Jenny’s final lesson

I was surprised when I received an email asking to meet in person.
Jenny was a top student. She was invariably and deeply engaged during lectures and was known as one of our brightest students on campus, so it felt out of character when she said in her email that she was worried about the next stage of her life.
When I opened my office door, she was had her usual blue-framed glasses that brighten her soft hazel eyes, but her strawberry blonde hair was down rather than her usual messy bun. Her outfit was not the jeans and sweater that I was used to either. She looked like she was about to go on a job interview given the collared white shirt, but her black skirt was a just a little too tight-fitting to be appropriate for that. Jenny must have noticed my surprise as she looked away for a second, as if she was ready to turn around and run.
Jenny paused, looked at me, and with a timid smile said “I’m so happy that I get to see you one last time.” I invited her in to sit down as I pulled my chair around so that my desk was not in our way. She continued, “I’m really thankful for all the help you’ve given me, and I know it might seem silly, but I just wanted to see if you had any advice for me as I go to grad school. I don’t know if I’ll be good enough.” I had earlier written her a letter of recommendation, praising her ability and intellect, so I knew this not to be true. But it is common for even the most promising of students to get anxious during this transition time.
Jenny began to ask questions, but she appeared inattentive to my replies, and struggled to identify and articulate the next question. I thought she was nervous. Some students will get this way, but this was very out of character for Jenny. She was never shy about talking in front of class, but as our conversation continued, I noticed that it was not the usual nervousness.
She started to fidget with her phone, like some do when they’re nervous, but… she seemed restless. Making eye contact, then suddenly breaking it. Squirming a bit, then adjusting her skirt. The squirms turned to squeezing her legs together. I tried to give her confidence by praising her intelligence and accomplishments, thinking that would calm her down, but I started to pick up on what was really going on with all the awkward behavior and tone….
She was getting off.
Since she kept going to her phone, I tried to catch what was so distracting.
After a few good glances I discovered that what she’s been fidgeting with was an app, one that I’ve used myself with a former partner, otherwise I’m not sure if I ever would have figured it out. The app serves as a remote for controlling an internal vibrator. The shock must have been visible to her, as I realized that she was pleasuring herself this entire time, in my office, while I was trying to reassure her and build her confidence.
Never did I think she would do something like this; it seemed like such a major risk to take just as she was about to graduate.
I was upset. I felt humiliated that she would be so bold to do such a thing with me.
How the fuck could she put me in this situation? Did she know how much trouble I could get into? With the realization I paused. There was just enough silence with me looking directly at her for her to know something was not right.
“I know what you are doing” I said in a manner so that the phrase could echo in her head. I thought she would react like anyone caught doing something embarrassing, but instead she just looked at me and smirked, which just got under my skin. The nerve of this girl!
“Hand that to me” I demanded, as I snatched the phone from her hand. I verified that it was a vibrator app.
“Do you know how much trouble you could get into? Did you think about how bad this could turn out for me?” I asked. “I didn’t.. um…” she muttered, with a look that signaled that whatever fantasy she had may not go the way she planned.
…..(first time writing. I would love to hear feedback. wonder if I should continue it)


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