His Student Hooker Pt 7 [Revenge]

The rest of the weekend flew by. For the first time, Simone was not doing homework or study, Paul was winding down his Grade 10 and 11 classes, but preparing them for return in the Fall. There wasn’t much to do, no papers to grade, no additional materials to prepare, so he took Simone to a movie.

Classes only ran for two days, students were dismissed and Paul and Eleni spent two more days in the usual edu-rhetoric conferences, where edubabble and buzzwords abounded, personal development rubbish, and relearning how to sleep with their eyes open.

Simone went to work Thursday evening and Friday, Paul was alone, and when Eleni didn’t turn up, he read his book to the end, and remembered how fucking boring it was being home, alone, on summer break.

June became July and Simone enthused about looking for either an apartment or a condo. She searched the net for a real-estate agency with the right listing. Conversations were held about the parameters of such a search, it had to be close to the subway, preferably not far from where they were right now, and had three bedrooms with two bathrooms. Then came the price.

Paul basically laid it out, they might have the deposit, but how would they pay a mortgage? Simone couldn’t contribute, otherwise she would not have sufficient funds for college fees and living expenses.

Eleni visited Paul several times over the course of July, but only when George was at his club, and her ill health seemed to be getting better. July became August.

Simone and Paul were out when a call came from Eleni on Simone’s cell. She asked if Paul could come and pick her up, straight away, from her condo. She said that she could no longer stay with her husband, and she needed a place to sleep. Paul and Simone were on their way to her place almost instantly.

They arrived a little after mid-day, and Eleni let them in. She kissed Paul and hugged Simone, then told them that she had written a letter and left it on the table for her husband. It outlined why she was leaving. Paul was ecstatic, Simone really happy that Eleni had made her mind up. Eleni had packed two suitcases full of clothes, and had several plastic garbage bags of shoes, more clothes, childhood and family mementos. They had trouble fitting in into Paul’s Corolla and still have enough room for three people. They decided to make two trips.

When they had completed the second trip, and they were all sitting in the lounge, coffee and some food, Eleni said, “OK confession time. I’m pregnant.”

Paul and Simone were overjoyed. Then Paul asked, “Prom night?”

Eleni nodded, “Prom night.” Simone laughed, Paul smiled and Eleni went on, “I have been trying to get pregnant for the last two years, so have sex with you once, and hit the jackpot.”

“That’s wonderful news. I take it that George didn’t appreciate it?”

“No, I haven’t told him. I couldn’t.” She reached into her purse and pulled out an envelope. Looking at Paul, she said, “There is absolutely no doubt who the father really is. The ultrasound images. I left one for him in the envelope so there will be no doubt, I will never go back to him. I been to an OBGYN specialist, who told me that everything was functioning as it should. George refused to go to get tested, so after this, I think he is shooting blanks.”

“Then what happens now?”

“When he gets home from work, he will be upset, and probably throw things round, then he will threaten whatever he can and he will get so angry. He will tear up the divorce papers I have left in the envelope, and when a lawyer gets in touch with him, he will threaten them too. If he finds you, he is likely to come the heavy.”

“Let him come, threats don’t mean anything, unless you are prepared for to back them up with real violence,” said Paul, “I am old enough to look after myself.”

Simone said nothing, but looked at Paul thoughtfully. Then she said, “Look, once he is confronted with the evidence, he will just back down, swallow his pride and pretend it never happened. Such men always do.”

“Not George, I am afraid,” Eleni said. “Right now, all I have is the clothes I am wearing, the stuff you brought with me, and that’s it. My entire worldly possessions. I have maybe a hundred and fifty dollars and a credit card that will likely be cancelled in a couple of hours.”

“Look,” Paul said, “That is of no problem at all. We will start sorting banks and all that tomorrow. In the meantime, there is a number of things you need to know as well.”

“Paul and I are lovers.” Simone said.

“I thought that might be the case.” Eleni said. “But I have nowhere else to go.”

“Its Ok,” Simone said, “I have no problem with you and Paul, look, I love you both. Paul because he is who he is, you because you are who you are. Is that wrong?” Simone got up and sat down next to Eleni, took her hand and said, “You are the most wonderful woman I have known, outside my mother. You gave to me something I can never repay, and for that I love you dearly.” She moved closer to Eleni and then kissed her cheek. Eleni didn’t move. “Now you are giving the love of my life a baby, how can I not love you, and your baby.” She kissed Eleni again on the cheek. Eleni turned to face Simone, and put her arms around her. “I love that you are you.” And kissed her again, this time on the lips, and Eleni kissed her back.

“And you are you,” Eleni said. “But why are you like you are?”

