EST: Law & Punishment 38 Vandalism Dream Master (FF MF MFF MFM BDSM Anal Bondage Sexual Violnence)

These cases are the real reason why the Internal Sex Bureau Gangland has been formed.  Any case, name, event is purely fiction.  Butt the search for the truth will continue!  With ISB Gangland insurgents inserted into every facet of organized and gang type activities.
  This is their case, their story…
Feeling Lena’s body pull away from me.  Feeling her lips leave my skin.  Seeing those mysterious eyes as they tracked over the edge.  Watching my cruiser becum targeted by two bitches!
Turning back towards Lena.  Wondering where that ghost was.  Then remembering my cruiser, my ride was being assaulted by two little thugs.  “Got to move” as I ran down seven story’s of stairwells.
The push from Spade.  The interruption of my ode to piggy’s as she knocked the spray can from my hand.  Catching my breath as I spun around.  Ready to push that fucking bitch back!
Catching her just as she turned around.  Pushing her against that pigs car.  The way she splayed out against the mat black just caused me to pounce.  “Cum here Kitt” seizing her tit before she could recover.
Squeezing Kitt’s tit so tight.  Rubbing it all over my mouth.  Flicking the nip with my tongue while putting my knee between her legs.  “Cum on me Kitt or what… are you afraid” the giggle in my voice, the suction in my titty attack.
“Get… Off of…” all these pauses brought on by Spade.  The grip to my tit.  The bending me over and attacking me from behind!  I grated my cunt against her knee.  My hand shot forward hooking into her shirt!  “If I can’t fight you off then get comfortable” with a quick tug her shirt ripped away.
“Ha, such weak…” seeing her pale skin, seeing last night’s gun as Spade’s hickey still shown on her shoulder, damn my cunt just got wet!
“Do you have a problem with your wardrobe” I chuckled.  Feeling her force shift exposing that tatted tit.  “Why look what I have” slamming her body against the car.  “Oh you have fallen” pressing my advantage!  I bet the site of cobwebs swelling as I squeezed her tit.  Ripping the other side so her shirt now hung around that waist and I could grip the Spade that was tatted on the opposite boob.  My lips pressed against hers.  Our mouths opened, our tongue lashed at one another!
Hearing the door closing was a thing of the past.  My feet still pumping, racing over to where my cruiser is.  Clearing the corner, my feet skidded to a halt as a sexteen wheeler screamed right passed me!  My heart jumped back as I paced till the light was in my favor.
Damn her!  Forcing me, Spade against this pigs car!  Stripping my shirt and grabbing both tits!  I swear my blood is boiling.  I will attack her mouth for that!  Trying to catch a moment to push back.  Feeling every button being pushed from attraction to lust!  Breaking the lip lock, “Damn you fucking bitch” half pushing Kitt’s head down and herself up.  Using her momentum to force Kitt to suck her Spade.  “Now you fucking whore suck my tit” the feeling was overwhelming, “and.. and…”  This was not the time for any mistakes butt my cunt leaked!  “What the fuck man I just want to gush all over…” saying this had actually help speed things along.  Struggling, getting more and more turned on by the way Kitt attacked my tit.  Feeling the back of Kitt’s head.  Pushing off of the pigs car, feeling the air tag her booty.  Feeling the wind beneath her tail as one more spin was happening!
“Gotcha Spade” I said as her back impacted with the trunk.  My tongue flicking against dat booty,  licking that nasty asshole.  Smacking her ass, biting a little piece.  “I am going to eat you out over and over again” I threatened.
The count down 3, 2…  Just then it hit me, “By the time I make it my car these two delinquents will be gone!”  1, waiting for the walker to shine.
“This is taking to…” seeing that green man appear.  Being launched from a standing position!  Rocketing forward from some high class footwear, “long” finishing my sentence finally.   No longer feeling the impact of the ground.  I clear the intersection at a high rate of speed.
“Oh fuck girl lick.. Ooo right” my booty is trembling knowing how close Kitt was to getting my O!  “Yes, fucking lick my nasty asshole!  Sink that studded tongue deep into.. Yesss Yesssssssss!”  I swear if she didn’t have that tongue stud then I would probably leave her!  Butt the feel of that stud.  The feel of her tongue lapping at my asshole using that stud.  Plunging it deeper and deeper!
“Ooooh fuckkk I’m going to.. to Cum!  OooohOooohOooohOoooh!”  My flex, the angle or whatever you want to say butt I creamed all over the trunk of this pig!
Getting the kisses of Spade.  Letting them cover my mouth.  Letting her suck on my tongue.  As the roles where reversed.  Impacting with the trunk.  The taste of her cum while being in the sun.  The heat from the trunk sort of sizzled as my tongue pasted over it.  Reaching behind me, wrapping Spade’s hair in my hand.  “These tatts might be just decorations butt I want you tongue to eat out my asshole” using what energy I had left and bring my tongue in her mouth before greedy snapping it back.
Waving my ass in Spade’s face looking in her eyes.  “You know how tOoo…”  That thrust, that exquisite feeling of being dominated butt loving the fuck so much that you just don’t care.  Feeling the lick deep in my lions, wanting to pound my cunt on her face!  “You are…” Oh shit she is still going!  “… You!  Are such a slut” grounding her face into my asshole.  “Fucking lick it!  Yesssssssss!”  Twisting my body so both hands are now on that nasty head.  “You..” struggling as my speech was getting hard to be intelligent.  “Are so fuckkking” Oh Goddess how bad did I want to cum all over her fucking sex face!  “GOood Ooo Ooooh fuckkk Mmm” the sound of metal being pounded was just so real as both my arms impacted with the trunk!
Hearing the banging!  Hearing the moaning!  Fearing the worst as my legs pushed forward for more speed!  More power cuz it would only be a few more seconds till I could see my cruiser. 
Rounding the corner, seeing my cruiser.  Seeing the damage those two hooligans did.  From the cum stain on the driver side front fender to the dent in the door!  Seeing the damage that leaked down the back of my vehicle.  Seeing the dents from arms to asses.  Picking up the torn shirt that lay scattered around my cruiser.  My cock wanting to pin this damage to the asses of these two hooligans till they scrub everything down just using their breasts!  Looking down at my cock, looking up at that roof top.  My body shakes ad my mind recounts every thrust into that tight fucking body.  Smiling by the memory, feeling the power of the cruiser as I let it roar to life.  Fighting the urge to pound my meat finding other ways to adapt as the cruiser pealed out.  Smoking the tires, going from zero to sexty in less then 3 seconds.  Feeling the power, feeling the need, the need for some good ass.  “Here I cum Danni” whispering this to the only person in the car.  Flying through lights as my pass flashed all around my vehicle.
