Rose Of Two Thorn’s Journal Entry 1-4 Dream Master (FF MM MF MFF MFM Bondage Solo Toys)

Have you ever got that urge to do something so bad, so naughty that your just so wet by the idea…” Becca looked up from her journal.  Touching herself at the sight of the sleeping beauty.
“Yes, I am having nothing butt” loosing herself in thought.  Seeing the perfect butt.  From the angle in which it was positioned to the soft curvature of the right cheek.
“I mean it is right there and it could use a.. a kiss, right?”  Becca mind was in a mist cause if nothing else she knew that.. that…
Nya shifted as the sheet fell from her back.  Exposing her booty, her back…  “Ohh no.. no more” butt Becca’s eyes kept traveling up the princess’s body.
Drooling over Nya’s now shortened dew, about the way the hair exposed her ear butt yet covered the rest of her face.  How her arm, tan from the sun gracefully tucked under her pillow.  Her tit, how it was there calling to.. to…
Wanting to touch Nya’s body.  Wanting to caress it in such a way to invite a orgasm.  Not cause.  No that would be to easy butt slowly build one.  One that would take time.  One that would be brought on by her own graceful curves.  “One that I could follow with my lips and, and…”
Sighing over my own fantasies.  “I just don’t know how to…” feeling my hand as it touched Nya’s body.
Getting the rush!  The rush of doing something that in all my life I know it is so wrong.  So naughty that, that I just…  Dragging my nails down Nya’s back.  My lips falling just to the left in her crack.  My other hand spanking her right ass cheek.  Just once, a nice hard spanking with some pushing as the ripples radiated out from the impact.
“Mmmmmmmmm…” sounded butt I still did not know weather it came from me or…  The sent of pheromones, even as Nya’s cunt glistened with the gloss of pre-cum.
Feeling the curve in Nya’s back as my nails got close.  My hand that had pushed her butt cheek now reared back into the cocked position!  Snapping forward with lightning speed.  The impact, the ripping my hand caused from just the second spanking.
“Mmmmmmmmm…” echoed again, even though I.. I did not care who had moaned.
My lips where, are just above her butthole!  “I just can’t stop” my mind screamed at me. 
Now pushing both of Nya’s butt cheeks away.  Away from the perfect looking asshole…  Away from the glistening gloss of her cunts pre-cum…  My lips landed, not knowing or caring where!  The sound of my pucker, my lips while delivering a kiss.
The hesitant way I held my tongue.  Until I could feel something soft yet firm.  Squeezing it, fondling it till my fingers felt something hard between them.
“Fuckkk, if I’m cuming” that reassurance from my own body told me that a tongue was the way to go.
A simple tug.  Something so simple, so effective even though that hard thing between my fingers.  That hard thing that drove me wild was stiffing up.  Becuming harder and harder!  Listening to my own enthusiasm.  Listening as it told me, “Yes, her nip is getting so hard!  Cum, cum before…” my tongue launched forward just like on of those sweet cyber chicks that you see in the anime that has been buzzing!
Sinking in for a few millimeters till it hit the bottom.  The sweet taste splashed against my lips as the tip of my tongue now hooked!  Moving my head up, Oh so slightly.  The feeling of Nya’s hard clit as my tongue hit it.  The jerk followed by the steaming flow of her girl juices.
“Oh my fuck!  Is this the way taking charge is supposed to feel like?!  I just can’t wait to record this, this…” even though the flow had quit my tongue was still in position.  Still in the the same area!  “Maybe a reset?  Maybe a.. a… Mmmmmmmmm” as my own puss just cause me to have the biggest O.
Panting yes, butt wrapping my tongue around Nya’s stiff clit.  About pulling on it, about.. about… “Mmmmmmmmm.. Oh shit I just came!  And, and Oh my fuckkk she is moaning too!”  Played in my head as now feeling the soft petals of Nya’s clit.  Feeling as how with careful practice I could.. I…
Praying to the Goddess of orgasms that she would at least allow me to strip this fragile instrument.  Praying for more than two petals.  Praying for.. “Oh Ooo Ooooh…”  My tongue jerked as did Nya’s body.
