An Alien Kind of Love [FF]

(Context listed in the comments)

*You may now unbuckle your seatbelts and proceed towards the exits. Thank you for using our airlines and have a good day.*

As the wheels of the airplane touched the road, a custom of clapping hands together occurred. A custom of showing the pilot respect and thanks for a peaceful flight. Human customs are enjoyed by most but there are still those not interested in small acts of kindness. That was the exact reason why nobody mind when a single passenger did not clap her hands. The only difference between them and her was the fact that she belonged to a race which started someone out there in space. #25254 often wondered about the origins of her race, a mystery that not even her Queen could answer. She did often wonder about little details, there was little else to do when boredom takes over. The boredom of attending yet another boring human flight after yet another boring mission. #25254 had no right to complain, her Hive needed her skill but that did not mean they were always used to their fullest. Just like her latest mission which took just half an hour and only included her pulling a simple switch. At this point she did not even care about her goal, it was just the case of completing all objectives and going back home.

As she stepped off the plane, #25254 threw away the old sandwich wrapper and headed straight for exit. While now she could access the Hive-Mind and request a luxurious transport for herself, there was something that stopped #25254 from doing so. The fact she landed in Germany did not leave her mind since she received her tickets, nor did the only person which made this little country so significant. #25254 wrestled with herself for a bit; on one hand she really just wanted to head back home and rest but refusing to visit this person was harder than expected. After sighing out, #25254 dumped her useless luggage and purchased a ticket for the closest human bus.

The journey did not take long but keeping herself awake was something beyond #25254. Once she reached the last stop, a human woman had to wake her up. #25254 slapped her cheeks and got out of the bus, her tired legs complained to no end but that did not stop them from entering a small club by the woods. Walking through the door, #25254 noted the dim lighting and human strippers dancing on their poles while married males ogled their eyes and threw useless human money at them. #25254 could enslave these fools in no time but luckily for them she was off the clock. Walking up to the counter, #25254 put on her best German accent.

‘I want to see Maja.’ The fat human male turned his attention from the strippers and looked at his little booklet.

‘She’s busy.’ Not paying any more attention to his client, the male turned back to look at the strippers. The tiredness in #25254 did not stop rage from boiling within her.

‘Tell her its schwester.’

‘No family visits while she’s working.’

‘She will make an exception for me.’

‘That’s not up to…’ The male could not finish before #25254 gave up and slammed the remained of her money on the counter.

‘She will make an exception for me.’

‘I’m sure she will.’ The male left his stool before grabbing a key, putting it on the counter and addressing #25254 again.

‘But you are the one to deal with the angry customer.’

She did not respond and just took the key. On her way to the room she overheard the sounds of primitive human intercourse. Once again she did not care but approached a room labelled #3 and opened it with the key. Once she did, a human male with his dick hanging out looked at her with shock on his face.

‘The fuck are you doing cunt?! I booked this room!’ #25254 did not say anything and just stood there until the woman between the male’s legs noticed her. Once she did, the woman wiped her lips and zipped the male’s jeans closed.

‘Sorry tiger, we’ll continue this later.’

‘Like fuck. I paid for a full hour.’

‘Then you’ll get a free one next time you visit.’ The woman smacked the male’s bottom and turned him in the right direction. As he left the room, the male gave #25254 a dirty look. Once the door to the room was closed again, the woman sat on her bed and smiled.

‘Drone #14523 reporting for duty.’ #25254 slowly approached her sister.

‘I’m not here formally.’

‘I know. You never come here formally.’ #14523 stood up and kissed her sister before continuing.

‘How’s work?’

‘I don’t want to talk about it.’

‘You never do. Gosh, you’re tense as hell.’ #14523 pushed #25254 on the bed and got on top of her. With #14523 kissing her sister’s neck, #25254 did not react, something #14523 could not ignore.

‘You know, a smile once in a while would not hurt you.’

‘I’m sorry.’

‘I guess you just want the usual.’

‘#14523, I…’

‘Quiet. Let’s just get this over with.’ With a sigh of disappointment, #14523 stripped off her clothing and helped her sister do the same.

The next morning, #14523 stretched out before waking up properly. The closed window on her whore room always allowed for so little light but long ago #14523 learned to throw her shoe at it to make the blinds crash down. With the sun finally getting in, #14523 reached out to find she was once again alone in bed. How many times did she find herself this way? Ten, twenty? #25254 did not even come over that often, maybe once a month but every time she did show herself, she just wanted to fuck before disappearing. At least the sex was good but #14523 could not help the depressing disappointment she felt every time she was left alone with only her sister’s heat to accompany her.

‘Could have at least said goodbye. Bitch.’

This was #25254 after all, how could #14523 refuse her? She still could not put her finger on it but #25254 was special, she was someone #14523 always welcomed to her bed no matter how much it hurt afterwards. A change in personality would not be bad but maybe that’s what #14523 loved about her so much. Still, it was the morning and there was still work to do. #25254 was the way she was and that would never change, there was no point moping about it. Sitting up in her bed, #14523’s eyes were caught by a little note left on her night stand. Reaching out for it, #14523 read over the neat letters.

*Don’t get up. I’ll go to the local bakery for something fresh. We can eat in bed.*

‘Well shit sister, I guess I underestimated you.’

Finally in a better mood, #14523 fell back down on her bed. For #14523, a smile in the morning was a rarity but it sure felt nice.



  1. This little story comes from my f-list profile [The Adamant Hive]( It concerns an alien race living on earth with the intention of using the human sexual intercourse to increase their population. Most of my profile is a none narrative description of what this species are and how they function but I do have narratives in there like short historical entries or short stories in the extra section. Not sure if this is something that floats your boat but hey.

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