Does anyone read erotica online?

I am curious where people read erotic fiction? Ive found some pieces in inkitt and began posting my own works there as well. However, the their isnt a large forum or erotic work readily available for consumers wihout doing a ton of research and scanning multiple online sites.

If anyone else uses inkitt, id love to connect! Heres my profile:



  1. Ao3 has some good stuff if you like fanfic. That’s where I post my stuff.

  2. I remember there was this thrift store in Boston I’d frequent whenever I’d visit a friend, and it literally just had clothes piled like knee high on the floor and it was $25 a bag. They just dumped clothes in there and you just walked in (and on, the clothes) and just sorted through. It was a weird place and 99% of the clothes were just garbage but once in a while you’d find a very expensive designer piece and it made the hours spent looking worth it.

    That’s how I feel about online erotica ha

  3. You can also get them from Amazon and Smashwords.

    On Amazon, you can read a lot with KU, or get freebies as many authors do that too. And Smashwords tends to have some of the more taboo stuff that Amazon won’t publish.

  4. Amazon has a pretty good selection of erotic novels for free or inexpensive. has a fair selection and I have read some on, I like Bellessa because it has porn with a feminine target..not like most porn which targets the male perspective. The only negative about the erotic lit on Bellessa, the content doesn’t renew often so if you read them all, looks like you read them all. At least for 6-8months in my experience.
    Happy reading and writing!

  5. If you’re looking for something a little more odd there’s All the stories have some semblance of mind control in them (ranging from someone directly controlling someone else’s thoughts or just some outside source slightly influencing someone’s thoughs.)

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