“A mixture of love, tragedy and money, I am afraid,” Simone replied, “I – well, basically, the tragedy is my parents, which you already know. The love is that Paul gave me his friendship, his kindness, his honor, and respected me for who I was, how can any girl resist that? And I am stubborn, more stubborn than he is and him, being male of course, he is a dear, but clueless about resisting women when they set their mind on something.” Paul laughed at the incredibly loose way in which she had skirted the facts. “I got a letter from an insurance company the other day telling me that my parent’s insurance is to be paid, the Coroner returned a verdict of accidental death. Apparently my father didn’t have that much to drink but stepped out from behind a parked van without looking. They couldn’t get out of it, so I get the full one hundred thousand dollars, next week as it seems.” Simone and Eleni stayed cuddled on the sofa and Paul’s mind just shook with the possibility of their being naked and in each other’s arms.

“And as far as I am concerned,” he said, “I have loved you from a long time ago, and Simone has shaken my life so much that I could not do anything other than love her for it. I don’t know what I am supposed to do here.”

“Just grin and bare it, my love,” Simone said.

“Look, it is getting close to dinner time, and we will need to eat. So what do you want to do?” Simone observed.

“Go out. Celebrate.” Paul said, “No alcohol if you don’t want it Eleni.”

“A glass of white is not going to hurt at this point. So no problems.”

“Ok, you guys organize yourselves, and think about how we are going to sleep for the next few nights, because I’ll be damned if I want to sleep alone,” Paul said.

“No, that is not going to be a problem for you, but if you would push the double bed to one side and put the single into the main bedroom, that should fit.” Simone said.

“What?” asked Eleni, “We all sleep together?”

“That is my suggestion,” Simone said, “I am going to do something else for the next hour or two, so think about it and I will meet you at the Cantina?”

“What are you going to do?” Paul asked.

“Go and talk to Madeline, see if she has any suggestions.”

“I don’t know if she will be able, or willing, to help, but if you want.” Paul replied.

Simone went into the bedroom and Paul could hear her moving about while Eleni asked “Who’s Madeline?”

“Her employer. I think they have become friends, I have met her, seems like a nice enough person, but could be a little ruthless in business for my taste.” Paul said. “Mmm no, not ruthless, bit unkind, more like very demanding, that might be better.”

“No more so that the DOE, Paul, I am sure.” she laughed.

Simone came back into the lounge dressed as she did when at school. Her clothes were dull, hair up in a bun and the thick glasses Paul didn’t think he liked any more, preferred her with her contact lenses in. “Ok, be seeing you soon.” She kissed Paul and then turned to Eleni, kissing her lips in a lingering kiss, to which Eleni didn’t seem to object. She left.

“So what now?” Eleni asked.

“How do you want to arrange these beds?”

Simone drove directly to Eleni’s place. She fumbled in her handbag to make sure the taser was there, when she pulled up, then sat and waited. About an hour later, a car pulled into the driveway of the condo. Patience thought Simone, as she got out of the car, and crossed the road to the driveway.

“Mr Kookorous? Mr George Kookorous?”

George looked around, surprised by the young lady walking up to the car, “Yes,” he said, “May I help you?”

“I am not sure, you the George Kookorous who is an accountant who’s employer does a lot of work for the Greek Orthodox Church?”

“Yes,” he said, quizzically, but not alarmed.

“Oh good, the right man then, its something that I need your advice on.”

“Office hours Miss, I am sorry but the day is over, I want-”

“Oh, sorry, this is not an accounting problem, this is something else. But not something I want to talk about in the drive way of your home, please, can we go inside?”

“Unless you can give me something of interest, then I am sorry, you will have to leave.”

Simone looked at him, “Its a video, copied, on my phone, of a woman, with a man that you might be seriously interested in, I think.”


“Your wife, Mr Kookorous,” she said, “Well, the video is quite intimate.”

“My wife?” He demanded, increasingly harsh. “What about my wife?”

“Well, can we talk in a less public place, please,” she pleaded. George looked at her speculatively, he didn’t know her from a bar of soap, there were some neighbors who could identify her, a real bookish type, likely a dyke, he thought. What about Eleni?

“Alright, come in, but if you are wasting my time-”

“Then I will call the police, Mr Kook-, please, may I call you George?”


“Very well, but I am definitely not wasting your time. Oh, I understand there is a letter for you, from your wife, on the table.”

George opened the door, rushed into the kitchen and found on the table there was indeed a letter. Fuck, he thought, as he read it, She is fucking leaving me? A baby, MY baby? No, someone else’s, the fucking slut! She was out fucking someone else? What the fuck? And what’s this dyke got to do with it all? He heard a noise behind him and a sting on his neck, he collapsed into a heap as it all went dark.

