Hall of Fame Enshrinement Party

It was a warm Sunday evening at Orleans Vineyard, where Peyton Manning would spend the waning hours of the day celebrating his enshrinement into the hall of fame. Drew Eynon, a worker, was errantly kicked out of his own workplace by a bouncer; his employer didn’t buy his story and fired him for walking out. At this point, Drew didn’t really care about his dismissal. Aside from a negative look on future resumès, Drew only cared to see Peyton Manning, quarterback of his beloved Denver Broncos, and there appeared to be no way of stopping Drew from meeting Manning. What would Orleans Vineyard do? Fire him? For now though, Drew was stuck on the other side of the rather large pond separating the two parties. Across the pond, Peyton and his wife Olivia entertained their guests, most notably Tom Brady. Peyton was honored to have Tom, his archnemesis and biggest rival yet closest friend in attendance. The two went way back, their innumerable close playoff games where Tom seemingly had Peyton’s number. The only Manning to have major playoff success against Brady was Eli, Peyton’s younger and inferior brother, who should have retired before he became a living meme to the NFL community. Despite the gargantuan obstacle of Tom Brady, Peyton Manning was finally able to win a Super Bowl to cap off his legendary career against the favored Carolina Panthers. Little did he know what he was in for that night.

As the night continued, Drew plotted out how he would cross the pond and get into the establishment where Manning’s party was. He knew that there had been a copious amount of alcohol ordered to the place, so he figured after a while, security would be relatively lax, just like at Band Camp in Marietta. This would provide a great opportunity for Drew to sneak in and meet his childhood idol. How he would cross was a total unknown. By now, the daylight had all but faded, the building was far enough away from the pond that the escaping light couldn’t reach the pond, and his phone was dead, rendering his flashlight useless. Your casual Manning fan would have gone home, your drunken Manning fan would have tried to swim across the pond and probably drown during his inebriated attempt, but Drew was not your average fan nor a drunk. Drew, an intellectual, knew there must be some way to cross, but it wouldn’t be as easy as a “quickest way from Point A to Point B is a straight line”. Maybe there was something else he could do. After about ten minutes of thoughtful deliberation, a few neurons in his brain rubbed together. Napoleon, arguably one of the greatest military generals, used a tactic to perfection that Drew thought might be of use in his endeavor to meet Manning. What Napoleon would do is send a decoy regiment to one side of his enemy while flanking the cavalry around, encircling the enemy. Obviously, Drew wasn’t going to encircle anyone, but what he could do was fool the guard on the other side to think that he would storm around the pond on one side, but go around the pond the other, unguarded way. As aforementioned, this pond was rather large, and would take probably an hour to complete this move.

Meanwhile, relations were souring between Olivia and Peyton at the party. It didn’t help that both of them were totally shitfaced and Peyton’s old teammates were remembering him fondly by telling tales of his womanizing back in Indianapolis and Denver; even a college teammate from Tennessee brought up the incident where Peyton allegedly put his crotch into the athletic trainer’s face. (True Story)  As a result, Olivia threw a fit and stormed out of the party, taking the red convertible they had rode on during the parade, and promptly drove straight into the pond, killing her instantly. Peyton had no clue what was going on, similar to almost all his other attendants, who were all very much intoxicated. Drew also noticed the headlights from the car, but any thoughts relating to the incident were pushed aside by his quest to meet Peyton.

Back at the establishment, Tom and Peyton were having the sort of sit-down, emotional talk that you would expect out of two men, fighting some serious demons.

“Tom, I meant to tell you this a helluva lot earlier, but, you– you inspired me to push harder in the weight room. You inspired me to watch more film and to prepare myself for games better. I can’t thank you enough for that.”

“Dude. Bro. Peyton. You’re literally fucking terrible. You could never beat me all these years, and if you were still in the league, you never would. That being said, I gotta commend you for trying so hard all these years. Youve become such a better person, and a football player as well.”

“Hold on. I kinda got a kick out of the first part you said.”

“The part where I called you a shitty ass player who could bever beat me?”

“Yeah. For some reason, that made me tingle. It made a part of me feel… alive.”

“Oh, so you like it when your daddy degrades you?”

“No! Well, uhh… as weird as this sounds… yes actually. Because I know that Nationwide Insurance has got my back.”

“Oh, cut the shit, would you? Nationwide isnt gonna be able to help with whats about to happen to your place here.”
“Wait just a second, theyre not gonna cover any damages to the house that arent accidental.”

Tom gave a quick chuckle after hearing this. Did Peyton really not know what was coming? Or was he playing chess, putting Tom in this position? Tom was befuddled, but carried on.

“This damage isnt talking place to this building. The damage will be in the backdoor to your place, and it sure as hell won’t be accidental.”

“I like where this is going. Say, it’s getting quite warm in here. I’m gonna take my shirt off real quick.”
Peyton proceeded to take his shirt off, exposing the dad-bod that he’d become rather self-conscious about since his retirement. Tom followed suit, revealing an abdomen that even after 44 years, was superbly cut and defined. Peyton began to feel a warm sensation, one not felt since the budding days of his and Olivia’s marriage.

