A Scholar Gone Wild Part 1: New School, New Sensations

*Hello to the everyone who is either interested or curious about erotica and smut fiction!*


I am a 20 something year old writer who just wants to share some of my sexual and fictional stories that i’ve been thinking and conceptualizing about for a very long time. I’ve been a long time lurker here reading so many interesting stories and wanted to contribute by giving you guys these! Now these series follows the fictional stories and the sexual misadventures of the students and teachers of the college called DTFU somewhere in the Philippines. In addition, these fictional stories are written in the first person perspective of the main characters. If anyone is interested, feel free to support this project by reading it as well as giving critique to my works. You may also give suggestions and ideas on potential storylines and characters.


Shy, and innocent scholar student, Cat Tolares, finally enters her dream school after so much perseverance and hardwork in her academics. However, an unexpected encounter with a bunch of college boys soon changes not only her life, but her appearance, attitude and sex life forever

1. [Cat Tolares](https://www.reddit.com/user/PH-Smut_Writer/comments/oprraw/cat_tolares/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf)
2. [Liam Ledesma](https://www.reddit.com/user/PH-Smut_Writer/comments/oq34ec/liam_ledesma/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf)


So I don’t really know where to begin my story proper but then again, I never expected my life to go this route once i explored my sex life? For context, I guess you could say I was a late bloomer when it came to sexual stuff. I’ve never never had sexual intercourse nor even oral sex till i reached college. To be honest, I never even made-out with anyone or even kissed someone as a matter of fact even in high school. Everything only changed in college once I met a few guys who showed me a lot about sex and even influenced me in very peculier ways.

Now it started all the way back around 2019 when I finally got into my dream school (won’t mention what school I’m from of course). For the longest time, it was my wish to enter this college since it offered not only the course I wanted (won’t mention it either) but the program in itself was exceptional and really interested me because of its reputation. My biggest fear however was that I wouldn’t be able to get in. The reasons ranged from me thinking there were people who were more deserving to enter or maybe, bobo lang ako talaga HAHAHA. Jokes aside, I focused, studied hard and persevered until I eventually took the application/entrance test for it. A few months later, I patiently and anxiously waited for the results to come in. Once they did, it was such an emotional moment when I found out I freaking passed and even got a scholarship to go along with it. Heck, i bursted into tears when I got that message but who wouldn’t be right haha?

Fast forward another few months later, it was finally the first day of school. Besides the obvious culture shock I went through (For context, I came from a public school and the dream school I went to was a private one), I was very much thrilled and happy to participate in the activities and events of orientation day. Despite how ecstatic I was though, the only caveat was that I didn’t find friends immediately. I know that I’m shy and very introverted at times (I’m not a wallflower okay), but this wasn’t the reason why I didn’t get to know much of anyone closely. It was mainly because of the amount of activities that made me meet so many new faces so quickly that I didn’t get to know them well enough and that most of everyone seemed like they already knew each other which became more challenging for me to strike up a conversation. Despite that, I still tried to have fun that day.

Once the orientation ended though, I still had to give some important papers to the office before commuting back home. Problem was, in my lack of better judgement, I accidentally ended up deleting the photo leading to the place I needed to go to in my phone’s gallery. With my shyness holding me back, as well as being a freshman, I didn’t ask for any stranger’s help on finding the right directions. Instead, I decided to wing it and find it on my own since it seemed easy enough but inevitably getting lost along the way. The amount of embarrassment I had being so clueless didn’t help either.

Luckily, my fortune changed when a senior approached me asking if I was lost lmao (It was really embarrassing lol). I got nervous of course when he called me from a distance but when I turned around, I actually recognized his face. The senior turned out to be Liam, one of the orientors who participated in the orientation program earlier. Surprisingly, Liam recognized me despite all the people he had to see that day (still betting it was distinct glasses that made him recognize me smh). Anyway, I told him I was trying to find where the office was but then he looked at me in confusion saying “I was pretty far from it”. After some explaining and me embarrassing myself further, Liam decided to accompany me all the way to the office. It turned out, I went to the wrong building and that the office was in another OOF. Now when we were walking on the way there, he basically just gave me another small tour as well as explained some interesting stuff about the campus. Once we got near the office itself, we talked a bit more then afterwards i thanked him for bringing me there (still embarrassing as heck back then).

Now skipping the very boring stuff that happened in the office and the painstaking amount of waiting there. I eventually made my way out of the office, left the campus then started walking towards the train station. On the way though, I kinda got hungry so I walked into the nearest convenience store. To my shock, I saw Liam again but they were looking for food too. I approached him of course and he was also shocked to see me again. We proceeded to talk some more and joked around a bit like maybe we were following each other and what not haha. He mentioned that he actually lives in a condo near the campus and that he is commuting today to stay at his parent’s house which was interesting.