With me cuming and Nya…  Oh Nya, your taste.  From the sweet side of sexual encounters to the.. the…  “Why not, she would always do as you liked, Becca..” my mind always a step ahead of me.  Always one step… My lips had no problem kissing her, her…  Butt my tongue and that tight, tight hole!
Relaxing my mind was the first step.  Kissing over, to the left and right, even for that tag of skin between the cunt and asshole.
Edging my tongue forward till just the tip.  The taste , the texture of… “Ok, not at all different” played through my mind.  I tried again.  This time using my full tongue.
Diving deep in her pink ocean, hooking my tongue as I pulled it out.  Feeling the edge of her cunt, the tightness as my tongue latched to the edge.  Giving it a little more of a lift, a little more of a dance till the slip…  The slip of my tongue going from Nya’s cunt to her ass before I could even react!
“Go Becca Go!”  Was cheering in my mind.  The wiggle of my tongue, the sent of more pheromones, the sent of cum, fresh as it jerked down. 
“Why, why didn’t I move?!”  I scolded my self.  My tongue still eating out Nya’s.. Nya’s… asshole!
One more time as I shifted my tongue.  This time diving back into the turbulent pink ocean.  Going so far down till my tongue was drenched in her cum.  Feeling my own cunt sort of doing a slight recoil.  “Fine” echoed through my head as my tongue flick the edge of Nya’s cunt.  That feeling of the tight hole, it’s greedy opening wanting to pull you back down.  Wanting your tongue, your fingers to, to…  Sinking my tongue into her ass!  Forcing it to delve deeper in.  Forcing.. my… myself to cream so fucking hard!  As my hips jerk, my puss leaking from just the clit! 
“Oh my fuck!  Why, why is her butthole tightening up?  I must” butt the pull of a wild tongue caused much more damage then a simple lick.
“OooOoooOoooo fuckkk Mmmmmmmmm” this time I knew where the moan was cuming from and it wasn’t me!  Butt, butt if I could keep her on edge just by…
Tonguing Nya’s asshole, using both hands to push Nya’s firm ass out of the way.  Gripping so hard on each cheek, pushing up and away.  Spreading Nya’s butthole just with that simple pull and push.  Exposing more than I could ever hope to handle butt some how, some way I was licking my way through it.
“OooOoooOoooo fuckkk girl, I was expecting.. Ooo Ooooh yesss OooOoooOoooo..” I quickly shut my mouth while my hips rolled out the next orgasm.
Thou that did not stop it, it did help it quite down.  Did help with the bucking.  With the moaning butt in the end it just made my orgasm stretch out. 
Burying my face in a pillow as Becca’s tongue had pushed me farther into a orgasm then I could have ever hoped.
The feel of a kiss to my cheek, to my right cheek.  The lick to my cunt, hooking the tongue as it started, catching my clit.  Sending more orgasmic waves through my bod then ever before!
“How do you feel Nya?”  Came the question from the girl who just ate me out.  Who just got saw me cum so hard from only her tongue.
Rolling over, still in between her arms.  Looking up into those big beautiful eyes, “You just made me cream so fucking hard…” maybe that was the wrong thing to say.  Just from the memory of the recent molestation my body revolted once more.  Arching my back as the orgasm made its way to my throat.  I only had two choices right now, one to let this orgasm play out or two to press Becca’s mouth to mine so we can share  this orgasm that she brought on.
Opening my mouth, pressing Becca down.  Cupping her head, as our mouths connected, our tongues entangled, my moan erupted.

Looking at the Oh so yummy booty before Becca was able to stand. Feeling the need, the need to chase after it. To maul it, to molest it! Even my legs moved, tucking under my body. Manipulating my surroundings so I was in the perfect position. My pussy got wet as I coiled back getting ready to strike!