Simone laughed, it went just as she had practiced it with this guy Madeline knew. He supplied hand held tasers to Madeline and taught the girls how to use them effectively. Madeline insisted all her girls learned, and the guy was still loving of the sex he was paid with for the training. Angie didn’t mind him, he was a nice guy who did a favor for a favor.

Fuck! George thought, what the fuck is happening? He felt like shit, all jello like. His neck stung, like a bee had bitten him. He tried to move but found his hands were tied with duct tape. “What the fuck are you doin’, bitch!”

“Oooh temper, temper George. It could be worse. I could have had your pants down and used your balls as a taser point. Would you like that?”

“When I get out of this shit, I will find you and fucking hurt you!”

“Well, that is what I wanted to talk to you about. First, I read your wife’s letter, very touching. She doesn’t like you George, that much is obvious.”

“Fuck you – and keep your fucking nose out of grown-ups business, bitch!”

“Well George, seeing as I have a taser, some duct tape and a utility knife, I would think a little more respect should come my way, don’t you?” Simone waved the utility knife over his cock, and recited,

“One ball here, one ball there,
One slice of the knife
And none to spare”

“Would you like that George? But then, the letter seems to indicate that after two years of trying, she still can’t get a baby from you, whereas she fucks someone once, and she is up the spout. What does that say George?”

“Fuck you bitch!” he yelled.

“Well, I tell you George, call me bitch once more and the volume of sperm you shoot will decline by half. Now, shut up and watch the video, you might find it interesting.” George subsided.

Simone pulled her cell phone out and opened a video file, she pressed play and turned it so George could watch it. Low quality, low light it was still obvious that a woman was being fucked. It wasn’t Eleni, this slut’s hair was dark. He didn’t immediately recognize where it was set, but then his blood ran cold it was where the guys referred to as *’ton topo mas’*, or “our place”. The girl underneath the man was just a slut, he knew it, but he knew the man on top. Fuck! That was supposed to be safe, where they could do what they liked, without some moralistic asshole looking over their shoulders. There were five other men who went to “our place” and they drank, fucked sluts and if someone won a special bet, would sometimes get their dick sucked by one of the other guys.

“Look, George, I think we know who the guy is, and he really wouldn’t want anyone else to know, would he. The girl though, she was my friend.” He saw the man on top sit up then punch the girl on the side of the head, the guy then pushed her over onto her stomach and inserted his cock into her ass. The girl screamed, in terror, in pain while her assailant fucked her in the ass. George went a dead pale color, as he watched himself cum in her ass. He pulled his cock out of the girl, turning her over and pushed his dick into her mouth. The guy turned to the camera, laughing not seeing the camera, but he knew that he was finished, he would loose more than just his wife.

“What’s more George, I can tell you, look at the date stamp, see, just over a year ago, you got a reputation to maintain, as a super stud, don’t you?” Simone went on. “Her name was Susie, a tiny little girl, and you, you fucking asshole, beat on her then just fucked her up the ass. You didn’t ask, you just raped her.” George’s eyes widened in fear! How could you have been so fucking stupid, George, fucking moron. You can’t let these sluts get away with this! But he knew, he would have to be defeated here, perhaps he could redeem himself by getting that film, smacking this bitch around, fuck her, she looks like she needs a good fucking.

“Okay, okay, what d’ya want?” He refrained from using the word ‘bitch’.

“I haven’t told you the best bit yet. The best bit is that Susie was three days short of her seventeenth birthday. You beat and anally raped a sixteen year old girl.”

“She was a hooker, how the fuck should I know how old she was?”

“Ah yes, good point, you didn’t, but guess what-” she said, “The law doesn’t make any distinction here. She was sixteen you piece of shit; and you’ll go away for a long time if this gets into the hands of the police.” She didn’t say that Susie was herself. She didn’t say that she wasn’t likely to testify, all she needed was to put the fear of exposure and prison into him. “So we’re going to make a deal. You are going to get this footage, to keep, to erase, to do what you like with it, but you are going to do a number of things. First, you will sign the application for divorce. As an accountant, you are going to sign over half the assets of your marriage to your soon to be ex-wife, I am sure you know how to do that, quickly and easily. You will then offer to buy her share. I know you have the money George, or at least, access to the money, your credit rating is very, very good, I understand.”

“Fuck you, fuck her too. Bitch!”

