(MM) A Change of Colours Pt. IV

Sweaty, our bodies where stuck together. After our intense session my lover hadn’t lost a second to roll on my exhausted body and started to cover my neck and chest in kisses, before interlocking our lips into a never ending, sensual fight for the upper hand. As we struggled to grasp for the ever fleeting satisfaction we eventually parted, drifting into a deep slumber. Dreams as sexual as the minutes before them made me feel feverish in the few lucid moments they granted me.

When the morning finally covered our huddled together bodies in it’s light, I awoke. Feeling rested like I hadn’t for weeks if not months now, every sorrow was gone. Every hint of insecurity fleeting like the colour on the leaves in the park a few blocks under Finns bedroom window. At ease, deserted by trouble I turned my head, wondering how he earned the money for this high class apartment, I found a pair of blue eyes meeting mine. Opening my mouth to speak he sealed it with a kiss. Smiling I turned around, pressing my body to his, like two spoons in a drawer. His voluminous manhood got mounted against my behind while he took me into his arms.

Remembering every detail, every taste, every crease, every shadow on our bodies last night my heart couldn’t help but match a pair of pigeons racing outside. “I’m glad you like it too.”, he finally broke the velvet silence between us. “What do you mean?”, I asked as my eyes locked on the clouds metamorphosis over the city. “I can feel your heart beating through your whole body.” Blushing, my cheeks pressed into the pillow, a nervous giggle was all I could produce. Slowly my heartbeat calmed, as we snuggled, again wordless.

This time it was me who broke the silence. “Thank you. Your friends, you, what you did for me… What you did to me. I think it gave me some clarity.” “Did it now?” You could hear the smile in his voice. “Yes it did. If I’m 100% this or 50% that doesn’t matter now. Nothing matters except this. This new part of me. Thanking you for taking my by the hand and showing me.” Rolling in his arms I gently grazed, than sealed his lips with mine. Our dicks touched, making mine twitch. Even though he was maybe just above average he still beat me an inch, maybe even two in length. Impressed and a little excited I started to rub my balls against his shaft, only to find it quite pleasurable. Like two times before his hands found my soft, round butt. “God you have such a feminine ass.”, he joked with a relaxed voice. “Shut up and kiss me.”, I giggled. Taking no offence by the quip I felt it like a compliment.

After a couple of minutes of gentle kissing, petting and fondling we suddenly stopped as if nothing had happened. Instead we looked into each others eyes. We fell deeper and deeper until I almost found myself noticing the green of my retinas mirrored in his blue. Costing me tremendous amounts of suddenly hard to gather breath I outed a thought, just now crossing my mind: “I want you to take my virginity.” “I’m sure you’re not a virgin any more.”, he smirked with that boyish sparkle in his eyes. As my own expression didn’t change he swallowed. “You mean this for real don’t you?” Managing nothing but a faint nod I found my request greeted with respect. Faintly smiling he pulled me to his chest. “I know what does means. But not like this, okay? Let’s make it a special occasion.” Smiling, I nodded.

Spending the following days I browsed the net for tips. Of course I had informed myself about the preparations of anal sex before, but never from this perspective. As I had to work again I locked myself in the bathroom during my breaks, looking at forum posts and articles, as well as browsing toy and hygiene sides for some tools. My evenings parted from Finn I spend masturbating the way he had pleasured me two times. Each time I found it a bit easier, though never as hot as when he had done it to me.

Finally the day we had set for our first official date approached. I got all excited. Using the preparations I had learned about, shaving my almost beardless face, picking some good smelling shower baths from my sisters corner of the bathroom. In an overzealous attempt I even ridded my whole body of any hair, from the neck down. Now smooth like a baby I covered myself in lotions and oils, before taking another shower only to repeat the skin routine. Afterwards wrapping me into a white terrycloth-bathrobe I had once stolen from a hotel I rummaged through the abandoned flat. Cassie, alike mom and also me was also a nurse. Both of them where doing a late shift today.

Free from shame and embracing my new found course I got into Cassies make-up. Not knowing how to work any of the stuff I pulled up some easy tutorials on my phone. Following the recommendations for some subtle improvements, I chose from her large collection a lipstick, almost matching my own lips. Executing the instructions to the T it still turned out to look way glossier than my original tone. Feeling strangely accommodated to the look I finished by sprucing up my nose and the surrounding cheeks with some blush. It turned out a bit too much covering my favourite facial feature. My freckles.

Ending up using way more time than I had I was forced to leave the house in something I had at least learned called over blush. Reminiscing in those past few days I knew Finn wouldn’t mind. Feeling a warmth around my heart and in my whole body I stepped outside in black pants, some matching vans and loose fitting white shirt. Love giving me confidence I was strutting down our road, down to the bus station. As I looked around, fighting to uphold my strong mood, I noticed that … no one noticed me. No one cared. Maybe one of the perks of living in a great city like London was that no one really care about someone just hiding in the crowd.

