A new sub breaks through [f, no sex]

This feeling isn’t a butterfly
Dancing on the edges of my stomach

This feeling isn’t a lion
Ripping out my heart with rancid yellow teeth

This feeling is a leech
that found its way under my rib cage
It’s found a home there
Feasting on my senses, and depriving me of sense

As it grows bigger
I don’t sleep
I don’t eat
It sits like a certainty
Heavy on my sex
It leaves me thirsty

This feeling is not a cuddly love
And it’s not a clean cleave of lust

This feeling is a release
A recognition
A remembrance of a person I never was able to become

Recall this not-me as a goblin on a rock
A queen, magestic in her dark beauty
A girl, a virgin sacrifice, a page torn from a book,
I become a slave to this dark parasite
My body is theirs for the taking

This slug, this bug, this black hole
Will I know myself when you’re done with me?

Source: reddit.com/r/sexystories/comments/pc747m/a_new_sub_breaks_through_f_no_sex