Waking Up [mf] – My First Attempt at Erotica

Early morning sunlight streamed through the sheer curtains covering the window in Alyssa Keading’s room. Alyssa, still blissfully unaware of the new day’s arrival, lay sleeping, the sunlight falling on her face, illuminating her naturally pale skin until she seemed to glow with the morning’s light. As the early hours of the morning wore on, she began to stir, shifting her position repeatedly in the quest for comfort and a few more minutes of blissful unconsciousness.

Her quest was abruptly cut short as she felt an alien sensation enter her world. At first, her mind, still clouded by sleep, could not identify it. The feeling, a soft, yet insistent, pressure began at her shoulder blades, slowly following the curvature of her spine as it made its way down her back. Stopping at the small of her back, it would rebound, traveling upwards until it reached its starting location and began the process anew. Alyssa’s quickly-wakening mind slowly came to grips with the feeling, finally identifying its origin as a pair of knuckles, slowly moving over her naked back.

Naked Back. The thought brought her fully into the waking realm, her mind snapping alert at the memory of the night before. She turned over quickly in bed, suddenly coming face to face with the source of the ministrations.

Blue eyes met her brown, his eyes staring into hers with a mix of adoration and admiration. Alyssa thought she could see something beyond that in his eyes. Was it lust? Was it hunger? She couldn’t tell. She didn’t care. Her eyes continued down the rest of his body, taking in the lean, muscular form that was visible above the blanket. She took in the shape of his jaw, the stubble coating his chin, his lips, his nose, his hair, and – finally- his eyes. She could get lost in those eyes, in that look that just might echo the feelings of hunger and lust that she was now experiencing.

John was doing his fair share of admiring as well. In front of him lay the most beautiful woman he had ever met. At 5 foot 6 inches, Alyssa was around six inches shorter than he was. Her reddish-brown hair cascaded over her shoulders, hiding her soft, delicate neck and coming to rest right above her breasts. Rounded and, in John’s opinion, perfect, Alyssa’s breasts lay ever so slightly flat against her chest, barely influenced by the gravity holding them tethered to the bed. The cool morning air, in combination with her nakedness, had caused Alyssa’s dusky nipples to harden invitingly and her skin to break out in goosebumps. Sweeping his eyes upward, he took in the sight of her perfect lips before, once again, locking eyes with her.

It was as if, in that moment, a powerful magnet had been switched on between them. Almost instantaneously, their lips locked in a passionate kiss, tongues exploring each other’s mouths as their hands explored each other’s bodies. John reached down, grabbing Alyssa by the small of her back and pulling her tight to him, each point of contact sending jolts of energy through them, intensifying their passion into something wild and chaotic.

Alyssa’s hand found John’s already solid erection, stroking him up and down as her other hand found her clit. John’s hands ran themselves over her breasts, one stopping to tease her nipple as the other grabbed onto her firm ass, pulling her closer, kissing her harder and harder. Soon, they were both moaning as they kissed, Alyssa’s husky voice matching John’s throaty growls for intensity.

John broke the kiss first. Gasping for breath, Alyssa felt him kiss his way down her body, each touch of his lips sending spasms of pleasure through her body. He worked his way down her neck, his kisses trailing down her collarbone and onto her chest. Taking her other breast in hand, John locked his mouth onto her right nipple, his tongue teasing her, flicking back and forth across the most sensitive flesh on her breast. Every once in a while, he would bite down lightly, the feeling of his teeth causing her to arch her back ever-so-slightly and moan.

Alyssa couldn’t take it any longer. Her fingers had somehow found their way into John’s hair, as if they were seeking out anything possible to hold on to. She now found herself pushing down on his head, urging him lower and lower. John complied, trailing kisses down her stomach and stopping, briefly, at her hips, before brushing lightly up against her clit.

John ate her out slowly, licking his way down her slit until his tongue found her already soaking wet hole. He spent some time there, running his tongue around her entrance once or twice before penetrating her and then starting the process again. When her moans became more frequent, he began moving back up toward her clit, his tongue inching toward the center of her pleasure. As soon as he got there, he knew he had found the right spot. Alyssa bucked against his face, grinding herself on to him, moaning loudly as she did. It was all he could do to simply hold on, her bucking hips making even that simple task nearly impossible.

With every moan from Alyssa, John felt himself grow harder and harder. He had never felt so big, so filled with anticipation. He needed her, needed to feel her around him. He couldn’t wait, every fibre of his being urging him on to this one singular act.

Alyssa felt the pressure of John’s tongue recede, only to be replaced by a new pressure slightly lower. She felt him pressing against her, the head of his cock hot with anticipation and desire. He slowly entered her, inch by agonizing inch stretching her until she thought she couldn’t take any more. And then she was empty, the incredible fullness that had just been a part of her suddenly gone, stripped from her as suddenly as it had been given.

She felt light headed as he entered her again, his glorious member shooting wave after wave of pleasure through her entire body. Alyssa was on fire, each thrust raising the temperature higher and higher. Her hands sought out anything she could grab on to. One went back into John’s hair, his bent posture allowing her a firm grip. The other teased her nipple, pinching and pulling, sending her more and more into spasms of complete and total ecstasy.

John was in heaven. Under him was a gorgeous woman, writhing in ecstasy as he thrust into her again and again. Her moans, first his name, then various combinations of the words “fuck”, “god”, and “holy”, had devolved into something primal, wordless echos of both his and her pleasure. Pleasure was something that John could get used to. He had never felt a woman like this before. Alyssa fit him like a glove, her tight pussy enveloping his dick with every thrust, involuntary muscle spasms causing her to clamp down on him each time he pulled out.

He had always had trouble coming in the morning. Usually, he thought of it as a curse, making masturbating, and especially sex, difficult when he first woke up. Now however, John had never been so glad for the added stamina. Pulling completely out, John gently flipped Alyssa over. Instinctively, she thrust her ass into the air, arching her back and giving John the perfect entry from behind. Diving back into her pussy, he was astounded to feel that it, somehow, felt even more tight.

He began thrusting, first slowly, but picking up pace once he got going. Alyssa had stopped moaning, and started screaming, the pillow her head was resting on blocking out just enough of the sound to prevent her neighbors in the apartment next door from hearing. Breath ragged, John kept thrusting. It wasn’t long before he felt his balls tightening, signaling to him that his climax was near. He redoubled his efforts, digging deep into his hidden reserves of energy, pistoning in and out of Alyssa with an improbable vigor.

Alyssa’s screams became more and more shrill, her cries of pleasure filling John’s ears, urging him onward. With a final scream, she came, her vagina contracting around John’s dick, clamping down on him over and over. He was not far behind, thrusting one final time before burying himself deep into her pussy and coming. Wave after wave of semen shot out of him, filling her with each pump until, finally, the waves of pleasure subsided.

Both John and Alyssa collapsed onto the bed at the same time, their legs turned to jelly and their bodies completely drained of energy. John pulled Alyssa close and they kissed tenderly, melting into each other’s arms as sleep once again took them.

Source: reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/2e0wpq/waking_up_mf_my_first_attempt_at_erotica


  1. Good effort. My only advice would be to cut down on some of your descriptions. Take a look at the first sentence. We know that curtains cover windows so you don’t need to say that. "Sunlight streaming through the sheer curtains" is enough to get the point across. Consider this throughout the whole story.

  2. Great attempt. I would suggest a read through to catch repetition of words such as quest near the beginning. Also, it’s seems appropriate in erotica to incorporate more ‘vulgar’ terms such as pussy instead of vagina.

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