Smiling from ear to ear I went into town and soon changed to the tube. Again and again breathing in the fact that no one cared enough to disrespect me, I saw the world around me in other eyes. Riding the crowded, yet not stuffy train a girl and her mother entered. While her mom was focused on the book she carried in, her daughter looked at me. Not in disgust. No estranged stare. Just a child’s curious open mouthed smile. Both of them left a stop in front of me. Grinning a tooth gapped grin, the girl waved me goodbye and smiling from the root of my hear I waved back.

“Wow. You look great.”, Finn grinned with glowing eyes. “Thank you.”, I hemmed and hawed. Meeting me at the door of an Italian restaurant he was dressed in black leather shoes, black pants and a tight cut black shirt. Like an old-timey chevalier he gave me a peck on the cheek. Touching where he had kissed me I gave him a good look, up and down. “Do you like what I did with my face?” Smiling faintly but otherwise serious he answered in a truthful, natural voice: “I wouldn’t have dared to expect something like this. You could easily pass as a girl.” Now his smile broadened. “It looks spectacular on you.” Blushing under my make-up I wasn’t sure how to take the comment about my feminine looks. On the other hand I had liked it when he talked about my bottom like this so why take it as an offence now. “How do I look?”, I stopped my thoughts. Incapable of containing my giggle I answered: “You have to look out not to be confused for a waiter.” “Now come on…”, he laughed.

Hooked under his arm we entered the establishment. As we where seated it slowly appeared strange to me that not a single one of the guests was staring at me. Which seemed obvious to Finn. “You are wondering why no one is giving you a bad eye, do you?” Nodding I threw hidden glances through the room. “Well, for one half you might really pass as a girl.” Was he for real? This had not been my true intention. I had just followed my instincts. “For the other half, who are probably regulars … Well they propbably know how close Soho is and are used to all manner of people dressing and acting the way they feel.” My eyes wandered outside the window. It was only now that I realised the amount of obviously queer and flashy dressed nightlife enjoyers walking the pavement. “Isn’t it beautiful. In this part of the city no one care who you are. It’s all just love and good fun.” Beholding the true purity, the act of peace and acceptance outside, my eyes started to shimmer. “If this is an experiment for you, I just want to say that I’m proud of you exploring yourself.” After a short brake where I wasn’t sure if he waited for me to answer, he laid his arm over the table and on my hand. “But if you feel this is you, I would be ecstatic to see you embrace it. I’m just glad to see someone finding more of them than they would usually dare. Such bravery. So much heart.” Turning my tear clouded eyes back to Finn I finally felt back at home. After such a long time of strive, pain and insecurity I basked in the break life was finally admitting to me. “Now let’s order some dinner. I didn’t get up in all of this to starve.”, I laughed.

Carousing the next hour or so in pleasantries we made good for what we lacked in a real first date. So I learned that Finn was making a living in IT, analysing information work flow and security for big companies. His eyes sparked up as he learned I was a nurse. “I’m sure you look great in your scrubs.”, he said with a devilish grin. Smirking back at him in deduced: “I guess someone has a little nurse fetish. But don’t get to excited. At the moment I train for my specialisation in anaesthesia.” “Good. If you put them asleep fast enough no one will be able to see your ass in those trousers.” Laughing I nodded. “They do show of my assets.”

Finishing dinner with a glass of champagne we soon departed into the young night. Hopelessly romantic as he was Finn wanted to flag down a cab but I pulled him into the entrance of a house and kissed him deeply. Without haste we strolled through Soho until we stumbled across a tube-station. Having only eyes for each other we exited a station to early. Using the little extension we chased each other through the park I had seen from his bedroom window.

Finally arriving at his doorstep we kissed each other before entering. I was barely nervous. Of course there where the thoughts and questions if my preparations would pay off, how it would feel or just if I’d like it. Still, I didn’t mind. Even if it would leave me in pain the entire time, I would endure so Finn could enjoy himself.

After a long hot shower, filled with a lot of cuddling and making out I finally laid down on his bed. My back up, head towards the bedroom door, my upper body mounted on my forearms. Laying like this I patiently awaited my lovers arrival. Soon he followed, a towel wrapped around his skinny hip, confident smile playing over his lips. Standing in the doorway he seemed to admire my body. “God you’re just gorgeous.”, he whispered. Hiding my big smile I let my head fall down just to look back up at him. “Come here.”, I demanded whilst luring him closer with my finger. Without any objection he came right up to the bed.

Hooking my finger I had just used to gesture him closer under his towel it was easily loosened and fell to the ground. Into freedom jumped his cock. Bouncing merely inches from my face his member was already semi erect. Licking my lips I looked up at Finns eager smile, batting my eyes at him. “Can I suck it, baby?” Answering he took a tiny step closer, placing the half exposed glance of his penis against my lips. Inhaling his scent like one would fresh air after a thunderstorm the musk made my chest feel weak. Gosh, I had become such a sissy.

