes for the future of the Kingdom. It is of utmost important that I bring this matter to you and the court for discussion”, said Jasmin. She was sure the good and gentle King would be happy to hear what she was going to tell him.
“Beloved Jasmine, you may speak your mind. Please do. The insights you learned from the Spirits must be very precious. Please, write down everything you hear from the Spirits. I will assign the scholars to take down notes and make a book out of these important insights”, said the King, “but for now, let us celebrate. Drink! Good heroes of Aristoro! Drink away!”
The feast was abundant. There were plenty of wines and beers. Delicious desserts and foods they had not tasted since they embarked on their quest were heavenly.
Musicians and poets sang their praises and beautiful, young women and men danced before the heroes.
