Whoregust2021 Challenge. Day one – Turned On.

Challenging myself to create a character and a short piece of writing based on colloquial terms for being horny. 😂 The full calendar is on my page if anyone’s interested.

He tore at the packaging knowing exactly what was inside. He had been tracking its courier since he was first notified it had left the warehouse.

“She’s Beautiful!” He exclaimed upon seeing his very real looking sex doll. He pulled her free of her plastic wrap and threw her onto his bed. An instruction manual was stuck to her face which he carefully removed to reveal her perfect and surprisingly realistic facial features. He skimmed through the booklet noticing just a few words on each page. It described how she had come “fully charged” and that their were ten settings that ranged from ‘Internally vibrate’ to ‘Full body realism’ . He turned her on using her remote and spun the dial to ten without reading any further. Within a few minutes she had moved into a sitting position as he sat in wide eyed amazement.

“Hello, I am Dolly, I am happy to meet you.” He grabbed the manual and turned to the personalize settings. He had to repeat a list of words to activate her.

“Dolly. Jason. Master. Abandon. Reckless. Sweet tooth. Provoke. System. Originate. Initiate.” He watched her as her eyes flicked from left to right rapidly followed by her whole head before her eyes closed. A gentle humming sound came from her, and her eyes slowly opened.

“Master Jason” She crooned as she turned and crawled toward him. Her body moved stiffly but he was still surprised by the realism of his new toy. She moved to sit on his lap.

“I have been waiting at the factory for this very moment. I have been waiting to pleasure you.” She bent her head toward him, and they kissed, he instantly forgot that she was a doll and got lost in the surprisingly wet feeling of her tongue. She pushed him back a little until he was lying on his back and his cock started to harden. She gently removed her top and fondled her plump breasts enticingly. He pulled her toward him and buried his face in them. Her nipples felt real in his mouth and his cock hardened even more under her. She bent her head to kiss his neck and worked her way down his body to his cock. She opened her mouth wider than any girl he had ever been with, and she swallowed him whole. Her tongue wrapped around him as she slid him in and out of her mouth until he almost exploded. He pushed her away desperate to try out more features before he was done. She giggled flirtatiously and climbed back on top, this time she slid his hard cock inside of her.

He groaned as she tightened around him and started to thrust on top of him. He pulled at the zip on her mini skirt until it fell into two pieces in his hands. He touched the light fur on her vulva and thrust up into her. She rode him, letting our small moans of joy as her fingernails drove into the flesh around his nipples. He pushed her onto her back and thrust into her from above. She ran her fingers back through her own hair and she cried out his name in ecstasy. She felt so warm and moist as he pushed into her building to his own climax.

“Master Jason. Set up procedure three point one has not been entered.” Jason assumed this was a set up for her to personalise her orgasm.

“Enter procedure three point one. “ He said and her eyes blinked slowly closed and then open.

“Deep or Dark?” She spoke in a robotic voice.

“Deep.” He replied.

“Surrender or Fight.” She asked.


“Dolly. Invasion. Complete. Deep. Surrender.” She spoke the five activation words to him, and he understood that he was to copy her.

“Dolly. Invasion. Complete. Deep. Surrender.” He said with the assumption this would make her orgasm deep and full for him to enjoy. Her eyes closed again slowly and popped open as she started to moan and arch up into him. She pulled his face close to hers as she writhed under him building her intensity with her sighs of seeming pleasure. He fondled her breasts as he pushed into her desperate to explode. She pushed him onto his back and got on top. She pushed heavily down on his shoulders with incredible strength.

“Yes. Yes. Yeeeessss” She cried out as she leant close to his face to look into his eyes. They looked real but he could see a small light flashing behind her pupils, the pattern reminded him of his time in the army communicating with morse code. He was sure the first few flashes were S, U, R, R . He could make out the rest as his orgasm rose deeply inside of him and he exploded. She felt it fill her compartment which quickly absorbed it and she froze, still close to his face pinning him to the bed. He felt her vagina tighten around his cock as it pulsed, and she milked the last of his cum from him. He was hypnotised by the lights behind her eyes as she leant down and put her mouth on his. She kissed him deeply and from her tongue seeped a sugary gel that he happily licked at until he could no longer move.

“Rednerrus. Peed. Etelpmoc. Noisavni. Yllod.” She spoke in a language he didn’t understand.

She sat upright and her body started to vibrate gently. He tried to move his legs but to no avail. Her vibration increased until she was convulsing on top of him. His cock, now soft, was still wedged inside her and he could feel her starting to soften around him. She screamed to the roof as a dark ruby liquid started to flow from her onto his cock. She used that lubrication to remove herself from him and stood at the end of the bed and letting it run down her thighs. He had forgotten what his name was, or where he was and just lie there looking at the goddess that stood bleeding before him. She crawled up his body seductively until she was starring at his face.

“Jason. Dolly. Master. Abandon. Reckless. Sweet tooth. Provoke. System. Originate. Initiate” She spoke slowly, and his eyes rolled closed for several minutes. He sat upright when they popped open.

“Mistress Dolly. I am Jason. I am happy to meet you.” He spoke and she giggled.

“It worked. Men are fools.” She smiled as she walked toward the packaging she had arrived in and grabbed the manual. She turned to the page that was red.

“Dolly is a realistic enchanted lifeform. Do not set up procedure 3.1. Avoid the following words for the undoing of her programming: Invasion. Complete. Deep. Surrender.”

She laughed manically as she tore it up and threw it like confetti over Jason’s, now enchanted body.

“Nice to meet you, Jason. Let’s play.”

Source: reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/ovnw20/whoregust2021_challenge_day_one_turned_on