“Nya” Becca began now no her knees. And from the way it looked with every shift, every shuffle Becca was turning toward me.
It was now or never. If I wanted that booty, that body then I better… It was like magic with that graceful body turning, me lunging. As the distance closed my hands where at work lining up the perfect carriage so by the time our body’s collided, that impending smash of flesh against flesh. Our tits impacting and with the right manipulation our cunts, our clits!
Trying to follow through butt unbeknownst to me my head still had other plans. Other sharper, more direct plans.
With a quick spin I was on the bottom. My head was pounding almost as much as my clit was tingling. Having lost the edge, the surprise. Staring up into her bedroom eyes I only had one chance left!
Molesting her mouth, sucking on the bottom lip. Flicking it with my tongue. Trying to ignore the pounding to the back of my head. The taste of her kiss. The way her lip rolled off my tongue. I swear if I wasn’t already taken she would be my wife!
“Would” yes this, “you” is me, “just” interrupting every, “relax” sentence Becca, “the doc. said” was trying, “to take it” to say, “easy…”
Even though I was pinned, my cunt craved the attention it was getting. From every whisper to every move Becca’s body was rubbing against it. Banging again and again till having my arms pinned under me was such a turn on that my slit need more, wanted more!
Seeing the gleam in her eyes. The one of being in control. Of being the alpha in this new fold of our relationship. I could see the hunger behind each look at my helpless bod.
Sighing and closing her eyes, Becca could no longer hold back the passion. The inspiration of her new power. Pushing me down, grabbing me by the tit. “You are.. so, so…” even while she was choosing the words her grip started to massage, roughly of course my tit.
Opening her eyes, glaring down at me in my helpless horny state. “Fucking hot right now I could” if one passionate kiss could spawn a orgasm it just did. Our tongues clashed together while our body’s rolled against one another. From out tits to our nips. At this point you might have turned on the ac down to freezing cuz each nipple was as hard as it could be. With every breath either one of us took our nips flicked back and forth, torturing our very souls. With every breath our body rocked lip to lip, clit to clit. And with the way it stung, the tickle, the need for more, harder stimulation the ultimate was about to happen!
“OooOoooOoooo… OooohOooohOooohOoooh… OooOoooOoooo… Yesssssssss” both of us breathed. Not sure who started this tandem orgasm. Not sure and with the way our tongues where wrestling I don’t think either of us cared.
“Are you going to be a good girl” Becca said. Putting one finger to my lips. Even though we as a couple where still panting.
“No more ambush (watching the fireworks go off in her eyes from that simple word “ambush”), you must stay” finally giving into her submissive side. Our lips meet, even as both of us opened our souls for the passion of a kiss. The tanglement of our tongues. There was a pause, a brief butt interesting pause.
“Do you promise me that you will take it easy.” Before I could answer, before I could respond her finger came up. Resting on my lips Becca peered down at me. “Promise, cuz my heart can not take one so young as you ending up back in that hospital” with that she remove her finger just to make room for her lips.

Becca disappeared like the wind butt I did catch the last thing she said before the emptiness filled the room. “Nya, I will be back after class tonight, so you can watch Cum Drippers and surprise me when I get back” the sound of a kiss then the silent hiss of the door and I was all alone.
“Cum Drippers really, I can remember when I was younger mother used to watch that” shifting I vaulted from the bed…
Wrong thing to do cuz a dizzy spell over took me as I stumbled forward. Catching myself on a chair . Hoping this was not a hallucinogen, I sat down. The room was still spinning around me! “I must, just for a second…”
Startled awake by.. by, “What are you doing in here?!” Half yelling in a quizzical way.
The feel of silk against my skin. Having the sheets brush against my nipples. Caressing the areola, cupping the nip even as it moved with every breath.
This figure who just burst into my bedroom. This, this lesbian, the same one I have been eyeing for sometime now stood at the foot of my bed!
