Trapped in the Woods – Pt 1 [Cuckolding] [NC]

12:53pm. That’s the last time I remember seeing on my phone. We had been settling into our campsite – my wife, Kaylee, and her sister, Kim, and Sam, Kim’s new boyfriend. Sam had suggested the spot – a little more remote than the high-amenity sites we’d usually hit, but the long gravel road hadn’t been too bad, and setting up camp without the noise of other sites was a welcome change.

We sat in a small circle on the ground, laughing as we made our way through an early afternoon bottle of wine. The sisters sat side by side in nearly identical tank tops. Kaylee’s bright red hair flowed over her considerable bust, adding framing to her pale cleavage. Kim lacked Kaylee’s size, but what she lacked up top she made up for in her hips and those ample cheeks her leggings struggled to contain.

That’s about when I checked my phone. Kim announced, with much fanfare, that she had to pee. She bounded away into the woods, her short curly brown hair bouncing with each step. We continued with our drinks, laughing at some lame joke Sam had made, until we saw Kim walking slowly back to camp. Her gait was straighter, and her face was nearly ashen. Even from a distance the tremble in her hand was obvious.

Kaylee stood up, ready to ask what was wrong, but the words never came out – just a scream. We could see then what had made her so afraid. A man emerged from the woods behind her, a shotgun in his hands, pointing at Kim’s back. The ratty t-shirt and jeans, and the barely-maintained beard made it clear he didn’t spend much time outside of these woods.

I stood up, ready to say something, but another man followed – smaller, maybe a brother given how similar they looked. He, too, carried a gun, but he casually rested the stock on the ground. His face cycled through expressions – sometimes smiling, then glaring (at me), then leering (at Kim, and especially Kaylee). With his unsteady gait and greasy hair, he looked every part the junkie.

“This,” the big man said, spitting on the ground, “is *our* land.”

“W- we didn’t know,” I stammered out, trying not to blame Sam, who continued to sit on the ground, seemingly unconcerned. “But we can resolve this – this misunderstanding. Maybe we can compensate you for your inconvenience? And obviously we can leave as soon as-”

“You’ve done us a great in-con-ven-ience,” he cut in, stressing every syllable in a mocking tone. “But I speaking of compensation…Jay!” He snapped his fingers at the greasy one. “Time to fulfill our end of the bargain.”

Jay straightened up and reached into his pocket. Out came a set of car keys, which he tossed at Sam’s feet. Sam stood up, barely acknowledging us, and put them in his pocket. “My truck better be in mint fucking condition, John” was all that came out. All of us stared at him in some mixture of horror and disgust.

“You know these creeps?” Kim screamed at him. “You fucking *led* us here?”

He didn’t so much as nod, just walked toward the road. All we could do was watch his frame shrink away in the distance.

The cackling from John and Jay was deafening. “Did you see her face?” Jay yelled out, using his gun to point at Kaylee.

“Yeah, but did you see *her* face?” John pointed his gun at Kim, who had clearly reached her breaking point.

“What THE FUCK is going on here?” she screamed, slumping to the ground.

“Your boy,” John said, still laughing, “well your boy has a way of digging himself into holes he can’t get out of,”

“Fi-nan-cially speaking,” Jay added.

“Yes, fi-nan-cially,” he growled back. “and when someone gets in a hole that deep, sometimes money isn’t enough. We were just going to break his kneecaps, but he offered something that was just too good to pass up.” He stepped closer, leaning in a bit. “A pair of sweet-ass sisters, delivered to our doorstep? We could have *a lot* of fun with that.”

“Didn’t count on the cuck.”

He turned to me, gun leading. This is it, I thought. This is really how it ends. I tried stepping back, but my feet were frozen in place.

“No, Jay, we didn’t.” John smiled, an odd last image to have in my mind. But instead he continued, “but I think we can find some use for him, too. Maybe Trina will have some ideas.” With that he lifted up the gun and swung it, the stock planting firmly in my gut. I crumpled to the ground, only to see the stock coming down again, towards my face. And then everything faded to black.

I awoke with a pounding headache. Our campsite was nowhere to be seen – instead we were in the yard of some ramshackle house, boards on half the windows. The yard was littered with debris, some functional, some not. Car seats – probably from the half-scavenged cars that lined the property – were arranged in a circle next to the house. And there we all were, me and Kaylee and Kim. John stood across from us. On the adjacent set of seats, Jay drew smoke from a glass pipe – meth, I assume, but what do I know.

Next to him sat a woman, similarly rough looking with stringy, greasy blonde hair. She exhaled a cloud and walked over to me, cackling like what I could only assume were her brothers. She walked close, draping her arms over my shoulders. Her legs spread, and her meth-skinny ass planted on my lap. Her lips drew close, until they were right next to my ear.

“You’re going to get such a show, you pathetic little cuck.”

With that, John came to attention. He walked over and grabbed Kaylee by the shoulder, pulling her to her feet. “Strip,” was all he said.

With silent resignation, she crossed her arms over her body and pulled the pale blue tank top over her head. John gestured for more, and the white sports bra followed. John nodded in agreement. The sun-kissed freckles on her decolletage made the pale skin of her breasts nearly glow. Her nipples became erect in the slight breeze, eliciting a chuckle from Jay.