Neither of them said a word as Peyton admired Tom’s pristine body. Tom just smiled with glee knowing this fact.

“Tom, uh, I’ve never felt this way about another guy before. You’re just like, uh, very… uhh…”

“Spit it out, buddy.”


Tom inched closer to Peyton on the couch they were sitting on, and at once Peyton knew what was in the making.

Peyton turned towards Tom, looking him directly in the eyes as their faces pulled closer together, as if they were almost magnets. Their lips collided in a sweet and tender kiss, to which Peyton nervously chuckled. Tom looked at Peyton with desire, and began passionately kissing him, their lips interlocking and tongues toying with each others tongue.

“You know,” Tom lamented. “Its a shame that this only happened just now.” Peyton laughed at this remark, and the men began stripping further while continuing their frenching.

Across the pond, Drew seemed to be having trouble. Each maneuvering attempt proved to only attract more security, so he had to improvise. For whatever reason, Drew had a smoke bomb on him, but that would only give away his location. While he pondered on a new course of action to take, a bright idea appeared. On the left side of the pond were a row of houses, all with pontoon boats. If Drew could get his hands on one and remain undetected for a few minutes while crossing the pond, he could make it to the building. Only problem was, he didn’t have a key to any of the boats on him. Why would he? Maybe soneone left theirs unlocked? Drew went to check it out. However, getting by security would be a challenge. If he tried to walk to the docks, secutity would almost certainly nab him. Drew decided that he would have to army crawl through the tall grass close to the pond that is nearly impossible to cut.  Mind you, Drew is very allergic to grass, but when the hell else will Peyton Manning be within such close range?  Drew figured that he better hurry up before the party concluded, so he hesitantly got on his knees and started crawling, feeling the warm earth underneath him combined with the brushing of the tall grass, flowing so easily with the wind. And the mosquitos. Drew was practically getting eaten alive. Only about twenty minutes of this and he would be at the docks.

Once Drew’s crawl through Hell was concluded, he checked the boats one by one to see if there were a way he could use it to get across the pond.

Boat 1- locked.

Boat 2- unlocked. However, there was no key to be found, nor did he know how to start a boat using the wiring.

Boat 3- locked.

All but the second boat were locked, and Drew only had one boat left to check.
Luckily, not only was this boat unlocked, but the keys were under a mat as soon as you got on the boat.

“Sixteen is the charm,” Drew muttered to himself as he fired up the engine and shut the lights off, hoping not to be detected. Drew sped across the pond as if his life depended on it, and within eight minutes, the pond had been crossed. Now, it was about a 200 yard sprint to the establishment. Finally, after hours of plotting, Drew had finally made it to the enshrinement party. The only issue was that there was only one car left, and it wasn’t the Manning car. Drew, devastated, trudged into the building to find the main room trashed. However, there was a noise coming from the upstairs, which Drew went to investigate. With each step Drew took, he heard the noise becoming louder- the noises, moans and grunts of two people, both rather low sounding. More curious than anything else at this point, Drew cracked the door to the bedroom open and nearly passed out at the sight of what he had seen.

Not even two feet away from the door, Peyton was ass up, in a chastity cage, restrained to the bedposts by manacles; both his hands and feet connected to the bedposts at the head of the bed, Tom thrusting his thick and veiny member balls deep in and out of Peyton’s no-longer-virgin asshole to the tempo of Kodo Part 3. 
“Give it to me daddy,” Peyton moaned in an almost feminine voice. Tom reacted by slapping the living shit out of Peyton’s face to which Peyton responded “I like it when daddy treats me like the little whore I am, do it again Daddy,” prompting Tom to strike Peyton with a punch to the face reminiscent of Trevor Bauer to his tinder hookup. 

“The only thing missing right now is you being dressed up like the little sissy you were always meant to be,” Tom exclaimed softly into Peyton’s ear.

“I can always get Olivia’s clothes out of her suitcase..” Peyton offered before being interrupted by Tom.

“Too late, because I’m about to deflate my balls into your man cunt and onto your forehead.”

This was followed by a massive orgasm and cumshot by Tom, who had enough seed to creampie Peyton and jizz onto his forehead in the shape of seven Lombardi trophies.

Peyton, still physically restrained, was forced by Tom to eat the cum off his own forehead, by means of Tom slapping his gargantuan dick, still rock-hard, into his own semen and shoving it into Peyton’s mouth, which Peyton enjoyed so much that even after Tom was finished feeding Peyton his seed, Peyton was vigorously slamming his mouth farther and farther down Tom’s massive schlong without even being prompted. After about a minute of that, Tom turned around, putting his asshole directly onto Peyton’s face with the instruction to give him a rimjob.

Drew, simply in shock by seeing his childhood idol being used as Tom Brady’s cumslut, walked out of the building, straight to his car, and began to drive home, deeply disturbed by what he saw. However, while approaching Main Street, never stopped at the red light, entered the intersection and was promptly T-boned by a Camaro doing 95. Drew was pronounced dead on the scene 15 minutes later.


Source: reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/p1hl6t/hall_of_fame_enshrinement_party