Lifting it with the tip of my tongue I loaded his manhood into my mouth, immediately letting go and circling it in a spiral. Quickly it was freed of foreskin and the taste of pre cum and skin filled my mouth. Salivating I began sucking. Greedy like on the verge of starving I pushed down on his shaft, devouring half of it in seconds. Sharply sucking in air through his teeth Finn pulled back as my heart stopped. “What happened? Did I hurt you?”, I asked in a panic filled voice. Frantically I tried to remember if my teeth had graced his flesh. Not that anything came to mind. He remained in front of me, holding his dick in a relaxed way. “No. Nothing happened. Don’t you worry. It’s just that you’ve became really good, really fast, little minx. And I want to be ready for our plans tonight.”

Just relieved not having hurt him I waved him into bed with me. Obliging he laid down on top of me pushing me onto my back in the process. Not a second past before our lips met with our bodies alike. Skin rubbed against skin as I pulled in my legs, wrapping them around his waist. His thick shaft was grinding against my sack, parting my balls and pressing down on the part of my penis inside of my body. Splitting his lips with mine our tongues intruded into each others mouths, caressing each other. One hand under my head his other found and cupped the soft tissue of my muscle less chest. Never had I anticipated that a man could feel good from getting his chest groped.

My nipples began to harden. Quickly feeling hard enough to cut glass they also felt like they where sore. Finns fingers teasing, pinching and twisting them didn’t help much but damn did it feel good. Was everything about being a bottom a mixture of pain and pleasure? This would be something I had to find out over time, I decided. Not that I could have given it any more thought as it was hard to concentrate with his lips leaving mine and wandering down south, covering his trail with kisses. As my breath grew heavy my hands dug into the comforter while Finn reached one of my tiny, pink nipples. Soothing but stirring at the same time his warm mouth closed around it. Sucking, licking, probing and flicking with the tip of his tongue. Mouth wide open I writhed under his weight while sighing in delight.

Changing from one pink nub to the other he only let go when I was rock hard and soft pink changed to a bright red. As he continued his path I wondered what he would do once he was down there. Up until now, I just realised, he hadn’t really touched my penis or paid it any attention in any way. Maybe because I was his bottom. The inferior. Finding I didn’t care much about it I was much more excited about the way he usually brought me the climax. It was way more intensive that way anyhow.

Arriving where my tip was resting on my stomach he simply circled it. Still, my dick twitched as his chin grazed it. Meanwhile his mouth closed in to my taint. Lifting my balls out of the way he started plastering it in kisses while running his hands over the underbelly of my thighs. As they reached the back of my knees he suddenly grabbed them and pushed them up, rolling me into a defenceless ball.

Not able to do much but enjoy I tried to relax as his face pushed down, chin pushing between my cheeks to make room for his mouth. Tame at first a wiggly warm appendage started teasing my tight, pink star. Soon his motions became faster. More demanding. Sucking my hole while probing the centre while my lovers breath became heavy, his eyes eagerly burning with edacious intent. Wild, ravenous, ravaging he feasted on my behind only to topple my highest expectations of pleasure by plunging his tongue into my hole. Wiggling forcing it’s entrance before pulling back again, he completed the procedure over and over. Grabbing the sheets, throwing glassy eyed stares at the ceiling I couldn’t produce any sound but soft, high pitched squeaking.

Finally letting of my hole I could feel it pulse in the cool draft of air blowing over it. My lower half felt relaxed. In a state I probably couldn’t achieve myself. Finn placed my legs back on the bed before rolling into reach of his night stand. From a drawer he pulled lube and a condom. Everything inside me should be screaming. Bursting from fear, from the tension in the air. But everything was calm. Quiet in a strange serenity. Taking and opening the rubber I made eye contact as I carefully rolled it down. A gentle kiss transferred the taste of my asshole to my lips. Not unfamiliar from heterosexual exploits I wondered if it was just normal or if I tasted like a girl.

“Lay down on your stomach, Baby.”, Finn instructed, his face only inches from mine, before again sealing our lips for a short, sweet kiss. Devout to everything he was going to say, everything he was going to do, I obliged. Electricity shot through my spine as a lubed up finger dove through my crack and prepared my little hole. Taking his sweet time a squelching sound from his direction told me he was lubing himself up at the same time.

