Exposing wife

Wife has been sending me dirty pictures. Dirtier than usual. As a joke, while I was at work I set a pic of her topless, face and all, as my Home Screen and screenshot it and sent it back. She did not react as I expected. Instead she said that’s fucking hot and risky, don’t get caught. Later that night she dared me to leave it for a week, but don’t get caught. Couple days later while I’m watching TV she goes to the bedroom and a couple mins later sends me new pics. On is of her on her hands and knees with pussy and ass as main focal point. And said set that one as Home Screen. Well.. it went good. No one saw and it was a turn on for us both… till the weekend. Spur of the moment plans popped up and we went out on my friends boat then stayed at a cabin after. Wife fell asleep so we all rode carts and such around very drunk. I forgot all about my phone, then opened it to show my friends something and there it was. Friends we’ve known for 10 years.. they were very impressed and are still telling me. As for my wife. She tried to act like it was a problem. But couldn’t stop smiling and laughing and then had great sex

Source: reddit.com/r/sexystories/comments/p2j0yx/exposing_wife