“Nina..” the rest of my thoughts where stuck in my head. I wanted her so badly butt at the same time the shame of her bursting into my bedroom wearing nothing butt a green tinted see through silk robe with heavy green trim, the belt hanging slack as my eyes traveled up her body.
Not sure if she was just crazy or if my body was lustful enough for her butt without saying a word Nina started to move.
Poking at her lip. Gripping it with her top teeth in a playful way. The moonlight shown at the right angle to reveal her breast as my sheets slid off of mine. My eyes followed her body down. From the swelling of her chest to the narrowing of her hips my eyes followed. Seeing the jewel, completely bald and wet. My mouth watered.
Reaching forward she brushed through my hair, gently. Her mouth was still slowly closing as my body started to fall backwards.
Feeling her lips, feeling her hand as it caressed my breast, toying with my nipple. “Nina, I..” was as far as I was able to say as her lips closed on mine. Giving myself to this hot sex kitten in one fell swoop as my head, my body quit falling.
Taking a ragged breath one that I feared would turn into a creamy mess without her touching my stomach. My pelvis or even my pussy…
The squeeze to my tit, the tug to my nipple. The moan that escaped my mouth. “Ooooh” even though this was a surprise the way it came out captured the moment as a sexy encounter.
Even with Nina hooking her knee around mine. Putting partial weight on the bed as I felt the sheets being pulled from my body. Goddess, I want her so bad! With kiss to my chin, the tongue that traced my jaw line. When it touched my ear all my interpretations where melting. The feel of her hand as it traveled down my body. Over my stomach. Over my pelvis. Over my panties.
With the jerk I felt them caress my clit hard. With her tongue plowing into my mouth! I wanted to moan, I wanted to suck on her tongue, I wanted to do it all right then!
“Mmmmmmmmm” flowed from my mouth as I locked my lips on her intruding tongue. The unwritten law, the nod from me as she pulled on my panties. Having them part my lips, caress my clit with each pull!
My fuck I wanted to have the biggest O right now! Butt something or more then likely someone was keeping me on the edge. Breaking that kiss, breaking my ability to suck on that tongue was the hardest thing in my life butt I needed to beg, beg for the mercy of one small, tiny O. “Please, Oh please just.. just…” as I rocked down my cunt. My hips still worked so why, why… Oh shit!
“Yes yesss Ooooh fuckkking yesssssssss!” Erupted from my mouth as Nina pressed her lips, her tongue back into to my mouth.
Goddess, this feeling of total submission with only her hand touching one breast, squeezing one nipple! “Ooo my.. yesss yesssssssss OooOoooOoooo” my hips thrust up again as my cunts torture had reached its limits one more time. Feeling the wetness under my ass, knowing that my girl juices where squirting out all over my panties all over the sheet, all over my bed!
“Yesssssssss please, ple… Ooooh Ooooh do.. don’t sto.. OooohOooohOooohOoooh” that mad thrust from my hips. The wetness that continued to puddle under my ass. The feeling of two nips brushing against mine…
Slowly opening my eyes. Noticing that the room had quit spinning and I was face down on a journal? Taking the back of my head in my hand. Feeling the heat, the goose egg that was there and the whole reason why I must…
“Butt wait, if I fell asleep on a journal? Then who’s journal is it?”

No one is listed as the owner so..” opening the journal up to page one and giving the back of the cover a quick scan.
Nothing seemed to jump out and say who wrote this erotic material, “Mmm, okay I’ll read on and see if…”
Being bound so tightly as I lay there. Struggling every now and then. Even as my breasts slosh against my inner thighs, my hair tickles my lower legs. With all this going on and it still turns me one knowing that somewhere someone is…
Wanting to moan as lips fall on my thighs. Trying to hold still butt with every breath a new set of lips leave their mark on my body. Feeling the sensation as a hand spanks my ass. Turning it from the pale shade of pink to a rosy red. I can feel the juices flowing, flowing inside of me. Expecting one more spank my body tenses butt much to my surprise only feeling lips. The same lips that stole my breath as they kissed my upper thighs all over. Kissed down my crack always veering off to the side, always avoiding my juicy cunt, my ripe asshole.