“Oh dear, what did I tell you George! Typical, your type never listens, so here, let me introduce you to my friend, Mr Box Cutter.” She held up the utility knife. “Handy things these, can be purchased in your local hardware store. Used for cutting all sorts of things, boxes, string, ribbons,” pause, “dicks.” George went pale and immediately brought his knees up to his chest, not realizing this actually made it easier for someone to cut him from behind.

“No, No, NO!” He cried as he saw Simone reaching toward him knife first.

“Come on George, let’s get these pants off, don’t really want to spoil a nice suit like this. There will be a lot of blood, I think. Pity about the floor.”

“No, No! Sorry, I’m sorry!” he whimpered. “I’m sorry!”

“Are you sure George, are you really sorry?” Simone said, with a hard tone in her voice that convinced George he better behave.

“Yes! Yes! I’m sorry, I should never have done that to that girl! I didn’t know!”

“She will never forgive you, and she will never forget you, George.” Simone said, “Now, this is what you are going to do. You are going to have an uncontested divorce. You will make an offer of a property settlement that is a fair split, which will be accepted. You will not be offering alimony, your ex-wife does not want anything further from you. Do you understand?”

“Yes, yes, anything.”

“Oh very good, George, you are a skilled negotiator, and in return, I will delete the footage, and you will never hear from me again. Agreed?”

“Yes,” he said, dully.

“Oh, two things, first, the video will go direct to the police if you renege on this. Susie won’t like having to come back to this state to testify, but she will, if I tell her you have done the same thing to another girl-”

“But I haven’t!” George protested.

“But you have George, I know you have, so don’t start lying to me now! The other girl may not have been under-aged, but you did the same thing to her George. And for that, I seriously suggest you consider a change of life style. This one has got you into deep, deep shit!” Simone would not be fooled here, and George knew it. “Ok, now we understand each other better,” in a more reasonable tone, “You do not renege. The other thing, stay away from Eleni, right away. Don’t try to contact her, phone, emails anything, don’t stalk her at work, don’t go anywhere near her. Understand?” George nodded. “As for the fact that you are a liar, well, I was going to delete the footage after giving you a copy of it, but now, no, I will keep it, just in case. And if I ever hear of you doing it again, George, then kiss your life goodbye, because you are going to be the bitch of some serious criminal type in a small grey cell of some description, and it won’t be a hot dog you will have in your mouth.”

George was mortified that this girl had done this to him. She had him over a barrel, and he was really screwed. He had choices, but none of them ended well for him, and he knew it. He couldn’t think of any way he could get out of this without the video being made public.

“Agreed? George,” she said, with a hard tome.

“Ok, ok, Eleni gets half of everything.”

“And be assured, I will find out if you have not lived up to you part of the bargain, George. You know, there is a part of me that is actually hoping you don’t. I think I would enjoy seeing you in court, having your life wrecked – but then I think that would hurt your future ex-wife a lot more than you. She doesn’t deserve that. Does she, George?”

“No, no, she doesn’t.”

“Good, we are agreed then. So three points, an uncontested divorce with an honorable property settlement that will impress the Court, stay away from Eleni, forever, and no more raping girls up the ass.”

George nodded, tears of fear, frustration and relief rolled down his face. “OK, it will all be done.”

“Good,” Simone moved around George, out of his reach, and pulled a large knife from out of a block next to the stove.

“What-what are you doing?” he asked now in fear.

“Nothing, well, I am going to put this knife next to the front door. You can crawl to get to it, then cut the tape. I certainly don’t want you starving to death, but I need time to get out of here. You are just going to have to work out how to open this kitchen door to get to the knife. Be smart George. Oh, you are pretty fit, so the effects of the taser should wear off soon, I would recommend some strong pain killers and a long, hot bath, not a shower, a bath. Look after your health George and have a good life.” Simone took the knife and pulled the door but did not shut it, she didn’t want to take too much of a risk. Now, get out of here.

Simone ran to the front door, and opened it, hearing flopping sounds as George tried to get the kitchen door open. Out the door and across the road, calmly. Open the door, start the car, steady, into gear, check the roadway, and go, smiling, triumphant. Simone went around the block, then headed back toward home. Then she remembered they were meeting at the Cantina, for Mexican.

After a mile or so, she pulled over to the side of the road, turned the motor off, and let herself go. She started shaking, then crying her relief at getting away with something so outrageous. She thought about it and knew she had been planning this for ages, everything, her revenge. Ever since she realized it was Eleni’s husband who had raped her. Her ass was sore for days after George had raped her, for two or three days every time she used the bathroom, she bled from her anus. How could Eleni ever have married this jerk? She stopped crying, wiped her eyes and was again, herself.

Source: reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/pclpjx/his_student_hooker_pt_7_revenge