“God damn, girl,” John interrupted. “Sam said you had some titties, but these are *titties*!” He slapped her left breast nearly hard enough to knock her over. “Now, let’s see the rest.”

Her eyes locked on mine briefly, then shifted back to John. “Please, you don’t have to do this.”

“Oh, but I do,” he fired back. “but if you need some convincing…”

Trina took her cue and produced a knife from her back pocket. With a flick it was open and pressed against my throat. “Your call, city bitch,” she growled.

“It’s fine, it’s fine,” Kaylee fired back, trying to calm the situation. Her thumbs hooked under the black elastic waistband, exposing her ass to the air. She bent over, working the leggings and panties off one leg at a time. Standing up, the brothers leered and whistled. Like her breasts, her ass and thighs were a bright shade of white. A neatly trimmed tuft of red hair pointed toward a hint of pink labia. John gestured for her to spin, and she obliged, showing the curves of her shapely, if small, ass.

“They don’t have girls like that at the Blue Pony,” Jay mused.

“No they don’t,” John agreed. “Now, you,” he added, pointing at Kim.

She moved faster than Kaylee, sensing little option for resistance. Shirt, bra, leggings and panties were tossed to the ground, revealing a body that I’d admittedly fantasized about but never seen. Her breasts were slightly saggy, especially compared to Kaylee’s, but her sizable ass looked even more impressive in the nude. And her olive complexion extended to most of her body, offering a marked contrast to her sister.

“Look. At. That. Ass!” Jay was beside himself. He slapped her right cheek, then knelt down and spread her. “And look here – a Brazilian!” He exposed her asshole for John to see. “Sam was getting himself some quality pussy.”

Jay getting worked up got Trina going as well. She started grinding a bit against me, mocking me, whispering in my ear that I should never have had a girl like Kaylee. She finally dismounted and stood in front of me.

“Okay, now you,” she said, pointing at me. “Strip.”

Like Kim I obliged quickly – shirt, then pants. Before I could get my underwear off, Trina and grabbed them and yanked them down. Her laughter was almost instant.

“This?” she yelled to Kaylee. “This is what you fuck?” She reached down and fondled my mostly soft cock, roughly jerking it until it started to swell. “Oh. My. God. It’s just so little.” She placed the entire thing in her mouth and gave a few short, slurping sucks. “I might accidentally swallow that thing. I wouldn’t even feel that in my asshole!”

She stood up to leave me with my shameful erection, joining John and Jay in a chorus of laughter. Kim tried her best to look away, while Kaylee stared with a mixture of pain and pity, and maybe a slight realization that she had, in fact, been fucking a small cock since college.

Still laughing, John slowly disrobed himself. Hairy, dad bod – all was as expected until he pulled down his boxers. Even soft it was longer than mine, and considerably thicker. Watching my expression, he decided to show off – stroking it until it reached full length and the head started to shine.

He walked over and put one leg up on the car seat, placing that cock perilously close to my face. “You know what this is?” I shook my head and tried to pull away. “This is what a man’s cock looks like.” He gripped the shaft and slapped it against my face a few times. “And now your wife is going to find out what a real man feels like.”

He sat down next to me on the bench seat and spread his legs. Jay roughly pushed Kaylee in front of him, then forced her to her knees. A tear was running down her face as she sized up her task. She reached out with her right hand to hold his shaft, but he stopped her.

“Other hand.”

She reached out instead with her left, showing off her diamond band. It glistened in the afternoon sun as she started to stroke it. John’s hand reached down and gripped a clump of her red hair, forcing her head down. “I’m sorry,” she managed to say before his head passed her lips. Her sounds were different than usual, more labored, sloppier. Her head bobbed up and down, her lips moving across the first third of his cock, maybe. Spit dribbled from her mouth and coated his shaft, her hand, her ring. His hand gripped her hair harder and forced her down, causing obvious – and audible – distress. Tears streamed down her face as she took it deeper in her throat.

Finally he pulled out – one long motion, with her spit still connected to his cock. She slumped there on the ground, stunned, her face red and wet, her hair a mess. John reached over and patted me on the shoulder. “Was that as good for you as it was for me?” He laughed and patted me again, then stood up.

In one swift motion he picked up Kaylee and repositioned her so she was on all fours, facing me. John squared up across from me, tapping his hard cock on her ass. Her tear-filled eyes looked up at me as he prepared to enter her. “I’m so sor-” was all that could escape, cut off by a sharp exhalation as he filled her for the first time. With each thrust the grunts and sobs evolved. I could see her desperately trying to hide it, that feeling of her first thick cock, but her body was betraying her. Her hands gripped my thighs, and I could see her push back a little with every impact.

John gloated as he could see my realization. His left hand reached down and wiped the area around her pussy. “Want to see what it looks like when your wife creams?” He triumphantly held up his wet, creamy fingers, then delivered one incredibly hard thrust. Kaylee’s moan was as loud as it was involuntary; the look of rapture on her face was unmistakable. As she came, so did he – a series of bursts until he finally came to a rest. He pulled out and rested his softening, sloppy cock on her ass while she collapsed face first into my lap. Her sobs were clear enough, but what I no longer knew was whether it was because it was coerced, or because she liked it.
