
Lord Sasuke sat proudly on a ceremonial throne carried on shoulders by his foot soldiers. The ceremonial throne consisted of a richly adorned armchair covered with silk, on top of which was fastened a complex meshwork of chains that held a crippled giant sex fairy whose vagina kept Sasuke’s now bald head warm and moist. On both sides, there were two gilded rings, through which a long rod was inserted to allow the foot soldiers to carry Sasuke and whatever that other thing was. Sasuke grabbed the frame of a hand mirror and made a small sex fairy squirt a huge one to create a magnifying liquid so that Sasuke could peer into the distance.

“Hmm, let’s see how the battle is unfolding.” said a musing Sasuke. “I doubt the enemy forces are a match for us.”

Sasuke saw a dozen of giant ogres suffocating as a ring constituted of sex fairies attached mouth-to-pussy went through their mouths and came out of their asses rolling through their own army and spreading chaos among their own ranks. Some of the demons seeing their waifus pass by rushed through the swarm only worsening the chaotic mess that unfolded before them.

“Why are they stomping on each other?” asked a puzzled Sasuke.

“They are lusting over Hatsune Miku.” replied his trusted servant.

“Hatsune Miku!?” Sasuke angrily barked. “What the hell are you talking about!?”

“We cloned her a thousand times to create our mechanical units.”

“I told you to clone one of the fat whales instead!”

“We tried, but the wheels kept coming apart during our test trials, because the connections were too weak.”

“Then shove their heads into their asses! For fuck sake, why are you so incompetent!?”

A loud banging of drums suddenly filled the battlefield. Sasuke peered into the distance and saw the enemy raise a large crucifix with Lord Naruto being crucified on it.

“Good, good, they’re crucifying Naruto.” said an overjoyed Sasuke. “That should teach him. Didn’t think that assfart Naruto would end up in Hell like me.”

“Lord Sasuke, look more closely. It looks like they’re prepping for a S&M session.”

Sasuke peered into the distance again and saw a masked Sakura clad in strappy lingerie constantly whipping his dick as Naruto moaned, dressed only in a jock strap, and kept ejaculating as his jock strap was overflowing with cum and soft fox fur.

“What the hell Sakura!?” yelled an angry Sasuke. “You little treasonous bitch!”

Sasuke pulled out his dick and put his erect dick into three floating magical rings. It then grew to a huge size until they had to bring in an entire platoon of sex fairies and succubuses to carry his dick on their shoulders and aim that thing on Naruto who had followed him to hell like a stupid puppy would follow his master unconditionally after Sasuke surprised Sakura blowing Naruto off after coldly rejecting her for not allowing him to have a threesome with her step sister, and reduced Konohagakure to ashes by blowing himself off after he went off in a temper. After readying his penis and having a large groupies of pink-haired sex fairies lick the tip of his massive dick, he shot a massive load of cum at Naruto, which sent him flying into the air.

“Thank you, my friend!” said Naruto before falling into a pool of lava. The end.


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