The harem bitch

Now, I’m not sure if this is the right place to put this, but honestly I don’t know of any other location.

People have been asking rather pointed questions about the dynamics of my lifestyle. Tonight we talk about the bitch. Now it needs to be said that while I’m describing a particular event, this happens all the time in many different ways.

The room is dark and there’s a fan going. In the middle of the room is my massive 4 poster bed (beautiful to look at, bad for bondage), and beside that on the floor is a small thin mattress. On that mattress is a girl who’s been hogtied with soft silk scarves. This one I’ve named bambi. She’s blindfolded, and the fan generates enough noise that she can’t hear what’s going on in the next room. Being the bitch of my harem, she’s used to this and waits patiently for whatever I have planned.

On the other side of the bedroom door the scene is quite different. It’s brightly lit, my other slaves are laughing, a movie is playing, and puppy (my jewel) is snuggled up next to my feet on her dog bed. I lean down and whisper instructions into her ear, and she grins ear to ear. “Yes Master!” she says as she pops up, startling her ‘sisters’. They look at me for an explanation, which I don’t give. I own them, I don’t need to explain. Plus they’ll have their fun shortly.

Puppy slips into the dark bedroom. Wandering over to bambi, she orders her to roll over. My puppy can be a bit of a sadist when allowed, so she relishes watching this girl struggle to get into the position she was told to. Bambi complies quickly, and before she can get completely settled puppy suddenly drops into a squat onto bambi’s face and grabs a fistful of bambi’s hair, forcing her face into puppy’s pussy. Bambi lets out a noise of surprise, but knowing her place, obediently begins to lick. She’s come a long way from when I got her. When I first found bambi, the only pussy she’d ever seen was her own. Now as puppy rides her face, gyrating down, bambi expertly licks and flicks, suckles and tongues. Puppy’s moans grow loud enough to be heard from the living room, bambi’s hands struggle against the scarves binding them to her ankles involuntarily. Finally, I hear screams mixed with barking, the noises puppy makes when she cums, and all is quiet. I smile at the rest of my little harem, their eyes now fixed on me in a “IS IT MY TURN YET?!” sort of way. Then the moans from the bedroom begin again. Poor little bambi is going to make each of my group cum twice tonight…. After more barking and screaming, a sweaty, beaming, smiling puppy turns up in the doorway. “thank you master!” she says with excitement.

Kitten goes in next, followed by princess, their moans and screams echoing as they take their turns on bambi, each one of them appearing in the doorway with that same satisfied, excited smile.

But we can’t forget about the poor bitch, now can we?

Puppy goes back in first now wearing her strapon. These things aren’t your normal dildo on a harness, I got the good gspot kind. Bambi, still blindfolded and still in the dark is rolled onto her stomach with her ass high in the air. It needs to be said that puppy LOVES her strapon. She LOVES the power it gives her over the other girl, and the shriek that comes out of bambi that I hear all the way from my comfy chair tells me that puppy is definitely enjoying it tonight. The bitch is a very vocal girl, and my puppy is pounding her with some power. Given permission to let bambi cum once, puppy draws it out, edging her, making her beg, then denying her before starting over again. After about 15 minutes, you hear puppy yelling at the “dumb lesbian slut” to cum. Above puppy’s shouting degrading comments, you hear a desperate scream from bambi, followed by silence.

Kitten starts to bounce at my feet with excitement, now wearing her strapon, and puppy appears in the doorway again wearing an evil smile. Ah, that girl. As I draw princess’s face into my lap to suck my cock, I send kitten in. Kitten uses a little more finesse than puppy. My kitten is naturally bi and enjoys the sensuality of fucking bambi. You hear a much more skillful approach, rather than the raw power puppy used, and bambi’s moans raise and lower accordingly. Eventually, bambi is allowed to cum, and kitten lays with her for just a minute. It isn’t time for aftercare yet, but I allow her to comfort the bitch for a moment.

Princess’s mouth is replaced on my dick by puppy’s, and I send her in. Princess, like puppy, isn’t bi. But she loves the power she feels when dominating with a strapon. Her approach is purely mechanical. Hard, but not too hard, and unrelenting. Bambi begs to cum and is repeatedly told no, but princess’s thrusts don’t change. Wham, wham, wham, wham, over and over and over and over. Desperation creeps into bambi’s voice, princess just holds her look of intense concentration. More begging from bambi, more denial from princess. Then finally after an eternity princess calmly says “Okay do it”, and bambi lets out another scream as a powerful orgasm washes over her. Princess, very matter of factly, simply stands up and walks off, ripping the strapon out of bambi as she goes.

Bambi just lays there panting and recovering for a few minutes, before she feels my very familiar footsteps. I’m 6’4, 260lbs. Its easy to tell my footsteps apart. I have large hands that wrap around the back of her head and grip a massive handful of hair. She gives a small yelp as she’s hauled to her knees but opens her mouth as wide as she can. I remove her blindfold and look down into her blue eyes. I can tell in the very dim light that she’s begging me to be gentle…..Its almost like she knows what’s coming. I love to hear her choke, shoving my cock into her throat repeatedly, giving her a moment to recover, then fucking her face more. Her eyes are squeezed tight shut, the sounds of her struggling echoing out into the living room where my bitches bask in the noises. My thrusts grow faster, her gasps and chokes become louder before finally i shove my balls all the way up to her chin, her nose buried in the skin above my dick, and release down her throat. When she begins to retch, I let her fall to the ground. She pants and composes herself, laying on that little mattress, and I gently begin removing the scarves. she lays there limply for a moment as I gather her up into my bed, before she throws her arms around me and buries her face in my chest. “you’re a good girl, you did well” I croon in her ear, and she buries deeper.

After she’s recovered, she spends the rest of the evening out in the living room with her sisters. They’ve showered her, gotten her freshened up, and she’s snuggling with one, then the other, crawling back and forth like a pet with a big family. She has a huge smile on her face, and is loving the attention.

So, what exactly IS a bitch and how do they wind up here? Excellent question. So glad you asked.

Contrary to popular opinion, being the bitch isn’t simply the starting point in my harem. Put quite simply, a bitch born to be a slave. When I say that, I mean they really haven’t gone anywhere in life. Failure after failure in relationships, dead end jobs. This particular girl couldn’t hold a job because “mean customers made her cry”. Kitten and princess are both gainfully employed as managers. Puppy manages my schedule and manages my harem (more on that in another article). Bitches are the girls who are always one paycheck away from starvation, and one angry relative away from living on the street. In me they find a place where they don’t need to be strong, they simply need to serve.

Sooo they’re the house pets. No job necessary, their days are full of domestic chores. Cleaning, doing their sisters laundry, taking tasks and directions.

They are trained for sex and sexual activities to be the center of their lives. While we all love sex, it isn’t the center of our lives. I have my businesses, kitten has work and school, princess has work and her kids, puppy holds the chaos together. Bitches have sex.

For instance, they’re taught the subtle art of “stimulation”. The ability to stimulate my dick without attempting to get me off using their hands, face, tongue, lips… They’re taught where to find the nerve endings on their sisters, so as puppy sits on the floor a bitch can lick and kiss at her thighs, back, breasts, etc. Their life revolves around sex, and its in sexually pleasing that they’ve found their calling.

Usually chained and naked (though the “panties of shame” are worn for about a week out of every month), they are happy that they never have to worry about taking care of themselves again. They’ve found their calling, they’ve found their purpose, and they never want to lose it.

Holy hell, I just wrote a damn book.