Panting, getting in as much air as possible before the next punishment be it lips or a hand cuz my tush, my butt seems to always be on this..
Letting go with all intentions. Opening up my mouth feeling the burning desire to, to moan! Feeling the O down, so far down in my loins. Feeling it rise up as those lips fell one more on my unsuspecting booty. Feeling the shock, the burning desire once again return with vengeance. From the wiggle of my bum to the shaking of my breasts my orgasm traveled up. From the feel on lips scattered across my thighs to the sloshing of my tits, my fuck it’s cuming!
Not even bothering to open my eyes butt to open my mouth. To scream out as that intense burning feeling, all my desires, all my passion works to escape my body!
Was there a sign, perhaps. Or a signal? Maybe even a lump that is moving? Butt those lips fall again… Killing my hopes and dreams of screaming in pleasure. That hand spanking me so hard and that feeling. Yes, that feeling once again starts anew.
I am wondering if this person can see my eyes? Can see the tears as they bead up in the corners. For this is not pain butt pleasure. A pleasure that has been driving me, causing me to quake. Yes, even now as my next O starts to build. As all my feelings, all my emotions are channeled up to this breath taking moment. This moment that I want to share. This feeling that is bubbling up from every corner of my cunt, my clit!
My body jumps! This time my breasts sloshing up and down. Not only battering my legs with their soft flesh butt my face. My nipples standing stiff. Begging for attention. Begging for that touch that will send electricity to my.. my…
Oh my fuckkk, here.. here it cums again! My chance to be heard. Yes yesss ye…
No! This can’t be! Why, why torture me? Why, why, I must cum! Cum now, Now, NOW!
All that came out was a muffled moan? One that.. that could not have been me! Could it?
Before I could lick my lips. Before on heartbeat pounds against my chest I can feel the electrical energy surging through my body! Feeling my areola being stretched feeling both nipples being pulled up. Not just a tease butt being pulled up to well beyond the orgasm range! I needed to cum and quickly. The building O had got it’s rush as twin sparks flew down to release it from my loins. The rise of the orgasm. Feeling it pass my chest, feeling it pass my throat!
One kiss, just one! That kiss silenced all that came before it. Sending shockwaves through my body. I was laying there in stunned silence!
Why, why couldn’t this happen before? Before that last O, before that ground shaking might of the biggest O, why?!
Butt the tingle… Oh, the tingle. Lashing out with a wet tongue totally engulfing my.. my… Rocking my hips, feeling my breasts start to sway. Gently impacting with my upper thighs, with my face. “Oh Goddess, where where you all along” passed through my mind as this torture turned up into a heated battle. One that will require me to ask before.. before… Swallowing hard, trying to keep my O, my orgasm down. Butt that tongue passing between my cunt and my clit was more then I could… Taking a deep shaky breath, one that was more shake than actual breathing.
“Oh Goddess” I prayed, hoping that this, this sexual torture would go on forever butt at the same time allow me to.. to…
Hear it cums! Feeling, experiencing a explosion one that, that… “Ouch, my nips!”
Yes, that over ruled any.. my nipples. My poor inflamed throbbing hot nipples. “Oh, my Goddess!”
This is it the biggest O that I have ever had! My cunt is dripping, my clit is pounding! And the sensation has passed everything except…
“No! No, No, No!!!” Races through my brain. Checking all circuits their is a reason butt.. butt where? Why couldn’t I cum, explode over.. over…
Oh shit…
From my lions, to my cunt. From my clit to my nips. My entire body is.. is cuming!
Rocking my head back, jacking out my tits and hearing those sweet words, “Cum, cum now…” As a kiss to my asshole ignited a spark so deep inside of me that could only be left by lipstick.
Reading this entry, lusting for the author. Then a memory flashed. “This is Becca’s” as my moistened fingers turned the page.
