
*First post here on Erotica, hope this content fits the community.*

I’d always been really close to my older sister, ever since we were kids. I looked up to her, I adored her, I wanted to be her. When our parents divorced, we became even closer. I can say with zero cheesiness that she was my best friend. After our alcoholic mom sent us to California to live with our dad and his new family, my sister started acting out, but she never left me behind. I was always a privy to her shenanigans. She’d tell me where she was going, what she was doing, let me borrow her clothes and browse her phone, let me take a puff off her cigs and sip from her illicit booze. When I’d walk in on her doing cam shows or masturbating while talking to her boyfriend on the phone, it was never a big deal, because I was her co-conspirator; she trusted me with her dark secrets and that made me feel special. I loved her and I would have done anything for her.

When we struck out on our own and moved in together, we got even closer. We knew everything about each other and would do anything for each other. I guess this was why it was so shocking when, on a chilly morning in early November, I walked into my sister’s room to find her completely naked, bent over the knee of a man who wasn’t her boyfriend, a paddle in his one hand, and a leash connected to a leather collar around my sister’s neck in the other. I stopped dead, one foot in the door, the other in the hall, frozen, my eyes wide with shock. My sister looked horrified. The man just smiled at me. I immediately turned and got right the fuck out of there, went to the living room, and sat staring at the television, my mind a sort of weird tangle of emotions and confusion.

A few minutes later, my sister came into the living room, wrapped in a purple kimono, and sat down beside me. I didn’t look at her. I wasn’t embarrassed for walking in on her, I’d seen her do worse things on her webcam, but I did feel sort of betrayed and maybe even a little angry that she had a secret that she hadn’t shared with me. I thought she trusted me with everything. I thought I was her ally, her closest friend… and yet, here she was cheating on her boyfriend and I hadn’t even known he was in the house.

“Kat,” she said, her voice unsteady.

I didn’t respond. I felt my cheeks getting hot. How could she keep a secret from me?

“Kat,” she said again, softly, putting her hand on my hand.

Despite myself, I turned and looked at her. Her hair was a mess, her cheeks were bright red, her eyes down-turned. I immediately felt guilty for being angry with her. “Naomi,” I said to her, “I’m sorry I walked in without knocking.”

“It’s ok,” Naomi said.

“And don’t worry about anything,” I added quickly, “I’ll never tell a soul. Your secret is safe with me, forever.”

I felt her squeeze my hand hard, then she looked up at me, her dark eyes shining. “Come to my room,” she said. “He wants you to, now.”

I didn’t understand what she was saying to me. Who wants me to what? But I obeyed without question, following her as she held my hand and led me down the hall back to her room. Outside the door, she kissed me on the lips and told me she loved me. I felt a funny heat in my belly when she kissed me. I’d never been kissed on the mouth by a girl before. I guess she could see it on my face because she flashed me a vulgar smile, then took me into her room.

Inside Naomi’s tiny room there was a giant of a man. He towered over both of us and seemed to completely fill the space. I stared at him, my mouth gaping, as he held out his hand. “Hello,” he said, “it’s nice to finally meet you in person.”

Hearing his voice, the little gears in my head whirred into action and I suddenly remembered this man. I had seen and heard him a million times before – he was one of my sister’s mysterious friends, well he was *the* mysterious friend, the one who she would spend hours and hours talking to on the phone every single day. Mostly they would talk on the phone, but sometimes they would video chat. I didn’t know they had ever met in person, and I definitely didn’t know that they had this sort of a relationship… I mean, my sister had a boyfriend, after all, and while I knew she masturbated to videos online, it had never occurred to me until today that she would *cheat* on her boyfriend with another man.

I put my tiny hand out stupidly and he held it, his own hand completely engulfing mine. “It’s so nice to finally meet you in person,” he said casually. I guess I was supposed to say something back to him like “yeah, nice to meet you, also,” but I just stood their staring up at this humongous man, my mouth hanging open in shock. “Anyway,” he went on, his blue eyes focused on me like lasers, “Naomi tells me you like to watch porn.”

My eyes went wide and my cheeks suddenly felt like they were on fire. I did, and do, in fact, have something of a porn addiction… but it’s not something I put on blast, and it definitely wasn’t something that I thought anyone, including Naomi, knew about. I felt my cheeks grow even hotter as he smiled at my flustered silence. It was like he was looking right through me.

“Y… yes,” I said at last, then immediately snapped my jaws shut, my hands covering my mouth in horrified disbelief. Why did I just cop to one of my most embarrassing secrets to this guy, and right in front of my sister? I looked at Naomi, who was leaning against him with her arms around his body, sure she’d be angry or disappointed in me, but she seemed completely at ease. It suddenly occurred to me that this man had been inside my sister only minutes before. I felt my body give a little shiver and my face went hot again as my imagination took that thought and ran with it. I’d never ever thought of Naomi in that way before… but now I had and it made my girl parts tingle.

“Would you like to watch me fuck your sister?” he asked with a smile, as if he was reading my mind.

My eyes darted back to his, and then back to Naomi’s. She said nothing, but her cheeks were bright pink. I looked back at him and suddenly noticed the thick bulge writhing in his too-tight slacks. “Yes,” I said softly, the words leaving my mouth before I could stop them.
