Tutoring Sessions

(This story is fiction and all characters are 18+)

*Bzzzzz* My phone hummed to life, rattling on my desk, alerting me to the new notification. The sound pierced the near silent classroom, grabbing my attention away from the student scribbling next to me. It wasn’t anything important but I took the opportunity to check the time *7:00pm* “wow, it’s getting late” my deep voice mutters underneath my breath.

“It’s ok if you have to go, Mr. N” a chirpy voice squeaks out “I didn’t mean to keep you so late, your girlfriend’s probably worried about you.” My student looks down and away, her face blushing slightly as she eeks out the last sentence. “Haha Jackie, it’s adorable that you’re worried that I have a gf” I playfully tease her “we can finish tonight since I won’t be able to stay after tomorrow” my calloused hand gently grips her shoulder as I keep talking. My hand rests there longer than it should, feeling her relax her upper body and hearing her barely audible panting leave her plump red lips.

I was crossing a line as my thumb caressed her back. It didn’t feel that way though, it just felt natural. Jackie and I have been doing tutoring sessions almost all year. She’s desperate to maintain her GPA even though she’s been accepted into every school she applied to. We’ve become very close, so much so that I look forward to the time we spend together. The room is often filled with laughter and back and forth banter, she never let’s me forget how bad my chicken scratch handwriting is. Of course, it’s always been innocent usually I just tease her about the food she likes or how the Dallas Cowboys are going to suck again next year, nothing inappropriate. Recently though, there’s been much more sensual undertones from the both of us.

It started a few weeks ago, right after she turned 18. She kept working into the conversation that she was legal now, how she could do whatever she wanted. Her bright sky blue eyes, gazing right at me and her bottom lip crushed beneath her teeth as she said it. I noticed that now when she left class, she was always the last student out, waiting for me to leave the classroom so she can walk a few steps ahead, dipping her bubble butt up and down in a hypnotic swaying manner. Then she peers over her shoulder, her eyelids drooping halfway, flashing bedroom looks, and softly says goodbye. Her dirty blonde curly hair draping framing her round face as she brushes it away before finally bouncing off to her next class. Not to mention lately she’s been pestering me about whether I’m dating someone.

It’s not her fault though, I share an equal amount of blame if not more. I should’ve set stringent boundaries and enforced them but I can’t help it. I love the way she presses against me when it’s just the two of us or how she smiles when I ‘accidentally’ brush my bulge across her ass when I walk by her. I love the heat she gives off when I lean in close to check her work during tutoring. The way she whimpers when my fingers press into her waist when I move her out of the way. Her pale skin is so smooth and always peaks out of her shirts, which are just long enough to meet the dress code standards. I shouldn’t put my hand on her thigh while she works and I shouldn’t stare so intently when she lingers on a risqué selfie before sliding to the photo she meant to show. I’m the adult, I should know better.

“I think we’re the only two people left in the building” I joke, my hand moving down from her shoulder and running my fingertips along her side. I want her to know that we’re alone, that we no longer need to worry about the risk of getting caught, that we can cleave the shackles of societal inhibitions and plunge into the depraved animalistic desires that are stirring inside both of us. My finger curl under the brim of her shirt, encouraging it to lift up as she arches her back in response. “This was your plan wasn’t it, to get me all alone” I whisper in her ear, illiciting a girlish giggle and a long soft moan before the “maybe” leaves her mouth. Her hips scooch towards me while my hand guides her shirt up.

There was still an off ramp, I could shut it down right here. I could let my rational brain take back control and remove myself from the situation, play it off as a momentary lapse of judgement but instead I floor my accelerator and zoom past the last exit, fully committed to the moment.

Weeks of pent up tension are beginning to unravel, her white shirt now passing over her head, exposing her pink lacey bra. Her nipples harden as the cool air batters her bare skin and my hands now drift to her waist, sliding her over into my lap. It’s a perfect fit, her 5’0 105 lbs body resting against my 5’10 frame. The black office chair leans back from the extra weight. *pop* The button on her denim shorts gives way giving me easy access to her pussy. The heat is eminating from between her legs. It warms my fingers as they descend into her shorts, the dampness becoming more apparent as my finger rub her over her black g string.

“Ohh fuckkkk” she breathes heavily into my neck and her fingers run through my jet black hair. My hazel eyed gaze locking onto to her blue eyes as we both succumb to the seduction of temptation. My cock engorges almost instantly, excited by the slow and deep gyration of her hips against my crotch. She immediately notices the throbbing member begging to be freed from the fabric prison of my black dress pants. It’s impossible not to twitch when I feel her soft hands wrap gently around my girth or ignore her excited yelp as she grasps the magnitude of it’s size. The slow purposeful pumps she gives my cock are too much and I hear her giggling as I yank her shorts right down her legs. “I want to feel you all the way inside me”
A soft seductive sentence creeps into my ears. There’s no coming back from this, and within a few seconds, the sensation of my thick cock stretching and straining her pussy overwhelms all my nerves. The classroom fills with squeaks and moans as she starts to feel herself be split.

I really shouldn’t be doing this…

Source: reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/oh2fjw/tutoring_sessions