
The one-millionth session of the geneocracy of Elenia had begun. The Imperial Assembly sat in the Chamber of the Lords while preparing for the much anticipated crowning of princess Eldia who didn’t have a betrothed yet due to a lack of candidates powerful enough to be worthy of her hand. It was said that after one thousand year if the princess has yet to find her equal in a marriage, the princess shall be crowned empress of all seven upper realms of Magnola. It was a session that was much anticipated by the princess who had yet to become a sovereign. Excited, the princess Eldia kicked off the session with an insult to the disgusting pigmen sitting in the one trillion of rows above her.

“Ha, I knew you man pigs wouldn’t be able to find any man worthy of my magical prowess!” She scoffed. “No man is worthy of my hand after all! You—”

“No, princess.” interrupted the Speaker of the Assembly. “We were actually able to find a man worthy of your hand.”

“What!?” she scowled. “How dare you engage in humor of such poor taste!?”

“I am not jesting, I am afraid. Here’s your betrothed.”

The Speaker lifted a live pig in the air and made it explode. Inside of it was a thin slice of bacon that crystalized into an white orb, which was animated by a reality several realmfolds away. The white orb showed a very dusty apartment inside of which was a very lazy Korean man with severe muscular atrophy giggling in front of the computer screen while browsing a writing subreddit, unbeknownst to him his graphics card was about to die on him, because there were several patches of dust encrusted onto it.

“How dare you suggest that this excuse of a human being is my bethroted!?” she scowled furious at the pigman.

“But look at all that dust!” replied the Speaker. “It’s like snow during the summer! His apartment is constantly snowing dust! He still didn’t die of lung cancer somehow! How incredible is that?”

“You still dare jest before me!?” she asked. “Jest before the future empress of the geneocracy of Elenia!?”

“Princess, I beg of you to look at the orb more closely.”

The orb showed the Korean man in front of his computer. He grabbed a pair of used socks, smelled it and then wore it. “I guess this will do.” he said. And then punched the screen of his computer after the progress got stalled at five percent after he restarted his computer accidentally after installing some Windows updates.

“He’s one of a kind!” sang the pigmen of the Assembly. “His hair like Goku’s. That’s right, one of a kind!”

“I will burn all of you once this is over!” she threatened. “I am not jesting!”

The princess summoned a million shards of ice and then threw it at a warp gate she summoned to kill the disgusting slob, but the ice shards melted before hitting him and ended up lubricating his dick somehow. The Korean man touched himself noticing a sudden increase in moisture inside his foreskin. “Oh, shit, it’s moist again!” he said.

“How!?” she asked. “How is this man still alive?”

“His autism is off the charts.” the Speaker replied. “His autism is only exceeded by his delusion of hallucinating blowjobs. His delusion is so great that it warps the reality around him allowing to stay indoors in this dusty radioactive biohazard mess of an apartment. Look closely into his eyes and perhaps you will see a glimpse into the future.”

She looked into his eyes, and saw herself humping the Korean man furiously while tossing her hair around, rocking her head like a pornstar and letting her red lips grow into a wide smirk.

“No!” she screamed. “This can’t be real!”

The Assembly summoned the Korean man who was about to break his laptop with a hammer after realizing that his laptop also stalled because of Windows Update. The dick of the Korean man merged with the princess and then got ejected back into his world because his magical penis rejected a world without hentai. The Korean man looked down on his fully erect penis and started giggling by himself. “Oh, shit! I am hallucinating a blowjob again!” he scoffed. The end.