Later on, after some snacking in the store, Liam and I made our way back towards the station itself. Obviously, once the train arrived and once we entered, we became a bunch of sardines cause you know, Philippines hahaha. While there, he talked about tips to survive college as a first year and we talked about random stuff we’re interested in. I too added him on my social media and he did the same. Once his station came around, he said goodbye and I said ingat to him. On my way to my station, I simply reflected on the entire day. Sure I didn’t make many friends but at least I knew someone already and he was a senior pa too.

Skipping a month and a few weeks later again, I was very much acquainted with my new school setting and managed to adapt academically as well. Plus, by then, I was already hanging out with some very cool friends in my block. At the same time, I was good friends with Liam already too, I occasionally hung out with him if time permits at lunch as well as that he became my sometimes dismissal buddy since we both took the train. However, on one such day where we had to go home together. Liam told me that he left his power bank and charger in the classroom earlier in his class. I told him to go get it quick so he ran while I sat on a bench in the main lobby. As time passed though, I got more worried because we might hit rush hour by the time he gets back and once we leave campus. So instead of patiently waiting around in the lobby, I decided to go to where he said he was going to

After quite a bit of travelling, I finally reached the hallway with the classrooms where he said he was going to get his stuff back from. Now as I walked along the corridor, I was looking at the signs above the classrooms to find his room. Once I discovered it however, I peaked on the glass pane of the door seeing Liam sitting on the chair. When I reached the doorknob to open it, I stopped when I noticed there was a girl in the room approaching him. I leaned in closer to observe what was happening but my jaw dropped when I saw the person kneel down and unzip Liam’s jeans. I started to sweat profusely as my heart pounded faster when I realized what was about to happen. I legit walked into Liam about to get a blowjob from some person and that was going to happen right before my eyes.

Now I was going to walk away from this cause of my shock, panic and embarrassment but what made me continue to watch was when Liam finally flopped it out from his pants. Holy shit was his dick long, but then again, that was my first time seeing a guy’s penis in real life even if it was from a far. My eyes were very much transfixed and glued on to what was happening. But then out of nowhere, the girl suddenly started licking the tip of Liam’s large and veiny dick. My whole image of who Liam was changed when his face turned from excitement to pure arousal in a blink. The girl then proceeded to swallow his cock up and down again and again. What caught me off guard was when Liam started to place his firm hand on the girl’s head then started to push her head deeper into his dick. Liam too then used his other hand to pull the girls hair while he moaned himself.

This entire scene got me turned on in a way I never felt before. I too never expected my pussy to feel this way either. It was like I wanted to grind, hump and rub against something so bad immediately at that very moment in time. As I continued to watch, I was just completely mesmerized to the point where I grabbed one of my boobs and started playing with them instinctually. Now before I did that though, I swung my head left and right to see if anyone was going to pass by the hall and thankfully nobody was. Eventually, Liam stopped the girl then stood up with his dick still hard as the girl removed her mouth from his it leaving a trail of spit dripping. This sudden change in position made me duck behind the door just in case they saw me (they didn’t) and in panic, I hurriedly walked away from the classroom in fear that they might be done and were about to leave.

I passed by a washroom then entered it to look for a vacant stall. After locking myself there, I tried to process what just happened. At that time, the only thing circling around my head was “I just saw my friend get a bj right in front of my eyes”. I also questioned myself why the feeling was so different. Compared to when I was watching porn or hentai, as well as reading ecchi, this feeling was new. Before, it was just this itchy and tingly sensation on my clit that made me horny and want to rub, but with what happend, my pussy craved for something to go in it and be penetrated or filled in by something. I even checked my vagina and saw it was extremely wet and oozing. I tried calming myself and trying to think of something else, but then my phone vibrated. I saw that Liam texted back saying he’s on the way back. Seeing this I left the stall, washed my hands then jogged back to the lobby.

Catching my bread, I sat somewhere near the lobby trying to cool myself off and adjusting my behavior back to normal. After a few minutes, I saw Liam from a distance walking to me looking like nothing happened to him. He said “he bumped into a friend on the way there and that’s why he took so long”. I went along with it of course and we headed to the station. However, making our way there and even inside the train, I was very awkward and still weirded out by what happened. Liam noticed my strange demenour of course and asked what happened and I simply said I was stressed with academics and he nodded.

We eventually parted ways but ever since that day, I didn’t know how to properly act or be like around him. After seeing it, one side of me said to stop thinking about it completely while another part of me said I should say something to him about it. Little did I know what would happen weeks later with him after this steamy event.


*Still Being Translated*


*All events appearing in this story are based and inspired on true accounts with creative liberties to enhance the work. However, characters and locations are completely fictitious. Any resemblances or similarities to actual areas or people, living or dead, is purely coincidental and unintentional. The goal of this story is to give the reader a gratifying, arousing and sexual work of fiction. Enjoy!*

Source: reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/p81gwg/a_scholar_gone_wild_part_1_new_school_new