The girl next door liked to sunbathe nude

So the events I’d like to recount are fairly recent and hopefully you’ll enjoy them as much as I had. First I should clarify that this story isn’t technically about my neighbor. The girl in question doesn’t actually live next door but she has been coming by every day while my actual neighbors are out of town. She’s pretty cute; fairly average physique with blonde hair cut short(almost a pixie cut) and really nice long legs. She’s probably a friend of the family and usually just stops by to take care of their dogs and water the plants on the back deck. But I wouldn’t be recounting this story if that’s all she did.

As you can guess from the title my neighbors have a pool. It’s actually a pretty nice setup and they even have a hot tub built into their deck. I know this because even though they’ve got a massive amount of foliage surrounding their property to act like a six-foot-high fence, I can still get a clear view of their yard from my bedroom window. It’s not the best view, but I can see most of their yard given the angle. And let me tell you, this girl certainly got up to some naughty shenanigans.

The first day was more or less uneventful, or I hadn’t noticed anything at least. It’s not like I have a habit of spying on my neighbors. But on the second day I just happened to be in my room when I heard music playing from outside. So I look out my window and I just happened to be lucky enough to see this girl setting up a spot for herself on the deck to start sunbathing, because she lays a towel on one of the lounge chairs and starts undressing.

She peals off her shirt and only now do I realize that she has a rather hefty chest. Calling her busty might be a bit too generous but she certainly filled out the bra she was wearing. Anyways she sets her shirt aside and then proceeds to drop her shorts and reveal a pale plump ass. Not much more than a handful but certainly something you could give a nice firm squeeze. Honestly her assets paired well together, both were roughly the same size and were just as shapely. Things only got better when her underwear ended up in the same pile as her shirt and shorts. I seriously just gawked for the next ten minutes or so as this woman laid back on her chair and started rubbing herself down with either sunscreen or tanning lotion. I don’t know or care which, all I know is that she was efficient.

She rubbed it everywhere; on her legs and thighs, all over her butt and stomach, on her arms as across her chest, the underside of her breasts, she even made sure to cover as much of her back as she could. I don’t recall exactly how long she was out there for but every so often I’d take another gander and still see her their, laying naked in the sun. At some point she had flipped around to lay on her stomach to give herself an even tan. I don’t know why she never considered the possibility that a neighbor might see her but I guess she thought there was enough privacy. Or she didn’t care?

Anyways, I keep a much more watchful eye on the backyard for the next couple of days. It unfortunately rained the next couple of days after, which was a bummer, but the very next day I was in for a major surprise. Not only did the lady come back for some more fun in the sun au naturel, but she brought friends. It’s not as exciting as you might think though, so cut the sexy jazz music. When she comes back the following day there are two other girls with her. A rather scrawny looking brunette with very long hair, and another blonde chick who’s much more endowed than the other girls. Seriously, describing them as melons would be very accurate. She’s also on the curvy side, though she kinda boarders between being curvy and chubby. In any case she carries her weight well and I was very interested to see what these ladies were going to get up to. Also, I’m realizing that names would be helpful to distinguish between the two blonde girls, so from hence forth the former girl shall be pixie blonde and the latter girl will be busty blonde.

Now, if you might be wondering why exactly pixie blonde brought friends over to the neighbors house I would like to remind you that it’s the middle of summer and my neighbors have a pool in their backyard. I had been a bit disappointed that it had gone unused the last couple of days because I was really hoping that the pixie blonde might go for a skinny dip. But I guess swimming isn’t as fun without friends. So pixie blonde leads her friends out back and they start off by just lounging around the deck. She first takes care of the dogs and I guess some other chores inside the house, but when she comes back outside she’s quick to throw her clothes aside and jump into the pool. God it was so hot. I don’t know why but I guess it was just her enthusiasm, she just stripped down completely and leapt into the water.

Her friends weren’t as quick to join in, surprisingly. I guess it makes some sense in hindsight cause thinking back I don’t think the busty blonde was actually wearing a swimsuit. It might just have been her underwear. It was kinda hard to tell. The brunette on the other hand stripped completely, and damn this girl was skinny. She had a runway model body and was actually fairly tan. Not much meat on her bones but she still had a perky chest. She was honestly pretty cute.

Anyways they’re all splashing around for a while and just generally having fun. Again, nothing exciting or saucy happens while I’m watching. Maybe I missed something, cause it’s not like I was super invested in observing them uninterrupted for the whole ordeal. But at some point they all climbed out of the water, dried off and headed inside before leaving a little while after. I think I saw them using the hot tub at some point but I’m a hundred percent certain. The day after wasn’t nearly as exciting, just the pixie blonde lounging naked in the sun again before the neighbors returned from vacation. I haven’t seen the girl come by since then, so she’s probably back home enjoying the rest of her summer. In any case, she sure made my summer so much more memorable.
