Rimming His Stallion Doughnut [M/M, stallion anthros, rimming, anal, light dom/sub, erotica] (AmethystMare)

Rimming a stallion’s tight hole is a pleasure best shared between studs…

As always, I am open for commissions starting at 30 GBP per 1,000 words – please e-mail arianmabe[at]gmail.com for more information or see my profile!

“Unff… Oh, yes, Terry… Terr… Just like that… Oh, fuck, that feels so good!”

The black stallion laid with his legs kicked up while his boyfriend went to town on his pony doughnut, the thick round of his tail hole under his tail. With his legs hitched up as far towards his head as he could, Reece was in the perfect position to feel every centimetre of Terry’s tongue sweeping inside him, the chestnut stallion with the white, white blaze slurping away as if he didn’t have a care in the world. Maybe, for him, that was true.

Terry didn’t care for much, only pleasure, the stallion a little slow in mind but quick on pleasure, his cock throbbing to attention while he pleased his partner. He lapped up deeply with the thick, fleshy expanse of his tongue into Reece’s tail hole, the skin of his pucker a lighter shade of his coat, showing the grey of his skin. Nickering throatily, the black stallion squirmed, panting heavily through flared nostrils, striving to grab what breaths he could.

But it was harder than he could have imagined as that slick tongue swirled around his hole, teasing him, making him grunt. Without even thinking about it, Reece pushed back, wanting more, that tongue deeper, stretching open his hole as he reflexively squeezed down around it.

“Fuck… Jeez, you really…unff…know how to get me going.”

That was true, very much so, Reece trying to hump up, his mottled pink and grey cock hard, bouncing off his stomach as he tried to thrust. On his back on his bed, however, it was not so easy to do something like that, grunting and groaning, eyes wide, though he needed it more than ever, that sweet tongue probing into his most intimate of places.

Terry rested a paw on the back of his lover’s thigh, though that would not be enough to hold him in place. In a way, it was his tongue that kept the glossy, black stallion right where he needed him to be so that he could slurp up into his clean yet still softly musky tail hole. The velvety smoothness of Reece’s dock tickled his chin and Terry grunted as he pressed on, excited, cock throbbing, yet wanting something else, not even touching his own dick while he focused on his partner. He could not, however, help showing just how turned on he was, regardless of everything.

The smoothness of Terry’s tongue circling his hole when it drew back was torture, the kind of torture that left Reece squealing like a mare in season, though they both, very clearly, were stallions there. He needed something, needed something more, grunting and rocking, trying to get it. It was all about mutual pleasure, neither of them quite dominant at that moment, though that still begged the question of who was topping and who was bottoming that night, unless they went for multiple rounds.

“Unff… Oh, fuck…”

Terry didn’t give him a chance to settle down, to come to his senses, his tongue slickly stabbing into that welcoming stallion-hole, penetrating it deeply, his lips pressed up around it. He had to get as deep as possible to please him, to drive him mad with need, a quivering mess of a stallion as he gave himself over to the chestnut stud in the most carnal of ways possible. Reece had more muscle on him than Terry, but power was not the end game of it, but pleasure, lust rising, curling and wrapping itself around the two of them like the flicker of Terry’s tongue delving passionately into that thick doughnut.

Reece’s head pounded, trying to arch, trying to thrust, trying to do anything at all that he could possibly think of to get a notch more pleasure. Something, he needed it all, his partner’s tongue sweeping about inside him, bold and wanton, striving for as much pleasure as he greedily took down for his own too. His cock ached and throbbed but it was when Terry’s tongue curled into his prostate, the stallion adjusting the angle of his head for the best tease and penetration, sweeping up and over, digging in as deeply as he possibly could.

There was no holding back for either of them as Reece lost control, cumming without anything even touching his cock, his hard length bobbing and jerking, lust driving him on, thrust after glorious thrust of that tongue getting him there. One moment he was neighing in pleasure and the next shooting a glorious load of cum over his belly, cock jerking, twitching, sending it wildly off in all directions as the black stallion did all he possibly could to bear down on Terry’s tongue.

“Ah – yes – fuck – ahhh!”

No comprehensible words came from his lips, but that was alright as ecstasy kept right on coming, his mind zeroing in on that tongue, how he tightened around it, yet could not keep it out of his pony hole. There was nothing to stop his partner from plundering him, wet slickness keeping him nicely lubricated and teased, panting through his climax as he grunted and nickered throatily, over and over again.

It came down with a sharp drop-off, though he was still as needy as ever, his cock half softening, yet not all the way. Maybe it knew that it would be needed again soon or maybe he was just that randy that day, snorting and heaving, letting his legs drop with a muffled curse spilt forth from behind his lips.

“Da-damn, Terry…” He huffed, ears pricked, the insides of them coloured with the heat of orgasm. “What… What are you doing to me?”

Yet his partner wasn’t there as Reece struggled to come back to reality, head spinning, striving to prop himself up again to the best of his ability. When he came around again, however, it was only to see Terry behind over, the rich red of his chestnut backside in his partner’s face, nickering softly, a blush in his cheeks. His tail flagged up to expose the pucker of his tail hole, clenching and releasing, as if he was enticing Reece to mount him right there and then. Without thinking about it, the black horse’s cock throbbed, upper lip curling back to sift deliriously through the scents in the air.

“Do me next,” Terry whinnied, shoving his tail up even higher to make his need known. “Good and hard.”

The throbbing length of Reece’s cock, perking back up to attention, wouldn’t have had it any other way!

Source: reddit.com/r/sexystories/comments/p60k25/rimming_his_stallion_doughnut_mm_stallion_anthros