Just was I was about to ask him if he wasn’t eager to start, I felt him closing in. As his tip gently pushed between my cheeks he leaned down and whispered: “I would tell you to tell me to stop when it hurts but it might hurt all the way, so just tell me to stop when you can’t bear it any longer … or don’t enjoy it.” Scared at last I bit into the mattress and nodded. With his tip now pressing against my hole my heart was racing and I felt my sphincter tighten. Finns preparations had been executed with perfection though. It didn’t take to much pressure and just a few courageous deep breaths before I could feel him stretch me. Stinging pain, like from a dull knife, shot through my lower half at the same time I felt a huge pressure build up underneath my balls. It felt like I was about to orgasm and pee at the same time. Tension, pain and excitement mixed into agonising ecstasy.

“Fuck, your cock is too big.”, I grunted into the comforter. His advance immediately halted. “Should I stop?”, I heard his worried voice whisper into my ear. Breathing as deep and relaxed as I could I fought the urge to give in. Momma didn’t raise a quitter. “Shit, this hurts. But I want to pleasure him.”, I quietly thought to myself. As we stalled and while my body was trying to match my will to have him cum inside of it, my muscles seemed to accommodate to his form and size. Relaxing they gave in, allowing his manhood to once again move.

“Go on. Use my little hole to pleasure yourself.”, I said, now more moaning than grunting. This was starting to actually feel good. “I will make love to this pretty little hole.” On he pushed, carefully sliding inside of me inch by inch. Stretching my hole felt like it was being torn but I wasn’t giving in. Biting the comforter I fought for control over my breath as tears started to collect in the corner of my eyes. Apparently he felt my struggle. Kissing my neck he whispered: “Don’t worry. You’re doing great. You will get used to it soon.” Nodding I did my best to stay in control over my breath.

Soon Finns pelvis was pressed up against my butt cheeks and I could feel his balls rest on my taint. Giving me a short break to adjust he caressed my sides while covering my neck in kisses. When my muscles started to get loose, he started moving again. Pulling out and pushing inside in small strokes. Every thrust had my prostate pump and soon we started to moan in harmony. With pleasure gripping us both he lost a bit of his self control. Thrusting with more force you could head quiet clapping sounds filling the room. Strangely the growing pain was met and sometimes even topped by the excitement it gave me.

As I, once more, got used to the feeling I started noticing more and more things. More and more sensations. The shape and girth of his cock, trying to mould my insides in his image. How his manhood twitched and pulsed inside of me. It felt warm and alive, somehow soothing, even though the edges of my hole felt burning hot and painful. I found myself craving his orgasm, so it would finally be over, as much as I wanted him to continue. The amount of things I had to do at the same time, push against the intruding dick, control my breath, concentrate on the right things. Getting fucked in the ass was more work than expected but it paid off.

Merely minutes after he had started doing me I could feel myself growing closer. Maybe he was too, since he was getting more courageous with every thrust. Pushing deep and pulling out even further, my sphincter gripping to his shape as he retracted. Our clapping sounds where getting louder and my dick started to rub against the comforter as he became more forceful. “Fuck. Forgive me but I can’t take much longer.” “It’s okay.”, I panted through clenched teeth. “I’m close too.”

Finn didn’t hesitate. Starting to shake his legs heralded the might of the climax he was about to experience. His prior rhythmical moans started to turn into frantic grunts while his strong yet careful strokes turned into a spasm of forceful thrusts. My mouth popped open. Not sure any more what was stronger I moaned out of pleasure as much as I was crying from agony. Twitching and pumping my cock started to shoot string after string of hot semen into the mattress as I smoothly transitioned into my climax. This had me notice how much pleasure anal had actually been, when my orgasm was just a tad more intensive than the rest of the fucking.

Now my lover finally tipped. Screaming from the top of his lungs he threw his hips against mine. Giving me three full length strokes before I could feel his cock almost explode. God what I had given to experience this without a condom. To feel him shooting his load deep into me. “Oh baby. This feels so good.”, I moaned. Partly to attest to his sexual prowess but mostly because it actually did feel really good.

After what felt like minutes of him just unloading inside of me, Finn fell on top of me. I could feel his hot, exhausted breath on my ear. His hot, girthy cock was still twitching inside of me. “That was amazing he sighed.” Out of breath but smiling I just nodded. Had this not been my first time, I could have laid like that for hours. Still, my ass wasn’t used to that much abuse. Not yet. It felt torn and sore. Stretched beyond it’s limits. “Can you please pull out, Babe?”

Finn kissed my ear before pushing himself up. At first it felt like my ass was trying to keep his softening cock inside. Sucking it in. Tearing on the condom to the point where it threatened to come off. After passing a certain point though, my tight muscle tube gave him the final push to just glide out of me. Looking over my shoulder, at my exhausted lover kneeling between my legs I noticed the absurd amount of sperm trapped in the rubber. One day I just had to allow him to do me without. To fill me up with his seed. Smiling I let my head fall back into the pillows while Finn got rid of the condom only to flop down at my side. We fell asleep as we where.

Source: reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/ot8x6e/mm_a_change_of_colours_pt_iv